Individual study plan for third

Translation of: Individuell studieplan för utbildning på forskarnivå
Individual study plan for third-cycle (postgraduate) studies
Drawn up: 20yy-mm-dd
Revised: 20yy-mm-dd
Doctoral student: Name
Date for decision on admission to third-cycle level: 20yy-mm-dd
Third-cycle subject area:
Type of funding/maintenance: E.g. employment as doctoral student, externally employed
doctoral student or scholarship
Current/estimated date for Licentiate seminar or equivalent: 20yy-mm-dd
Originally estimated date for Degree of Doctor1: 20yy-mm-dd
Possibly revised estimated date for Degree of Doctor2: 20yy-mm-dd
If the doctoral student is admitted towards a licentiate degree, remove lines regarding Degree of Doctor
in case of more changes, state all the dates
Structure of the document:
A. Time schedule
B. Dissertation specialisation
C. Publications
D. Courses
E. Undertakings of the Institute
F. Examiner
G. Signatures
A. Time schedule*
Dissertation work
(higher education
(higher education
Service e.g. teaching
Research activity
including year
201y 201y 201y
Concluded Planned
* If the doctoral student is admitted towards a licentiate degree; only plan towards the licentiate degree. If a
doctoral student admitted towards a licentiate degree wishes to continue towards a degree of doctor a new
application is needed (Ph.D. latter part).
Possible service must be accounted for in the document Plan of service which in such case is to be enclosed. If
the yearly hours of work correspond to full time 1756 h and the extent of the service that, e.g., comprises
teaching amounts to 20 %, this equals 351 h. Research activities are here only corresponded by activity at
third-cycle level (i.e. excluding service that comprises for example teaching). At funding/maintenance type
AUH or externally employed doctoral student, the service corresponds to work at a company or other
employment outside the higher education institution.
Translation of: Individuell studieplan för utbildning på forskarnivå
B.1. Short description of the main specialisation of the dissertation work (max.
300 words)
B.2. Short description of the research work of the current calendar year (max.
150 words)
C.1. Published dissertation contributions
1. Author. ”Title,” Conference/Journal/etc., (volume, number), pages, year.
State index number and complete reference for published conference papers, journal articles, book
chapters and technical reports that are planned to be included in the dissertation
C.2. Non-published dissertation contributions
State index number and preliminary reference information for non-published articles, book chapters,
and reports that are planned to be included in the dissertation
C.3. Other research production
State index number and information about other production, for example: conference papers, journal
articles, book chapters, technical reports, descriptions of software
Translation of: Individuell studieplan för utbildning på forskarnivå
D.1. Planned courses
Course title and course code
Higher education credits
Expected initial date
D.2. On-going courses
Course title and course code
Higher education credits
Expected final date
D.3. Concluded courses
Course title and course code
Higher education credits
Date of conclusion
Concluded courses, total
extent (higher education credits):
D. 4. Pedagogic education for doctoral students who teach
Corresponding introduction
course for teaching and
3 Higher education credits
learning in higher education*
* For doctoral students who are to participate in teaching the requirement is to take an introduction
course for teaching and learning in higher education (3 credits) before they start teaching (from
Program and action plan for quality work at BTH, version 2011-2013). Depending on the current
general study plan, the doctoral student may, possibly, include the course for teaching and learning in
higher education in the course module for third-cycle education or count the course as competence
development during the period of service at the department.
Undertakings of the Institute
E.1. Supervisor
Name, title, university, role
Initial date
Final date
State all individuals who formally are, or have been, supervisors. Role refers to either Principal
Supervisor or Supervisor. University can be omitted for BTH-employed supervisors.
Translation of: Individuell studieplan för utbildning på forskarnivå
E.2. Plan for supervision for the coming year
Plan for supervision for the coming year
Supervisors’ availability (days/month):
Total time spent by all supervisors (hours/week):
Content of supervision1:
Describe how sufficient supervision support is organized2:
For example discussions, joint authorship of articles, feedback on research results and written
For example distributions of responsibilities within the supervision group in regard to dissertation
work, publications, third stream activities, company (equivalent) contact.
E.3. Supervisors’ training
Have the current supervisors undergone training for supervision in third-cycle
Copy of certificate of concluded supervisors’ training is to be enclosed in the case that the supervisors’
training does not refer to FLUS or FLUSp.
E.4. Supervisors’ group
Has a supervisors’ group been
Date for last meeting
Senior reviewer (Name and title)
The supervisors’ group is constituted by the examiner, the supervisors, and an individual outside the
department with qualification required for appointment as a docent (named Senior Reviewer) active at
BTH. See Routines for yearly follow-ups of the individual study plan for more information about
required meetings in the supervisors’ group (also called the supervisors’ faculty).
F. Examiner
Name, title
Initial date
Final date
Translation of: Individuell studieplan för utbildning på forskarnivå
G. Signatures
Date and place:
Doctoral student*
Principal supervisor
Senior reviewer
* Please note: Doctoral student that has teaching as part of the service should also sign Enclosure 1.
Enclosure 1: Plan of service
Translation of: Individuell studieplan för utbildning på forskarnivå
Plan of service
Enclosure 1 to
Individual study plan for third-cycle education for doctoral student
[First and last name]
Outcome plan of service
Teaching, other service
Point of time
* outcome all calendar years exluding the current one
Plan of service for the current calendar year (outcome is filled in at
the coming revision)
Teaching, other service
Point of time
Doctoral student
Education Director/Director of
Head of department