Name……………………………...... Class …………………………………………… Seasons in the Sun! Site 1: Clybucca Middens 1. What are the Clybucca middens’? What would you see at this spot 7000 years ago! 2. How many tonne of oyster shells are present in the middens? 3. How Big?? i. The middens are ………………… km long, km wide and possibly ……………… metres deep. ii. Look at the map of the Clybucca middens. Colour the line blue that represents the coast line today. Draw dashes on the line that represents the coast line 7000 years ago when aboriginals used this area as a beach. Activity: Sketch in the location of the middens. (Use the Geographical Positioning System (GPS) to help you, if available). How many people come to a gathering? 4. Questions to ask!! i. In what season (summer, spring, autumn or winter) was this area a gathering or festive place for Aboriginals? ii. What seafood is represented at the middens? Draw some of the different shells to show the types of animals you can see that were collected as seafood. iii. Is there an ecological reason why groups gathered at this midden in a special season? iv. As the coast moved farther from the midden site (because of a drop in sea level), where did the Aboriginals get their oysters and sea food from? KEMPSEY HIGH SCHOOL Seasons in the Sun Page 1 Name……………………………...... Class …………………………………………… Site 2: Oyster farmers 1. How much does an oyster shell weigh?? Pick up 10 oyster shells nearly the same size, put them in a plastic bag and use a spring balance to record their weight (mass). Total weight = ………………………………. What is average weight of an oyster shell? ……………………………. (Average weight = weight of 10 shells/10) 2. How does an oyster grow from an egg? Draw an oyster and its life cycle in the space below. 3. Ask Questions about Oysters What is the HABITAT of an oyster? ……………………………………………………………………………………………. What does it eat? …………………………………………………………………………………………… What eats an oyster? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Your own diary observations. Have you found an interesting thing or fact that you want to record? How do farmers grow oysters? …………………………………………………………………………………………. What water quality is the best for oyster to grow in? …………………………………………………………………………………………. Does human pollution affect oysters? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. How are oysters cleaned? ………………………………………………………………………………………… KEMPSEY HIGH SCHOOL Seasons in the Sun Page 2 Name……………………………...... 4. How old is this midden? Class …………………………………………… …………..A challenge for the brave!! When you visit the oyster farmers, you will be weighing oyster shells to try to work out approximately how many seasons /years this midden represents. To do this you must ask your guide: How many festivals occurred each year? ………………….. Approximately how many people might come to the area for one festival ………………….. How many oysters might one person eat at a festival? ………………….. * * * * * * * * To find the approximate number of years of festivals A: Total weight of shells in one feast per person = Number of oyster shells in one feast = X (from site Total 2) weight B: Total weight of oysters in one feast for whole group = Number of people at one gathering = C: Total number of festivals = Weight of one oyster shell = (From site 2) X of oysters in one feast for oyster one person = shell (from ………tonnes of oyster in the midden at one ………total weight of oysters/group/feast site 2) gathering D: Divide this by the number of festivals in one year. ANSWER: This middens represents approximately …………………………. years of gatherings and festivities KEMPSEY HIGH SCHOOL Seasons in the Sun Page 3 Name……………………………...... Class …………………………………………… Seasons in the Sun Introduction: Yarrahapinni Lookout Why is this area important to the Dunghutti and Gumbayingrri Nations? Identify ecosystems (An eagle’s eye) Do a line drawing (Prelab) to show the main ecosystems that you can see. (Look for differences in colour or tone in vegetation, creek lines) KEMPSEY HIGH SCHOOL Seasons in the Sun Page 4 Name……………………………...... Class …………………………………………… Yarrahapinni Rainforest Site 3: Rainforest Amphitheatre What is in a rainforest? Draw a profile of the rainforest. Label the number of stories, canopy, epiphytes, vines, leaf litter and fungus Activity: Height of the rainforest: Use ‘the person scale method’ to estimate the height of the canopy. …………………………………..metres Rainforest leaves. Rainforest leaves are usually shaped to get rid of excess water so fungus cannot build on them and they catch lots of light. Activity: Along the wall of rainforest leaves, draw or pencil rub TWO different leaves. Label the drip tip (pre lab), and estimate their size. Write down how they look, feel and smell. Leaf 1 Leaf 2 Drawing Shiny or dull, colour Feel Smell [Extension: Draw one SIMPLE leaf and one COMPOUND leaf] KEMPSEY HIGH SCHOOL Seasons in the Sun Page 5 Name……………………………...... Class …………………………………………… Rainforest Soil!!! Measure its temperature ………………………………………….. Feel it with your hands ………………………………………….. Smell it ………………………………………….. Leaf Litter: Collect an ice cream container (1L) of leaf litter and spread it out in a tray. Draw and count any organisms you find. Use a stick to gently flick through. Site 4: The Rainforest Walk Observations As you walk in the rainforest, OBSERVE with your senses!! How do you FEEL?? What can you SMELL? What can you HEAR? Does it feel WARM or COOL? Is it LIGHT or DARK? Uses of the Rainforest by Aboriginals (food, shelter, etc). Draw examples. KEMPSEY HIGH SCHOOL Seasons in the Sun Page 6 Name……………………………...... SPOTTO!! Class …………………………………………… What plants, animals and survival skills (adaptations) can you identify! Circle what you see and this will help you build a food web in class. SS: Drip tip on leaf to remove excess water A: Spider P: Tree fern SS: Cup shaped leaves on stag horn plant A: Bird P: Dinosaur food Bolwarra A: Animal home in tree trunk P: Aboriginal Food Tree P: Sandpaper fig P: Ferns P: Berry Fruit SS: Large leaves to collect light SS: Buttress roots to steady big tree A: Lizard SS: Shiny leaves to remove water P: Elk Horn (epiphyte) P: Strangler Fig A: Ant P: Bangalow Palm SS: Vine growing towards the light D: Fungus A: Animal Tracks A: worm D: Termites evidence P: Leaf Litter on bare forest floor A: Animal e.g. burrows, tracks, bird whistle, whip bird whistle, spider web D: decomposer e.g. fungus P: Plant e.g. Bangalow Palm, Sand paper fig, vines SS: Survival Skill (Adaptation) e.g. climbing vine to sunlight KEMPSEY HIGH SCHOOL Seasons in the Sun Page 7 Name……………………………...... Class …………………………………………… Have you spotted any other animals or plants that are interesting??? Draw them here!! KEMPSEY HIGH SCHOOL Seasons in the Sun Page 8 Name……………………………...... Class …………………………………………… Eucalypt and Banksia Forest What abiotic factors allow a Eucalypt Banksia Forest grow here?? Forest Soil Measure its temperature …………………………………………… Feel it with your hands ………………………………………….. Smell it ……………………………………………. How much Light? ……………………………………………. Abiotic factors are temperature, light, rainfall, soil texture, salt level etc Draw a profile of the open forest. Draw and label the number of stories, Banksia, Eucalypts, and Acacias (wattles). Height of the open forest: Use the person scale method to estimate the height of the canopy. Eucalypt and Banksia leaves. Rainforest leaves are usually shaped to save water and often get rid of extra sunlight. Activity: Draw or pencil-rub TWO different leaves. Estimate their size. Write down how they look, feel and smell. Eucalypt Leaf Banksia Acacia (wattle) Drawing Shiny or dull, colour feel smell Survival in a Eucalypt/ Banksia Forest as Aboriginals (food, shelter, medicine etc) did for many years. Draw examples. KEMPSEY HIGH SCHOOL Seasons in the Sun Page 9 Name……………………………...... Class …………………………………………… Treasure Hunt!! In teams of FOUR, find single samples of the following and bring them back to the teacher. Banksia or flower Soil sample Interesting thing! feather Acacia (wattle) leaf Bush medicine stick Smooth bark She oak fruit ant Eucalyptus fruit Banksia leaf Rough bark Insect gall Bush food Something interesting! Eucalypt leaf Nectar flower Beetle Gum nut Tell the teacher what survival skills are shown by your collection. Sort these out into three piles, belonging to/are: o Producers o Herbivore consumers o Carnivore consumers KEMPSEY HIGH SCHOOL Seasons in the Sun Page 10