image analysis by Group for Intelligent Systems – GIS

GIS – Matematicki fakultet,
Koordinatori: prof. Aleksandar Jovanovic i prof. Zarko Mijajlovic
Matematicki fakultet, Studen trg 16, 11000 Beograd, SCiG,
Telfax +38111 - 630151,- 639954, -3085075; +381-64-1412527
GIS razvija problematiku iz domena primenjene matematicke logike, vestacke
inteligencije, procesiranja slika i signala, u biomedicini, astronomiji, akustiici, fizici,
eklektronici, kao i raznovrsnim domenima savremene tehnike;
GIS u dugom vremenskom periodu saradjuje sa domacim i stranim univerzitetima,
istrazivackim institutima i klinikama, posebno, MGU-Lomonosov, Un. u Ioannini, UCB,
Un. “Denis Didro” Paris-sette, domaci: Medicinski i Bioloski fakultet u BG, IBISS, KC
Srbije, Inst. za onkologiju u Sremskoj Kamenici, CMS Un. u Beogradu, Fizicki fakultet,
BAO, IRITEL, VTI, ETF, IPME, kao i nekim vodecim kompanijama u domenu ht,
Innovative Integration, Entegra, Walden Sys;
dve grupe studenata Matematickog fakulteta I dve grupe studenata Bioloskog fakulteta
dobile nagrade Beogradskog univerziteta za istrazivacki rad mladih naucnika u periodu
1993 – 1999; nagrada ETRANa za radove Iz vestacke inteligencije nasim
postdiplomcima 2003;
Vise postdiplomaca je magistriralo I nekoliko doktoriralo na istrazivackoj tematici I
saradnji sa GIS-om;
Veci broj nasih postdiplomaca je uspesan na doktorskim studijama iz istrazivackih oblasti
u koje su upucenu u GIS-u;
1. Logic and Databases, with Ž. Mijajlović, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on
Computer Science at the University, Dubrovnik, 1984.
2. Automatic Theorem Proving in Field Theory Using Quantifier Elimination, with Z. Mijajlovic,
Filomat, 1995.
3. On the Decidability of Mathematical Programing Problems with Algebraic Criteria and Constraints,
with Z. Mijajlovic, to appear in YUJOR.
4. One Method for Chromosome Analysis and Comparison, with S. Malkov and M.Vujosevic,
Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Education , Crete, 1995, Greek Mathematical
Society, 1996.
5. One Application of FFT Algorithm in Image Analysis, with G. Obradovic and S. Malkov, Scientific
Review 21-22, 1996. (Proceedings of Mitrinovic Memorial Conference, Nis 1996).
6. CCD Microscopy, Astronomy and Problems of Acquisition and Processing of EEG Signals,
Proceedings of the XI Infotech -96, Lepenski Vir 96.
7. Software for Photometric Analysis of CCD images, with S. Malkov, I. Vince, L. Popovic, IAPPP
Communications No 67, Spring 97.
8. Software Analysis of Chromosome Images – a Diagnostic Method in Malignan Deseases of
Human Blood , System (Serbian), Proceedings of the Conference on Informatics in Medicine
and Pharmacy, Arandjelovac, 1997.
9. Kompjuterni interfeis s Ispolzovaniem Elektronnih Signalov Mozga, Intelektualnie
Sistemi 3, MGU, Moskva, 1998.
10. Chromosome Modelling in CCD Microscopy, Proceedings of the International WorkshopTools
for Mathematical Modelling, Skt. Petersburg 1997, Skt. Petersburg Technical University, 1998.
11. Recent Advances in Image Analysis of Chromosomes Subjected to HG-Banding and in Situ
Hybridization (FISH), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism,
Melburn, 1998.
12. Blood pressure and heart rate spectral changes induced by the modulation of the colinergic
transmition by physostigmine and neostigmine, with N. Zigon, Jugoslav.Physiol.Pharmacol.
Acta, Vol 34, No.1, 111-120, 1998.
13. Interspike Background Activity in Extracelullarly Recorded Purkinje Neurons: Spectral Analysis,
with J. Šaponjić, M. Ćulić, and B. Janković, Physiol. Res. 50, 2001.
14. Oscillation of cerebellar neuronal firing rates under intensified inhibitory and excitatory inputs
in rat, with M. Ćulić, G. Grbić, Lj. Martac, B. Janković, J. Šaponjić and A. Kalauzi,
proc: From Basic Motor Control To Functional Recovery II,
ed. Nikolai Gantchev, Bulg. Acad. of Sciences, 2001.
15. Spectral properties and simulation of cerebellar cortical background activitz in rat,
with A. Kalauzi, M. Ćulić, Lj. Martać, G. Grbić, J. Šaponjić, B. Janković, and S. Spasić,
to appear in Physiol. Res.
16. Group for Intelligent Systems - Problems and Results, Intelektualnie sistemy,
RAN/MGU, vol 6, 2002.
17. Computerized chromosome comparison – how much difference in homology of two chromo
somes is acceptable, w. S. Malkov and M. Vujosevic, Genetika, VOl. 29, No. 3. 1997.
SIMULATION with A. Kalauzi1*, M. Culic2, Lj. Martac2, G. Grbic2, J. Šaponjic2,
B. Jankovic1, S. Spasic1, Neuroscience Research Communication, vol. 32, no3. SCI
COMPOSITE IMAGES, sa Z. Djordjevic, F. Maric,M. Maric and D. Perisic, dec
2003. Serbian Astronomy Journal.;
20. CCD microscopy – image analysis by Group for Intelligent Systems – GIS,
sa Z. Djordjevic, F. Maric, M. Maric, D. Perisic, ARCHIVE OF ONCOLOGY, 11|2,2003,
Institute for Oncology in Sremska Kamenica;
21. Theorem prover based on the quantifier ellimination method, with F. maric, M. Maric and
Z. Mijajlovic, ETRAN 2003.
G. Grbic, Martac-Blanusa Lj., Kalauzi, A. and Perisic to appear;
23. On some pattern classification and recognition problems in cytogenetics, with D. Perisic,
F. Maric, M. Maric and D. Jakimov, ETRAN 2003.
Fourier 3D spectroscopy in:
23. Methodological approaches in understanding the cerebellar motor and nonmotor
functions, M. Ćulić and J. Šaponjić, Jugoslav.Physiol.Pharmacol.Acta, vol. 34,
No. 1, 1998.
24. Effects of Nonpeptide V1a and V2 Antagonists on Blood Pressure Fast Oscillations
in Conscious Rats, Nina Japundžić- Žigon, Clinical and Experimental Hypertension,
23(4), 2001.
Automatic granular forms deffinition and counting in microscopic images in:
25. Differential effects of amphetamine and phencyclidine on the expression of
growthassociated protein GAP-43, S. Vukosavić, S. Ruzdijic, R. Veskov, Lj. Rakić,
S. Kanazir, Neuroscience Research 40,2001.
CD-ROM: Biomedical image and signal processing GIS001, 1997;
CD-ROM: New technology in biomedical research and diagnostics, GIS003, 1999;
CD-ROM: New technology in biomedical research and diagnostics, GIS004, 2002;
(with new added methods, SW and presentations)
Konferencije – neke
1. Logic, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, Nis, 1995.
2. Mathematics and other sciences, Crete, 1995.
3. Imaging in Astronomy, Baya, 1996.
4. Mitrinovic Memorial Conference, Nis, 1996.
5. CCD in Astronomy, Baya, 96.
6. 1st European Congress of Cytogenetics, Athens, 1997.
7. International Symposium onMolecular Genetics, Zlatibor, 1997.
8. Informatics in Medicine and Pharmacy, Arandjelovac, 1997.
9. Tools for Mathematical Modelling, Skt. Petersburg, 1997.
10. Artificial Intelligence and Computer Sciences, MGU, 1997.
11. 2. International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism, Melburn, 1998.
12. DSP in Science and Technology, LA, 1998.
13. 4th Yugoslav Russian Conference on Control Systems, Palic, 1998.
14. 21st Jugosl. Symp. On Biophysics, Kotor-Bg, 1998.
15. Blood Pressure Variability, Nancy, 1998.
16. 1998 Forum of European Neuroscience, Berlin, 1998.
17. DSP in science and technology, LA 2000.
18. Mathematical congress of Yugoslavia, Belgrade 2001.
19. DSP in science and technology, LA 2002.
20. ETRAN 2003.
21. Symposium on Intelligent Systems, Subotica 2003
22. Kongres kardiolooga Srbije I Crne Gore, 2003
SOFTWARE (some):
Interpretation Method in Automatic Deduction, with Z. Mijajlovic and 3 students.
Theorem prover in Modal Logic, with 2 students.
A number of complex syntax algorithms,
Theorem Prover in Algebra based on Quantifier Elimination and Application to Optimisation
Problems, with Z. Mijajlovic and 2 students.
KRACKEN - a theorem prover in Monadic Logic, cooperation with 25 students of Mat. Dept. Un of
Belgrade, 2001.
A system of Kinematic Turing Machines – a graphic simulator, with a group of students, 1995-6.
SMARTA (Signal Monitoring Acquisition and Real Time Analysis), with S. Kordić , Z. Popovic,
G. Obradovic, N. Andonovski, D. Perišić, G. Markovic, P. Todorović, F. Maric, M. Maric I dr.,
u vremenu 1994->, 5 generations of software.
Image Acquisitions and Analysis, specially Cytology with Chromosome Classification and Analysis,
with S. Malkov, I. Jovanovic, Z. Popovic, G. Obradovic 1994-7.
Image Spectroscopy, (as described in 25.), sharpening and filtering high magn. microscopic images,
with Z. Popovic, G. Obradovic.
Surf, photomorphology, with Z. Popovic, G. Obradovic1995 – 8.
ColoreCombine FISH (Fluorescent Microscopy), with G. markovic, 1997-8.
Automatised cariotyping: object recognition, extraction, normalisation and classification, with N.
Andonovski , D. Perišić 1997.
CCD microscopes (GIS).
Computerised medical equipement: EEG, ECG, CTG (GIS).
IIH Inteligentni Internet Holter
Automatizacija teleskopa,
Akusticki RT spectroskopi,
Snimanje atenuacije magnetnog polja,
Radio teleskop- snimanje i RT analiza,
Kooperacija na vise tehnickih projekata,
npr razvijen prototip network RT monitoringa upotrebljiv u upravljackim jezgrima
velikih sistema (proizvodnja i distribucija energije, toplote, vode, nadzor kompleksnih
proizvodnih postrojenja i linija..);