CAMBRIDGE ROTARY CLUB THURSDAY - 12:15 PM S & S RESTAURANT CAMBRIDGE STREET - INMAN SQUARE CAMBRIDGE FELLOWSHIP NEWS THIS WEEK AT THE S & S MAY 16, 2007 LET US LEAD THE WAY THIS WEEK AT ROTARY Harriet Feinberg will discuss Geoffrey R. Stone’s ‘War and Liberty: an American dilemma 1790 to the present” vividly portrays the tug-of-war between individual freedom and national security during six crucial periods of conflict, including the ‘war on terror.’ Stone, a professor of constitutional law, analyzes the complex historical role of the Supreme Court in gradually setting forth First Amendment rights to dissent. This presentation explores the book’s main points and highlights key passages. Harriet Feinberg, Ed.D. (Harvard University) has had a wide educational experience. She has served as Assistant Professor of English at the University of Massachusetts in Boston; Associate Director, MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound; Supervision in the Master of Arts in Teach Program, Harvard University; and English teacher in the Department of Basic Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She served as a Board member of Fellowship in Israel for Arab-Jewish Youth, and was on the staff and later on the Advisory Board of the Apple Hill Center for Chamber Music; her responsibilities included welcoming music students from Israel and the Arab world participating in summer music activities. Her publications include "Elsie Chomsky: A Life in Jewish Education", in Courtyard, Jewish Theological Seminary of Aerica (1999/2000); and, as Co-Editor with Ruth Whitman, Poemmaking: Poets in Classrooms, Massachusetts Council of Teachers of English (1975). She also edited the memoir of Aletta Jacobs, a Dutch feminist who along with an international group of women protested World War I and pleaded for mediation to end the conflict. LINDA CORWIN welcoming JACKIE LARSEN to Rotary. Linda was serving as Sergeant at Arms for the 2nd time. Many thanks Linda and all who serve in this important task. It is always great to be welcomed by a smiling Rotarian. LAST WEEK AT ROTARY PRESIDENT DENISE led the Pledge of Allegiance, LINDA CORWIN led us in song and AL WILSON offered the blessing. We welcomed visiting Rotarian Roger Tarazi of the Beirut, Lebanon. Every Spring Roger comes to Cambridge on business and is always a welcome participant in our weekly meeting. Roger offered a brief review of the situation in Lebanon following the recent war. He pointed out that the people of Lebanon are peaceful members of diverse communities who have been able to co-exist for centuries. Currently Lebanon is the victim of the struggle going on between countries involved in the Iraq situation and the overall war on terrorism. CLUB NOTES BOB MANSFIELD offered two tickets to the Red Sox game on 5/11. RUSTY CANN auctioned the two tickets for $230. Proceeds went to the Cambridge Rotary education Fund. Thanks Bob. CHALK ON THE WALK – Gross income is over $19,000 – Wow – congratulations JACKIE LARSEN, AMY CROOT, KEVIN GHIOZZI and all members who worked to make the event a success. PRESIDENT DENISE thanked JACKIE for her effort to make Chalk on the Walk a success. Two weeks ago we asked if anyone was aware of “TWINK” a product made in Cambridge by Lever Brothers. Well, the answer came from our Assistant District Governor Wilson Lee. Twink was a cleaning and dyeing agent made in the 20’s. How did Wilson find this information you ask. Well, he did it the old fashioned way, he Googled “Twink” and found a lot of information. Thanks Wilson! GOOD NEWS SUSAN FLANNERY announced that Houghton Mifflin has made a substantial donation towards the new Cambridge Public Library. AMY CROOT thanked KEVIN and JACKIE for the tremendous effort to make Chalk a success. JUSTIN SLATE had a wonderful wedding for his daughter. He was thrilled to see his grandson play the key board and to see his other grandson sing a song. BOB MANSFIELD commented on how Chalk on the Walk brought back memories of his daughter and her friend at a previous Chalk. JACKIE LARSEN donated for Peace in Beirut and for a wonderful Chalk day. LINDA CORWIN announced her quest to find black chalk continues. PROGRAM Because our scheduled program was changed we participated in a discussion on Chalk with the idea of making suggestions for improvements in the future. A number of ideas were presented to the committee and will form the basis for our next event. The members thanked DENISE JILLSON, in her capacity as the CEO of the Harvard Square Business Association, for her help in assigning us to the location on Church Street at the Mass. Ave. end. Everyone agreed the space was perfect for our program. MR. PRESIDENT MARC O’BRIEN presented a brief outline of his plans for the 2007-2008 Rotary year. Marc stressed the need for all Rotarians to grow our membership. Marc asked all members their thinking on Club Assemblies. Marc requested and members offered their thought on the dates, times, locations and agendas Marc will take the thoughts under review but he requests that all members reserve the following dates pending additional information. June 21 – 4 PM to 6 PM – Club Assembly at a site to be announced. July 19 – Club Assembly to meet the District Governor – Time and location to come. Sept. 6 – Club Assembly to Kick-off everything we plan to accomplish in the Rotary year. REMEMBER THIS WEEK AT THE S & S Dan O’Neill Editot