
Study Questions for the M.A. Exam in Ethics—Spring 2005
1. What role should agent-relative concerns play in a viable moral theory? Discuss with
respect to at least two philosophers, e.g., Nagel, Parfit, Korsgaard, Scheffler.
2. Is it wrong to commit an immoral act if so doing will prevent the commission of multiple
instances of that act? Explain with reference to one contemporary consequentialist
thinker and one contemporary deontologist.
3. What is the most powerful criticism that a deontologist or a consequentialist can lodge
against contemporary virtue ethics? Discuss this question with respect to the particular
theory of a contemporary virtue ethicist.
4. Some feminist ethicists have argued that the standard ethical theories neglect the role of
care in the moral life. Is this criticism justified? Discuss with respect to at least two
5. What is Mackie’s “queer facts” argument? How does he make sense of the apparent
meaningfulness of moral discourse? Does he succeed?
6. Describe Michael Smith’s so-called moral problem. What is the allegedly inconsistent
triad of propositions he points to? If the propositions are inconsistent, which one or ones
should we deny?
7. Give Hume’s argument for how we cannot derive ought from is. Is he right? Explain.
8. In the Groundwork, Kant applies the Categorial Imperative to particular cases—viz.,
suicide, lying, cultivating one’s talents, and mutual aid. How plausible is his treatment of
these cases? Discuss with respect to three of the four cases.
9. What does it mean to say that we ought always treat other people as ends, and never as
mere means? Support your answer with reference to at least one philosopher who has
defended the importance of this distinction.
10. Is it morally worse if more people die? Does one have a duty to save the larger number?
Is it plausible to claim that it is worse if more people die and, yet, that one does not have
a duty to save the larger number? Explain.
11. What is the source of moral normativity? Discuss with respect to at least two
12. What, if anything, is wrong with the idea that some people’s desires are not in their own
best interest and thus should not be taken into account in our moral deliberation? Discuss
one moral theory that endorses paternalism and another that rejects it.