Student Name ______________________________________________ Date ____________________ Louisiana – Then and Now! Project-Based Learning Unit Checklist Group Project Participation: Create an illustrated Bicentennial Vocabulary Book featuring terms associated with the Louisiana Bicentennial. Create an emergency plan based on the “Toussaint’s Trunk” Activity Class map of Louisiana Migration and Change over the Last 200 Years. Create a pictograph of Louisiana Culture Groups using symbols to represent numbers of people. Create a model of a dwelling that would have been used in Louisiana in a past era. Create, write, and produce a script based on the “Louisiana Life – Then and Now!” Create a Louisiana Food – Then and Now! Display. Write an original Louisiana Weather Song to the tune of a popular song from current or historic times. Create an illustrated poster with the lyrics to their new Louisiana Weather Song as compared to the original version of the song. Individual Product/Project Completion: Create a map of Louisiana featuring an original compass rose, waterways, key cities, and locations of natural resources. Create Journal Entries on the following topics: “Why are primary documents so important to our history?”, “How do you think survival of major weather events has changed throughout the last 200 years?”, Weather Safety Predictions Create a Hurricane on the Bayou Video Viewing Guide Write an illustrated, multi-paragraph essay on how they would respond to a natural disaster in our state. Create an illustrated list of items they would need to survive a weather disaster in our state. Create a Louisiana Travel Time Chart. Create an illustrated Louisiana Science and Weather Vocabulary Dictionary. Create a Louisiana Migration Map featuring the movement of major cultural groups, major lines of latitude and longitude, and locations of major developments. Create an illustrated, multi-paragraph Family History based on family interviews. Create a poster illustrating their family history. Create a Weather Air and Water Chart. Present an oral report on one of the major historical storms to have hit Louisiana in recorded historical times. Create an original poster promoting one of the Louisiana festivals. Create an historical outfit of Louisiana clothing to model as part of the fashion show. Create an original clothing outfit (using materials at home or in the classroom) that fits into one of the historical eras of Louisiana. Multi-paragraph essay on the topic of responding to/surviving a natural disaster in our state/area. Create a family history map and a poster that illustrates the family’s traditions and information. Create a bubble map as a pre-writing activity. Create a multi-paragraph essay on Louisiana life either now or then. Create a Louisiana Tour Spending Log. Create an illustrated Lyrics Sheet featuring the words to the group Louisiana Weather Song. Total Opportunities Available 30 Number of Products/Projects Completed Points per Opportunity Student Score X 3.3