MLA Works Cited Format PART ONE: TRADITIONAL SOURCES BOOKS Single author: Last, first name of author. Title. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Medium of publication. Silver, Lee M. Remaking Eden: Cloning and Beyond in a Brave New World. New York: Avon, 1997. Print. IN TEXT CITATION: (Silver 32). Multiple authors: Last, first name of first listed author, and first & last name of second listed author. Title. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Medium of publication. Stewart, Mark Alan, and Cynthia C. Muchnick. The Best College Admission Essays. New York: Arco, 1997. Print. IN TEXT CITATION: (Stewart and Muchnick 32). Multiple Works by Same Author: Be sure to alphabetize by title. Last, first name of author. Title. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. ---. Title. City of publication. Publisher: year of publication. Medium of publication. Steinbeck, John. Grapes of Wrath. New York: Viking, 1939. Print. ---. Of Mice and Men. New York: Viking, 1937. Print. IN TEXT CITATION: (Steinbeck, Grapes of Wrath 63). Author’s work edited: Last, first name of author. Title. Ed. First & last name. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Medium of Publication. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Letters to his Daughter. Ed. Andrew Turnbull. New York: Scribner, 1985. Print. IN TEXT CITATION: (Fitzgerald). Multi-volume Works: Last, first name of author.” Article/listing title.” Series Title. Editor’s first & last name. City of publication: Publisher, year of Publication. Volume number: page numbers. Medium of publication. Noyes, Alfred. “The Highwayman.” Poetry for Students. Ed. Mary K. Ruby. Detroit: Gale, 1999. 4: 65-74. Print. IN TEXT CITATION: (Noyes 65). Reference Anthology or Compilation: Last, first name of author. “Article/Chapter Title.” Book Title. Editor’s first & last name. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Page numbers of article or chapter. Medium of publication. Block, Marylaine. “Advertising Demeans American Values.” American Values. Ed. Jennifer A. Hurley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2000. 157-162. Print. IN TEXT CITATION: (Block 158). Anonymous or Unlisted Author: Title. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. How Schools Shortchange Girls. New York: Marlowe & Co., 1992. IN TEXT CITATION: (How Schools Shortchange Girls 32) Newspapers: Last, first name of author. “Article Title.” Newspaper Title date of publication: section and page number. Scott, William. “Where to Start with Water Pollution.” Ocean County Observer 5 May 1998: B1. IN TEXT CITATION: (Scott B1) PART TWO: DIGITAL SOURCES A Film or Movie: Title. Dir. First & last name. Film studio or distributor, release year. Medium of publication. Othello. Dir. Stuart Burge. Warner Home Video, 2007. DVD. IN TEXT CITATION: (Othello) Online Subscription Services: (EBSCOhost, Facts On File, Gale Virtual Reference Library) Last, first name of author. “Article title.” Original Source of Article. Publishing date of Original Source: page numbers. Name of the database within the subscription service. Name of the subscription service. Name, city, and state of the subscriber. Date of access and URL of service’s homepage, enclosed in angle brackets. Frick, Robert. “Investing in Medical Miracles.” Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Feb. 1999: 80-87. SIRS Researcher. SIRS Knowledge Source. New Egypt High School Library., New Egypt, NJ. 10 September 2013 <>. IN TEXT CITATION: (Frick 81). Websites Last, first name of author. “Article Title.” Title of website. Ed. of site. Copyright date of site. Name of sponsoring institution or organization. Date of access and URL. Wilno, Dennis. “This Day in History” The History Channel Online. 1998. History Channel. 19 June 1998 <http:// /thisdaytoday/980820.html>. IN TEXT CITATION: Author’s Name: (Wilno). No Author Named: (“This Day in History”). eBooks Author's Last Name, First Name Middle Initial. Title of Book: Subtitle of Book. edition. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Name of Database. Place of access. Web. Date of access. Roush, Chris. Inside Home Depot: How One Company Revolutionized an Industry through the Relentless Pursuit of Growth. New York: McGraw, 1999. ebrary. Web. 4 Dec. 2005. IN TEXT CITATION: (Roush, Ch. 5, Paragraph #) Podcast Author’s Last Name, First Name [or organization name; this can also be a user name. If no author is identified, begin with the title]. "Title of the Podcast". Title of the Overall Web Site. Publisher: Date of creation. Web. Date of access. Focus on the Family. "105: The Boundless Podcast." Focus on the Family: 20 Jan. 2010. Web. 21 Jan. 2010. IN TEXT CITATION: (Focus on the Family). Blog Post Author’s Last Name, First Name [or organization name; this can also be a user name. If no author is identified, begin with the title]. "Title of the Blog Post". Title of the Overall Web Site. Publisher: Date of creation. Web. Date of access. Black, Sheree. "On the Job: Design vs. Content (ding, ding!)" The Azusa Pacific Blog. Azusa Pacific University: 16 Dec. 2009. Web. 21 Jan. 2010. IN TEXT CITATION: (Black). Works Cited Amsel, Michael. “School Isn’t By the Book.” Asbury Park Press 19 March 2001: A1+. Blair, Julie. “Feeling Stressed, More Students Make Early College Commitment.” Education Week Sept.1999:1. SIRS Researcher. SIRS Knowledge Source. New Egypt High School Lib., New Egypt, NJ. 15 March 2001 <>. Davidson, Wilma, and Susan McCloskey. Writing a Winning College Application Essay. Princeton: Peterson’s, 1996. How Schools Shortchange Girls. New York: Marlowe & Co., 1992. TIPS TO REMEMBER: Center the title, Works Cited, an inch from the top of the page. Double space between the title and the first entry. Begin each entry against the left margin; if an entry runs more than one line, indent additional lines 5 spaces from the left. Alphabetize your list according to the first key word of each formatted entry, excluding A, An, and The. Double space the entire list, both between and within entries. If no author’s name is given, start with the title.