Bachelor of Science(BSc) (Genetics & Breeding)

International Centre for Plant Breeding
Education and Research (ICPBER)
Professional plant breeders for tomorrow
ICPBER: Professional Plant Breeders for Tomorrow
The International Centre for Plant Breeding Education and Research (ICPBER) at the
University of Western Australia (UWA) provides advanced education and research
in plant breeding to enhance the world’s future supply of plant-based food, fibre
and industrial raw materials in an era of changing climates.
The Need
addresses an emerging national and international need for training in genetics, biotechnology and plant
breeding. The urgency is increased by the current ‘Food Crisis’ that focuses world attention on the deteriorating
supply-demand balance for major staple food crops. The loss of training capacity for plant breeding, in tandem with an
increasing demand for plant breeders, is seen as a threat to world food security – at a time when expertise in plant
breeding is needed to combat climate change.
ICPBER has joined with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with
many organizations, including national and international programmes, the private sector, and non-governmental
organizations, to assess national plant breeding and biotechnology capacity worldwide. Capacity in plant breeding is
recognized as either insufficient or inadequately integrated to fully capture the benefits of modern biotechnology and
conserved plant genetic resources. Over the next few years the numbers of plant breeders will be depleted with
is a member of the Global Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building (GIPB)
( to address these issues.
will contribute to both national and international efforts to enhance world food security by providing
undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and in-service training of future plant breeders to combat this global
Our Objectives
To educate tomorrow’s plant breeders for Australia, the Asia-Pacific region, and Indian Ocean Rim countries
based on the core principles of genetics and supporting disciplines for plant breeding.
To provide opportunities for in-service training for those in the plant breeding profession.
To promote international and national collaboration in plant breeding through the exchange of students and
ICPBER: Professional Plant Breeders for Tomorrow
Why study Plant Breeding at UWA?
Broad integrated approach to Plant Breeding linking field,
lab and plate
Application of biotechnology to improve genetic progress
Targeting adaptation to climate change in marginal
Close working links with plant breeding industry: Both
Public and Private
Links with International Centres (AVRDC, ICARDA, ICRISAT
& IRRI) including possibility of jointly-supervised thesis
research at Centres
What training in Plant Breeding do we offer?
Undergraduate training
ICPBER offers a 4-year BSc (Genetics and Breeding)
degree – the only one of its kind at an Australian
university - and a 4-year BSc (Agric. Sci.) with
training in genetics and plant breeding.
Post-graduate training
ICPBER offers a two year Master of Science degree
programme in Genetics and Breeding. Alternatively, one
can complete a Graduate Diploma in Science (first year),
then can progress to a MSc degree (second year). The
Doctor of Philosophy degree is also available to
advanced candidates.
In-service training
ICPBER offers Master Classes for practising plant breeders or the seeds industry personnel (graduates and nongraduates) interested in developing special skills and expertise in a technical aspect of plant breeding. The Master
Classes are typically 1-4 days long.
Research on Plant Breeding at ICPBER
Research themes at ICPBER are diverse, ranging from applied field-based cultivar development and plant genetic
resource conservation and use, to the development/use of state-of-the-art molecular tools for crop improvement.
Research grants in plant breeding at UWA totalled over A$5 million in 2008, with grants from the Australian Research
Council (ARC), Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), Australian Centre for International Agricultural
Research (ACIAR) and the Council of Grain Grower Organizations Ltd (COGGO) among others. GRDC financially supports
educational and research outcomes at ICPBER.
ICPBER: Professional Plant Breeders for Tomorrow
Research Co-operators with ICPBER include:
Public institutions in Western Australia: Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, Cooperative
Research Centre Future Farm Industries and Murdoch University.
Private institutions in Western Australia: CBH Group Ltd, Council of Grain Grower Organisations Ltd (COGGO),
Canola Breeders Western Australia Pty Ltd and Intergrain Pty Ltd (wheat breeders).
National co-operators: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Division of Plant
Industries, Pulse Breeding Australia, the Universities of Adelaide, Sydney and Queensland, GRDC, ACIAR and
many others.
International co-operators: The FAO-sponsored Global Partnership Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity
Building (GIPB); International Centres such as AVRDC, CIMMYT, ICARDA, ICRISAT and IRRI; The Plant Breeding
Consultative Committee (PBCC) established in the USA; The University of California (Davis) Plant Breeding
Academy and The University of Guelph. Countries involved include Canada, USA, East Timor, Germany, India,
Iraq, Japan, Syria and many others.
Next steps: Scholarships and costs - Contact us:
International Centre for Plant Breeding Education and Research,
School of Plant Biology (M084),
The University of Western Australia,
35 Stirling Highway,
Crawley WA6009
CRICOS Provider Code 00126G
Phone +61 8 6488 1903
Fax +61 8 6488 1140
ICPBER: Professional Plant Breeders for Tomorrow
International Centre for Plant Breeding
Education and Research (ICPBER)
Professional plant breeders for tomorrow
Training in Plant Breeding at the University of Western Australia (UWA)
Bachelor of Science(BSc) (Genetics & Breeding);
Bachelor of Science(BSc) (Agricultural Science)
offers a 4-year BSc (Genetics and Breeding) degree – the only one of its kind at an
Australian university - and a 4-year BSc (Agric. Sci.) with training in genetics and plant breeding.
Both degrees are combined with training in crop agronomy, plant physiology, biometrics and related
disciplines. ICPBER collaborates with other Australian universities in ensuring high national
standards are achieved in undergraduate training in plant breeding.
Are you a potential undergraduate candidate?
Australian Year-12 students considering a
career in plant biology, attracted by an
undergraduate course majoring in
genetics and plant breeding, who meet
the pre-requisites for enrolment.
Private full feepaying students,
who meet UWA’s
English language
Career Prospects
 Seeds industry
 Junior plant breeder
 Molecular geneticist
 Biotechnologist
Post-graduate : Graduate Diploma in Science (GradDipSc); Master of Science
(MSc); Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
ICPBER offers post-graduate level training in Genetics and Plant Breeding including GradDipSc. ( 1
year) , MSc (2 years) degree and the PhD degree (normally 3-4 years).
GradDipSc & MSc
This two-year course leads to a MSc (Genetics and Breeding)degree (UWA code 70540) by
coursework and dissertation or thesis. The aim of the two-year training is to produce professional
plant breeders for industry in the developed and developing world. In the first year students take
the GradDipSc (Genetics and Breeding) degree (UWA code 70300) which is a one-year post-graduate
diploma based on a minimum of 48 credit points with 24 points from coursework (4 Units) and 24
points from a research project. The GradDipSc (Genetics and Breeding) is intended for those who
wish to undertake postgraduate study in the specific area of Genetics and Breeding and wish to
proceed to MSc candidature, and for those wishing to upgrade their undergraduate knowledge in
ICPBER: Professional Plant Breeders for Tomorrow
plant breeding. Successful completion of year one GradDipSc will be required before admission to
the MSc degree.
Typical Units for the GradDipSc include:
 Genetics and Evolution
 Biometrics
 Genetics and Plant Breeding
 Research Project
 Breeding and Biotechnology in Action
In Year 2, the MSc (Genetics and Breeding) is EITHER by Coursework and Dissertation OR by Thesis
and Coursework. The Thesis option demands more time and input in the research project, and the
Thesis is evaluated by at least one external examiner. The Dissertation option demands more course
work and the dissertation is examined internally.
MSc by Coursework and Dissertation
MSc by Thesis and Coursework
Core Units: Breeding and Biotechnology in Action
Genetics and Plant Breeding
 Dissertation in Genetics and Breeding
 Genetics and Breeding Thesis
AND : Two optional relevant Units
Core Units for both GradDipSc and MSc –
Genetics and Plant Breeding (GENE3310)
Of the core units for both MSc and GradDipSc, Genetics and Plant Breeding (GENE3310) is different
in that it is a 3 week intensive course in genetics and plant breeding, held over 3 weeks in February.
Genetics and Plant Breeding (GENE3310) is taught in conjunction with Genetics and Animal Breeding
(GENE3303). The first half of the course is shared in lectures and laboratories and the second half is
devoted to Genetics and Plant Breeding. Genetics and Plant Breeding allows you to extend your
knowledge and interest in genetics. This course will provide you with a very sound foundation in
evolutionary genetics theory and principles that are applicable to plant breeding and conservation of
genetic diversity. You will also study advanced molecular genetics. At the end of the course you
should be able to make sound judgements on the value of “traditional” plant breeding, genetic
engineering or molecular genetic markers in crop improvement.
Breeding and Biotechnology on Action (SCIE8709)
This unit is taken over two semesters and parts 1 and 2 must be completed to fulfil the requirements
of the unit. It is presented in a seminar series format and provides an understanding of the
operational side of breeding and associated biotechnology research environment and also industry
perspective – private and public. Some seminars are presented by course participants. Each student
presents at least one seminar per year. The others are presented by breeders/researchers actively
involved in breeding and associated biotechnology.
There are opportunities for graduates with a strong breeding and genetics background to directly
undertake a PhD in Genetics and Breeding.
Are you a potential MSc/PhD candidate?
Australian undergraduate students in plant Motivated recent graduates
 Professional plant
biology courses approaching graduation
who meet UWA’s English
and considering further training to MSc or language requirements and
 Research on plant
PhD level prior to a career in plant
publication record
 Seed industry
Graduates working in technical or
Graduates working in
ICPBER: Professional Plant Breeders for Tomorrow
technical or professional roles  Molecular
in plant improvement in
geneticist linked to
national or international
plant breeding
Practising plant breeders who wish to upgrade their qualifications to MSc or
professional roles in plant improvement or
the seeds industry who wish to upgrade
their qualifications to MSc or PhD
View website for all admissions to UWA:
In-service training
ICPBER offers Master
Classes for practising plant breeders or the seeds industry personnel
(graduates and non-graduates) interested in developing special skills and expertise in a technical
aspect of plant breeding. The Master Classes are typically 1-4 days long.
Next steps: Scholarships and costs - Contact us:
Contacts details: ICPBER, School of Plant Biology (M084), The University of Western Australia, 35
Stirling Highway, Crawley WA6009 Australia. CRICOS Provider Code 00126G
Email:; Phone +61 8 6488 1428; Fax +61 8 6488 1140
ICPBER: Professional Plant Breeders for Tomorrow