Reviewed International Journals
Dedene, G., 1980, Oscillators and complex hamiltonian calculus, Physica A, vol. 103, no. 1-2, pp.371-378.
Dedene, G., 1981, A complex symplectic model for the damped oscillator, Physics Letters A, vol. 83, no. 9, pp.421422.
Dedene, G. and J. P. Devreese, 1995, Realitities of offshore reengineering, IEEE Software, vol. 12, no. 1, pp.35-45.
Dedene, G. and M. Snoeck, 1995, Formal deadlock elimination in an object-oriented conceptual schema, Data &
Knowledge Engineering, vol. 15, no. 1, pp.1-30.
Snoeck, M. and G. Dedene, 1996, Generalization specialization and role in object oriented conceptual modeling,
Data & Knowledge Engineering, vol. 19, no. 2, pp.171-195.
Poels, G. and G. Dedene, 1997, Property-based software engineering measurement: Refining the additivity properties
- Comments, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 23, no. 3, pp.190-195.
Snoeck, M. and G. Dedene, 1998, Existence dependency: The key to semantic integrity between structural and
behavioral aspects of object types, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 24, no. 4, pp.233-251.
Poels, G. and G. Dedene, 2000, Distance-based software measurement: Necessary and sufficient properties for
software measures, Information and Software Technology.Jan 15, 2000, vol. 42, no. 1, pp.35-46.
Poels, G. and G. Dedene, 2000, Comments on "Property-Based Software Engineering Measurement: Refining the
Additivity Properties", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 23, no. 3, pp.190-195.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, G. Dedene, J. Vanthienen, and J. Vandenbulcke, 2000, Sensitivity-based pruning of input
variables by means of weight-cascaded retraining, PADD, pp.141-159.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, T. Van Gestel, J. A. K. Suykens, D. Van den Poel, J. Vanthienen, B. De Moor, and G.
Dedene, 2001, Knowledge discovery in a direct marketing case using least squares support vector machines,
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol. 16, no. 9, pp.1023-1036.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, D. Van den Poel, G. Dedene, and J. Vanthienen, 2001, Wrapped feature selection for neural
networks in direct marketing, International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management,
vol. 10, no. 2, pp.115-126.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, D. Van den Poel, J. Vanthienen, and G. Dedene, 2002, Using Bayesian neural networks for
repeat purchase modelling in direct marketing, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 138, no. 1, pp.191211.
Vermeulen, S., G. Dedene, W. S. Herroelen, and M. Verhelst, 1994, Informatica en oefeningen - Deel I:
programmeren in Pascal, (L. Wouters, Leuven).
Snoeck, M., G. Dedene, M. Verhelst, and A. Depuydt, 1999, Oject-oriented enterprise modelling with MERODE,
(Leuvense Universitaire Pers, Leuven).
Dedene, G. and W. S. Herroelen, 2001, Inleiding tot de informatica, (L. Wouters, Leuven).
Contributions to books
Dedene, G., 1994, The M.E.R.O.D.E. method: the practical realisation of object-oriented business models, in
Carmichael, A., ed.: Object development methods (Prentice Hall/SIGS, New York, 16).
Dedene, G. and M. Snoeck, 1996, Experience from M.E.R.O.D.E. Cases: on object-oriented model-driven approach,
in O'Callaghan, A. and S. Thornes, ed.: Practical experiences of object technology (U.K.).
Snoeck, M. and G. Dedene, 1997, Experiences with object oriented model-driven development, in Budget, D., G.
Hoffnagle, and J. Trienekens, ed.: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Software Technology and
Engineering Practice, London, July 14-18 (IEEE Computer Society), pp.143-153.
Poels, G., G. Dedene, and M. Snoeck, 1998, Complexiteitsbeheersing van administratieve processen door formele
bemeting van objectgerichte bedrijfsmodellen, in De Bondt, R. and R. Veugelers, ed.: Informatie en kennis in de
economie. 23ste VWEC, Leuven, 13-14 maart (Universitaire Pers, Leuven)
Vanhoenacker, J., A. Bryant, and G. Dedene, 1999, Integrated Business Process Management - How it all fits
together, Reengineering in Action - The Quest for World Class Excellence (Imperial College Press, World Scientific
Co, New York/Signapore), pp.55-76.
Snoeck, M., S Poelmans, and G. Dedene, 2000, An architecture for bridging OO and business process modeling, in
Mitchell, R., J. M. Jezequel, J. Bosh, B. Meyer, A. Wills, and M. Woodman, ed.: TOOLS33, Technology of objectoriented languages and systems (IEEE Computer Society), pp.132-143.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, T. Van Gestel, J. A. K. Suykens, D. Van den Poel, J. Vanthienen, B. De Moor, and G.
Dedene, 2000, Knowledge discovery using least squares support vector machine classifiers: a direct marketing case,
in Zighed, D. A., J. Komorowski, and J. Zytkow, ed.: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1910. Proceedings of
the 4th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Springer), pp.657664.
Snoeck, M. and G. Dedene, 2001, Core concepts in conceptual modeling, in Pree, W., ed.: TOOLS33, Technology of
object-oriented languages and systems (IEEE Computer Society), pp.167-181.
Snoeck, M., S Poelmans, and G. Dedene, 2001, A layered software specification architecture. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 1920, in Laendler, A. H. F., S. W. Liddle, and V. C. Storey, ed.: Conceptual Modeling - ER2000,
19th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Salt Lake City, Oct. 2000 (Springer Verlag), pp.454-469.
International Conferences
Roodhooft, F., G. Dedene, H. Leemans, C. Lefebvre, and L. Lin, 1995, Overhead allocation and capacity utilization,
Second International Seminar on Manufacturing Accounting Research, Brugge, Belgium, May 31-June 2.
Baesens, B., S. Viaene, T. Van Gestel, J. A. K. Suykens, G. Dedene, B. De Moor, and J. Vanthienen, 2000, An
empirical assessment of Kernel type performance for least squares support vector machine classifiers, Fourth
International Conference on Knowledg-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies (KES),
University of Brighton, Brighton, U.K., Aug. 30-Sept. 1, pp. 313-316.
Baesens, B., S. Viaene, T. Van Gestel, J. A. K. Suykens, G. Dedene, B. De Moor, and J. Vanthienen, 2000, Least
squares support vector machine classifiers: an empirical evaluation, Twelfth Belgium-Netherlands Conference on
Artificial Interlligence (BNAIC), Kaatsheuvel, The Netherlands, Nov. 1-2, pp. 69-76.
Baesens, B., S. Viaene, J. Vanthienen, and G. Dedene, 2000, Wrapped feature selection by means of guided neural
networks optimisation, 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 3-8,
pp. 113-116.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, D. Van den Poel, G. Dedene, and J. Vanthienen, 2000, Wrapped feature selection for binary
classification Bayesian regularisation neural networks: a database marketing application, Second International
Conference on Data Mining, Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K., July 5-7, pp. 353-362.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, G. Dedene, J. Vanthienen, and J. Vandenbulcke, 2000, Sensitivity based pruning of input
variables by means of weight cascaded retraining, Fourth International Conference and Exhibition on the Practical
Application of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PADD), Manchester, U.K., April 10-14, pp. 141-159.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, D. Van den Poel, J. Vanthienen, and G. Dedene, 2001, The Bayesian evidence framework for
database marketing modeling using both RFM and non-RFM predictors., The 5th World Multi-Conference on
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI, Orlando (Florida), U.S.A., July, pp. 136-140.
Research reports and working papers
Borgers, M., G. Dedene, and D. Overweg, 1990, BSW-modellering van een informatie-departement, K.U.Leuven
DTEW Research Report 9016.
Overweg, D. and G. Dedene, 1990, Deformations of asymptonic bounds and balanced job bounds, K.U.Leuven
DTEW Research Report 9010.
Dedene, G., S. Desaranno, and C. Van Den Acker, 1992, M.E.R.O.D.E.-Model driven Entity-Relationship Objectoriented Development Technique, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9211.
Dedene, G., M. Snoeck, and A. Depuydt, 1992, On generalisation / specialisation hierarchies in M.E.R.O.D.E.object-oriented business modeling, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9219.
Dedene, G. and M. Snoeck, 1992, Event concurrency analysis in abject-oriented models, K.U.Leuven DTEW
Research Report 9226.
Dedene, G. and M. Snoeck, 1993, Object-oriented modelling: a new language for consistent business engineering,
K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9333.
Dedene, G., 1993, The B.S.W.-methodology: an integrated approach to capacity planning, performance management
and I.T.-cost management in banking, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9329.
Dedene, G. and H. Leemans, 1996, Activity Based Costing techniques for workload characterization, K.U.Leuven
DTEW Research Report 9621.
Dedene, G. and M. Snoeck, 1996, Generic object models and business process (re)design, K.U.Leuven DTEW
Research Report 9667.
Leemans, H. and G. Dedene, 1996, On closed queueing networks with mixed preemptive resume priority servers,
K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9632.
Leemans, H. and G. Dedene, 1996, Grosch's law: a statistical illusion?, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9631.
Poels, G. and G. Dedene, 1996, Formal software measurements for object-oriented business models, K.U.Leuven
DTEW Research Report 9623.
Snoeck, M., J. Wijsen, and G. Dedene, 1996, Formal specification techniques in object-oriented analysis: a
comparative view, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9630.
Snoeck, M. and G. Dedene, 1996, Existence dependency: conceptual modelling by contract, K.U.Leuven DTEW
Research Report 9640.
Leemans, H. and G. Dedene, 1997, A matrix-geometric solution for the multiserver nonpreemptive priority queueing
model with mixed priorities, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9729.
Poels, G. and G. dene, 1997, Complexity measures for object-oriented conceptual models of an application domain,
K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9744.
Leemans, H. and G. Dedene, 1998, Queue lenghts and waiting times in the two-class two-server queue with
nonpreemptive heterogeneous priority structures, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9818.
Poels, G. and G. Dedene, 1999, DISTANCE: a framework for software measure construction, K.U.Leuven DTEW
Research Report 9937.
Snoeck, M. and G. Dedene, 1999, Modeling the dialogue aspects of an information system, K.U.Leuven DTEW
Research Report 9947.
Snoeck, M., G. Poels, and G. Dedene, 1999, Reusing business models, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9934.
Viaene, S., G. Wets, J. Vanthienen, and G. Dedene, 1999, An eclectic quadrant of rule based system verification:
work grounded in verification of fuzzy rule bases, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9946.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, G. Dedene, J. Vanthienen, and J. Vandenbulcke, 1999, Sensivity based pruning of input
variables by means of weight cascaded retraining, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 9954.
Baesens, B., S. Viaene, T. Van Gestel, J. A. K. Suykens, G. Dedene, B. De Moor, and J. Vanthienen, 2000, An
empirical assessment of Kernel type performance for least squares support vector machine classifiers, K.U.Leuven
ESAT-SISTA Internal Report 00-52.
Baesens, B., S. Viaene, T. Van Gestel, J. A. K. Suykens, G. Dedene, B. De Moor, and J. Vanthienen, 2000, Least
squares support vector machine classifiers: an empirical evaluation, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 0003.
Bertrand, B., G. Dedene, M. Snoeck, and M. Verhelst, 2000, An explicit formulation for an algortihm and for
procedure lenght for the JSP method for structured procedure design, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 0008.
Poels, G. and G. Dedene, 2000, Measures for object-event interactions, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 0015.
Poels, G., S. Viaene, and G. Dedene, 2000, Distant measures for information system reengineering, K.U.Leuven
DTEW Research Report 0012.
Poels, G. and G. Dedene, 2000, Measures for assessing dynamic complexity aspects of object-oriented conceptual
schemes, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 0029.
Snoeck, M. and G. Dedene, 2000, Characterising aggregations with existence dependency, K.U.Leuven DTEW
Research Report 0034.
Snoeck, M., S Poelmans, and G. Dedene, 2000, An architecture for bridging OO and business process modellinh,
K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 0009.
Van Gestel, T., J. A. K. Suykens, B. Baesens, S. Viaene, J. Vanthienen, G. Dedene, B. De Moor, and J. Vandewalle,
2000, Benchmarking least squares support vector machine classifiers, K.U.Leuven ESAT-SISTA Internal Report 0037.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, T. Van Gestel, J. A. K. Suykens, G. Dedene, B. De Moor, and J. Vanthienen, 2000, Least
squares support vector machine classifiers: an empirical evaluation, K.U.Leuven ESAT-SISTA Internal Report 00-03.
Viaene, S., R. Veugelers, and G. Dedene, 2000, Two-person insurance bargaining under risk aversion, K.U.Leuven
DTEW Research Report 0002.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, T. Van Gestel, J. A. K. Suykens, D. Van den Poel, J. Vanthienen, B. De Moor, and G.
Dedene, 2000, Knowledge discovery using least squares support vector machine classifiers: a direct marketing case,
K.U.Leuven ESAT-SISTA Internal Report 00-33.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, D. Van den Poel, G. Dedene, and J. Vanthienen, 2000, Wrapped feature selection for neural
networks in direct marketing, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 0019.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, T. Van Gestel, J. A. K. Suykens, D. Van den Poel, J. Vanthienen, B. De Moor, and G.
Dedene, 2001, Knowledge discovery in a direct marketing case using least squares support vector machines, Ghent
University, Department of Marketing Working Paper 01/104.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, D. Van den Poel, G. Dedene, and J. Vanthienen, 2001, Wrapped input selection using
multilayer perceptrons for repeat-purchase modeling in direct marketing, Ghent University, Department of Marketing
Working Paper 01/102.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, D. Van den Poel, J. Vanthienen, and G. Dedene, 2001, Bayesian neural network learning for
repeat purchase modelling in direct marketing, Ghent University, Department of Marketing Working Paper 01/105.
Viaene, S., B. Baesens, D. Van den Poel, J. Vanthienen, and G. Dedene, 2001, Bayesian neutral network learning for
repeat purchase modelling in direct marketing, K.U.Leuven DTEW Research Report 0114.