Title of the project: RAILWAY for TOURISM – the development of the

Title of the project:
RAILWAY for TOURISM – the development of the railway tourism for the improvement of the
attractiveness and competitiveness of regions
Priority 4 - Enhancing competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and region
Area of intervention: 4.3 Capitalising on cultural resources, to make cities and regions more attractive
Lead partner: Lodz Region (Poland)
Total Project Budget: app. 1 750 000 EUR
Project Duration: 30 months
The main objective of the project:
 improving the attractiveness and visibility of cultural and natural heritage of the regions based
on the regional/ agglomeration railway tracks
WORK PACKAGE 1 – Project management and coordination
Lead Partner (LP) manages & coordinates the project from the administrative, technical, quality
control & financial points of view for the whole project duration. The Lead Partner is supported by the
external experts and Steering Group. Every Partner will be obligated to delegate one representative to
participate in the Group.
WORK PACKAGE 2 - Communication, knowledge management and dissemination
Foundation for the Development of the Lodz Region (PP3) will be responsible for coordinating WP2.
Other Partners will support PP2 by participating in several activities. The main activities are:
project web platform, newsletters, press releases, articles, project brochures, TV appearances, 3
international conferences, 5 national meetings.
WORK PACKAGE 3 – Concepts & Researches
PP2 (Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna Sp. z o.o.) will be responsible for coordinating the WP3.
Main activities:
 examination of the attractiveness of areas located along the routes of regional railway lines
 examination of the directions of interest of the region's inhabitants in the area of regional
tourism (the most visited places)
 analysis of the foreign tourist preferences of travel in the context of using the existing
communication system
 identification of opportunities and barriers for the development of rail tourism in regions
participating in the project (infrastructure, trains, railway stations, the existing tourist
 assessment of the impact of regional railway tourism on the profitability of regional railway
© PHIN Consulting Sp. z o.o.
elaboration of financial analysis leading to the development of a tickets sales model (group,
family, weekend tickets)
a study on the integration of public and private transport with the passenger transport operated
by the (regional/agglomeration) railways (intermodal stops)
WORK PACKAGE 4 – Activities & Priorities
PP..?... will be responsible for coordinating the WP4.
Main activities:
 identification of walking and bicycle tracks (theme: natural and historical attractions, thematic
routes) along the regional / agglomeration railway routes, including the mapping of points of
bike stops
 the development of the modern tourist information systems in trains and at railway stations
(gps maps, slot machines, IT applications) and passenger information management systems for
the development of regional tourism
the development of the integrations models for rail and road transport
establish the priorities for the development of regional tourism based on the
regional/agglomeration rail
 study visits to exchange best practices
WORK PACKAGE 5 - Joint transnational actions
PP..?... will be responsible for coordinating the WP5.
Main activities:
 the development of the interactive tourist map based on the regional / agglomeration railway
lines for the entire area of the project (web-tool)
 the assessment of the impact: how railway tourism influence on economic development of
regions participating in the project?
 elaboration of the joint Strategy (for the project area) of the railway tourism development
including good practices
Lodz Region – Lead Partner (LP)
Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna Sp. z o.o. (Lodzkie Railway Agglomeration Line Company LTD) –
Cofinancing Partner (PP2)
Foundation for the Development of the Lodz Region – Cofinancing Partner (PP3)
Searching partners from:
 Germany: Munich / Leipzig / Dresden
 Czech Republic: Prague / Brno
 Austria: Viena
 Hungary: Budapest
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