proposed project

Construction of the
railway line
Marculesti-Soroca, and
the bridge over the
Nistru river
Project objectives
The project main objectives
• to create a prerequisite for regional economic
development trough agricultural markets
• to reduce railway transportation costs and travel
time for international and national operators,
and passengers;
• to allow employment of population;
• to enhance environmental quality;
Proposed project
Existing railway section
The existing railway section: Ungheni-ChisinauCuciurgan-Razdel-Vapnearca is 450 km long
The proposed project: Ungheni-Balti-MarculestiSoroca-Iampol-Vapniarca is 216 km long
Project location
Existent railway 9 corridor
Project description
The existing railway section that connects the
Ungheni terminal(Republic of Moldova) and
Vapniarca terminal(Ukraine) is 450km long.
The proposed project will reduce the travel
distance from 450km to 216 km.
The implementation of this project will reduce
considerable the travel costs and time that will
attract transit traffic.
Regional Criteria
Network description
The project gives direct access to Ukraine and
links the both countries Moldova and Ukraine
with EU.
Provides the important and shortest link between
Moldova and Ukraine by railway, for international
and national operators, and passengers
Technical Criteria
• The project represents new construction of a 48.4
km long railway section(Marculesti-Cosauti/Soroca
47.4km, the bridge over the Nistru river 1 km)
• The rehablitation of the Ukraine railway section
• The proposed project ensures connection of
Ungheni terminal with the rail terminal Vapnearca
via the shortest railway section.
Technical Criteria
Travel cost savings
Travel time savings
Cost savings
Cost reduced by 50%
Time savings
Travel time is reduced 2.2 times
Economic Criteria
• Investment estimate cost – 74,8 m euro
• Estimated project repayment time- 5 years
• Forecast years- 20 years
• Economic Internal Rate of Return – 20%
• The national legal framework allows concession
and PPP
Political Criteria
• Government Support
The project has strong comitment from the
Government of Republic of Moldova
• Dependance on other step/project
Implementation of the proposed project doesn‘t
depend on other projects.