Coral and algal community composition among depths at Ke’ei: Does the intermediate disturbance hypothesis apply? Final Report QUEST 2006 Team 2 Staff Advisor: Jen Smith Team Leader: Elizabeth Murphy Team members: Nathan Olson Andrea Rivera Jason Trimble May 26, 2006 1 Abstract During the Quantitative Underwater Ecological Survey Techniques (QUEST) field school offered through the University of Hawaii at Hilo held at Ke’ei, we found the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (Hughes and Connell 1999) to be supported through the analysis of coral and algal species composition. Wave action is a physical disturbance that presumeably varies among depths at Ke’ei. Wave action is likely to be highest on the reef flat (15 ft), lowest at 40 ft., and intermediate at 25 ft. Using data collected by the benthic grid survey method, we calculated species richness and the Shannon-Wiener Index to measure diversity. Both species richness and the Shannon-Wiener Index were statistically analysed to test for differences among isobaths (15ft, 25ft, and 40ft.). No statistically significant difference was observed, but an apparent trend emerged. We conducted power tests to determine appropriate sample sizes (about 100 quadrats) for future studies. We also compared percent cover of the three most abundant groups surveyed (Porites lobata, Porites compressa, and turf algae) among isobaths. Results from the analysis of variance (ANOVA) supported the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis. Turf algae dominated on the reef flat and P. compressa dominated at 40ft., but P. lobata, P. compressa, and turf algae abundances were fairly even at 25ft. Upon analysis of the overall data collected, we concluded that future studies collecting a larger number of samples at more depths is needed to statistically support the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis with regard to benthic cover in Ke’ei. 2 1. Introduction The Hawaiian archipelago is one of the most isolated island chains in the world and is widely recognized for its vast marine diversity. Coral reef ecosystems are characterized by extremely high autotrophic and heterotrophic production, supporting the existence of a dense and diverse community of fish and benthos (Surokin 1989). It is important to study reefs before and after disturbances, such as hurricanes and excessive wave action, to further understand the natural and ecological phase shifts within the systems. In addition, as coastal development and anthropogenic stresses continue to increase, nutrient loading affects re-colonization, recruitment, and phase shifts from coral to algal dominated reefs. We based our hypotheses on the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis, which predicts that species diversity is greatest in areas where the frequency of disturbance is neither too low nor too great (Hughes & Connell 1999). Our focus was physical disturbance, wave action in particular, which presumably decreases with depth along the reef. We predicted that the highest number of species, including corals and algae, is highest in mid isobaths, where wave action is neither intense nor absent. These zone placements can vary depending on location, therefore it is important to investigate the phenomenon locally. According to coral reef zonation, shallower depths may have a greater abundance of larger, more rugged corals such as Porites lobata due to their higher tolerance of wave action. At the same time, deeper depths may have a greater abundance of columnar corals such as Porites compressa, due to their rapid growth and subsequent domination in calmer waters. Our overall question was: how does percent benthic cover and species diversity in Ke’ei vary among depths of 15 ft., 25 ft., and 40 ft. isobaths? Our null hypotheses were: (1) algal species diversity is 3 similar among depths, (2) coral species diversity is similar among depths, and (3) dominant coral and algal percent cover is similar among depths. Our study site was in the Kealakekua Bay Marine Life Conservation District, a recently established Fish Replenishment Area that protects fish from aquarium collectors on the West side of Hawaii. During the Qualitative Underwater and Ecological Surveying Techniques (QUEST) course offered through the University of Hawaii at Hilo, students learned techniques to monitor coral reef ecosystems while using SCUBA. We choose the benthic grid method to analyze our data because it was more comprehensive than point intercept in terms of species diversity and more accurate than photo quad in terms of species identification. Photographic processing also tended to under represent less abundant and rare species. Within this report we included all analyzed data, as well as descriptions of all methods learned and used during QUEST and any observations made by our team members. 2. Materials & Methods 2.1 Research Site All data were collected using SCUBA at Ke’ei beach in Kealakekua Bay, on the Big Island of Hawaii (Figure 1). A base line transect was laid from the reef flat to the 40 ft. isobath. From the baseline, transects were laid along replicate isobaths: 40’ isobath (19º 27’ 46.6”, 155º 55’ 35.7”), 25’ isobath (19º 27’ 45.2”, 155º 55’ 35.0”), outer reef flat (19º 27’ 44.4”, 155º 55’ 34.6”) and inner reef flat (19º 27’ 44.0”, 55º 55’ 34.5”). All transect lines used were 50 m long, except for when noted. 2.2 Water Quality and Rugosity a. Sample Collection 4 Our team collected water quality and rugosity data together at the 25 ft. isobath along a 50 m transect. We collected water from near the reef surface in 500 mL dark Nalgene bottles to measure chlorophyll a concentration, temperature, and salinity. We also collected water in 60 mL syringes to measure nutrients (nitrate and silicate) concentrations. We took samples at 10 m intervals along the transect. b. Nutrient Analysis We primed each syringe three times, and then attached a piece of acrylic tubing to collect water from within the reef structure. We filtered 13 mL of water from each syringe through a pre-combusted GF/F 25 mm glass fiber filter into a 15 mL centrifuge tube that was placed on ice and taken to the quantitative analysis lab at the University of Hawaii at Hilo for analysis of nutrient concentrations. c. Temperatuure, Salinity, and Chlorophyll a Analysis We measured temperature and salinity immediately after surfacing using a YSI model 85. From each Nalgene bottle sample, we filtered 50 mL of water through a 25 mm glass fiber filter. This was repeated twice for each sample. Then, we immersed each filter in a test tube with acetone. After four hours on ice in the dark we centrifuged the test tubes for seven minutes. Next, we measured chlorophyll a concentration using a Turner florometer. d. Rugosity We measured rugosity using a 1 cm link size brass chain laid along the transect line. We attached a float at five meter intervals along the chain and recorded the corresponding length along the transect. 5 2.3 Mobile Invertebrates Our team surveyed mobile invertebrates at the 40 ft. isobath along a 50 m transect. We placed a 0.25 m2 quadrat every three meters and quantified all invertebrates, excluding coral species, present within it. We also estimated percent substrate cover for each quadrat. 2.4 Percent Benthic Cover a. Point Intercept Our team used point intercept to measure percent cover at the outer reef flat along a 50 m transect. We placed 0.25 m2 quadrats at 14 pre-selected random points along the transect. Each quadrat contained 25 points where we identified and recorded the benthic species. From this data, we calculated the percent benthic cover. b. Grid Quad Our team used the grid method to measure percent cover at the 25 ft. isobath along a 50 m transect. We placed 0.25 m2 quadrats at 14 pre-selected random points along the transect. To simplify abundance estimates, percent cover was estimated in each of the four quadrants for each quadrat. From this data, we calculated percent benthic cover. c. Photo Quad Our team used photo quad to measure percent cover along 50 m transects at the 40 ft. isobath (using flash) and the 25 ft. isobath (using white balance). For each photographic survey dive, a 0.25 m2 quadrat was placed at 12 pre-selected random 6 points along the transect. We took digital photographs of each quadrat placement. At the 40’ isobath, we used a Sony Cybershot 4.0 megapixle digital camera; and at the 25’ isobath we used a Sony Cybershot 7.2 megapixle digital camera. We modified the pictures using Adobe Photoshop 6.01, and then we conducted point grid analysis using Photogrid 1.0 Beta. From this data, we calculated percent benthic cover. 2.5 Fish Species Abundance a. Strip Survey Transect (SST) Our team conducted a strip survey transect (SST) at the inner reef flat along two 25 m transects. We laid a sixty foot transect and conducted surveys from: 1) 0 m to 25 m, and 2) 35 m to 60 m. Buddy pairs were aligned on either side of the transect and quantified all fish species within a 2 m wide by 4 m high area from either side of the line. b. Circular Plot (C-Plot) Our team conducted two circular plots (C-Plots) at the 40 ft. isobath. Buddy pairs were aligned vertically and back-to-back while each buddy surveyed half of a 10 m wide by 4 m high cylinder around himself/herself. A transect line and flagging tape was used to mark the area. Fish species present were recorded for five minutes; and then abundance of the fishes present in the first five minutes was tallied during the second five minutes. QUESTION SPECIFIC: 2.6 Species Diversity a. Species Richness 7 We analyzed species richness was by compiling data from the grid quad method of determining percent cover. The total number of species was counted in each quadrat to determine species richness. There were 27 samples on the 25 ft. isobath, and 32 on both the reef flat and 40 ft. isobath. b. Shannon-Wiener Index Formula The Shannon-Wiener index formula takes into account both the number of species and their relative abundance. The Shannon-Wiener index formula is H ' Pi * log( Pi ) . Using the computer program PRIMER 5.0, we entered the data from the benthic grid method into this formula to calculate diversity at each isobath. c. Individual Species Percent Cover Among Depths We individually analyzed the data for the three most abundant benthic groups at Ke’ei: Porites lobata, Porites compressa, and turf algae. Using the data from the benthic grid method, we calculated and compared the means from each isobath. d. Statistical Analysis MINITAB 14 was used for all statistical tests. Bartlett’s and Levene’s tests were used to test for equal variances. By comparing the results of the two tests we were able to infer normality. We then used a One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test to compare mean species richness, Shannon-Wiener Indices, and percent cover among depths. If the data were different, then a Tukey’s comparison’s test was performed to further explain the difference. If the data were not determined 8 to be different, then we performed a power analysis to determine the probability of a type II error and how many more samples would be needed for powerful future study. 3. Results 3.1 Water Quality and Rugosity a. Nutrient analysis Nitrate concentrations at 15 ft and 40 ft in Ke’ei were statistically similar (Figure 2). Compared to the other isobaths, the 25 ft transect had a higher concentration of nitrate and a lower concentration of silicate. b. Temperature, Salinity, and Chlorophyll-a analysis Chlorophyll-a concentration was lowest in the deeper waters of 40 ft, and not significant different between the other depths (15 ft. and 25 ft.) (Figure 3). Salinity and temperature data where also collected, but were not used in our analyses because they were not collected in-situ, so we thought them to be inaccurate. In addition, more data are needed to conclude any further distribution patterns. c. Rugosity We calculated the rugosity value by dividing the five meter chain length sections by the distance covered along the transect line. This gave us a unitless value from which the mean and standard deviation of the rugosity could be calculated, values are shown in (Figure 4). We found the rugosity to be similar among all isobaths examined. 3.2 Mobile Invertebrates For the benthic invertebrate survey performed, the means and standard error for the number of species/groups present were analyzed. The taxonomic species 9 present during the survey were: echinoderms, arthropods, annelidae, molluska, and porifera. As a taxanomic group, echinoderms were the most abundant, and porifera and molluska were the least abundant (Figure 5). Looking at single species/groups, both Echinometra mathaei, and hermit crabs had the highest mean population per quadrat. Herbivore invertebrates were the most prevalent tropic level. 3.4 Percent Benthic Cover a. Point Intercept Our team analyzed the Point intercept data using Microsoft Excel to illustrate the percentage cover of the species found at the outer reef flat (Figure 6). The most common coral species was Porites lobata (28%) and the highest percentage found among algae was turf (50%). The second most common coral species was Porites evermanii (14%). We expected turf algae to be of highest abundance at the reef flat because this is an area of high wave action, making it less suitable for coral growth; however, since turf algae is an assemblage and not a species, turf algae did not account for species diversity, but accounts for benthic cover. Turf algae can be difficult to quantify when there is no taxonomic key to differentiate species. In addition, many species may be found within very small portions of substrate. Other coral and algal species found included: Porites compressa (3%) Pocillopora meandrina (1%), Crustose coralline algae (1%), and cyanobacteria (1%). b. Grid Quad See section 3.7 c. Photo Quad 10 We used benthic marine photographic processing and analysis (Photogrid 1.0 beta) to calculate percent benthic cover. Using this method, we found Porites compressa to be the most abundant coral species at 40 ft. in Ke’ei (Figure 7). Porites lobata accounted for 9% of the substrate. The most common algal species at 40 ft. was turf algae (25%), followed by Tolypiocladia glomerata (21%), and crustose coralline algae (13%). During our second dive, we surveyed the 25 ft. isobath and found a high abundance of Porites lobata (27% cover) and turf algae (28% cover) (Figure 8). This suggests a trend according to the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, but it is not statistically significant. We also found sand to account for about 20% of the substrate at 25 ft. Crustose coralline algae showed a similar percentage in the first survey, with a percent cover of 21%. When we cropped our pictures in Photoshop 6.01 partial portions of the quadrat was left in the pictures. This caused some of the random numbers to fall across quadrat points, which accounted for 3% of the percent benthic cover. This can be avoided in the future by cropping most of the quadrats out of the photographs. 3.6 Fish Abundance a. Strip Survey Transect We sampled the inner reef flat at Ke’ei and found the following fish to be most abundant using the SST method: Thalassoma duperrey (21 13), Paracirrhites arcatus (41 2.5), Gomphosus varius (4 3.5) and Zebrasoma flavescencens (4 3) (Figure 9). The three most abundant species were found more in the benthic portion of the water column directly above, or in even within, the reef structure. These species were best represented in this survey due to the fact that the surveyors were 11 close to the benthos and could easily survey the benthic fish populations. The other fishes present along the transect included: Plectroglyphidodon imparipennis, Canthigaster jactator, Halichoeres ornatissimus, Melichthys vidua, Chromis ovalis, Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus, Chlorurus sordidus, Canthigaster amboinensis, and Coris gaimard. A strong current and heavy surge during the survey caused many of the fish to hide under reef cervices, some were visible, but not all. b. Circular Plot Using the C-Plot method at 40 ft., we found the most common fish species to be: Chromis agilis (65 8), Ctenochaetus strigosus (27 8), and Zebrasoma flavescencens (21 6.5) (Figure 10). Also present were: Gomphosus varius, Chaetodon ornatissimus, Acanthurus. nigrofuscus, Chromis vanderbilti, Thalasoma duperrey, Chaetodon multicinctus, Naso lituratus, Chromis hanui, Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus, Chlorus sordidus, Scarus rubroviolaceus. Acanthurus nigroris, Melichthyes vidua, Oxycheilinus unifasciatus, Stethojulis balteata, and Cephalopholis argus. The three most abundant species are schooling fishes; this fact can easily account for their proportionally high abundance meaning that a school of these fish could of swam within the survey area. Also, due to the fact that this survey was performed vertically within the water column, benthic fish species may have been under represented. We believe that the 5 minutes allowed to record species may not be enough time to record all fishes. We saw a larger number of fish swimming into the sampling area after the time expired. We suggest that, for future methods, the time allowed to let fish return to those areas where divers might scare them off should be extended to perhaps 8-10 minutes. 12 QUESTION SPECIFIC: 3.7 Species Diversity among Depths Using the benthic grid survey method we found a pattern in diversity among depths. First, using all of the data from the grid survey (abiotic and biotic responses), we conducted a Bartlett’s test of equal variances and found that the variances were equal. We observed a statistically insignificant pattern (P = 0.137) with benthic diversity among depths using a One-Way ANOVA test (Table 4). We continued to analyze the data by seperating data based upon either coral or algal groups. In addition, we used two analytical methods for determining diversity: species richness and the Shannon-Wiener Index Formula. a. Species Richness After breaking the observed data into groups, coral species diversity was first analyzed using species richness. We conducted a Bartlett’s test of equal variances and found them to be equal. Then, we used a One-Way ANOVA to determine if they were statistically different among different isobaths. The test showed the different isobaths to be different in diversity, but did not produce a statistically significant result (Table 6, P = 0.103). Analyzing the data in terms of species of macroalgae produced a similar statistically insignificant result using species richness data (Table 7, P = 0.163). After conducting a Bartlett’s test of equal variances we found the variances to be equal. A One-Way ANOVA revealed that there was no statistically significant difference among isobaths. The means revealed a statistically insignificant pattern, with the 40 ft. isobath having the greatest diversity (Figure 12). The 15ft. (reef flat) isobath was the least diverse. 13 b. Shannon-Wiener Index Using the Shannon-Wiener Index, we ascertained similar results for all groups of benthic cover. After conducting a Bartlett’s test to determine equal variances, we ran a One-Way ANOVA test. The results revealed a statistically insignificant pattern (P = 0.390), with the 25 ft. isobath having the greatest diversity (Table 8). This was consistent with the above method of computing species diversity. Splitting the data into groups, we first examined coral diversity among depths using the Shannon-Wiener Index. We ran a Bartlett’s test for equal variances and found the variances to be equal. We then ran a One-Way ANOVA that produced similar results (Table 9). We found that the 25 ft. isobath was the most diverse, and the result was closer to statistically significant (P = 0.185) (Figure 12). We found the same basic result using the Shannon-Wiener Index to calculate diversity of macroalgal species. Macroalgal diversity was greatest at the 40 ft. isobath, but the results were not statistically significant (P = 0.182) (Table 10, Figure 12). The result was also consistent with the alternative method of calculating species diversity. c. Power and Sample Size Using the pooled standard deviation from the ANOVA tests, we conducted power tests for all of our results, as well as calculated an ideal sample size for future studies (Table 11). For all of the tests we conducted, the power was insignificant by a great margin. The necessary number of samples (quadrats) needs to be increased to about 100 for adequate power. 14 d. Percent Cover with Depth (Grid Quad) Using the percent cover data from the benthic grid method, we found statistically significant differences with depth. We ran a Bartlett’s test and determined that the variances were equal. We then ran an ANOVA test between turf algae and isobath. We obtained statistically significant results (P = 0.01) (Figure 13), and went on conduct a Tukey’s comparison test to test which isobaths were different. We ascertained that the 15 ft. isobath was significantly different than the 40 ft. The 25 ft. isobath was not significantly different from the 40ft. or the 15ft. isobath. Next, we compared Porites compressa among the three isobaths. Again, we ran a Bartlett’s test to determine equal variances. The ANOVA test revealed significant difference (P = 0.028) (Table 12, Figure 13). Then, we ran a Tukey’s test to determine which isobaths differed. Again, the 40 ft. isobath was different from the 15 ft. isobath. Also, the 25 ft. isobath was statistically similar to the 15ft. isobath, as well as the 40 ft isobath. We found somewhat different results when examining Porites lobata. After running a Bartlett’s test for homogeneity, we ran an ANOVA test and found that there was no detectable difference (P = 0.132) (Table 13, Figure 13). The mean percent cover of Porites lobata was lowest at the 15 ft. isobath and was greatest at the 40 ft. isobath. 4. Discussion Coral and algal species diversity were statistically similar among depths at Ke’ei. However, trends were evident that were consistent with the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (Figure 11, 12) (Hughes and Connell 1999). For example, the intermediate zone of 25 ft. had the greatest species richness among depths (Table 15 6, Figure 11). Using the Shannon-Wiener Index, we also found the greatest coral diversity at the 25 ft. isobath (Table 8, Figure 11). However, more studies are needed to clarify these trends. We found a slightly different pattern of algal diversity among isobaths. According to both analytical methods, algal diversity was greatest at the 40 ft isobath (Tables 7, 10, Figure 12). To support the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis, more studies must be conducted to determine if diversity of algae decreases with depth. It is also possible that physical disturbances do not influence algae growth as much as coral growth. Other factors, such as grazing must be investigated. Since data were collected for the QUEST class, sample size was limited by field time. Power tests determined that our sample size was not sufficient to detect a change (Table 11). For power testing, each 0.25 m2 quadrat was considered a sample. Using the pooled standard deviation from our samples, we determined that an appropriate sample sizes for future studies is between 95 and 120. Perhaps future studies could use larger quadrats, as well as greater differences between isobaths, to reduce the necessary amount of samples. Conservative safety regulations of the class limited the isobaths that could be surveyed. Since QUEST students are just beginning scientific diving, possible species misidentification must be considered. Also, we could not distinguish between different crustose coralline species and different turf algae species. A turf algae community consists of an assemblage of species and the exact species composition can only be determined through extensive microscopic analysis. Species composition of crustose coralline algae assemblages is unknown due to a lack of research. Therefore, compositions of both of these groups were analyzed above the species level. 16 When testing the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis, it also important to realize that there are a number of disturbances affecting an area at any given time. Another possible disturbance at Ke’ei is predation by corallivores including, such as Acanthaster planci and Forcipiger logirostris, and herbivorores, such as Zebrasoma flavessence and Echinmetra matheai. Abiotic disturbances could include temperature and nutrient fluctuations due to ground water input. It is well documented that there is a significant level of ground water entering Ke’ei Bay (Bill Walsh, presentation 05/24/06). Nutrient input may be a chronic disturbance that could be the cause for turf algae abundance along the reef flat. This is because high levels of nutrients are beneficial to primary producers, such as algae, but may be detrimental to the coral-zooxanthellae symbiosis in excessive amounts. In any ecosystem, species diversity is important for the stability and resilience of the system. Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world and it is important to understand the factors influencing their diversity and to be able to apply this reasoning to managing reef ecosystems. This has been achieved in this study using Connell’s Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis. Data collected during this study seem to support the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis although more data are needed to adequately test this hypothesis. Natural disturbances on coral reefs include wave action and predation. If highest diversity is not found in areas of intermediate wave action and predation, then other factors, such as anthropogenic nutrient input, may be adversely affecting the reef. By examining natural disturbances in relation to coral and algal diversity, perhaps it is possible to assess the health of a reef. Data collected during QUEST 2006 can be used to as a baseline for future monitoring and for management of Ke’ei’s reefs and reef resources. 17 The results for percent cover of Porites compressa, Porites lobata, and turf algae further support the intermediate disturbance theory (Hughes and Connell 1999). Looking at the bar graph that was produced (Figure 13) we can see how the diversity of these three groups changes with depth. We found that on the reef flat, turf algae sticks out as the most abundant group, perhaps because of the high wave action does not allow anything else to stick to the substrate. We also found that on the 40ft. isobath Porites compressa sticks out as the dominant species because of its fast growth rate despite its columnar structure that would make it susceptible to high wave energy. We found that on the 25ft. isobath there was no statistical difference between these three groups, and that they were equally abundant. This data would lead us to believe that the intermediate depth for these groups resides somewhere close to our 25ft. isobath. The coral reef at Ke’ei appears to be in a healthy and stable state based upon the low abundance of macroalgal cover in proportion to coral cover as well as great diversity and abundance of fish and invertebrates populations (other QUEST 2006 reports). Due to the current declining state of the world’s coral reefs it is important to protect healthy reefs like the one studied for this report. Through the maintenance of healthy reefs more can be learned about coral reef ecosystems and how to properly direct conservation and restoration efforts. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the QUEST 2006 staff, especially Dr. Jennifer Smith for her advice and guidance through this report. QUEST would not be possible without Mr. John Coney’s assistance and organization. Thank you to Kevin Flannagan for being lead diver and primary dive instructor. We would also like to 18 thank Kahmehameha Schools and Bishop Estates for allowing us access to the field school site. Connie Pua and Glennon Gingo are greatly appreciated for feeding our bodies and minds. Literature Cited Fenner, D. 2005. Corals of Hawai’i. A field guide to the hard, black, and soft corals of Hawaii and the Northwest Hawaiian Islands including Midway. Mutual Publishing, . Honolulu Hawaii 96816. Hawaii Fishing Regulations. February 2006. Board of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96813. Hoover, J.P. 2003. Hawaii Fishes. A guide for snorkelers, divers and aquarist. Mutual Publishing. Honolulu Hawaii 96816. Hughes, T.P., Connell, J.H. 1999. Muultiple stressors on coral reefs: a long term perspective. Limnology and Oceanography. 44: 932-940. Jompa, J., McCook, LJ. 2002. Effects of competition and herbivory on interactions between a hard coral and a brown alga. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. Vol. 271, pp. 25-39. Elsev. Sci. B.V Sorokin Yuri I., 1989. Coral Reef Ecology, Ecol. Stud. Vol. 20 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heindelberg, NY, USA. 19 APPENDIX 1: Tables Table 1: Photo Quad Ke'ei 25' Left Species n Mean % Cover Standard Error Porites compressa 12 8 4.0 Porites lobata 12 27 6.0 Tolypiocladia glomerata 12 3 1.6 Turf algae 12 28 8.2 Crustose coralline 12 11 2.6 Sand 12 20 2.9 Quadrat 12 3 0.8 TOTAL 100 Table 2: Photo Quad Ke'ei 40' Right Mean % Standard Species n Cover Error Porites compressa 12 24 3.2 Porites lobata 12 9 4.6 Tolypiocladia glomerata 12 21 5.2 Turf algae 12 25 4.0 Crustose coralline 12 13 3.2 Quadrat 12 8 1.0 TOTAL 50 20 Table 3: Coral and algal species present among isobaths. 15 ft 25 ft 40 ft P. compressa X X X P. evermanii X P. lobata X X X X P. meandrina M. capitata X M. patula X X X X P. varians L. bottae X C. ocellina X Turf algae X X X Crustose coralline X X X Galaxaura X Turbinaria X T. glomerata X X X Cyanobacteria X X Table 4: One-way ANOVA: Benthic Fauna versus Isobath Source Isobath Error Total DF 2 88 90 S = 1.225 Level 25 40 RF N 27 32 32 SS 6.09 132.02 138.11 MS 3.05 1.50 R-Sq = 4.41% Mean 3.630 3.406 3.000 StDev 1.115 1.214 1.320 F 2.03 P 0.137 R-Sq(adj) = 2.24% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev ------+---------+---------+---------+--(-----------*----------) (----------*----------) (----------*----------) ------+---------+---------+---------+--2.80 3.20 3.60 4.00 21 Table 5: One-way ANOVA: Coral Diversity versus Isobath Source Isobath Error Total DF 2 88 90 S = 0.7962 SS 2.958 55.789 58.747 Level 25 40 RF MS 1.479 0.634 N 27 32 32 R-Sq = 5.03% Mean 1.9259 1.5313 1.5313 StDev 0.6752 0.8026 0.8793 F 2.33 P 0.103 R-Sq(adj) = 2.88% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev +---------+---------+---------+--------(-----------*-----------) (----------*----------) (----------*----------) +---------+---------+---------+--------1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Table 6: One-way ANOVA: Algal Diversity versus Isobath Source Isobath Error Total DF 2 88 90 S = 0.8468 Level 25 40 RF N 27 32 32 SS 2.660 63.098 65.758 MS 1.330 0.717 R-Sq = 4.04% Mean 1.7037 1.8750 1.4688 StDev 0.8234 0.9070 0.8026 F 1.85 P 0.163 R-Sq(adj) = 1.86% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev -+---------+---------+---------+-------(----------*----------) (---------*--------) (---------*---------) -+---------+---------+---------+-------1.20 1.50 1.80 2.10 22 Table 7: One-way ANOVA: Benthic Fauna via Shannon-Wiener versus Isobath Source Isobath Error Total DF 2 88 90 S = 0.3309 SS 0.208 9.637 9.845 Level 25 40 RF MS 0.104 0.110 R-Sq = 2.12% N 27 32 32 Mean 0.9259 0.8775 0.8080 StDev 0.2631 0.3621 0.3488 F 0.95 P 0.390 R-Sq(adj) = 0.00% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev -+---------+---------+---------+-------(------------*-----------) (-----------*----------) (-----------*----------) -+---------+---------+---------+-------0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 Table 8: One-way ANOVA: Coral Diversity via Shannon-Wiener versus Isobath Source Isobath Error Total DF 2 88 90 S = 0.3212 Level 25 40 RF N 27 32 32 SS 0.355 9.077 9.432 MS 0.178 0.103 R-Sq = 3.77% Mean 0.3864 0.2368 0.2689 StDev 0.2823 0.3095 0.3608 F 1.72 P 0.185 R-Sq(adj) = 1.58% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev --------+---------+---------+---------+(------------*-----------) (-----------*----------) (----------*----------) --------+---------+---------+---------+0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 23 Table 9: One-way ANOVA: Algal Diversity via Shannon-Wiener versus Isobath Source Isobath Error Total DF 2 88 90 S = 0.3610 Level 25 40 RF N 27 32 32 SS 0.452 11.470 11.923 MS 0.226 0.130 F 1.73 R-Sq = 3.79% Mean 0.2978 0.3928 0.2252 StDev 0.3536 0.3741 0.3539 P 0.182 R-Sq(adj) = 1.61% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev --+---------+---------+---------+------(-----------*----------) (----------*---------) (----------*---------) --+---------+---------+---------+------0.12 0.24 0.36 0.48 Table 10: Power Test to Determine Optimal Sample Size and Power of ANOVA Tests Depth Sample Greatest Difference Test (ft.) Size in Means St. Dev. Power Needed (0.90) Coral 25 27 0.4129 0.792 0.371889 95 Species 40 32 0.4129 0.792 0.434582 95 Richness RF 32 0.4129 0.792 0.434582 95 Algal 25 27 0.4062 0.8468 0.320505 111 Species 40 32 0.4062 0.8468 0.375086 111 Richness RF 32 0.4062 0.8468 0.375086 111 Coral 25 27 0.1496 0.3212 0.304102 118 Diversity 40 32 0.1496 0.3212 0.355862 118 (S-W) RF 32 0.1496 0.3212 0.355862 118 Algal 25 27 0.1672 0.361 0.301095 119 Diversity 40 32 0.1672 0.361 0.352326 119 (S-W) RF 32 0.1672 0.361 0.352326 119 24 Samples Table 11: One-way ANOVA: turf versus Isobath Source Isobath Error Total DF 2 88 90 S = 25.19 Level 15 25 40 N 32 27 32 SS 9511 55831 65343 MS 4756 634 R-Sq = 14.56% Mean 40.66 31.73 16.52 StDev 30.22 20.64 23.02 F 7.50 P 0.001 R-Sq(adj) = 12.61% ----+---------+---------+---------+----(------*------) (-------*-------) (-------*------) ----+---------+---------+---------+----12 24 36 48 Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals Isobath = 15 subtracted from: Isobath Lower Center Upper 25 -24.62 -8.93 6.75 40 -39.15 -24.14 -9.14 Isobath = 25 subtracted from: Isobath Lower Center Upper 40 -30.89 -15.21 0.48 +---------+---------+---------+--------(-------*------) (-------*------) +---------+---------+---------+---------40 -20 0 20 +---------+---------+---------+--------(------*-------) +---------+---------+---------+---------40 -20 0 20 25 Table 12: One-way ANOVA: compressa versus Isobath Source Isobath Error Total DF 2 88 90 S = 25.61 SS 4894 57695 62589 Level 15 25 40 MS 2447 656 R-Sq = 7.82% N 32 27 32 Mean 17.50 28.48 34.80 F 3.73 P 0.028 R-Sq(adj) = 5.72% StDev 25.90 23.46 27.00 -+---------+---------+---------+-------(--------*-------) (--------*---------) (--------*--------) -+---------+---------+---------+-------10 20 30 40 Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals Isobath = 15 subtracted Isobath Lower Center 25 -4.96 10.98 40 2.05 17.30 from: Upper 26.93 32.56 Isobath = 25 subtracted from: Isobath Lower Center Upper 40 -9.62 6.32 22.27 -----+---------+---------+---------+---(---------*----------) (----------*---------) -----+---------+---------+---------+----15 0 15 30 -----+---------+---------+---------+---(---------*----------) -----+---------+---------+---------+----15 0 15 30 Table 13: One-way ANOVA: lobata versus Isobath Source Isobath Error Total DF 2 88 90 S = 21.71 Level 15 25 40 N 32 27 32 SS 1953 41470 43423 MS 976 471 R-Sq = 4.50% Mean 16.48 23.03 11.48 StDev 17.21 24.47 23.23 F 2.07 P 0.132 R-Sq(adj) = 2.33% Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev ----+---------+---------+---------+----(----------*---------) (-----------*-----------) (---------*----------) ----+---------+---------+---------+----7.0 14.0 21.0 28.0 26 APPENDIX 2: Figures 260° 250° 40’ 25’ 55° 60° 240° RF (Outer) RF (Inner) 230° Figure 1: Ke’ei transect map 27 Nutrient Concentrations across Depths at Ke'ei 3.5 Concentration (uM) 3.0 2.5 Nitrate Silicate 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 15 25 Depth (ft) 40 Figure 2: (Mean ± Standard Error) Concentrations of nitrate and silicate among depths at Ke’ei. Chlorophyll-A across Depths in Ke'ei 0.80 Concentration (ug/L) 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 15 25 40 Depth (ft) Figure 3: (Mean ± Standard Error) Chlorophyll a concentions among depths at Ke’ei. 28 Rugosity at Ke'ei 1.8 1.6 1.4 Mean Rugosity 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 40 25 15 Transect Isobath (ft.) Figure 4: (Mean ± Standard Deviation) Bar graph of ruugosity among depths at Ke’ei. Benthic Invertebrates 5 4.5 4 Number present 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 E. mathaei Hermit crab C. gigantea S. spectabilis Echinothrix spp. S. giganteus T. gratilla Phyllum Porifera Conus spp. Species Figure 5: (Mean ± Standard Error) Bar graph of mobile invertebrates abundace at Ke’ei, 40’ left. 29 Point Intercept of Outer Reef Flat at Ke'ei Sand 2% Cyanobacteria 1% Porites compressa 3% Crustose coralline 1% Porites evermanii 14% Turf 50% Porites lobata 28% Pocillopora meandrina 1% Montipora capitata 0% Figure 6: Benthic percent cover using point intercept at Ke’ei, outer reef flat. Photo Quad Ke'ei 40' Right Quadrat 8% Porites compress a Crustose coralline 13% Porites lobata Turf algae 25% Tolypiocladia glomerata 21% Figure 7: Benthic percent cover using photo quad at Ke’ei, 40’ right. 30 Photo Quad Ke'ei 25' Left Quadrat 3% Sand 20% Porites compress a Porites lobata Crustose coralline 11% Tolypiocladi a glomerata 3% Turf algae 28% Figure 8: Benthic percent cover using photo quad at Ke’ei, 25’ left. Average abundance per transect Fish Strip Survey Transect 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 T. du pe r re P. y ar c Z. a fla tus ve sc en s P. G. v ar im iu pe rip s en ni C. s ja H. c ta or to na r tis sim us M .n ig er M .v id ua C. P. ov jo hn al is st on ia nu C. s s or C. d am id bo us in en sis C. ga im ar d 0 Fish Species Figure 9: Bar graph for the averge fish abundance of fish species per transect for the inner reef flat. 31 Fish C-Plot of 40' Right at Ke'ei 80 Number Present 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 us vi ol ac eu A. s ni gr O ic .u an ni s fa sc ia tu s C .a rg us S. r ub ro to ni an P. jo h ns im us us vi ss fla F. C .m ul ti de r ci nc t bi lti us C .v an tis rn a C .o Z. fla ve C .a sc si m en s gi lis 0 Species Figure 10: Bar graph for average fish abundace using the cylindrical plot survey at the right 40 foot isobath. Number of Species per Quadrat Diversity vs. Depth via Species Richness 3 Coral Diversity 2 (P = 0.10) 1 Algal Diversity (P = 0.16) 0 15 25 40 Depth (feet) Figure 11: (Mean ± Standard Error) Coral and algal species richness among depths at Ke’ei. 32 Diversity vs. Depth via Shannon-Weiner Index Diversity Index 0.5 0.4 Coral Diversity 0.3 (P = 0.19) 0.2 Algal Diversity 0.1 (P = 0.18) 0 15 25 40 Depth (feet) Figure 12: (Mean ± Standard Error) Coral and algal species diversity via ShannonWiener Index among depths at Ke’ei. Percent Cover Benthic Percent Cover Among Depths Turf (P = 0.01) P. Compressa (P = 0.03) P. Lobata (P = 0.13) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 15 25 40 Depth (feet) Figure 13: Benthic percent cover among depths at Ke’ei. 33