Egypt, Kush, Canaan Geography Review Worksheet

Geography and the Early Settlement of Egypt, Kush, and Canaan Review
1. Name the three categories of environmental factors that influence the location of settlements
in an area.
2. Name three major features of ancient Egypt’s topography.
Nile River Valley
Arabian Desert
Mediterranean Sea
3. Which physical feature had the largest influence on the location of settlements in ancient
Nile River
4. Where did the Kushites settle compared to the ancient Egyptians?
South of ancient Egypt
5. Explain why the desert benefitted the ancient Egyptian settlements.
The desert provided protection from invaders.
6. How is the Jordan River different from the Nile?
It does not flood regularly.
7. What factor caused some people in Canaan to become herders?
The land was hilly and dry (bad for farming).
8. Why did the flooding of the Nile River help the ancient Egyptians and Kushites?
The floods left silt behind. This was good for the soil and farming.
9. What type of agriculture did the Hebrew nomads practice?
They herded animals.
10. Name one way that the following physical features affected the lives of the people of ancient
Egypt, Kush, and Canaan.
a. Mediterranean Sea – provided fishing, helped transportation, improved trade
b. Nile River – water for drinking and farming, fishing, traveling; floods left silt behind
for farming
c. Libyan, Arabian and Nubian Deserts – provided protection from other people
d. Red Sea – too salty to drink, transportation
e. Sea of Galilee – fresh water for drinking, farming, fishing
f. Lebanon Mountains – protection from invaders, poor farmland
g. Jordan River- fresh water, farming and fishing
11. If you were going to start a new settlement, which environmental factors would you be most
concerned about? Why?
This is an opinion question. Any logical answer backed up by details will work.