Biodiversity enabling activities GOVERNMENT OF COMOROS GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITY PROJECT BRIEF BIODIVERSITY ENABLING ACTIVITY ADD ON Country: Comoros Project Title: Capacity Needs Assessment for the implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy and support to the Clearing House Mechanism GEF Focal Area: Biodiversity Country Eligibility: Ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1994 GEF Financing: $274,000 Government Contribution: In kind GEF Implementing Agency: UNDP National Executing Agency: Ministry of Francophonie GEF Operational Focal Point: Mr. Mohamed Youssouf Oumouri Convention on Biological Diversity Focal Point: Mr. Ahamada Mohamed Said Estimated Starting Date: January 31st 2004 Duration of Project: 18 Months External Affairs, Cooperation and 1. Context The Comoros Archipelago is widely recognized as a high priority for global biodiversity conservation. The uniqueness of the Comoros biodiversity is shown by the high levels of endemism. Endemism in the flora of the Comoros is estimated at 33%, and reaches 50% for the orchid family (with 43 endemic species). Insects are little known, but endemism for Lepidoptera (butterflies) and Coleopterans (beetles) has been estimated respectively at 34% and 24%. Three endemic butterflies are threatened, including the swallowtail Graphium levassori (listed by IUCN as vulnerable). The level of endemism for terrestrial reptiles has been estimated at 44%, including 11 endemic species. In the Comoros Union, 13 bird species have been found to be endemic, resulting in 25% endemism at the species level, and 75% at the subspecies level. Pressures on the biodiversity of Comoros. The pressures on such unique biodiversity are multiple, the most important being the loss and degradation of habitats. Furthermore the Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 1 over 16 Biodiversity enabling activities increasing requests for the commercial exploitation and exportation of some species is also threatening a number of species. The Environment Directorate has yet had to adjudicate upon a request for the exploitation of tree ferns (Cyathea sp.) and some promoters have made requests for the exploitation of certain endemic reptile, mollusc and sea cucumber species. Limitations of the legal tools for species protection. In the course of the last ten years, through their accession to the CITES and the Convention on Biological Diversity, Comoros has established legal tools aiming for the protection and sustainable management of fauna and flora species that are vulnerable to the pressure of commercial exploitation. Although species are listed on CITES Annex I and II some species, such as marine shell species, orchids, small reptiles such as Phelsuma spp. and chameleons, are still exported illegally. In 2001, a ministerial decree relative to protected species was signed. This decree classifies the species to protect into two categories. The first one lists species that must be fully protected due to their endemism, scarcity or the imminence of their extinction. The second category lists partially protected species, the collection of which is subject to a prior authorisation from the Environment Directorate. However, the country does not have the required capacities to implement these measures. Species are often classified without appropriate and rigorous knowledge due to a lack of data and customs officers are inadequately trained to ensure the enforcement of controls at the borders. Inventory of biodiversity and of populations’ distribution and abundance. Comorian biodiversity is very poorly documented and potential for sustainable use are unknown. Numerous species are unknown to science and the incomplete inventories do not allow a valuable estimation of specific richness of many taxonomic groups. It is estimated that only half of the plant species have been inventoried, no inventory of coral species has been carried out and although 2000 insect species have been identified, their total number is estimated between 4000 and 6000. Even when species have been listed, updated knowledge on their distribution, critical habitats, population size and condition, and biological cycle is not available. This lack of basic data hinders appropriate conservation and sustainable management measures and decisions regarding the issuance of collection or exportation permits are not based on the knowledge of maximum sustainable exploitation levels, therefore compromising the usefulness of this conservation tool. Human resources. The lack of appropriate knowledge to support the development of management measures is partly related to insufficient human resources with adequate training to carry out biodiversity inventories. According to a survey undertaken in 1996 by the Regional Environment Program of the Indian Ocean Commission, Comoros only had approximately fifty managers working in the field of environment, with an average education level of “Bac+4” (high school diploma plus four years of education) in branches of learning that are not always related to environment. Skills necessary to undertake inventories and develop appropriate management regimes for the following taxonomic groups: entomology, ichthyology, herpetology and mammalogy, are limited. Furthermore, it is not always possible to take advantage of the people who have the appropriate training levels due to insufficiency of resources and the constraint imposed by the country’s structural adjustment program related to hiring within public services. Developing and taking advantage of capacities in the field of taxonomy and sustainable use of biological resources requires a needs assessment to determine the gaps that hinder the design and the implementation of conservation measures. Management of exploitation fees. The sustainable exploitation of biological diversity could generate worthwhile economical benefits for Comoros. However no procedure is provided for Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 2 over 16 Biodiversity enabling activities the determination of the fees for the exploitation of natural resources and no mechanism or measures have been defined to ensure equitable access and benefit sharing. Raising awareness, training, information, communication. Regulations related to the enforcement of the laws about species protection are frequently not known to the agents charged with enforcing them nor are they appropriately trained. Agents responsible for environmental matters on each island are relatively isolated from each other, as communications and exchange of documents between regional services are restricted due to materials and resources, making the implementation of protection measures a major challenge. Furthermore resource users and consumers are also ignorant about the laws and not sufficiently nor adequately informed about the negative effects of their behaviour, such as collecting specimen in their natural environment and destructing the habitats. 2. Status of the initial enabling activity Comoros has benefited from GEF support through funding of US$131,760 for the preparation of the National Strategy and Action Plan for biological diversity. The document was developed on a participatory basis and submitted to the CBD in December 2000. The objectives identified in this proposal have been developed from the National Strategy and priorities set in the Action Plan. With GEF funding Comoros has also prepared and submitted a First (March 1998) and Second National report (August 2001) to the CBD. GEF also contributed US$14,000 funding for the participation of Comoros to the Clearing House Mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity. This funding allowed purchase of computer equipment for two offices based on the islands of Grande Comore and Mohéli, training twelve people on the use of the software ACCESS, and appointment of a consultant for the creation of a WEB site on the Comoros biodiversity. No equipment was bought for the island of Anjouan. Training was limited given the restriction in financial resources and further training would ensure better participation of Comoros to the CHM. A WEB site was created, providing information mostly related to the current project on biodiversity. Additional support is now required to develop and expand this site to meet the objectives of the CHM on biodiversity. The «Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in Comoros - UNDP/GEF IOC/97/G32» project, carried out from 1998 to 2003, has initiated the implementation of some measures recommended in the Strategy, namely through developing a protected area network. However, there are still gaps to be addressed in assessing institutional and human capacity needs for the implementation of various measures for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Capacity needs assessment is particularly relevant in the present political transition context where the country has adopted a new constitution that imparts a large decision and management autonomy to each of the islands. Therefore, a new environmental governance model must be developed and established, and the identification and assessment of capacity needs should inform the appropriate governance model for Comoros. It is in this context that the Union of the Comoros requests an additional financing to identify and assess capacity needs and reach a national consensus on the question. Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 3 over 16 Biodiversity enabling activities 3. Priorities for the assessment of capacity needs The priority fields for capacity needs in the Union of the Comoros to be assessed under this project are the following: Implementation of general measures pertaining to in situ and ex situ conservation and sustainable use, particularly national plans, strategies and legislative measures; Methods of evaluation and mitigation of specific threats on biodiversity components; Programs for initial assessment and monitoring, including programs in the area of taxonomy; Devise incentive measures and appropriate approaches for their implementation. 4. Project Objectives The national objective aims to enable the elaboration and efficient implementation of appropriate measures to ensure biological diversity conservation and sustainable use, which will contribute to meeting the country's commitments in compliance with the international conventions relative to biological diversity. The project will identify and assess the human and institutional capacity needs to implement and improve the efficiency of the measures for the conservation of biodiversity that the country has adopted in the National Biodiversity Strategy and its Law on the Environment, and to reinforce the biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) in the country. This project will be intimately linked to the National Capacity Self-Assessment for the global environment (NCSA) project. The objective of the NCSA project is to conduct a thorough and systemic assessment and analysis of the country’s capacity needs and of the constraints that the Union of the Comoros is facing in its efforts to fulfil its commitments towards the global environment as stated in the Rio conventions and their international instruments. The scope of the NCSA is not simply biodiversity but environmental in a sustainable development context. The implementation of the NCSA project is scheduled for January 2004. The Union of the Comoros, through this proposal, wishes to conduct an assessment of the capacity needs in terms of institutions, human resources and procedures (responsibilities and decision-making process), in order to develop a targeted and coherent capacity building program to fill the gaps relative to the following: 1. Implementation of general measures pertaining to in situ and ex situ conservation and sustainable use, particularly national plans, strategies and legislative measures: Capacity needs will be identified for the following; elaboration of laws relative to biodiversity; supervision of the implementation of laws relative to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use including the examination of the applications for exploitation or exportation licenses, the management of exploitation permits (fixing the amount and collecting the fees) and exerting the required control at the borders by the customs officers; monitoring recommendations issued by the administrative authorities in charge of Environmental matters; creation of new protected areas co-managed with the local populations; elaboration of natural resources sustainable management plans inside and outside protected areas. 2. Capacity needs relating to methods of evaluation and mitigation of specific threats on biodiversity components: determination of the vulnerability status for the elements of the biological diversity; access to databases on biodiversity in order to be able to establish Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 4 over 16 Biodiversity enabling activities rules for the exploitation of natural resources on rigorous scientific bases; determination of the terms of reference for specific environmental impact studies, evaluation of the impact studies and conception of measures to mitigate the impacts on the elements of biodiversity. 3. Capacity needs relating to developing programs for initial assessment and monitoring, including programs in the area of taxonomy; including; biodiversity inventory; acquisition and management of knowledge on populations biology and status, conception of measures for the conservation of vulnerable species and for the sustainable management of exploited species; setting up of a database within a Geographic Information System on the distribution and status of the populations and their habitats. 4. Capacity needs relating to devising incentive measures and appropriate approaches for their implementation, including: information and awareness raising for commercial operators, general public and authorities about the potential impacts of exploitation and collection activities on the equilibrium of natural resources, in particular for vulnerable species; development of incentive measures to motivate people to adopt biodiversity conservation measures and to get actively involved in their implementation. 5. To develop and expand the Comoros Clearing House Mechanism; this will built upon activities carried out under the first enabling activity and ensure CHM activities are expanded to benefit the whole of the Comoros. 5. Methodology The approach suggested for the execution of the capacity needs assessment relies on the following activities. 1. Collection and review of existing documents for the identified topics. 2. Identification and consultation of various stakeholders to confirm their interest and availability to participate in the capacity needs assessment process. These stakeholders could include the various public and private institutions and NGOs concerned with environmental matters, and local communities. 3. Development of tools for conducting the capacity needs assessment to be carried out with the support of an international consultant and validated through workshops with all the project’s partners. These assessment tools will be compatible with those developed for the NCSA project. 4. A team of national consultants, with the support of an international expert, will meet the partners on each island and during workshops will use the assessment tools to identify the required capacities and priorities for the given topic. 5. Existing capacities in the fields of biology, environment and natural resource management will be identified through consultations with national institutions to identify the fields where important gaps hinder the implementation of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity. This activity will furthermore enable the constitution of a pool of national experts. 6. A workshop on each island will be undertaken to reach a consensus on the capacity development and building needs to implement the national biodiversity conservation measures. Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 5 over 16 Biodiversity enabling activities 6. Priorities and activities to be carried out to assess capacity needs Specific objectives, expected results, and activities are presented in the following table. Project outputs will assist the Comoros to effectively implement their NBSAP and to meet their commitments under the Convention for Biological Diversity. The expected duration of the project is 18 months. Overall objective: Assess capacity development needs necessary to develop and implement appropriate measures to ensure biological diversity conservation and sustainable use. Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 6 over 16 Biodiversity enabling activities Table of priorities and activities to be carried out to assess capacity needs Priorities Justification Activities Expected results 1. Assessment of the capacity needs for the implementation of general measures pertaining to in situ and ex situ conservation and sustainable use, particularly national plans, strategies and legislative measures The National Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation stresses that several laws that are in force are not applied because of insufficient State capacities to enforce laws and apply regulations. * Conduct assessments to identify capacity needs for the execution of the following tasks: Development of the missing legal texts that are required for the implementation of the biodiversity-related conventions that have been ratified by the country, and for the amendment, completion and publication of legal texts related to biodiversity, through a participatory approach to foster their appropriation by the populations. Supervision of the implementation of legislative texts relative to biodiversity conservation and sustainable management, namely the analysis of exploitation or exportation licence applications, exploitation licences management (determination of the amount and perception of fees to be levied) and the exercise of the required border control by customs officers. Follow-up of the recommendations issued by administrative authorities in charge of Environment Creation of new protected areas co-managed with local populations Development of sustainable management plans of the biological diversity within and outside protected areas * Organization of workshops to validate capacity needs to implement general measures for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in the Comoros. A report on the results of the capacity needs assessments to implement conservation and sustainable use measures is produced and validated * Conduct assessments to identify capacity needs for the execution of the following tasks: Determination of the vulnerability status of the elements of biodiversity Access to biodiversity databases to be able to regulate the exploitation of natural resources on rigorous scientific bases and to ensure their sustainable management and conservation Elaboration of terms of reference for environmental impact studies, examination of the impact studies and devising measures to mitigate the impacts on the biodiversity components * Organization of workshops to validate capacity needs for the assessment and mitigation of specific threats for the Comoros biological diversity. A report on the results of the capacity needs assessments to assess and mitigate specific threats for Comoros biodiversity is produced and validated 2. Assessment of the capacity needs relative to mastering methods of evaluation and mitigation of specific threats on biodiversity components The incomplete formulation of certain articles of the framework law on environment prevents its application. For instance, some texts prohibit activities that are potentially harmful to the biodiversity, without specifying the procedures and officers entitled to apply such measures. Several application decrees contributing to biodiversity conservation and sustainable management have not yet been drawn up, namely those related to fisheries regulation and determination of forest protection and exploitation systems. The efficiency of the measures recommended by biodiversity-related conventions and by the national legal tools devised to implement them, such as the decree relative to protected species, is limited upstream by the lack of necessary data to base the issuance of licences on rigorous basis and, downstream, by the lack of specific training of the customs officers in charge of enforcing the controls Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 7 over 16 Capacity needs for the development of the missing legal texts, or for the amendment/completion of the existing texts are identified and approved. Capacity needs for the supervision of the implementation of legislative texts related to biodiversity conservation are identified and approved Capacity needs to follow through recommendations issued by authorities in charge of environment are identified and approved Capacity needs for the creation of new protected areas are identified and approved Capacity needs for the elaboration of biodiversity sustainable management and development plans are identified and approved Capacity needs for the determination of the vulnerability status of biodiversity components are identified and approved Capacity needs to access and consult Comoros biodiversity databases are identified and approved Capacity needs for the supervision of impact studies are identified and approved. Biodiversity enabling activities Priorities Justification Activities Expected results 3. Assessment of the capacity needs to conduct programs for initial assessment and monitoring, including programs in the field of taxonomy The Comoros biodiversity is poorly documented and sustainable use potentialities are not known. The National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity stresses the fact that lack of scientific knowledge hinders the devising of appropriate conservation and sustainable management measures. This lack of information is partly linked to a shortage of specialists with adequate training to undertake the inventory of biological diversity and the monitoring of the populations conditions. Because of the lack of knowledge about the natural resources, decisions regarding the issuance of collection and exportation licences are not based on the knowledge of sustainable exploitation thresholds, thus compromising the very utility of this conservation tool. * Creation of a directory of national specialists in the fields of biology, environment and natural resources management, as well as international collaborators having experience in the same fields in Comoros. * Consultation of national specialists, customs officers, biodiversity and CITES focal points, and of representatives of the Ministry in charge of Tourism in order to identify priority taxonomic groups or species, i.e. those susceptible of being exploited and for which the lack of knowledge hinders the devising of conservation measures. *Conduct an assessment to identify capacity needs for the execution of the following activities: An inventory of the various elements of the Comoros biodiversity Acquisition and management of the knowledge on the biology and conditions of the populations, necessary for devising conservation measures for vulnerable species and sustainable management of exploited species. Constitution of a GIS database on distribution and condition of the populations and their habitats. *Organization of validation workshops on the capacity needs for the execution of initial assessment and monitoring programs, including taxonomy programs. A directory of national specialists in the fields of biology, environment and natural resources management is drawn up, with a list of international collaborators having an expertise in the same fields in Comoros 4. Assessment of the capacity needs to devise incentive measures and appropriate approaches for their implementation The National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity stresses the fact that vulnerable resource users and buyers are neither sufficiently nor adequately aware of the harmful effects of their activities, namely the collection of species in their natural environment and the destruction of their habitats. Furthermore, awareness raising programs are often of limited impact because they do not take adequately into account the capacities and interests of the public they are aiming at. The adoption of conservation measures should be combined with the setting of incentive measures that will encourage populations to adopt new measures in compensation for the loss of access to resources and territories. Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros * Conduct assessments to identify needs for the development of a national program of environmental education and awareness raising for the various actors involved in the conservation of Comoros biodiversity in view of enabling local populations to play their role in biodiversity sustainable management and conservation. * Conduct a survey to identify capacity needs for the execution of the following activities: Devise efficient information and awareness raising campaigns aiming at operators, local populations and authorities to make them understand the issues relative to biodiversity and the potential impacts of the exploitation and collection activities on the balance of natural resources, in particular on vulnerable species. Devise incentive measures to encourage the populations to adopt and actively involve themselves in the implementation of biodiversity conservation measures *Organization of workshops to validate capacity needs for devising and adopting relevant approaches for the implementation of incentive measures. Page 8 over 16 Capacity needs to establish an updated georeferenced database to monitor the conditions of the fauna and flora populations likely to be exploited, and captures and exportations of species requiring exploitation authorizations are identified and approved. A report on the results of the capacity needs assessments for the execution of initial assessments and monitoring programs, including taxonomy programs, is produced and validated. Priority taxonomic groups and species are identified Capacity needs to complete the biodiversity inventories, to study and monitor it, are identified and approved. A report on the results of the capacity needs assessment to devise approaches relevant to the implementation of incentive measures is produced and validated Capacity needs for the preparation of targeted and effective information and awareness raising campaigns for the Comorian population and authorities are identified and approved Capacity needs for devising relevant incentive measures are identified and approved Needs for the elaboration of an environmental education program and awareness raising for the various stakeholders concerned with biodiversity conservation in the Union of the Comoros are identified and validated. Biodiversity enabling activities 7. Clearing House Mechanism A significant challenge to the implementation of protection measures for Comoros biodiversity lies in the isolation of agents and regional services in charge of Environment located on each island. A CHM was established using funds from the first Biodiversity Enabling Activity. This will be further developed to create a sustainable CHM allowing for a two way flow of information on biodiversity between project partners and the central CHM. This is critical since the success of the CHM relies upon data collected by local partners and for this reason they must be fully informed of the national strategy. Activities under the CHM will ensure that information and available data on the Comoros biodiversity are accessible and within the reach of all actors concerned with biological diversity conservation, on each island of the Comoros Union and internationally, with the help of traditional and electronic means of communication. This will be achieved by implementing the following activities: I) Build-up and update an information system on the Comoros biodiversity in connection with the Clearing House Mechanism (CHM): Collect national documents relative to biodiversity: national strategy; national reports; Comoros legislation relative to biodiversity; Collect available data and information relative to Comoros biodiversity (databases and information sheets on taxonomic groups, species and ecosystems) Collect available data and information (including WEB sites) relative to Comoros national actors and partners concerned by the biodiversity in Comoros (institutions, NGOs, projects, and national and international specialists) Design of the WEB site on biodiversity, proposal, and participative validation of the design and contents Data formatting (processing, entry) of available information and documents for displaying on the WEB site II) Distribution of the national strategy for the conservation of biologic diversity, amongst national actors concerned with biodiversity, in particular the officers in charge of implementing the strategy. III) Distribution of a summary of the elements of the strategy for the conservation of biologic diversity amongst local based communities, written in Comoros language: Summarize the major elements of the strategy for the conservation of biologic diversity Elaborate a glossary explaining the unusual or specialized concepts and words presented in the synthesis Translate the summary and glossary IV) Recruitment of a national expert to update and supplement existing georeferenced databases (GIS), to allow the monitoring of species, populations and habitat conditions, the monitoring of protected species exploitation and exportation, integrating namely licences issued by relevant authorities, CITES authorizations and exportation records available at the customs. V) Training by the national expert of the administrative officers who are assigned to update and work with biodiversity databases. VI) Training of the people in charge of updating the web page on biodiversity conservation in the Comoros on the use of internet technical tools in order to meet the objectives of the Clearing House Mechanism Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 9 over 16 Biodiversity enabling activities Many of the CHM activities will be one-off, such as building up the information system and when established will require limited resources to ensure continuation. Individuals trained under the CHM will be responsible for training their replacements should they leave their position. Furthermore sustainability of the CHM will be ensured by the setting up of an environmental observatory based on a permanent GIS service within the National Environment Directorate which will then recruit the GIS expert on a permanent basis. 8. Project implementation and institutional framework The Comoros Archipelago benefited from GEF funding for the preparation of the National Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity. The document was prepared in a participative way and was adopted by political authorities in May 2001. The activities that are the subject of the present application are in compliance with the priorities identified under the National Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity. Until recently, the National Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity Conservation, as well as the National Reports to the Conference of Parties came under the authority of the National Director of the Environment department of the Ministry of Production and Environment. In December 2001, the Comoros adopted a new constitution, that of the Union of Comoros, which imparts a large autonomy to each island. The draft of the organic law prepared on a consensus basis holds that the Union will assume responsibilities related to the coordination, and that the islands will lead policies and the programs implementation. The institutional organic framework for the project concerning enabling activities for the Convention on Biological Diversity will therefore be in accordance with this new framework. Accordingly, the project will be nationally executed by the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Co-operation, and Francophonie, in charge of Comorians living abroad (MIREX) and technically implemented by the Environment Directorate, following UNDP’s requirements for nationally executed projects. The executing agency will remain accountable to UNDP for the delivery of agreed outputs, and for financial management, including the cost-effectiveness of project activities. UNDP will provide overall technical and administrative backstopping, and will monitor project implementation as per UNDP rules and procedures including convening a tripartite co-ordination meeting. 9. Implementation arrangements: Implementation agency. The Development delegation/Environment Directorate will be the lead agency for the implementation of the project and will undertake the specific activities designated in the Project, in cooperation with other Agencies and Institutions as will be appropriately identified in the first phase of the Project implementation. All activities will be implemented in close collaboration with key stakeholder institutions concerned with biodiversity issues, including other Government Ministries, the private sector, and nongovernment institutions. Project steering committee. The project will be overseen by a national steering committee that will be constituted upon project initiation, to supervise the project and see that the process goes smoothly. The composition of the committee will have to assure an equitable representation of each island and the members will be identified in the first stage of the project. The steering committee will meet quarterly to review the progress of the project. It will endorse the work plan and provide guidance and assistance in the resolution of any difficulties experienced during implementation. Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 10 over 16 Biodiversity enabling activities Project national coordinator and working groups. A national coordinator will be appointed by the MIREX/Environment Directorate to supervise and coordinate project activities, and will be responsible for requesting and reporting on the disbursement of funds, based on agreed work plans and according to UNDP rules and procedures. The UNDP-Union of the Comoros Country Office will monitor project performance. The national coordinator will be assisted by an administrative assistant. Working groups will be constituted of national consultants based on each island to carry out targeted consultations with the various stakeholder groups, surveys, and validation workshops. Each working group will be supervised by an “island coordinator”. The national coordinator and the island working groups, under the supervision of the steering committee, will be responsible for the organisation of project informal meetings and national workshops including the final national workshop aiming to review and endorse working groups final reports. The national coordinator will also be responsible for the writing of the final report summarising capacity building needs and priorities in biodiversity and will ensure submission of reports, documents and capacity building priorities to the Government for endorsement. Finally, the project coordinator will ensure incorporation of the project’s results and outcomes into the national report on biodiversity. Provision has been made for the recruitment of national and international consultants/experts. International consultants will be recruited for positions where national capacity is particularly weak. The consultants will prepare and submit their reports and outputs to the Development delegation/Environment Directorate and to the UNDP-Comoros Country Office. Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 11 over 16 Biodiversity enabling activities 10. TABLE OF COST ESTIMATES FOR ADDITIONAL ENABLING ACTIVITIES (in thousands US dollars) ACTIVITY OUTPUT BIODIVERSITY PROCESS TOTAL US$ PRIOR APPROVED SUPPORT Original enabling activity, less cost of CHM activities (Detail not required) 131,760 CHM support (through a complementary module) 14,000 Total Approved Support 145,760 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL SUPPORT Assessment of capacity-building needs for : the implementation of general measures pertaining to in situ and ex situ conservation and sustainable use, particularly national plans, strategies and legislative measures 23,000 65,000 88,000 mastering methods of evaluation and mitigation of specific threats on biodiversity components 12,000 30,000 42,000 conducting programs for initial assessment and monitoring, including programs in the field of taxonomy 16,000 50,000 66,000 devising incentive measures and approaches for their implementation 6,000 20,000 26,000 52,000 52,000 appropriate Developing an information system on the Comoros biodiversity in connection with the Clearing House Mechanism and putting information and documents at the disposal of all stakeholders concerned with biological diversity conservation Sub Total 274,000 TOTAL 419,760 Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 12 over 16 Biodiversity enabling activities 11. PROJECT WORK SCHEDULE 2004 2005 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Formation of a steering committee in charge of following and seeing that the process goes smoothly, recruitment of national consultants based on each island and identification of national stakeholders willing to participate in consultations and workshops X X Preparation of the terms of reference for national and international consultants X X X X X X X X Objectives and activities Collection of existing documents and compilation of information X X Elaboration and reaching a consensus on the capacity needs assessment tools X X Analysis of the workshops and surveys results for the identification of the priority fields in taxonomy, biology and natural resources management for which skills are required and are not available at the national level. Validation workshops on each island Writing of a final report on the capacity needs assessment for the implementation of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity Objective 1. Assessment of the capacity needs for the implementation of general measures pertaining to in situ and ex situ conservation and sustainable use Conduct assessments to identify capacity needs for the Development of the missing legal texts that are required for the implementation of the biodiversity-related conventions Conduct assessments to identify capacity needs for the supervision of the implementation of legislative texts relative to biodiversity conservation and sustainable management. Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 13 over 16 X X X X X X Biodiversity enabling activities 2004 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4 5 6 Conduct assessments to identify capacity needs for the follow-up of the recommendations issued by administrative authorities in charge of Environment X X X Conduct assessments to identify capacity needs for the creation of new protected areas co-managed with local populations X X X Conduct assessments to identify capacity needs for the development of sustainable management plans of the natural resources within and outside protected areas X X X Objectives and activities 2005 Objective 2. Assessment of the capacity needs relative to mastering methods of evaluation and mitigation of specific threats on biodiversity components Conduct assessments to identify capacity needs for the determination of the vulnerability status of the elements of biodiversity X X X Conduct assessments to identify capacity needs for the access and consultation of biodiversity databases X X X Conduct assessments to identify capacity needs to supervise environmental impact studies X X X Objective 3. Assessment of the capacity needs to conduct programs for initial assessment and monitoring, including programs in the field of taxonomy Surveys and interviews in national institutions (Departments in charge of Environment, Fisheries, Forests, and Agriculture, CNDRS) to update the directory of national resource people in the fields of biology, environment and natural resource management X X Surveys and interviews in various national institutions to establish a directory of international collaborators having experience in the fields of biology, environment and natural resource management in Comoros. X X Consultation of national specialists, customs officers, biodiversity and CITES focal points, and of representatives of the Ministry in charge of Tourism in order to identify priority taxonomic groups or species, i.e. those susceptible of being exploited and for which the lack of knowledge hinders the devising of conservation measures. X Conduct an assessment to identify capacity needs to carry out an inventory of the various elements of the Comoros biodiversity X X X Conduct an assessment to identify capacity needs to acquire and manage knowledge on species biology and conditions of the vulnerable species populations. X X X Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 14 over 16 Biodiversity enabling activities 2004 Objectives and activities 2005 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 X X X Conduct an assessment to identify capacity needs to constitute a GIS database on the distribution and conditions of the populations and their habitats. Objective 4. Assessment of the capacity needs to devise incentive measures and appropriate approaches for their implementation Conduct a survey to identify capacity needs to devise efficient and targeted information and awareness raising campaigns aiming at Comorian populations and authorities X X X Conduct a survey to identify capacity needs to devise incentive measures to encourage the populations to adopt and actively involve themselves in the implementation of biodiversity conservation measures X X X Conduct assessments to identify capacity needs for the development of a national program of environmental education and awareness raising for the various actors involved in the conservation of Comoros biodiversity X X X Developing an information system on the Comoros biodiversity in connection with the Clearing House Mechanism and putting information and documents at the disposal of all stakeholders concerned with biological diversity conservation Build-up and update an information system on the Comoros biodiversity in connection with the Clearing House Mechanism (CHM): Collection of national documents relative to biodiversity, available databases and information relative to Comoros biodiversity, and national actors and partners concerned with biodiversity; validation of the design of the WEB site on biodiversity; formatting of available information and documents. X X Distribution of the national strategy for the conservation of biologic diversity, amongst national actors concerned with biodiversity, in particular the officers in charge of implementing the strategy. X X Distribution amongst local base communities of a summary of the elements of the strategy for the conservation of biologic diversity, written in Comoros language (summary, glossary, translation) X X Recruitment of a national expert to update and supplement existing georeferenced databases (GIS), to allow the monitoring of species, populations and habitat conditions, the monitoring of protected species exploitation and exportation, integrating namely licences issued by relevant authorities, CITES authorizations and exportation records available at the customs. Training by the national expert of the administrative officers who are assigned to update and work with biodiversity databases. X Training of the people in charge of updating the web page on biodiversity conservation in the Comoros on the use of internet technical tools in order to meet the objectives of the Clearing House Mechanism Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 15 over 16 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Biodiversity enabling activities Environment Directorate – Union of the Comoros Page 16 over 16