On-line Supporting Information for: Pilliod, D.S., B.R. Hossack, P.F. Bahls, E.L. Bull, P.S. Corn, G. Hokit, B.A. Maxell, J.C. Munger, & A. Wyrick. 20xx. Nonnative salmonids affect amphibian occupancy at multiple spatial scales. Diversity and Distributions x:xx-xx. Appendix S1. Generalized additive model (GAM) results for long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) occupancy in large catchments and Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) occupancy in small and large catchments. Table S1. Models predicting the occurrence of Ambystoma macrodactylum breeding at a large catchment. Model Name Size Full Size + Fish status Full + Fish status Isolation Isolation + Fish status Elevation Elevation + Fish status Model Parameters SITES + AREA SITES + AREA + aELEV + aDIST SITES + AREA + FISHSTATUS SITES + AREA + aELEV + aDIST + FISHSTATUS aDIST aDIST + FISHSTATUS aELEV aELEV + FISHSTATUS k Deviance ΔAICc wi 4 9 5 10 3 4 2 3 93.0 83.4 93.0 83.4 107.5 105.5 110.2 108.3 0.00 1.12 2.11 3.51 12.39 12.54 13.34 13.60 0.477 0.272 0.166 0.082 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 k Deviance ΔAICc wi 4 5 10 11 5 4 3 2 389.1 388.0 381.8 381.0 412.4 417.6 421.0 429.1 0.00 0.96 4.48 5.83 24.78 27.92 29.85 35.94 0.562 0.347 0.060 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Table S2. Models predicting the occurrence of Rana luteiventris breeding at a small catchment. Model Name Size Size + Fish status Full Full + Fish status Isolation + Fish status Isolation Elevation + Fish status Elevation Model Parameters SITES + AREA SITES + AREA + FISHSTATUS SITES + AREA + aELEV + aDIST SITES + AREA + aELEV + aDIST + FISHSTATUS aDIST + FISHSTATUS aDIST aELEV + FISHSTATUS aELEV 1 Table S3. Models predicting the occurrence of Rana luteiventris breeding at a large catchment. Model Name Size + Fish status Isolation + Fish status Size Elevation + Fish status Full + Fish status Full Isolation Elevation Model Parameters SITES + AREA + FISHSTATUS aDIST + FISHSTATUS SITES + AREA aELEV + FISHSTATUS SITES + AREA + aELEV + aDIST + FISHSTATUS SITES + AREA + aELEV + aDIST aDIST aELEV k Deviance ΔAICc wi 5 5 4 3 11 10 4 2 139.0 143.4 147.0 149.3 133.1 141.1 154.9 167.0 0.00 4.77 5.80 6.17 7.82 13.50 14.12 21.78 0.823 0.076 0.045 0.038 0.016 0.001 0.001 0.000 2 Figure S1 Estimated effect of landscape variables on probability of long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) breeding occupancy in 114 large catchments in the northern Rocky Mountains. The dotted lines or error bars in each plot are approximate 95% pointwise confidence intervals (C.I.). Hatch marks at the bottom of each graph represent data points. Significance is indicated when estimated 95% C.I.s fall completely above or below the no-effect line at zero (light grey horizontal line). A vertical light grey line drawn down to the x-axis indicates an approximate threshold in the predictor variable where effects on occupancy transition from positive to negative or vice versa. 3 Figure S2 Estimated effect of landscape variables on probability of Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) breeding occupancy in 315 small catchments in the northern Rocky Mountains. The dotted lines or error bars in each plot are approximate 95% pointwise confidence intervals (C.I.). Hatch marks at the bottom of each graph represent data points. Significance is indicated when estimated 95% C.I.s fall completely above or below the no-effect line at zero (light grey horizontal line). A vertical light grey line drawn down to the x-axis indicates an approximate threshold in the predictor variable where effects on occupancy transition from positive to negative or vice versa. 4 Figure S3 Estimated effect of landscape variables on probability of Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) breeding occupancy in 149 large catchments in the northern Rocky Mountains. The dotted lines or error bars in each plot are approximate 95% pointwise confidence intervals (C.I.). Hatch marks at the bottom of each graph represent data points. Significance is indicated when estimated 95% C.I.s fall completely above or below the no-effect line at zero (light grey horizontal line). A vertical light grey line drawn down to the x-axis indicates an approximate threshold in the predictor variable where effects on occupancy transition from positive to negative or vice versa. 5