Corpus Linguistics 2003: Style Sheet

Affiliation ([town,] country)
The article’s abstract will appear in print. It should follow the title of the article. The length of the
abstract should be 100–200 words. For the heading and the text of the abstract use a smaller font:
Arial (for the Heading) and Times New Roman (for the text), 9 points, bold or regular,
Use styles: HLT-Abstract-Heading, HLT-Abstract-Text.
Keywords: word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6Use style HLT-Keywords.
1. General
All papers are to be submitted as PDF files containing the complete manuscript. All
fonts, including the fonts that were used in formulas, tables, figures etc. should be
embedded and the PDF file may contain only objects in black, white and shades of grey.
It is most important to use the correct paper size.
Microsoft Word or RTF files are also accepted – these will be converted to a
PDF by the managing editor. In this case special material (e.g., graphics) should be
provided separately in TIFF, JPEG, or BMP format.
The size of pages should be 165 mm in width and 240 mm in height, set in
single column format with 20 mm margins at the top, bottom, on the left and right.
The dimensions of the final printed text are: 125 mm x 200 mm.
The length of the submission should be 8–12 pages for plenary speakers and 6
pages for session speakers (including references and appendices). The language of
submission is English.
Important: Do NOT use page numbering. Do NOT use line-end hyphens.
Author(s) – and NOT the managing editor – are responsible for preparing the
manuscript copy. The manuscript, after acceptance by the editor, must be ready for
typesetting when finally submitted by the author(s).
Any substantial deviations from the guidelines or date deadlines may result in
your paper being sent back to you for correction, or worse, exclusion from the
conference proceedings.
Send your paper (if necessary together with separate files for tables and figures)
as an attachment by e-mail to:
Use specially prepared styles (styles beginning with prefix HLT-, and Normal
for the main text). Prepared styles are available for Microsoft Word and LaTeX.
2. Title, author(s), affiliation
TITLE should appear in bold type, 12 points type, all capital letters, and centered.
Author(s) in bold type, 10 point type, initial capital letters, and centered. Affiliation
(institution, town (if not in name), country) in regular type, 10 point type, and centered.
NO e-mail addresses here.
Use styles: HLT-TITLE, HLT-Author, HLT-Affiliation.
3. Abstract
The article’s abstract will appear in print. It should follow the title of the article. The
length of the abstract should be 100–200 words. For the heading and the text of the
abstract use a smaller font: Times New Roman, 9 points, bold or regular, respectively.
Use styles: HLT-Abstract-Heading, HLT-Abstract-Text.
4. Keywords
Authors are asked to list 5–15 keywords (not mentioned in the title) describing the
content of the paper. There should be a larger spacing (30 points) between the keywords
and the following main text. The paragraph for keywords should be placed after the
abstract, and should resemble the following:
Keywords: word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6
Use style HLT-Keywords.
5. Page numbering
Do NOT use page numbering, especially in PDF files.
6. Main text: fonts and indentations
The main text should be in Times New Roman typeset, 10 point type, single-linespaced, with justified text alignment.
NO line spacing should be left between paragraphs.
Except for the first paragraph of a new section or subsection, the first line of
every new paragraph should be indented (1 cm).
Use styles HLT-Normal_First Paragraph, and Normal, respectively.
7. Section headings
The text should include section headings while sub-subheadings are optional. Sub-subsubheadings should be avoided (i.e., try NOT to use either three or four levels of
Headings should be typed (Arial, bold type, 11 points) on a separate line and
numbered manually in the following style: 1. Subheading, 1.1. Sub-subheading (NO full
stop at the end of the heading text).
Capitalize only the first word and such words as the orthography of the language
Use style HLT-Subheading.
7.1. Sub-subheadings
Sub-subheadings should be typed (Arial, bold type, 10 points) on a separate line and
numbered manually in the following style: 1. Subheading, 1.1. Sub-subheading (NO full
stop at the end of the heading text).
Use style HLT-Sub-Subheading.
8. Citations in the text
Within the text give only a brief citation in parentheses consisting of the author's
surname, the year of publication, and the page number(s), where relevant. Use long
quotations for figure spans: (Rice 1989) or (Yip 1991: 75–76).
If a cited publication has more than two authors, use the surname of the first
author, followed by et al.: (Rice et al. 1985).
If the author's name is part of the text, then use this form: Rice (1989: 167) ...
9. Examples, rules, formulas, etc.
Type each numbered item on a separate indented line with the number in parentheses,
indent after the number, aligned to the left; use lowercase letters to group sets of related
(1) a. Down the hill rolled the baby carriage.
b. Out of the house strolled my mother's best friend.
(2) m + p = Z
In the text, refer to numbered items as (1), (1a), (1a–c), etc.
Use style HLT-Example (numbering will appear automatically).
10. Tables, figures, diagrams, etc.
Any material that is not textual is considered artwork (graphics). This includes tables,
figures, diagrams, charts, graphs, illustrations, appendices, screen captures, and photos.
Special material must fit in the dimensions of the final printed page, i.e., 125 mm
x 200 mm. Do NOT use colours, only black, white and shades of grey are allowed.
Each Figure and Table should be clearly labelled with a number and caption,
with NO full stop at the end of the caption. Note that captions should be placed
differently: above the tables (3), but below the figures, etc. (4).
Table 1. POS combinations in Estonian dictionaries
Figure 2. Clarity system architecture
The main text should include the exact reference (see Table 1, Figure 3, etc.) to
the artwork (do NOT use expressions like "the following table", etc.).
When submitting your PDF file all the pieces of artwork should be included in
their proper positions in the PDF file.
If you are submitting a Word/RTF file place each piece of artwork in a separate
file, named 'Author-Table1', or 'Author-Figure1', etc., to ensure full identification.
Photos should be supplied as a TIFF file, or other graphic file format such as JPEG or
GIF. Tables (as separate files) should be created using Word’s Table feature. The
numbering must be done manually, as graphics in separate files. Mark the proper place
of each piece of artwork in the body of the manuscript with a notation in the following
format on a separate line in the manuscript:
Simple and/or short tables (created with Word's Table feature) may be placed
directly within the main text.
Use styles HLT-Caption_Table, HLT-Caption_Figure, HLT-INSERT_FIGURE.
11. Footnotes
Footnotes should be numbered using Arabic numerals.
Use the ordinary Word option: Insert Footnote.
12. References
References should be in Times New Roman typeset, 10 point type, hanging 1 cm,
single-line-spaced, with justified text alignment.
Arrange the entries alphabetically by the surnames of authors, with each entry as
a separate hanging indented paragraph.
List multiple works by the same author in ascending chronological order.
Use suffixed letters a, b, c, etc. to distinguish between more than one item
published by a single author in the same year.
If more than one article is cited from one book, list the book as a separate entry
under the editor's name, with cross-references to the book in the entries for each article.
Note that the surname always appears at the left edge (to be followed by first
name(s) or initials). Use full names, if possible, as the middle name or initial should be
used only if the author normally does so: Heath, Shirley Brice; Oehrle, Richard T.
Use a long hyphen in number spans: 123–135. Add the date of retrieval when
referring to Internet-material. Whenever possible, the URL should link directly to the
Use style HLT-Reference. Some examples follow:
12.1. Books:
Surname, First_Name 1991. The title with capital letters only for first word and Proper
Nouns. Place: Publisher.
Surname, First_Name 1991 (ed.). The Title of a Book Series with Capitals for Content
Words 23. Place: Publisher.
Surname, First_Name; Surname, A. B. 1991. The title as above (3rd edition). Place:
Surname, First_Name; Surname, A. B.; Surname, First_Name B. 1991 (eds.). The title
as above. Place: Publisher.
12.2. Articles in books and conference proceedings, working papers, etc.:
Surname, First_Name 1991. Article title with capital letters only for first word and
Proper Nouns. In: Surname, C. D.; Surname, E. F. (eds.) Book or proceedings
title in Italics as the title for books. Place: Publisher. 123–135.
12.3. Articles in journals:
Surname, First_Name 1991. Article title with capital letters only for first word and
Proper Nouns. In: Surname, C. D.; Surname, First_Name (eds.) Journal Name
in Italics with Capitals for Content Words 23. 123–135.
12.4. Article in an Internet-only journal, or other Web-material:
Surname, B. L. 2000. Article title with capital letters only for first word and Proper
Nouns. In: Journal Name in Italics with Capitals for Content Words 23.
Retrieved November 20, 2000, from
WordNet 2.0. Retrieved January 8, 2005, from
13. About the author(s)
Author(s) (and co-authors) are encouraged to supply a brief biography (about 100
words), describing in free text their background (academic degrees, publications,
affiliations, etc.) and interests. Add present contacts (preferably e-mail). The name
should be written in upper case, use 9 points type. There should be a larger spacing (30
points) between the main text and the following information about the author(s), use
right indentation (2 cm).
Use style HLT-About.
AUTHOR1 is head of the department of lexicology, Institute of the Estonian
Language, Tallinn. She received her M.A. (Estonian language) at the University
of Tartu, dealing with computational lexicography. Her research interests concern
lexicology and lexicography in general, the structure and mark-up of dictionaries,
and lexical semantics. Her doctoral study focuses on regular polysemy in the
Estonian language. As a visiting lecturer, she has taught computational lexicology
and lexical semantics at the University of Tartu and Tallinn Pedagogical
University. She is the member of the board of the Estonian Association of Applied
Linguistics. E-mail: