5. Kim SM, Hatami F, Harris JS, Kurian AW, Ford

Kurian, Allison W.
Allison W. Kurian, M.D., M.Sc.
Date Prepared:
January 27, 2009
Stanford University School of Medicine
HRP Redwood Building, Room T254A
259 Campus Drive
Stanford, CA 94305-5405
Clinical Effectiveness Program
Stanford University, Honors (Human Biology)
Harvard Medical School
Harvard School of Public Health
Stanford University (Epidemiology)
Professional Experience:
Intern, Internal Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
Resident, Internal Medicine, Clinical Research Track, Massachusetts General Hospital
Clinical and Research Fellow, Medical Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine
Clinical Instructor, Medical Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine
Instructor in Medicine, Division of Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine
2007Associate Director, Stanford Program for Clinical Cancer Genetics
2007Member, Stanford University Cancer Center, Cancer Epidemiology Program
2008Assistant Professor of Medicine (Oncology) and of Health Research and Policy (Epidemiology),
Stanford University School of Medicine
Professional Certification:
Medical License, California
Certified, Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine
Certified, Medical Oncology, American Board of Internal Medicine
Awards and Honors:
Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford University
Award for best research poster, Division of Oncology, Stanford University (for abstract, “Risk
factors for epithelial ovarian cancer by histologic subtype”)
American Society of Clinical Oncology Merit Award (for abstract, “Ductal lavage of non-fluid
yielding ducts in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers and other women at high genetic risk for
breast cancer”)
American Association for Cancer Research / American Society of Clinical Oncology Workshop
on Methods in Clinical Cancer Research, Vail, Colorado (selected to develop protocol,
“Lovastatin for modification of breast cancer-associated biomarkers”)
American Society of Clinical Oncology Young Investigator Award
Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award
California Breast Cancer Research Program Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s
Health K12 Award
Cornelius L. Hopper Award for research abstract with greatest potential impact on breast cancer,
California Breast Cancer Research Program Symposium (for abstract, “Cost-effectiveness of
breast MRI screening by cancer risk”)
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Physician Faculty Scholars Award
Kurian, Allison W.
Research Funding (awarded):
California Breast Cancer Research Program Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Title: Cost Effectiveness of Screening Breast MRI by Cancer Risk
Goal: To identify optimal breast MRI screening protocols from a cost-effectiveness perspective, as a function of initial or
modified risk and age, and incorporating patient preferences
Research Mentor: Sylvia K. Plevritis, Ph.D.
American Society of Clinical Oncology Young Investigator Award
Title: Lovastatin for Breast Cancer Prevention and Biomarker Modification
Goal: To determine whether lovastatin can alter breast cancer incidence and modify biomarkers associated with breast
cancer risk in women at high inherited risk of breast cancer
Research Mentor: James M. Ford, M.D.
Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Title: Lovastatin for Modification of Breast Cancer-Associated Biomarkers
Goal: To determine whether lovastatin can alter breast cancer incidence and modify biomarkers associated with breast
cancer risk in women at high inherited risk of breast cancer
Research Mentor: James M. Ford, M.D.
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Population Specific Research Award
Title: A Clinic-Based Study of BRCA Mutation Carriage, Differences in BRCAPRO Scores, and Breast Cancer Risk
Factors in Asians and Caucasians
Goal: To determine whether the BRCAPRO model should be used to assess risk of BRCA1/2 mutations in Asian patients,
and to identify key ethnic differences in BRCA1/2-related breast cancer
Role: Co-Investigator
Principal Investigator: James M. Ford, M.D.
Stanford University Cancer Center Research Seed Funding Award
Title: A Clinical Tool to Guide Cancer Risk-Reduction Decisions in BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers
Goal: To adapt a previously developed computer simulation model of breast and ovarian cancer in BRCA1/2 mutation
carriers for use as a clinical decision support tool, which will present individualized estimates of cancer mortality
reduction yielded by different intervention strategies
Role: Co-Investigator
Principal Investigator: Sylvia K. Plevritis, Ph.D.
NIH Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health (BIRCWH) K12 Award
Title: Ethnic Differences in Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Goal: To evaluate differences in the penetrance and prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, and epidemiology of
associated cancers, between Asians and Caucasians; results will be used to guide optimization of BRCA1/2 mutation risk
assessment and discovery of risk-modifying genes
Mentors: Jonathan Berek, M.D., M.S.; James M. Ford, M.D.; Alice S. Whittemore, Ph.D.
Role: Research Scholar
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Title: Lovastatin for Breast Cancer Chemoprevention and Biomarker Modification
Goal: To perform a clinical trial and translational research using lovastatin for breast cancer risk reduction and
modification of biomarkers in epithelial cells from BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers
Role: Co-Investigator
Principal Investigator: James M. Ford, M.D.
National Institutes of Health R03 Award CA130065-01
Title: Study of Genetic Mutation Carriage in Chinese Populations with Breast Cancer
Kurian, Allison W.
Goal: To complete a pilot study to determine the feasibility of conducting a large, family-based, genetic-epidemiologic
study of breast cancer in Hong Kong, China
Role: Co-Investigator
Principal Investigator: Dee W. West, Ph.D.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Physician Faculty Scholars Award
Title: Breast Cancer Risk Reduction Strategies: Optimizing Their Use by Physicians and Patients
Goal: To use computer simulation modeling techniques to provide absolute breast cancer risk estimates for women with
hereditary and acquired breast cancer predisposition, to estimate the benefit from different risk reduction strategies, and
develop an internet-based decision support tool to guide clinical risk reduction choices
Role: Principal Investigator
Research Mentor: Sylvia K. Plevritis, Ph.D
Stanford University Cancer Center Developmental Research Award in Population Science
Title: BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers in Asia versus the United States: What Determines Differences in Breast Cancer Risk?
Goal: To conduct a pilot study of genetic and lifestyle differences which may modify breast cancer risk in BRCA1/2
mutation carriers from Asia versus the United States; results will be used to inform a larger study of cancer risk modifiers
in Asian versus Caucasian BRCA1/2 mutation carriers.
Role: Principal Investigator
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Title: Targeting DNA Repair Defects in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Goal: To determine whether the novel combination chemotherapy regimen of gemcitabine, carboplatin, and the polyADP ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor BSI-201 can increase complete response rate in women with triple-negative
breast cancer treated in the neoaduvant setting; translational correlative studies will focus on tumor DNA repair activity
and expression of DNA repair-related genes.
Role: Co-Investigator; Principal Investigator of associated clinical trial at Stanford University Cancer Center
Principal Investigator: James Ford, M.D.
Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Rapid Surveillance Studies Award
Title: Improving Understanding of Breast Cancer Health Disparities Using Linked Data Sets
Goal: To link data from the SEER registry, Northern California Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program, and Greater
Bay Area Cancer Registry in order to investigate breast cancer health disparities according to molecular subtype, specific
treatment regimen, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.
Role: Co-Investigator
Principal Investigator: Scarlett Gomez, Ph.D.
Awarded, Start Date Pending:
National Institutes of Health R01 EB009055-01
Title: High-Resolution Whole-Breast MRI at 3.0T
Goal: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an accurate method to detect breast cancer, and has recently been shown to
be cost-effective in screening high-risk patients. This research will develop much higher resolution MRI, allowing it to
better classify small lesions, prevent unnecessary biopsy, and detect cancer earlier.
Role: Co-Investigator
Principal Investigator: Brian Hargreaves, Ph.D.
Professional Societies:
American Association for Cancer Research
American Society of Clinical Oncology
Association of Northern California Oncologists
Peer Review Experience:
2003- Ad hoc manuscript reviewer, Breast Cancer Research, Cancer, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention,
Kurian, Allison W.
Cancer Investigation, Cancer Research, Carcinogenesis, Clinical Cancer Research, European Journal of Cancer,
International Journal of Cancer, International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, Journal of Clinical Oncology,
Nature Biotechnology, Value in Health
Ad hoc grant reviewer, Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development
Grant reviewer, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation: Breast Cancer Risk, Prevention and
Epidemiology Study Section
Professional Activities (External):
2008- Member, Career Development Subcommittee, American Society of Clinical Oncology
2008- Member, Advisory Board, 1in8 Foundation for Early Breast Cancer Detection
2008- Member, Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Registry Working Group on Data Relevance
Clinical and Hospital Service:
2005- Attending Physician, Breast Oncology Clinic, Stanford University Medical Center
2005- Attending Physician, Cancer Genetics Clinic, Stanford University Medical Center
2008- Attending Physician, Inpatient Oncology Service, Stanford University Medical Center
Teaching and Lecturing Experience:
Invited Lectures Outside of Stanford University (in addition to oral abstract presentations at national meetings):
“Genetic Testing: Why or Why Not?”; Cancer and Primary Care Conference, Los Gatos Community Hospital,
Los Gatos CA, October 2003
“Breast Cancer Screening in Women with High Inherited Risk: Emerging Strategies”; Tu and Yuen Center for
Functional Onco-Imaging and Radiologic Sciences, University of California at Irvine, CA, December
“Breast Imaging and Screening in High-Risk Women”; First Annual Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Symposium, Tampa, FL, February 2006
“Ethnic Differences in Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer”; University of California at San Francisco
Hereditary Cancer Tumor Board Meeting, June 2006
“A Clinical Trial of Lovastatin for Breast Cancer Risk Reduction and Biomarker Modification”; Kaiser
Permanente Regional Cancer Genetics Meeting, Oakland, CA, July 2006
“Asian-Caucasian Differences in Hereditary Breast Cancer”; National Institutes of Health Building
Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health (BIRCWH) Bay Area Symposium, University of
California at San Francisco, October 2006
“Breast Cancer Risk Reduction: A Multidisciplinary Approach”; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston MA,
January 2007
“Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer”; Marin General Hospital Grand Rounds, Marin CA, March 2007
“Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Risk Reduction Strategies”; Clinical Genetics Branch, National Cancer
Institute, Bethesda MD, April 2007
“Heritable Breast Cancer: An Under-Recognized Problem”; Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Educational Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 2007
“Breast Cancer Genetics: Risk Assessment and Decision-Making”; Keynote Lecture, Annual Conference of the
Community Breast Health Project, Palo Alto, CA, November 2007
“Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer in the Jewish Population”; Beth Am Synagogue, Los Altos Hills, CA,
January 2008
Panel discussant of “In The Family”, a documentary film on women with BRCA1/2 mutations screened at the San
Francisco Jewish Film Festival, Smith Rafael Film Center, Marin, CA, August 2008
“Cancer Genetics in Underserved Populations”; invited presentation to be given at the Third Annual Joining
FORCES Symposium for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer, Orlando, FL, May 2009
“BRCA1/2 Mutations: A Global Perspective”; invited presentation to be given at the American Society of Clinical
Oncology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 2009
Invited Lectures at Stanford University:
“Breast MRI Screening and Ductal Lavage in Women at Inherited Risk for Breast Cancer”; Oncology Division
Research Retreat, October 2003
Kurian, Allison W.
“Genetics and Clinical Management of Hereditary Breast Cancer”; Genetics 201, November 2003-2004
“Approaches to High Cancer Risk”; Cancer Epidemiology (Human Biology 154), March 2004-2008
“Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer”; Women and Cancer Community Lecture Series, May 2004
“Breast Cancer Screening with Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ductal Lavage in Women at High Inherited
Risk: Updated Results”; Oncology Division Research Retreat, October 2004
“Evaluation and Management of Women at High Inherited Breast Cancer Risk”; Nursing Continuing Education
Series, October 2004
“A Terahertz Wave Imaging System for Detection of Malignant and High-Risk Breast Lesions”; Ludwig
Translational Research Seminar, March 2005
“Inherited Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk” and “Breast Cancer: An Overview”; recurring lectures for Stanford
University Radiation Oncology Educational Series, June 2005-present
“Approaches to High-Risk Populations”; Quantitative Medicine 204, September 2005
“Estimating Benefit from Screening Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Women at High Inherited Risk”;
Oncology Division Research Retreat, October 2005
“Evaluating Ethnic Differences in BRCA1/2 Mutations”; Epidemiology Master’s Degree Research Seminar, May
“Stanford Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Breast Cancer Program”; Continuing Medical Education Program,
September 2006
“Asian-Caucasian Differences in Hereditary Breast Cancer”; Oncology Division Research Retreat, October 2006
“Breast Cancer Prevention Strategies in High-Risk Women”; Stanford Prevention Research Center, March 2007
“Breast Cancer Prevention Strategies”; Littlefield Medical Forum, Stanford Women’s Health, June 2007
“Review of the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting: Cancer Genetics”, “Review of the
American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting: Breast Cancer”, “Breast Cancer Risk
Assessment, Screening, and Diagnosis”, and “Evaluation and Management of Women at High Inherited
Breast Cancer Risk”; recurring lectures for Medical Oncology Educational Series, August 2007-present
“Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Risk Reduction Strategies”; Littlefield Public Lecture Series, Stanford Women’s
Health, October 2007
“Genetics of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer”; Human Genetics 202, October 2007
“How to Give an Academic Job Talk”; Oncology Fellows’ Educational Forum, January 2008
“Cancer Risk Assessment”; Cancer Epidemiology (Health Research and Policy 230), February 2008
“Management of Hereditary Cancers”; Cancer Epidemiology (Health Research and Policy 230), February 2008
“A Clinical Tool to Guide Breast Cancer Risk Reduction Decisions in Women with BRCA1/2 Mutations”;
Stanford Cancer Center Population Sciences Research Retreat, March 2008
“Stanford Cancer Genetics: Clinical and Research Programs”; Stanford Cancer Center Research Retreat, April
“Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer: Genetics, Risk Assessment, and Management”; invited lectures for
Stanford Master’s Degree Program in Human Genetics and Genetic Counseling, August 2008
Other Teaching Experience:
Prepared teaching cases in breast oncology for Northern California Tumor Board Conference, Napa, CA, March
Assisted in development of National Comprehensive Cancer Network treatment guidelines: Genetic/Familial
High-Risk Assessment: Breast and Ovarian, 2005-present
Nominated, Stanford University Department of Medicine award for best clinical teaching by a fellow, June 2005
Supervised undergraduate honors research project, “Reproductive Concerns in Women with High Inherited Breast
and Ovarian Cancer Risk” by Ashley Staton, undergraduate student in Human Biology, Stanford
University, 2005-2006
Research mentorship committee member for Lauren Harshman M.D., clinical research fellow in Medical
Oncology, Stanford Cancer Center, 2007-2009; Shaveta Vinayak M.D., clinical research fellow in
Medical Oncology, Stanford Cancer Center, 2008-2010; Matthew Gubens M.D., clinical research fellow
in Medical Oncology, Stanford Cancer Center, 2009-2011
Research thesis mentor for Fritz Bech M.D., Master of Science degree candidate in Clinical Epidemiology,
Stanford University Division of Epidemiology, 2008-2010
Physician-in-Residence, Breast Cancer Connections, Palo Alto, CA; patient education quarterly starting July 2006
Kurian, Allison W.
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
1. Hartman AR, Daniel BL, Kurian AW, Mills MA, Nowels KW, Dirbas FM, Kingham KE, Chun NM,
Herfkens RJ, Ford JM, Plevritis SK. Breast MRI screening and ductal lavage in women at high genetic risk of
breast cancer. Cancer 2004;100:479-489
2. Kurian AW, Balise RR, McGuire V, Whittemore AS. Histologic subtypes of epithelial ovarian cancer: have
they different risk factors? Gynecologic Oncology 2005;96:520-30
3. Kurian AW, Mills MA, Jaffee M, Sigal BM, Chun NM, Kingham KE, Collins LC, Nowels KW, Plevritis SK,
Garber JE, Ford JM, Hartman AR. Ductal lavage of fluid-yielding and non-fluid-yielding ducts in BRCA1 and
BRCA2 mutation carriers and other women at high inherited breast cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers
and Prevention 2005;14:1082-9
4. Kurian AW, Hartman AR, Mills MA, Ford JM, Daniel BL, Plevritis SK. Opinions of women with high
inherited breast cancer risk about prophylactic mastectomy: an initial evaluation from a screening trial including
magnetic resonance imaging and ductal lavage. Health Expectations 2005;8:221-33
5. Kim SM, Hatami F, Harris JS, Kurian AW, Ford JM, King D, Scalari G, Giovannini M, Hoyler N, Faist J,
Harris G. Bio-medical terahertz imaging with a quantum cascade laser. Applied Physics Letters 2006;88:153903
6. Plevritis SK, Kurian AW, Sigal BM, Daniel BL, Ikeda DM, Stockdale FE, Garber AM. Cost-effectiveness of
screening breast magnetic resonance imaging for women with BRCA1/2 mutations. JAMA 2006;295:2374-84
7. Kurian AW, Newton Thompson R, Gaw AF, Arai S, Ortiz R, Garber AM. A cost-effectiveness analysis of
adjuvant trastuzumab regimens in early HER-2/neu-positive breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology
8. Ghanouni P, Kurian AW, Margolis D, Hartman AR, Mills MA, Plevritis SK, Ford JM, Daniel BL. Ductal
pattern enhancement on magnetic resonance imaging of the breast due to ductal lavage. Breast Journal
9. Norton JD, Ham C, Van Dam J, Jeffrey RB, Longacre TA, Huntsman DJ, Chun NM, Kurian AW, Ford JM.
CDH1 truncating mutations in the E-cadherin gene: an indication for total gastrectomy to treat hereditary diffuse
gastric cancer. Annals of Surgery 2007;245:873-9
10. Ghataorhe P, Kurian AW, Pickart A, Trapane P, Norton JA, Kingham K, Ford JM. A carrier of both MEN1
and BRCA2 mutations: case report and review of the literature. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 2007;179:8992
11. Staton AD, Kurian AW, Cobb K, Mills MA, Ford JM. Cancer risk reduction and reproductive concerns in
female BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Familial Cancer 2007;7:179-86
12. Kurian AW, Hartman AR, Mills MA, Logan LJ, Sawyer AM, Ford JM, Daniel BL. Magnetic resonance
galactography: a feasibility study in women with prior atypical breast duct cytology. Breast Journal 2008;14:8992
13. Kurian AW, Gong GD, Chun NM, Mills MA, Staton AD, Kingham KK, Crawford BB, Lee R, Chan S,
Donlon SS, Ridge Y, Panabaker K, West DW, Whittemore AS, Ford JM. Performance of BRCA1/2 mutation
prediction models in Asian Americans. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2008;26:4752-8
Kurian, Allison W.
Manuscripts Currently Under Peer Review:
1. Kurian AW, McClure LA, John EM, Horn-Ross PL, Ford JM, Clarke CA. Second primary breast cancer
occurrence according to hormone receptor status: a population-based study. Manuscript submitted.
2. Kurian AW, Gong GD, John EM, Miron A, Felberg A, Phipps AI, Li FP, West DW, Whittemore AS.
Performance of prediction models for BRCA mutation carriage in three racial/ethnic groups: findings from the
Northern California Breast Cancer Family Registry. Manuscript submitted.
Review Articles:
1. Kurian AW, Clarke CA, Carlson RW. The decline in breast cancer incidence: real or imaginary? Current
Oncology Reports 2009;11:21-8
Book Chapters:
1. Kurian AW and Ford JM. Identification and management of women at high familial risk for breast cancer. In:
Breast Surgery: Office Management and Surgical Technique. Carol E.H. Scott-Conner and Frederick M. Dirbas,
eds. New York; Springer, 2008. In press.
2. Kurian AW and Carlson RW. Principles of breast cancer therapy. In: Breast Cancer Epidemiology. Christopher
I. Li, ed. New York; Springer, 2008. In press.
Abstracts Presented at National Meetings:
1. Hartman AR, Kurian AW, Mills MA, Daniel BL, Ford JM, Kingham KE, Chun NM, Nowels KW, Herfkens
RJ, Dirbas FM, Plevritis SK. Results of a pilot breast cancer screening trial using a combination of clinical breast
exam, mammography, breast MRI, and ductal lavage in a high-risk population. Presented at the San Antonio
Breast Cancer Symposium 2003. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2003;82(S1):114
2. Kurian AW, Mills MA, Nowels KW, Plevritis SK, Sigal BM, Chun NM, Kingham KE, Ford JM, Garber JE,
Jaffee M, Hartman AR. Ductal lavage of non-fluid yielding ducts in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers and
other women at high genetic risk for breast cancer. Poster discussion presentation at the American Society of
Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2004. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2004;22(14S):9535
3. Hartman AR, Kurian AW, Mills MA, Ford JM, Smith DN, Daniel BL. Identification of ductal atypia with
MR-galactography. Presented at the ASCO Annual Meeting 2004. Journal of Clinical Oncology
4. Kurian AW, Daniel BL, Mills MA, Nowels KW, Ford JM, Plevritis SK, Kingham KE, Chun NM, Herfkens
RJ, Dirbas FM, Jaffee M, Garber JE, Hartman AR. A pilot breast cancer screening trial for women at high
inherited risk using clinical breast exam, mammography, breast magnetic resonance imaging and ductal lavage:
updated results after median follow-up of fourteen months. Presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer
Symposium 2004. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2004;88(S1):5013
5. Hartman AR, Kurian AW, Mills MA, Ford JM, Smith DN, Daniel BL. Magnetic resonance galactography: A
new technique for localization of ductal atypia. Presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2004.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2004;88(S1):5020
6. Kurian AW, Daniel BL, Mills MA, Jaffee M, Nowels KW, Collins LC, Smith DN, Sigal BM, Plevritis SK,
Ford JM, Garber JE, Hartman AR. Ductal lavage and magnetic resonance galactography in women at high
inherited breast cancer risk. Oral presentation at the Fourth International Santa Barbara Symposium on the
Intraductal Approach to Breast Cancer, Santa Barbara, CA, March 10-13, 2005
7. Plevritis SK, Sigal BM, Kurian AW, Salzman P, Rosenberg R, Glynn P. Predicting United States breast cancer
mortality rate in the year 2010. Presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting,
Anaheim, CA, April 16-20, 2005 (abstract #4044)
Kurian, Allison W.
8. Ford JM, Kurian AW, Sharma VB, Chun NM, Kingham KE, Mills MA. Loss of nucleotide excision repair as
a source of genomic instability in breast cancer. Presented at the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research
Program Era of Hope Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, June 8-11, 2005
9. Kurian AW, Hartman AR, Daniel BL, Mills MA, Nowels KW, Jaffee M, Chun NM, Kingham KE, Dirbas
FM, Herfkens RJ, Collins LC, Garber JE, Plevritis SK, Ford JM. Comprehensive breast screening in women at
high inherited risk. Oral plenary presentation at the California Breast Cancer Research Program Symposium,
Sacramento, CA, September 9-11, 2005
10. Plevritis SK, Kurian AW, Sigal BM. Estimating the life years gained from breast MRI screening in women
with BRCA1/2 mutations. Presented at the Society for Medical Decision Making Annual Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, October 21-24, 2005
11. Kim SM, Hatami F, Kurian AW, Goddard LL, Ford JM, Harris JS, Scalari G, Faist J, Giovannini M, Hoyler
N, Harris GS. Biomedical imaging with terahertz quantum cascade lasers. Presented at Optics East Conference:
Infrared to Terahertz Technologies for Health and the Environment, Boston MA, October 23-26, 2005
12. Kurian AW, Hartman AR, Mills MA, Jaffee M, Chun NM, Garber JE, Ford JM, Plevritis SK. Breast cancer
risk management choices by women with inherited breast cancer predisposition: a preliminary analysis. Presented
at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2005. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2005;94(S1):4006
13. Kim SM, Hatami F, Gu A, Kurian AW, Ford JM, Harris JS, Scalari G, Faist J. Comparative analysis of biomedical imaging at 3.7 terahertz with a high-power quantum cascade laser. Presented at the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers Laser and Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada,
October 29-November 2, 2006
14. Kurian AW, Chun NM, Mills MA, Crawford BA, Lee R, Ridge Y, Panabaker K, Staton AD, Donlon SS,
Bennett R, Gong GD, Kwong A, West DW, Ford JM. A clinic-based study of BRCA1/2 mutation epidemiology
in Asians. Presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2006. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
15. Rice-Townsend SE, Norton JA, Van Dam J, Jeffrey RB, Longacre TA, Chun NM, Kurian AW, Ford JM.
CDH1 familial gastric cancer: patients identified clinically vs. genetic screening. Presented at the Southern
Surgical Association Annual Meeting, December 2006
16. Kurian AW, Chun NM, Mills MA, et al. BRCA1/2 mutations and cancer risk in Asian-Americans. Poster
discussion presentation at the ASCO Meeting 2007. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2007;25(18S):10512
17. Kurian AW, Sharma VB, Schwartz EJ, et al. A phase II breast cancer chemoprevention study of lovastatin in
high-risk women: initial feasibility data. Oral presentation at the ASCO Meeting 2007. Journal of Clinical
Oncology 2007;25(18S):1502
18. Sharma VB, Kurian AW, Feldman AR, et al. The role of BRCA1 in DNA repair and chemosensitivity.
Presented at the ASCO Meeting 2007. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2007;25(18S):10606
19. Kurian AW, Sigal BM, Daniel BL, Ikeda DM, Stockdale FE, Garber AM, Plevritis SK. Cost-effectiveness of
breast MRI screening by cancer risk. Presented at the California Breast Cancer Research Program Symposium,
Los Angeles, CA, September 7-9, 2007. Received the Cornelius L. Hopper Award for the abstract with the
greatest potential impact on breast cancer.
20. Kurian AW, Chun NM, Mills MA, Staton AD, Crawford BA, Ridge Y, Panabaker K, Donlon SS, Gong GD,
West DW, Ford JM. Asian-Caucasian differences in BRCA1/2 mutation epidemiology. Oral presentation at the
Fourth Annual Interdisciplinary Women’s Health Research Symposium, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
MD, November 15, 2007. Journal of Women’s Health 2007;16(8):8
Kurian, Allison W.
21. Telli ML, Kurian AW, Chang ET, Keegan TH, Ford JM, Gomez SL. Asian race and breast cancer subtypes:
A study from the California Cancer Registry. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2008;26(S):6618
22. Telli ML, Kurian AW, Chang ET, Keegan TH, McClure L, Ford JM, Gomez SL. Differences in breast cancer
subtype distribution exist among ethnic subgroups of Asian women in California. Presented at the San Antonio
Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, December 12, 2008.