Environmental Geochemistry

University of Jordan
Department of Environmental Geology
Environmental Geochemistry
Instructor: Dr. Mustafa Al Kuisi
PhD Environmental Geologist
Course Syllabus
Environmental geochemistry is the application of chemical and hydrochemical
principles to predicting the fate of organic and inorganic pollutants at the earth's
surface and in the atmosphere. The purpose of this course is to provide a practical
background in basic geochemical principles that can be applied to environmental
problems. The course will make use of computer programs to solve geochemical
problems. Some simple chemical analyses will be done to illustrate important
environmental chemical reactions, e.g., pH, Eh, dissolved O2, alkalinity, hardness,
nutrient concentrations.
The course will deal with the following subjects:
1- Introduction
What you will learn?
Definition of Environmental Geochemistry
Fundamentals of Environmental Geochemistry
What’s In an Aqueous Geochemical System?
2- Groundwater Geochemistry Fundamentals
Chemical Principles
The Aquifer Geochemical System
Groundwater Solution
Chemical Reactions and the Equilibrium Constant
Soil / Rock Composition
Water / Rock Processes Controlling Solution Composition
Water Rock Interaction
Adsorption / Desorption
Ion Exchange
Mineral Precipitation / Dissolution
3- Water Quality
Physical Characteristics
Chemical Characteristics
Microbiological Characteristics
Radiological Characteristics
Water Quality Standards
Water Classification and Treatment Systems
4- Water Quality Management
Water Pollutants and their Sources
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
Nitrogen Oxidation, Phosphorus Oxidation, Sulfur Oxidation
Stratification and Turnover
Biological Zones
Acidification of Lakes and Reservoirs
5- Development of Conceptual Geochemical Models
Modeling Data Requirements
Elements of Conceptual Model
Geochemical Modeling Methods
6- Applications of Geochemistry to Specific Types of Contaminants and
Contaminated Environments
Contamination of Groundwater by Agriculture and other Nonpoint
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH's)
Metals Contamination
Land Disposal
Geochemistry of Acid Mine Waste
7- Atmospheric Chemistry and Pollution
Air Pollution Standards
Effects of Air Pollution
Origin and Fate of Air Pollutants
Micro and Macro Air Pollution
Acid Rain, Ozone Depletion, Green House Effects
First Exam: 20%
Second Exam: 20%
Term Paper, Problems and Activation: 20%
Final Exam: 40%
Text Books:
1- Environmental Engineering (1998) Davis and Cronwell
2- Fundamental of Environmental Engineering (1999) Danny D. Reible
3- Environmental Engineers Handbook (1997) David and Lipta'k
4- Basic Concepts of Environmental Chemistry (1997) Connell
5- Environmental Chemistry (1996) Colin Baird
6- Applied Chemical Hydrogeology (2001). Kehew, A.E
7- Groundwater Geochemistry Fundamentals and Applications to Contamination
(1997) William J. Deutsch
8- Environmental Soil and Water Chemistry (1998) Evangelou V.P.
9- Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry (2003) Donald Langmuir
10- Principles of Environmental Geochemistry (2003) G. Nelson Eby