Declaration of Independence Lesson Plan

Stanley British Primary School Teacher Preparation Program
Intern Lesson Planning
Intern: C. Travis
Date: 4/5/2013
The Declaration of Independence- Greatest Break-Up Letter Ever
Standards Addressed: Colorado Academic Standards
Writing and Composition Standard 3.2.a.4: Students will organize relevant ideas and
details to convey a central idea or prove a point
The purpose of this lesson is to familiarize students with the structure and
importance of the Declaration of Independence, and allow them to write their own
declarations in a modern form.
Learning Objective(s):
Students will be able to write a letter explaining why it’s time for the American
Colonies to break-up with Great Britain.
This lesson will be in the classroom, 203. The meeting area will be used for
the mini-lesson on the Declaration of Independence. The students will then
transition to working on their own declarations in pairs at the clustered
Meeting area centered around projector and screen.
There is a 24:2 student to teacher ratio.
Materials and Preparation:
Have colonial props out (candles, hats, quills, tax jar, tea jar, time machine set
to the year 1776)
Blown up original declaration of independence to sign
Blown up text of the Declaration of Independence
o Split into the different sections
Natural Rights
List of Grievances
o Highlight the important parts
Student Journal pages with expectations and lines
“To Late to Apologize” youtube video
“Viva la Vida-King George” youtube video
Break-up songs
So you’ve decided you want to sever ties with your mother country… What
o Have you guys ever had someone in your life who wasn’t a very good
friend for you? They didn’t treat you very well or didn’t listen to what
you said?
o At a certain point, you have to say… you know what, we can’t be
friends anymore.
o How did you let them know that you weren’t going to be hanging out
with them anymore?
The Colonies didn’t have as many options as we do. They had
to write a letter.
The Declaration of Independence was essentially the most famous and
eloquent break-up letter of all time. They were telling Great Britain that it
was all over. That is the perspective we are going to look at that document
Go into the importance of the Declaration of Independence
o States our country’s beliefs and rights
o Inspired other countries
o Meant we did not want to be part of Great Britain anymore, but be our
own country.
You can divide the Declaration of Independence into four different parts. For
each part, highlight important sentences or phrases and talk about the
purpose of that section. Use turn-and-talks.
o Introduction or Preamble
o Natural Rights
o List of Grievances
o Conclusion
To inspire you when writing your letters, we are going to watch a video from
the colonist to Great Britain
o Show them “Apologize, a Declaration” video
Activity Procedure:
You are going to be writing your own Declaration of Independence, but a bit
shorter an with modern language.
You will be writing a letter as if you are the Colonies breaking off you
relationship with Great Britain.
Your structure is going to mirror the original Declaration, but we aren’t going
to be quite so wordy with it.
Go through rubric/outline with the necessary components.
Read my sample letter
o Go through rubric and my letter and have them identify each
component in my letter.
Check to make sure they understand what they need to do.
Release them to work individually or in pairs to write their letter.
o Walk around helping students who are stuck.
Warn them when they have 5 minutes left to write.
When students finish they may sign the Declaration of Independence.
Clean up everything but their Journals
Bring them back to the meeting area for closure.
o Share their letters
o Talk again about the importance of the Declaration of Independence
o Talk about what is coming up next in history
Now that they have Declared Independence and made
themselves publicly traitors, they must win the war.
o Play “Viva la Vida King George” video
Line up and dismiss to snack recess.
Differentiation (be specific about 2 or 3 children):
Melody and Zayra work with Tiffany. She records their ideas on a white
boards for them to see and help guide their wiritng.
Check on Maddie and Roberto frequently.
Assessment (Checklist/Anecdotal Notes/Graphic Organizer, etc.):
Student Break-up Letter to Great Britain
o Look for:
Introduction (What is the purpose of the letter?)
They mention something about wanting to be
independent or ending their relationship with Great
Natural Rights
Many possible options related to freedom, democracy,
equality, etc.
At least three (accurate) reasons for independence
o Graded using standards-based grading scale
Write Haikus about:
o Lexington and Concord
o The Second Continental Congress
o The Declaration of Independence