Dear Applicant, Thank you for your interest in Breakthrough Atlanta! We are dedicated to providing our students with a world-class enrichment experience in a setting that is friendly, warm, supportive, and academically charged. Breakthrough has a long tradition of training middle school students who go on to achieve success and become leaders in their respective schools, communities and even their own households. All Breakthrough Atlanta students are encouraged to pursue, engage in and become leaders in scholarly activities. Breakthrough Atlanta is a part of a national collaborative that consists of 33 sites throughout the United States and one in Hong Kong. We operate out of two campuses in Atlanta: The Lovett School and the Atlanta Youth Academy. We have a dual mission: 1) To place middle school students from metropolitan Atlanta’s public schools on a six year path to college. 2) To inspire the next generation of teachers by providing a summer teaching internship for college students from around the country. Our staff is dedicated to our motto of “College (period)” and we strongly believe that our model of “Students Teaching Students” creates a special chemistry, which must be approached with much care and dedication. We provide all of our students with individualized training and mentoring so that they can pursue their highest aspirations, whether in medicine, law, education or whatever path they choose. Breakthrough Atlanta has been developed as an innovative model for integrating students in a way that dramatically improves both social and educational outcomes. In our summer and school-year programs, students work with college-age students who aspire to make a difference in our community. The teacher interns are supported by certified teachers who bring a variety of educational experiences. Finally, as a program, we feel strongly connected to the community we serve. Our students and teachers reach out in many ways to serve beyond the walls of The Lovett School and the Atlanta Youth Academy. They serve as leaders who commit to community service throughout the city Again, thank you for your interest in Breakthrough Atlanta. We feel that we offer a superior enrichment experience and we hope that you will consider us as the way to foster your student’s love, passion and excitement for education. Sincerely, Jeremy J. Crane Jeremy J. Crane Program Director Breakthrough Atlanta 4075 Paces Ferry Rd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 • 404-262-3032 ext 1447 • Fax 404-479-8465 1 Breakthrough Calendar Session Date Location Time Student group interviews (half hour intervals) April 11, 2015 9:00am -4:00pm Acceptance Notifications April 17, 2015 Atlanta Youth Academy & The Lovett School Email & mailings to families Enrollment Packet Return Deadline Date Student/Family Summer Orientation Student/Family Summer Orientation Summer Program Begins May 5, 2015 The Lovett School June 13, 2015 Atlanta Youth Academy Close of Business Day 5pm 9:00am June 13, 2015 9:00am -12:00pm 2:00pm -4:00pm End of Summer Reception July 25, 2015 The Lovett School Glover Gym Lovett School & Atlanta Youth Academy Atlanta Youth Academy End of Summer Reception July 25, 2015 The Lovett School June 15, 2015 N/A 1:00pm 7:45am - 3:30pm Application Deadline: February 9, 2015 APPLICATION CHECKLIST STUDENT INFORMATION SECTION (completed by student) STUDENT’S FAMILY INFORMATION – 2 PAGES (completed by student and parent/guardian) EDUCATIONAL RELEASE (signed by parent or guardian) RECOMMENDATIONS STUDENT’S CURRENT REPORT CARD STUDENT’S STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES (CRCT, ITBS etc.) *PLEASE NOTE: INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. FAMILIES/STUDENTS: Keep this page for your information. 4075 Paces Ferry Rd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 • 404-262-3032 ext 1447 • Fax 404-479-8465 2 Student Section On my honor I, ______________________________, agree to complete the following application in my own handwriting with a pen and without significant help. SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________________ Student’s Name______________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Date of Birth____________________ Place of Birth__________________________________________________ City State/Province Country Male_______ Female_______ Current Grade ______ T-shirt Size: Adult _____ Child______ Social Security Number ________________________________________ (Note, this information is confidential and does not determine whether you are accepted or not) Primary/Home Telephone # (____)___________________ Cell Phone ( ) _________________________ Student’s E-mail___________________________________________________________________________ Home Address ___________________________________________________________________________ Number and Street Apartment _____________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Current School_____________________________________________________________________ English Teacher ___________________________________________________________________________ First Name Last Name Current School Math Teacher______________________________________________________________________________ First Name Last Name Current School Ethnicity (Check All That Apply): Caucasian African American West Indian Hispanic/ Latino(a) South Asian East Asian Native American South East Asian Eastern European 4075 Paces Ferry Rd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 • 404-262-3032 ext 1447 • Fax 404-479-8465 3 Parent Section _____________________ __________________ Student’s First and Last Name Student’s School Parent #1 or Guardian #1 Full Name:______________________________ First Name __________________ Last Name Relationship to Student Home Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Number and Street Apartment ____________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code Primary/Home Telephone (______)_____________________ Cell Phone (_____)_______________________ Work Telephone (______)____________ E-mail _________________________________________________ Highest Grade Completed in School _______________________________ Language(s) Spoken at Home ____________________________________________ Occupation _______________________________ Employer ___________________________ Parent #2 or Guardian #2 Full Name:______________________________________________________ First Name Home Address: Last Name Relationship to Student ____________________________________________________________________________ Number and Street Apartment ____________________________________________________________________________ City State Primary/Home Telephone (______)_____________________ Zip Code Cell Phone (_____)_____________________ E-mail ____________________________________Work Telephone (_____)_______________ Highest Grade Completed in School ________________________________ Language(s) Spoken at Home ____________________________________________ Occupation _______________________________ Employer ____________________________ 4075 Paces Ferry Rd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 • 404-262-3032 ext 1447 • Fax 404-479-8465 4 Family Status The student lives with: (Check all that apply.) father mother grandfather grandmother guardian step-father step-mother other (please specify): ________ The parents of the student are (Check all that apply.) married separate mother deceased divorced father deceased Is your student a citizen of the United States? Yes No Family Education 1. Would your child be first in her/his **immediate family** to attend a 4-year college in the United States? (Check Yes or No) Yes No If no, please indicate who in the immediate family (including yourself) has attended college and where: **immediate family pertains to father, mother or siblings Relationship to Student Name of University Years Attended Type of Degree The information requested below is required information. If the information requested is not provided, then your applicant cannot be considered for acceptance into the program. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Do you rent or own your home? How many family members reside in your home? _________ (Check “Rent” or “Own””) Rent Own Estimated Annual Household Income: $______________ Does student qualify for free or reduced lunch? Yes No Do you have another child in the program? Yes No Do you have another child in the program? If yes, name_______________________________________ 4075 Paces Ferry Rd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 • 404-262-3032 ext 1447 • Fax 404-479-8465 5 6 Grade Release Form (Parent/Guardian is responsible for obtaining educational records.) To the Parent or Guardian: Please fully complete this form before submitting it to your child’s current school. ___________________ ______________________________ Student’s First and Last Name Date of Birth Student’s Current School ____________________________________________________________ Address of Student’s Current School PARENT OR GUARDIAN PERMISSION I authorize my child’s school to release the complete educational record of my child to Breakthrough Atlanta hosted at The Lovett School. I also give permission for Breakthrough Atlanta to access my child’s future academic records. Name of parent or guardian: ___________________________________________________________ Signature of parent or guardian: ________________________________________________________ Date: _____________ To the School: This student is applying to Breakthrough Atlanta, a tuition-free, six-year academic enrichment program at The Lovett School and Atlanta Youth Academy. Breakthrough Atlanta seeks motivated students to participate in its program, which includes a Saturday School Year Program and a Summer Program. If you have any questions regarding our program, please go to or call us at 404-262-3032. Please give us a complete record of the applicant’s grades from the last academic year and most recent standardized test scores. To ensure confidentiality, this release has been signed by the applicant’s parent or guardian as part of the application process to Breakthrough Atlanta. Please fax or mail this form and the accompanying information to the fax number or address, respectively, located at the bottom of this page. 4075 Paces Ferry Rd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 • 404-262-3032 ext 1447 • Fax 404-479-8465 7 8 Math Teacher Recommendation Student’s Name:__________________________________ School:_________________________________________ Math Teacher’s Name:_____________________________ Dear Math Teacher, Your student is applying to Breakthrough Atlanta—a tuition-free, six-year academic preparation program The Lovett School and Atlanta Youth Academy. The program seeks motivated, enthusiastic, and hardworking students to participate in its program, which takes place for six weeks during the summer and two Saturdays per month during the school year. Breakthrough is committed to a diverse student body representing the variety of ethnic, economic, and geographic backgrounds in the metro Atlanta area. We would appreciate candid responses, which will be kept confidential. Please return this form as soon as possible to the address below: Breakthrough Atlanta 4075 Paces Ferry Road, NW Atlanta, GA 30327 Office 404-262-3032 ext. 1443 Fax 404-479-8465 Please rate the student’s academic and personal attributes in relation to the other students you have taught. One of the top few I have ever encountered Excellent (top 2% this year) Very Good (top 10% this year) Good (Above Average) Average Below Average Skill Level (general) Basic Arithmetic 6th or 7th Grade Math Comprehension Analytical Thinking Motivation & Effort Please consider: self-motivation, intellectual curiosity, enthusiasm for learning, focus, class participation and work ethic. Citizenship Please consider: group work, respect for classmates and community. Behavior (Brief statement) In the space to the right, please provide a brief statement that reflects on the applicants behavior. Consider the applicants respect for class rules, past behavioral incidents, kindness towards others, ability to lead and attitude when presented with academic challenges. 4075 Paces Ferry Rd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 • 404-262-3032 ext 1447 • Fax 404-479-8465 9 10 English Teacher Recommendation Student’s Name:__________________________________ School:_________________________________________ English Teacher’s Name:_____________________________ Dear English Teacher, Your student is applying to Breakthrough Atlanta—a tuition-free, six-year academic preparation program The Lovett School and Atlanta Youth Academy. The program seeks motivated, enthusiastic, and hardworking students to participate in its program, which takes place for six weeks during the summer and two Saturdays per month during the school year. Breakthrough is committed to a diverse student body representing the variety of ethnic, economic, and geographic backgrounds in the metro Atlanta area. We would appreciate candid responses, which will be kept confidential. Please return this form as soon as possible to the address below: Breakthrough Atlanta 4075 Paces Ferry Road, NW Atlanta, GA 30327 Office 404-262-3032 ext. 1443 Fax 404-479-8465 Please rate the student’s academic and personal attributes in relation to the other students you have taught. One of the top few I have ever encountered Excellent (top 2% this year) Very Good (top 10% this year) Good (Above Average) Average Below Average Skill Level (general) Basic Arithmetic 6th or 7th Grade Math Comprehension Analytical Thinking Motivation & Effort Please consider: self-motivation, intellectual curiosity, enthusiasm for learning, focus, class participation and work ethic. Citizenship Please consider: group work, respect for classmates and community. Behavior (Brief statement) In the space to the right, please provide a brief statement that reflects on the applicants behavior. Consider the applicants respect for class rules, past behavioral incidents, kindness towards others, ability to lead and attitude when presented with academic challenges. 4075 Paces Ferry Rd. NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 • 404-262-3032 ext 1447 • Fax 404-479-8465 11 12