Christopher Thomas Pyne Resume

Christopher Thomas Pyne M.D.
Work: Department Of Cardiology
Lahey Clinic Medical Center
41 Mall Road
Burlington, Massachusetts 01805
Home 9 Armand Drive
Chelmsford, Massachusetts 01824
Saint Lawrence University, Canton, New York 1979 - 83
B.S. Chemistry
Phi Beta Kappa
Medical School
Hahnemann University, Philadelphia Pennsylvania 1983 - 87
Doctor of Medicine
Medical Residency
Brown University, Roger Williams General Hospital 1987-90
Resident in Internal Medicine
Chief Residency
Brown University, Roger Williams General Hospital 1990-91
Chief Medical Resident
Brown University Combined Program 1991-94
Fellow in Cardiology
Brown University, The Miriam Hsopital 1994-95
Fellow in Interventional Cardiology.
Work Experience:
Lahey Clinic Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts
Staff Interventional Cardiologist 1995 – 2011
Southern New Hampshire Medical Center, Nashua NH
Consulting Cardiologist 1995-2011
Board Certification:
Internal Medicine (Expires 2011)
Cardiology (Expires 2015)
Interventional Cardiology (Expires 2019)
Massachusetts: 9432
New Hampshire: 81097
Society Memberships:
Fellow: American College of Cardiology
Fellow: Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention
Committee Memberships:
SCAI subcommittee on Transradial Intervention
1. Sadaniantz A, Pyne C Obstruction of Left Atrial Filling by a Large Descending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Detected
by Pulsed Doppler Echocardiography. Echocardiography Volume 11, (4) July 1994 323 – 326
2. Watson PS, Hadjipetrou P, Cox SV, Pyne CT, Gossman DE, Piemonte TC, Eisenhauer AC. Angiographic and
Clinical Outcomes Following Acute Infarct Angioplasty on Saphenous Vien Grafts. American Journal of Cardiology.
1999 Aopr. 1; 83 (&): 1018-21
Nayak AK, Kawamura A, Nesto RW, Davis G, Jarbeau J, Pyne CT, Gossman DE, Piemonte TC,
Riskally N, Chauhan MS. Myocardial Infarction As A Presentation Of Clinical In-stent Restenosis
Circulation Journal. 2006 Aug; 70(8): 1026-9
3. Chung EH, Curran PJ, Sivasankaran S, Chauhan MS, Gossman DE, Piemonte TC, Waters J, Bilazarian S,
Riskalla N, Shoraki A, Nesto RW. Prevelence of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients < or = 45 years of Age with Acute
Myocardial Infrction Having Perctuaneouc Coronary Intervention. American Journal of Cardiology 2007 Oct 1; 100
(7): 1052-5
4. Al-Husami W. Yturralde F, Mohanty G, Pastore C, Lotun K, Venesy D, Waxman S, Pyne C, Gossman D, Nesto R,
Piemonte T, Single-Center Experience with the TandonHeart Percutaneousl Ventriculay Assist Device to Support
Patients Undergoing High-Risk Pecrcutaneous Coronary Intervention. Journal of Invasive Cardiology 2008
5. Vidi V, Rajesh V, Singh PP, Mukherjee JT, Lago RM, Venesy DM, Waxman S, Pyne CT, Piemonte TC, Gossman
DE, Nesto RW. Clinical Characteristics of Tako-Tsubo Cardiomyopathy. American Journal of Cardiology 2009 Aug
15; 104(4):578-82
6. Sarirain M, Pyne CT Sterile Granulation Formation Following Radial Artery Catheterization: Too Many Cooks ?
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Intervention Nov. 10 2009 (E-Pub ahead of print)
7. Pyne C, Mann T. Overcoming Anatomic Challenges To Transradial Access. Cardiac Interventions Today April
8. Larsen P, Shah S, Riskalla N, Freilich M, Waxman S, Piemonte T, Jeon C, Pyne C.Comparison of procedural
times, success rates and safety between left versus right radial arterial access in primary percutaneous coronary
intervention for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions,
2011; 78: 38-44
9. Bell BP, Pyne CP, Rao SV.: Percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with acute coronary syndromes.
Acute Coronary Syndromes 2011;10(2):64-72
10. .Caputo RP, Tremmel JA, Roa SV, Gilchrist IC, Pyne CT, Pancholy S, Frasier D, Gulati R, Skelding K, Bertand O,
Patel T.: Transradial Arterial Access for Coronary and Peripheral Procedures: Executive Summary by the Transradial
Committee of the SCAI, Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, DOI 10.1002/ccd.23052
11. Bell BP, Iqtidar RF. Pyne CT : Impella Assisted Transradial Coronary Intervention in Patients with Acute
Coronary Syndromes and Cardiogenic Shock: Case Series; Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, DOI
1 Pyne CT, Freilich MI, Larsen PJ, et al. Comparison of procedure time in
transradial versus transfemoral
approaches for primary PCI in the setting of STEMI in a single center. Society of Coronary Angiography and
Intervention Scientific Sessions May 2009 Las Vegas, Nevada
2 Larsen PJ, Shah SS, Pyne CT, Left versus Right Radial Arterial Access in Primary Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention for Acute ST-segment elevation Myocardial Infarction. Amercian College of Cardiology Scientific
Sessions, March 2010, Atlanta, Georgia
3 Kahan DJ, LarsenPJ, Riskalla NS, Piemonte TC, Waxman SW, Pyne CT. Lower Transfusion Rates Following
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention via the Radial Approach: A four Year, Single-Center Experience – Accepted for
presentation at AHA scientific sessions, Chicago Ill. 2010
4 Iqtidar AF, Riskalla NS, Pyne CT, Kahan DJ, Bell B, Jeon C, Piemonte TC, Waxman S. Increasing Adoption
Rates of the Transradial Approach for Coronary Interventions in a Tertiary Center: A Mirror into Future National
Trends. Society of Coronary Angiography and Intervention Scientific Sessions, Baltimore Maryland 2011
5 Iqtidar AF, Snead RS, Jeon C. Pyne CT. Reduction in Radiation Exposure Rate during Transradial
Catheterization and Intervention using a Simple Lead Drape. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions,
Orlando, Florida; November 2011
1. Cardiac Catheterization Conference, Boston University School of Medicine: Transradial angiography and
Intervention March 2006
2. Cardiology Grand Rounds, Saints Medical Center: Trans-Radial Intervention Lowell, Massachusetts. April
3. Cardiac Catheterization Conference University of Vermont School of Medicine: Essentials of Transradial
Angiography May 2008
4. Cardiology Grand Rounds, Saints Medical Center, Lowell Massachusetts: Trans-Radial Management of
STEMI. April 2009
5. Boston City Wide Interventional Attending Conference: Trouble Shooting Transradial Angiography, June
6. Cath Conference, Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston Ma.: Subclavian Tortuosity in Trans-Radial
Angiography.April 2010
7. Society of Coronary Angiography and Interventions Annual Sessions, San Diego Ca.: Selecting Patients for
Trans-Radial Angiography. May 2010
Society of Coronary Angiography and Interventions Annual Sessions. San Diego Ca.: Trans- Radial
Management of STEMI. May 2010
Duke University School of Medicine, Durham N.C. – Essentials of Trans-Radial Angiography: How to Start a
Radial Program and Chose Your First 40 Cases. July 2010,
Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2010 – Application of trans-Radial Angiography to Acute ST
Elevation Myocardial Infarction, September 2010
Society of Coronary Angiography Radial Summit, Left vs. right Radial Approach for Intervention, Boston
Massachusetts, November 2010
Noon Lecture Series, Lawrence General Hospital, Lawrence Massachusetts. Application of TRI to
Community Hospitals. December 2010
Society of Coronary Angiography and Intervention, Trans – Radial Intervention Program; Philadelphia, PA.:
Use of TRI in ACS and Shock, Jan 2011
American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sessions, New Orleans Louisiana: “Meet the Experts –
Transradial Case Review” – Faculty Panel Member. April 2011
Society of Coronary Angiography and Interventions Annual Sessions, Baltimore Maryland. Starting a TransRadial STEMI Program; May 2011
Society of Coronary Angiography and Interventions Annual Sessions, Baltimore Maryland. Trans-Radial
Intervention: What is the Data; May 2011
Lahey Clinic Cardiovascular State of The Art Symposium: Radial Artery Catheterization; A Revolution in
Cardiology June 2011
Laval University School of Medicine, Best Practices in Transradial Coronary Interventions, Quebec City,
Canada: Single Center Experience in TRI for STEMI. September 2011
Duke University School of Medicine; Durham, North Carolina; Advanced Course in Transradial Angiography;
Starting A Transradial STEMI program October, 2011
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Orlando Florida: Trans Radial Mythbusters: Use of TRI for
Primary PCI in STEMI Will Harm my Quality Metrics. November 2011
Principal Investigator:
1.SAFE – PCI for women trial (DCRI – multicenter randomized trial of PCI via
the femoral or radial approach in women. Actively enrolling.
Course Director:
1. Society of Coronary Angiography and Intervention 2010 Radial Summit. Boston,
Massachusetts, November 2010
Review Assignments
American Heart Journal 2010/2011
Journal of American College of Cardiology – Interventions 2010