A13B-0915: A Fast and Accurate Two Orders of Scattering Model to Account for Polarization in Trace Gas Retrievals From Satellite Measurements Vijay Natraj1,*, Robert J.D. Spurr2, Hartmut Bösch3 and Yuk L. Yung1 1 MC 150-21, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA 2 RT Solutions Inc., 9 Channing St., Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 3 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, MS 183-601, 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA Introduction Satellite measurements have been playing a major role in weather and climate research for the fast few decades. For most applications, interpretation of such measurements requires an accurate modeling of the atmosphere and surface. Typically, trace gas retrieval algorithms are simplistic because of computer resource and time considerations. In particular, they neglect polarization effects due to the surface, atmosphere and instrument. This can cause significant errors in retrieved trace gas column densities, particularly in the ultraviolet (UV) and near infrared (NIR) spectral regions because of appreciable scattering by air molecules, aerosols and clouds. On the other hand, it has been shown [1], for example, that retrieving the sources and sinks of CO2 on regional scales requires the column density to be known to 1-2 ppm (0.3-0.5%) precision. Clearly, radiative transfer (RT) models need to be developed to achieve such precisions, while working at speeds necessary to meet operational needs. Proposed Solution: Two Orders of Scattering to Compute Polarization Multiple scattering is known to be depolarizing. It follows, then, that the major contribution to polarization comes from the first few orders of scattering. Ignoring polarization leads to two kinds of errors. The first kind is errors due to the neglect of the polarized components of the Stokes vector. The second kind is the errors in the intensity itself from not accounting for polarization. The simplest (and fastest) approximation for polarization would clearly be single scattering. However, for unpolarized incident light (such as sunlight), single scattering does not account for polarization effects on the intensity. On the other hand, three (and higher) orders of scattering, while giving highly accurate results, involve nearly as much computation as a full multiple scattering calculation. It would thus appear that two orders of scattering is optimal. We calculate the reflection matrix for the first two orders of scattering (2OS) in a vertically inhomogeneous, scattering-absorbing medium. We take full account of polarization, and perform a complete linearization (analytic differentiation) of the reflection matrix with respect to both the inherent optical properties of the medium and the surface reflection condition. Further, we compute a scalar-vector correction to the total intensity due to the effect of polarization; this correction is also fully linearized. The intensity correction is meant to be combined with a scalar intensity calculation (with all orders of scattering included) to approximate the intensity with polarization effects included. An approximate spherical treatment is given for the solar and viewing beam attenuation, enabling accurate computations for the range of viewing geometries encountered in practical radiative transfer applications. The following equation summarizes the approach: I I sca I cor Q 0 Q2OS U 0 U 2OS V 0 V2OS where Isca and Icor refer to the scalar intensity with polarization neglected but all orders of scattering accounted for and the scalar-vector intensity correction computed using our approach, respectively; the subscript 2OS indicates results calculated using the 2OS model. Scenarios to Test Proposed Technique We use the spectral regions to be measured by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) mission [2] to test the 2OS model. Six different locations and two different seasons have been considered (see Fig. 1 for geographical location map), with four different aerosol loadings (0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2) for each of the above. Ny Alesund (79 N, 12E) Park Falls (46 N, 90.3 W) Lauder (45 S, 170 E) Surface CO2, July 1, 12 UT South Pacific (30 S, 210 E) Algeria (30 N, 8 E) Darwin (12 S, 130 E) Figure 1: Geographical Location of Test Sites The details of the geometry, surface type and tropospheric aerosol type [3] for the various scenarios are summarized in Table 1. The stratospheric aerosol has been assumed to be a 75% solution of H2SO4 with a modified gamma size distribution [4]. Solar Zenith Angle Surface Type Aerosol Type (Kahn Grouping) (degrees) Algeria Jan1 57.48 Desert Dusty Continental (4b) Algeria Jul 1 21.03 Desert Dusty Continental (4b) Darwin Jan 1 23.24 Deciduous Dusty Maritime (1a) Darwin Jul 1 41.44 Deciduous Black Carbon Continental (5b) Lauder Jan 1 34.22 Grass Dusty Maritime (1a) Lauder Jul 1 74.20 Frost Dusty Maritime (1b) Ny Alesund Apr 1 80.77 Snow Dusty Maritime (1b) Ny Alesund Jul 1 62.43 Grass Dusty Maritime (1b) Park Falls Jan 1 72.98 Snow Black Carbon Continental (5a) Park Falls Jul 1 31.11 Conifer Dusty Continental (4b) South Pacific Jan 1 24.62 Ocean Dusty Maritime (1a) South Pacific Jul 1 58.84 Ocean Dusty Maritime (1b) Table 1: Scenario Details Residuals The spectral residuals have been plotted for two scenarios, Algeria Jul 1 (aerosol od 0.01) and Ny Alesund Apr 1 (aerosol od 0.2), which represent the best and worst case, respectively (see Figs. 2 and 3). The blue, green and red lines in the top panel refer to the vector, scalar, and 2OS results, respectively. The middle and bottom panels show the radiance errors using scalar and 2OS models, respectively. For the former case, the low solar zenith angle and relatively high surface albedos combine to reduce the polarization. The latter case is one of high solar zenith angle and a surface that is extremely bright in the O2 A band and extremely dark in the CO2 bands. This explains the high continuum polarization in the CO2 bands. Nevertheless, the 2OS model improves the residuals by an order of magnitude in the worst case and more than two orders of magnitude in the best case. The rms residuals are plotted for all the scenarios in Figs. 4 and 5. Figure 2: Spectral Residuals for Algeria Jul 1 (Aerosol OD 0.01) Scenario Figure 3: Spectral Residuals for Ny Alesund Apr 1 (Aerosol OD 0.2) Scenario Figure 4: RMS Residuals (Scalar) Figure 4: RMS Residuals (2OS) Sensitivity Studies It is more instructive to understand the effect of the approximation on the errors in the retrieved CO2 column. These errors can be assessed by performing a linear error analysis study [5,6]. Forward model errors are typically systematic and result in a bias in the retrieved parameters x. This bias can be expressed as: x G F where G is the gain matrix that represents the mapping of the measurement variations into the retrieved vector variations and F is the error in the modeling made by the scalar (or 2OS) approximation. F I Q I calc 2 2 where Icalc is the calculated quantity, and is equal to Isca for the scalar model and Isca + Icor – Q2OS for the 2OS model. All the quantities are vectors over the detector pixels. The measurement and smoothing errors and the error due to the scalar and 2OS approximations are summarized in Table 2. Clearly, the errors due to the 2OS approximation are smaller or of the same order of magnitude than the noise and smoothing errors even in the worst case (in most cases, it is at least an order of magnitude smaller). On the other hand, the reverse situation is true if polarization is ignored. Scenario Measurement Scalar Error 2OS Error Smoothing Error Error (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) Algeria Jul 1 0.32 0.42 0.0027 0.25 Ny Alesund Apr 1 4.26 136.37 4.13 4.11 Table 2: Summary of Errors Conclusions Sensitivity studies were performed to evaluate the errors resulting from using a novel approximation to compute polarization in simulations of backscatter measurements of spectral bands by space-based instruments such as that on OCO. It was found that the errors in the top of the atmosphere (TOA) radiance were less than 0.1% in most cases. The computation time was two orders of magnitude less than that for an exact vector computation. A linear error analysis study of simulated measurements from the OCO absorption bands shows that errors due to the 2OS approximation are much lower than the smoothing and measurement noise errors. This is in contrast to the observation that the retrieval error budget may be dominated by polarization if a scalar approximation to the total intensity is used. The 2OS model is also an order of magnitude faster than a full multiple scattering scalar radiative transfer computation, making it feasible to be implemented in operational retrieval algorithms as an adjunct model to deal with polarization effects. References 1. Rayner, P.J. and O’Brien, D.M., GRL 28(1), 175-178, 2001 2. Crisp, D., et al., Adv. Space Res. 34(4), 700-709, 2004 3. Kahn et al., JGR 106(D16), 18219-18238, 2001 4. http://www.eumetcal.org/euromet/english/satmet/s2400/s240009d.htm 5. Rodgers, C.D., Inverse methods for atmospheric sounding: theory and practice, 2000 6. Natraj, V., et al., JQSRT 103(2), 245-259, 2007 Related Presentations A13B-0896 - Nair et al., poster, this session A21F-0898 - Bösch et al., poster, Tuesday 8-10 am B42A-08 - Crisp, D., talk, Thursday 12.05 pm