RTF10103 Certificate I in Horticulture Sample assessment tool Observation and demonstration checklist May 2010 This document is provided by the Queensland Studies Authority for the use of Queensland schools that are RTOs. Its primary purpose is as an example, but it may be modified freely by school RTOs for their use. Once altered by the school RTO, it becomes the responsibility of the RTO. The RTO must ensure that this assessment tool meets the requirements of the current AQTF. [Click & enter school name] RTF10103 — Certificate I in Horticulture Observation and demonstration checklist Competency-based assessment: The project and assessment tools are mapped to a cluster of units of competency, including elements, performance criteria and range statements providing evidence of validity. The link between the units, projects and assessment tools can be found in the mapping document. This project is one of a group of projects used to provide sufficient evidence and opportunity for the student to demonstrate competency. Project /Task details P2 Mapping document name See Assessment Mapping of RTF10103 for referencing of units, elements & performance criteria Student name [Click & enter name] Student signature Trainer name [Click & enter name] Trainer signature Assessor name [Click & enter name] Assessor signature Assessment/evidence gathering conditions This observation/demonstration involves knowledge, attitude, skills as well as employability skills. Propagation techniques will include seed (small seed sown in modules and pricked out or sown in seedbeds by hand), realistic job completion timeframes and safety and personal conduct requirements of a horticulture workplace. OHS requirements may include identifying hazards, assessing and reporting risks, cleaning, maintaining and storing tools and equipment, appropriate use of personal protective equipment including sun protection, safe operation of tools and equipment, safe handling, correct manual handling and personal hygiene. Evidence for a group of units of competency will be collected. Result Working Towards Competency Start date [Click & enter date] End date [Click & enter date] Instructions: This is a formative assessment tool. The assessor will identify any areas where the student has gaps in practical skills or demonstration of knowledge and provide feedback to the student. Check (X) the boxes in the following checklist to indicate where gaps have been identified. Unchecked boxes indicate the student is on track to achieving competence. Provide feedback to students, even if they are on track. Students should have access to this form and be able to review any comments and observations. When completed, sign and date this form to provide evidence towards authenticity and currency. This document and the project document will become part of the student’s folio of work. The student’s profile document should be updated when this formative assessment is completed. Once the evidence gathering process outlined in the Training and Assessment Strategy for this qualification has been completed, a final summative assessment on the student’s competency may be made by the assessor(s). This could be either Competent or Not Yet Competent. Any changes to this assessment tool must be recorded through the version control system. For evidence to be valid, the assessor must be able to answer “yes” to the following: Is it based on a project or task mapped to the requirements of the unit(s) of competency? Does it meet the requirements of the Training and Assessment Strategy for the qualification? Does it include names and signatures of the assessor and student proving authenticity of work? Does it include a start and an end date? Does it record feedback to the student by the assessor? Has a record of evidence collected been noted in the student’s profile? File location: Version date: Ownership: [Click & enter file path] [Click & enter version date] [Click & enter school/RTO name] Review date: Approved: [Click & enter review date] [Click & enter name/position of approver] Page 1 [Click & enter school name] RTF10103 — Certificate I in Horticulture 1. Checklist Item Description of what the assessor expects to see the student doing in the course of this project No of observations where gaps identified Check number (X) that applies 1 2 3 4 5 Prepare for plant propagation 1 8 9 10 11 12 Workplace 7 Propagate plants 6 14 15 General 13 3 4 5 6 Project/task is interpreted and clarified according to instructions. OHS hazards in the work area are identified, rectified and reported for all propagation stages Suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) is selected, used, maintained and stored. Tools and equipment appropriate to the task being undertaken are selected and prepared according to instructions Propagation material is collected, maintained and stored using the appropriate method for the species and according to instructions Pre-treatment is applied, techniques are carried out according to instructions and Propagation material is handled in a way that minimises damage and maximises viability. Water and nutrients and labelling are applied according to instructions and required techniques Plan health is monitored and records are accurately kept Tools are cleaned and waste removed according to instructions Ability to follow instructions and specifications and ask for help Industry expectations of conduct and presentation observed Contributes positively to quality, productivity and conditions, cooperative Performs normal operator maintenance of work area to enable work to be conducted safely and efficiently Environmental threats and hazards are recognised and reported Modifies activities to cater for variations in workplace contexts and environment 16 [Click & enter description] 17 [Click & enter description] 20 [Click & enter description] 21 [Click & enter description] 22 [Click & enter description] 23 [Click & enter description] 24 [Click & enter description] 25 [Click & enter description] 26 [Click & enter description] 27 [Click & enter description] 28 [Click & enter description] File location: Version date: Ownership: 2 [Click & enter file path] [Click & enter version date] [Click & enter school/RTO name] Review date: Approved: [Click & enter review date] [Click & enter name/position of approver] Page 2 [Click & enter school name] RTF10103 — Certificate I in Horticulture 2. Feedback to student Assessor’s feedback to student on evidence of skills and knowledge demonstrated through this project. Include practical recommendations on how to address gaps in competency. Student’s feedback on assessment. What was good about the project? What could make it better? [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] [Click & enter feedback] Assessor initials File location: Version date: Ownership: [Click & enter file path] [Click & enter version date] [Click & enter school/RTO name] Date / Review date: Approved: / Student initials [Click & enter review date] [Click & enter name/position of approver] Page 3