研習報告與討論 姓名:曾煥昌 學號:891632 研習地點:陽明大學神研所 Targeted expression of Cre recombinase to various brain regions under doxycycline control in transgenic mice 1. Abstract Functional analysis of mammalian gene relies on targeted mutations generated by homologous recombination in mice. Many targeted inactivations of gene, however, result in a pleiotropic phenotypes that are difficult to analyze. Conditional knockout approach is desirable to direct tissue- or temporal- specific excision of the gene of interest. Taking advantages of both the reverse tetracycline-inducible transactivator (rtTA) and the site-specific Cre/loxP recombination systems, we designed a strategy to generate transgenic mice bearing inducible Cre expression ability. In the core construct, the reverse tetracycline transactivator (rtTA) is driven by brain-specific ”nestin” promoter, and placed in cis regulation, the Cre recombinase is controlled bt the minimal promoter containing tetracycline responsive operon. 2. Introduction The key system of conditional knockout is Cre/loxP system. Cre is a 38 kDa recombinase protein from bacteriophage P1, which mediates intramolecular (excisive or inversional) and intermolecular (integrative) site specific recombination between two loxP sites A loxP site consists of two 13 bp inverted repeats separated by an 8 bp asymmetric spacer region. One molecule of Cre binds per inverted repeat or two Cre molecules line up at one loxP site. The recombination occurs in the asymmetric spacer region. Those 8 bases are also responsible for the directionality of the site. Two loxP sequences in opposite orientation to each other invert the intervening piece of DNA, and two sites in direct orientation dictate excision of the intervening DNA between the sites leaving one loxP site behind. This precise removal of DNA can be used to eliminate an endogenous gene. Such a system is useful to investigate tissue-specific gene inactivation. In order to excise target gene in a tissue-specific manner, two mouse lines are required. First, a conventional transgenic mouse line with Cre targeted to a specific tissue or cell type, and secondly a mouse strain that embodies a target gene to be flanked by two loxP sites in the same direction ("floxed gene"). Recombination (excision and consequently inactivation of the target gene) occurs only in those tissues (or organs) that expressing Cre recombinase. Hence, the target gene remains active in all tissues that do not express Cre recombinase. fig.1 Another system adapted in this study is the rtTA/TRE system (and sometimes called “Tet-on system” ). The tetracycline-responsive element (TRE) allows for the expression of a transgene in the presence of tetracycline or its derivative, doxycycline. When doxycycline is applied to the animal, it binds to the dimmerized transactivator protein (rtTA), which in turn causes conformational change and allowing binding to the tetracycline responding element (TRE). Transcription was controlled in such a way that without doxycycline, no (or minimum) transgene will be produced. fig.2 nn is the promoter of α2C4 receptor. This promoter expresses only in specific tissue, such as some part of brain areas such as hippocampus and cerebellum. 3. Material& Methods (1) Construct Plasmid We must design a plasmid which contains recombinase and Tet-on system. 1. We select pSV-β –galactosidase (pSV-β –gal)plasmid for 2. our vector. 2. Sequentially Construct nn promoter, rtTA, Cre, TRE gene into the MCS of pSV-β –gal plasmid. And design the trascription orientation to fit the following figure. fig.3 (2) Pronuclei Microinjection for Mice [4] After constructing the plasmid, we should insert the DNA fragment into the genome of mice. We use microinjection method to put the conditional knockout system into mice. 1. To increase the yield and quality of eggs, female mice are superovulated with gonadotrophins. 2.Fertilized embryos are harvested after dissection of the oviduct from newly plugged mice. 3.Microinject the DNA fragment into the pronucleus of a fertilized ovum. 4. Reimplanted the microinjected embryos into the oviduct of pseudopregnant female recipients, mated with appropriate timing to vasectomized male mice. 5. They will give birth 19-20 days after implantation. (3) Analysis of Tail DNA for Transgene (southern boltting) 1. At 3-4 weeks of age, transgene integration can be assessed by tail tissue analysis. 2. Lyse the tail tissue and purify the genome DNA. 3. Digest the genome DNA with certain restriction enzyme and make the fragment run in agarose gel by electrophoresis. 4. Transfer the DNA onto a special filter. 5. Use the previous construct DNA as probe and make it radioactive. 6. Hybrid the fragment of genome with probe. 7. Analyse radioactivity of the filter. Check the hybrid DNA size and intensity to screen the transgenic mice. (4) Mating The Transgenic Mice At around 6 weeks of age, matings should be set up between transgenic mice. Usually, the transgenic mice are heterozygotes. We will mate two heterozygotes to get homozygotes. Then, we should do southern blotting experiment to the descendants to screen homozygotes. Furthermore, in order to confirm the hetrozygotes, we do testcross for the possible homozygote. In this way we can get a homozygote with our construct system. 4. Result & discussion In my summer research, I participated only the southern blotting experiment of the series. During the two mouths, I screened about 120 mice and found thirty heterozygotes. As soon as I found these heterozygotes, we made them mate each other. But these mice were too little to be analyzed their tails’ DNA so I did not find any homozygotes. After a series of experiment, we can get transgenic mice with conditional knockout system. As fig.1 show, we only establish half of the complete system. When we want to to investigate some interesting gene, we just use the knockin method to put loxP sequence on both sides of the gene. Then, mate the two kinds of transgenic mice. We can obtain a whole conditional knockout system. Furthermore, if we change the gene between two loxP sequences we can study variable gene in the same way. This experiment was my first job in my summer lab. Although I can’t finish the whole experiment, I have learned how the research acts. Besides the Southern boltting, I learned ICC (immuno-cytochemistry), which can locate specific protein expression by antibody. It was not my job but I asked to teach me . Therefore it wasn’t a complete plan and I didn’t describe above. This research experience let me find interests of experiment and sometimes feel frustrated. It is important to find out what is the mistake when I get no expected result. Although the life of research is not easy, I hope that I can find out some significant result to change the life of humans in whole world.