No.: 3005/QD-UBND
Independence - Freedom - Happiness
Thai Binh, 20 December 2012
Re: Approving the Project for planning, construction and use management of the People’s
cemetery under new rural model in Thai Binh province
Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the People’s Councils and People’s Committees dated
Pursuant to the Decree No. 35/2008/ND-CP dated 25/3/2008 of the Government on
constructing, managing and using the cemetery;
Pursuant to the Decision No. 800/QD-TTg dated 4 June 2010 of the Prime Minister approving
the National Target Program on construction of new rural area in the period 2010 - 2020;
Pursuant to the Decision No. 2285/QD-UBND dated 25/9/2009 of the People’s Committee of
Thai Binh province on approving the Project for planning, construction of new rural area in Thai Binh
Pursuant to the Decision No. 1868/QD-UBND dated 14/8/2012 of the Provincial People’s
Committee on approving the outline of the Project for construction, management and use of People’s
cemetery under new rural model in Thai Binh province,
Pursuant to the Decision No. 17/2012/QD-UBND dated 20/11/2012 of the Provincial People’s
Committee on promulgating the regulation on cultural lifestyle in Thai Binh province;
In consideration of the proposal of Department of Construction at the Statement No. 77/TTrSXD dated 27/11/2012 on approving the project: Planning, construction and use management of
People’s cemetery under new rural model in Thai Binh province,
Article 1. To approve the Project for planning, construction and use management of the
People’s cemetery under new rural model in Thai Binh province, with the following main contents:
I. Objective of project:
- Determining the main solutions as the basis for each commune to deploy the selection of
suitable location for preparing the detailed planning of construction and management of the People’s
cemetery in conformity with population, natural land area, and socio-economic condition.
- Step by step putting the work of planning, construction and use management of cemetery at
the communes into order and discipline to save land, be favorable for production zoning, improve the
environmental condition, create the landscape of rural environment.
II. Orientation on planning, construction and use management of the People’s
1. Requirement:
- Each commune will plan with the maximum of 3 cemeteries with service radius of 2 - 3 km to
ensure the compliance with the Decision No. 2285/QD-UBND dated 25/9/2009 of the Provincial
People’s Committee on approving the Project on planning of new rural construction in Thai Binh
province in which keeping intact and expanding the existing cemeteries in conformity with the general
planning of new rural construction in Thai Binh province.
- New cemetery must be planned in detail, zoned clearly, synchronously on technical
infrastructure, created the separation with agricultural land, planted the green for separation; in the
short term, there is point for collecting and treating (burning at the cemetery) solid waste such as wood
of coffin, tools of deceased person and in the coming time, there will be waste collection and treatment
- The burial of deceased person must be suitable with the religion, manners and customs,
cultural tradition, civilized, modern lifestyle and it is implemented in the cemeteries, in case of burying
in the area of church, pagoda, religious oratories, ensure the environmental hygiene and have the
consent of the local government under the gradation of the Provincial People’s Committee.
- Having plan on removing odd graves scattered in the middle of the field and near the
residential area to the concentrated cemetery.
- Encouraging the planning on concentrated cemeteries to serve many different localities and
cemeteries using new, civilized and modern burial form to save the land, construction expenditure and
mitigate the environmental pollution.
2. Orientation of planning, construction of the People’s cemetery
a) Some technical targets on planning, construction of the People’s cemetery:
- Planning, construction of new cemetery at the position which is quite, high, dry and is not
blown off.
- Minimum distance of environmental hygiene safety from the cemetery for first burial to the
residential area and public works is 500 m as not having the wastewater collection and treatment
system and 300 m for the cemetery having the wastewater collection and treatment system from first
burial grave.
- Minimum distance of environmental hygiene safety from the cemetery for final inhumation to
the residential area and public works is 100 m.
- Minimum distance of environmental hygiene safety from the cemetery for first burial to
concentrated domestic water exploitation area is 2 km.
- Minimum distance of environmental hygiene safety from the cemetery to the nearest water
edge of water surface (river, lake, sea) not used for the living purpose:
+ For the cemetery for first burial, it is 200 m.
+ For the cemetery for final inhumation, it is 100 m.
- Minimum distance of transport and environmental hygiene safety from the cemetery to traffic
road for National road, provincial road is 200 m, for district road, communal axis road, it is 100 m and it
is required to have green for separation.
- Surrounding the cemetery, construct the water drainage system, not let the cemetery to be
flooded as well as leaked water of the cemetery to the surrounding area.
- The area for treating the water leaking from the cemetery must be arranged at the
downstream (place with lowest terrain of the cemetery).
b) Determining forms of burying at the People’s cemetery:
- In the short-term stage (from 2012 to 2020): Burial form is in accordance with traditional
customs, it is mainly to bury.
- The next stage: in the first period, there are forms of burial and incineration, then the form of
incineration is the main objective; implementing the planning, construction of crematorium and
Permanent park.
c) Functional zoning in the cemetery:
The People’s cemetery is planned, it includes 2 zones: first burial zone and final inhumation
zone (for the locality having demand on burying once, it is distributed into 3 zones).
To overcome the psychology of burying at the commune, for big cemetery with inter-region,
inter-commune property, as planning the general premise of the burial areas, it is possible to arrange
the grave lot areas for each separate commune.
d) Gravel architecture:
Researching, standardizing some popular types of grave to identify the grave architecture with
the form which is simple but solemn, suitable for economic condition of the people.
đ) Maximum land area for each grave:
Complying with Article 14 Regulation on implementing the cultural lifestyle in the province
(Promulgated in attachment to the Decision No. 17/2012/QD-UBND dated 20/11/2012 of the People’s
Committee of Thai Binh province).
e) Transport arrangement in the cemetery:
- Main transport axis from the gate to coffin house is 7 m wide.
- Road between the grave lots (lot distribution road) is 3.5 m wide.
- Path in the grave lots (group distribution path) is 1.2 m wide.
- Distance of the path between two successive grave rows is 0.8 m.
- Distance between two successive graves of the same row is 0.5 m.
f) Construction density in the People’s cemetery:
- Area for first burial and burial once: Maximum burial land area is 70%, minimum transport
land area is 10%, minimum green land area is 15%, and minimum land area for auxiliary works is 5%.
- Area for final inhumation: Maximum burial land area is 60%, minimum transport land area is
15%, minimum green land area is 15%, and minimum land area for auxiliary works is 10%.
3. Orientation of main works to be constructed in the first stage (5 years) in the
People’s cemetery:
a) Coffin house:
Arranging the construction of the coffin house which is square, has 4 roofs on central axis of
the cemetery at the ending part of the inhumation zone with the construction area from 49 m 2 (7 x 7) m
to 81 m2 (9 x 9) m.
b) Transport:
- Constructing the concrete road of main transport axis from the gate to coffin house and zone
distribution road between the first burial zone and inhumation zone;
- Constructing the concrete road or brick tiled road at the path in the grave lot (group
distribution path), the path between two successive grave rows (construction area is determined for
each year is based on the estimate of inhumation grave number in 1 year).
c) Waste treatment area: Constructing the waste burning furnace with area of 5m2.
d) Green:
- Planting the green surrounding the cemetery with bush with height of 2 ÷ 3 m to create the
environment and prevent buffalo, bull from destroying the cemetery.
- Green for shade at the central axis from the gate to coffin house.
4. Some works to strengthen organization and management of cemetery:
Constructing and promulgating the regulations on managing the People’s cemetery at each
locality, including the following main contents:
- Land use in the People’s cemetery.
- Archiving the management dossier of the People’s cemetery.
- Method of determining position of the graves.
- Social policy for special subjects.
- Forbidden behaviors.
- Solutions on mitigating the environmental pollution.
III. Implementation organization
1. Department of Construction:
- Summarizing, reporting the Provincial People’s Committee about the situation of planning
and construction of cemetery system in the province.
- Advising the Provincial People’s Committee with the contents on State management on
- Summarizing, guiding the People’s Committee at district, commune levels to organize the
preparation of planning, construction of cemetery, plan on constructing, upgrading, closing and moving
the cemetery of levels in the province.
- Guiding, checking the management, exploitation and use of cemetery and periodically every
year, summarizing, reporting the Provincial People’s Committee and the Ministry of Construction.
2. Department of Natural Resources and Environment:
- Advising the Provincial People’s Committee to deliver land for construction of cemetery.
- Guiding the Employer to prepare the report on environmental impact assessment in
accordance with the regulation, submitting to competent level for appraisal and approval.
- Coordinating with Department of Health, Environment Police Office to supervise, check the
implementation of the Law on environmental protection of the cemeteries.
3. Department of Finance:
- Guiding the use of budget capital in investment, construction, upgrade, expansion and
movement of gravel, cemetery management cost, income source of cemetery service.
- Advising the Provincial People’s Committee to approve the business exploitation option for
the cemeteries invested, constructed by organization, individual as the basis for organization,
individual to decide the service price of the cemetery under the price frame approved by the Provincial
People’s Committee.
4. Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs:
- Advising the Provincial People’s Committee to approve the Regulation on managing the cemetery
with scale of level I invested by capital resource of the State budget.
- Advising the Provincial People’s Committee to agree the Regulation on managing the
cemetery with scale of level I invested by individual, organization.
- Presiding over, coordinating with related departments, sectors, the People’s Committees of
districts, towns to build the regimes, social policies, order, procedure and settlement competence for
special subjects, policy subject in burial as death and submitting to the Provincial People’s Committee
for promulgation.
5. Department of Planning and Investment:
- Preparing the capital plan for new construction investment or upgrade, repair of cemetery
invested from the budget source under the decision of the Provincial People’s Committee.
- Submitting the Provincial People’s Committee for promulgating the regulation on
socialization of cemetery construction investment, building the list of projects for construction of
socialization cemeteries, calling for investment.
6. Department of Health:
Guiding the guarantee of requirement on safety, epidemic prevention hygiene, and
environmental hygiene of the cemetery in accordance with the regulation of the Ministry of Health.
7. Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Department of Information and
Communications; radio, television, press agencies:
Regularly propagandizing, mobilizing the people to implement the regulations on constructing,
managing the cemetery, burial forms which are civilized, save land and protect the environment.
8. People’s Committees of districts, city:
The People’s Committee of district, city is the employer or assigns the People’s Committee of
communes, wards having sufficient capacity to implement the work of managing the cemetery,
- Being employer for construction of cemetery works invested from the capital resource of the
State budget.
- Preparing the plan on organizing the construction, upgrade, closing, movement of cemetery
and separate graves of the cemeteries in the districts and city.
- Organizing the appraisal, approval of detailed planning on construction of cemetery in the
districts and city.
- Approving the regulation on managing the cemetery invested by the capital resource of the
State budget.
- Agreeing the regulation on managing the cemetery of organization, individual investing the
construction investment of the cemetery under the gradation in the area and managing, supervising,
checking the implementation of regulation on managing the cemetery of levels.
- Approving the cemetery service price provided by management unit for the cemeteries
invested, constructed from the budget capital resource in the area.
- Implementing the regimes, social policies for special subjects, policy subjects in burial as death
in accordance with the regulation of the Provincial People’s Committee.
- Reporting the Department of Construction and the Provincial People’s Committee annually
about the contents of the cemetery management work.
9. The People’s Committee at communal level:
- Organizing the preparation of detailed planning on construction and regulation on managing
the People’s cemetery in the area.
- Managing the cemetery in the area of commune, cluster under the assignment of the district
People’s Committee.
- Organizing the checking, settling the violations on managing, using the cemetery in the area
of their management in accordance with the regulation of the law.
- Building and submitting to the district People’s Committee for approving the cemetery service
price for the cemeteries invested, constructed from the budget capital resource in the area.
Article 2. Department of Construction is responsible for managing the organizing the
implementation of Project in strict accordance with the current regulation of the State.
Article 3. Chief of the Provincial People’s Committee Secretariat; Directors of Departments:
Construction, Planning and Investment, Finance, Natural Resources and Environment, Labor, Invalids
and Social Affairs, Health, Culture, Sports and Tourism, Information and Communications; Director of
Thai Binh Radio and Television Station; Director of provincial State Treasury; Chairmen of the
People’s Committees of districts, city, Chairmen of the People’s Committees of communes, wards,
towns; Head of related department, sector, unit are responsible for executing the Decision./.
- As Article 3;
- Chairman, Vice Chairmen of the Provincial People’s
- Leader of Office of the Provincial People’s Committee;
(Signed and sealed)
Pham Van Sinh