LEWES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes August 7, 2012 The regular meeting of the Lewes Historic Preservation Commission was held on Tuesday, August 7, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. in Lewes City Hall in accordance with proper notification with the following present: Chairperson Elaine Simmerman, Linda Palmer, Alan Keffer, Dick Cecil, Robert Pitcher, Steven Rogers, Barbara Warnell and Recording Secretary Jackie Doherty. Ex-Officio City Councilman Ted Becker was excused. City Councilman Fred Beaufait was also present. Ms. Simmerman stated in addition to the workshop meeting scheduled for October 27, 2012, there will be a workshop meeting on Saturday, November 17 at the Biggs Museum from 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. This will be an outreach to other HPCs in Delaware and a preservation consultant will be the guest speaker. The grant money was to sponsor three workshops with the first in October, the second in November, and one to be planned for spring 2013. Ms. Simmerman asked the Commission members to send any requests for agenda items to her. There will be a regular HPC meeting on August 21st. 1. Presentation and consideration of the July 3, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes. ACTION: Mr. Cecil made a motion to approve the July 3, 2012 meeting minutes as corrected; Mr. Rogers seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 2. Presentation and consideration of a request by John Zacharias of Z-Ram Construction Co. on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Foley, owners of property located at 213 Monroe Avenue (SCTM 3-35-8.12073.01, R4-H) to construct a new screened porch at the front entrance. This is a non-contributing building. Mrs. Foley and Mr. Zacharias were present. Ms. Simmerman stated the changes to this property are important because the property across the street may become the entrance-way to the new library. This property is also an entrance into the City from Freeman Highway. Mrs. Foley stated neither she nor the previous owners knew when the house was built, but was told it was moved from across Freeman Highway. She also stated there were many changes and additions to the original rancher including a circular driveway. Mr. Zacharias stated the decision to add the porch in the front was because the bedrooms are located in the back and the side setbacks would not be regulation; the use of sliding doors was needed because there is not enough room for French doors to open into the living space; the entrance is in the front with steps to the right and left for access to the driveway; the front steps are in the regulation setback, railing is 8 feet to the property line; stained glass is being custom made for the curved gable in the front over the post; no sidewalks are involved. Materials include 100 % PVC for the steps, columns, ceiling and floor without the shiny side being used; screen panels on the porch will be set in; 2" T & G Azek Bead Board around the foundation will be solid with lattice skirting around the bottom. Mr. Pitcher suggested the use of stationary French doors with only one side opening. Also, the curved gable with the stained glass needs to be aligned over the posts. Ms. Warnell agreed stating the dimensions should follow the roof line. Mrs. Foley agreed to the change stating the curved window dimensions are 8 feet long x 20 inches high. Ms. Warnell stated the dimensions will change if the roof line is followed. Everyone agreed the sliding glass doors would not be seen behind the pillars and are appropriate for the probably 1960s rancher. ACTION: Mr. Pitcher made a motion for finding of fact: 1. The application is complete. 2. The property is located in the Historic District. 3. The is a non-contributing structure. 4. The proposed materials are consistent with the ordinance and those approved in the past. 5. The proposed changes will have little or no impact on the rhythm or scale of the streetscape. Mr. Cecil seconded the motion for finding of fact, which passed unanimously. 1 ACTION: Mr. Rogers made a motion to approve the request as submitted; Mr. Pitcher seconded the motion. Ms. Warnell stated Mrs. Foley agreed to modify the curved window to follow the roof line and extend to align with the two posts to be consistent and not be perched on top of the center post. ACTION: Mr. Rogers withdrew his motion. ACTION: Ms. Warnell made a motion to approve the request as submitted with the following change: The curved glass above the front door and located in the center of the porch be changed to straight lines that are parallel to the roof line and extend to the two adjacent posts; Mr. Pitcher seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 3. Presentation and consideration of recent decisions made by Chair/Staff Review. Ms. Simmerman stated the previous application was brought to the Chair/Staff Review and she felt it needed to be reviewed by HPC because it was a completely new design and construction. 4. Planning and discussion on the September 7, 2012 Public Workshop on Tax Credits for Historic Preservation. Ms. Simmerman provided a draft poster for review and Mr. Rogers will make suggestions for any needed changes. Ms. Simmerman suggested sending the list of invitations to a mailing house since there is money in the budget to cover the expense. Mr. Cecil stated there is a Lewes Homeowners Association meeting scheduled for that evening also. After discussion, it was decided that Mr. Rogers will make the changes to the poster to send to Ms. Simmerman and Ms. Warnell; Ms. Warnell will provide the information and mailing list to the mailing house and work with Ms. Rogers on the addresses; Ms. Simmerman will write the article for the Cape Gazette, speak to Alice Erickson about the plans and contact the Board of Public Works in reference to addresses. 5. Planning and discussion of the October 27, 2012 Public Workshop on Historic Paint Colors and Substitute Materials. Ms. Simmerman stated this workshop meeting will be held at the Net House. ACTION: Mr. Pitcher made a motion to adjourn; Mr. Rogers seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Jackie Doherty, Recording Secretary Lewes Historic Preservation Commission 2