Forms – Form design Bruce Jones 2007 Workplace Trainer & Assessor – delivering practical quality solutions ACIA Membership Application Form Name ©ACIA Address Home Work Telephone Email/s Yes Are you an ACIA qualified guide? No Level Are you applying for associate or full membership? Has your membership lapsed for more than 2 years? If so, you will need to pay a fee (below) and fill in the lapsed membership log to attach to this form Are you maintaining your qualification from last year? If so, have you maintained the currency requirements for your qualification? In applying for membership in the ACIA I am agreeing with the aims and objectives of the association. All of the information provided and statements and claims made are true to the best of my knowledge. Direct Deposit Credit card Cheque Cash BSB 633-000 A/c no. 124580085 Payment method Membership will be valid for the remainder of the calendar year.( $85.00 for full membership for one year or $160 for two years) Associate memberships costs $25/year and are available to clubs, gyms, schools, etc., and interested individuals who do not wish to be registered guides or who are not yet qualified, but want to support the ACIA and its mission. Lapsed membership of more than 2 years incurs an application fee of $25. Card Type Exp Date Card No. Name on card Credit use incurs a 4% bank charge ___/___ Additionally, until this authority is revoked by me, I authorize the ACIA to charge my credit card $85 annually for my membership renewal, plus 4% credit card charge. Date: Yes No Signature: Forms – Form design Bruce Jones 2007 Workplace Trainer & Assessor – delivering practical quality solutions