UNIVERSITY OF EXETER EQUALITY & DIVERSITY DUAL ASSURANCE, 15 & 27 July 2011 15 July 2011: Present: Mark Overton (Management Lead), Lisa Pacey-Wonnacott (HR Business Partner) and Helen Booker (Equality & Diversity Administrator) DISCUSSED: 1. Actions arising from last meeting (21 April 2011) not covered elsewhere on agenda:- INSIGHT programme: LP and HB met with Sue Lawrie to discuss. This programme has been extremely popular with students, however unfortunately despite some very high profile staff getting involved very few numbers of staff have volunteered. Action: HB to include another advert for INSIGHT in the next E&D Newsletter to raise awareness about the programme. - E&D Risk Review update: The achievement of Two Ticks and the definition of the risk were added to the Risk Review, along with a comment about the possible impact of the fees change. - Strengthening the relationship between E&D and Internationalisation: LP and HB met with Sue Lawrie, International Student Support (ISSO), and Anna Morley, International Office E&D Coordinator, for initial discussions about events organised by ISSO; issues around marketing in response to concerns with the recent International Exeter film; Welcome Week; and INSIGHT (see above). It was agreed to keep in regular contact via email and for E&D to help publicise ISSO’s events. All other actions arising are covered on the agenda. 2. Single Equality Scheme The Single Equality Scheme (SES) has been discussed at the Equality Groups and the Advisory Group, with the Gender Equality Group (GEG) providing the most feedback. GEG asked whether it was possible for the staff gender data to be further broken down to Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer and Lecturer level to enable monitoring of potential for future progression. Action: DC to consider this feedback when preparing data for the next E&D Annual Report. 27 July 2011: Present: Mark Overton (Management Lead), Bettina Rigg (Lay Lead), Lisa Pacey-Wonnacott (HR Business Partner) and Helen Booker (Equality & Diversity Administrator) DISCUSSED: 3. Single Equality Scheme The feedback from the GEG was discussed. BR queried the section on Equality Impact Assessments which had been written prior to EIAs no longer being a legal requirement. Subject to this section being amended to clarify the University’s position on EIAs, the Single Equality Scheme was agreed. Action: LP/HB to reword EIA section to clarify the University’s position on EIAs. 4. Consultation activity and Equality Group structure Three of the Equality Groups had agreed to expand their Terms of Reference to include additional relevant protected characteristics. The Race Equality Group will now also cover issues around race and religion or belief; the Gender Equality Group will also cover issues around sex, pregnancy and maternity, and marriage and civil partnership; and the LGBT Equality group will cover issues around sexual orientation, gender reassignment, and marriage and civil partnership. In addition to these existing Groups, an Age Equality Group will be set up for 2011/12. A new meeting structure is to be introduced for 2011/12 with the E&D Advisory Group meeting being held immediately before the Equality Group meetings (which will then be held simultaneously). The E&D Advisory Group will then reconvene immediately following Equality Group meetings at which point the Chairs of those Groups will have an opportunity to report back directly to the Advisory Group any key issues arising from their respective Groups. It is hoped that this new structure will improve communication between the Groups. 5. E&D Development Day Plans for the upcoming E&D Development Day were discussed and it was felt that a follow up from the day to SMG would be very beneficial, particularly to highlight the business imperative of E&D. Action: MO to update SMG on outcomes of E&D Development Day. 6. E&D Action Plan update It was decided to discuss the Action Plan at the next meeting once the priorities and targets for 2011/12 have been agreed. Actions: HB to add to the agenda for the next meeting. DC to draft the Action Plan for 2011/12 to discuss at the next meeting. 7. Notes of last meeting (21 April 2011) and actions arising MO has spoken to Shaun Curtis about the International Exeter and about the image it presents, and MO will speak to Stuart Franklin about branding issues and the image Exeter presents. Action: MO to speak to Stuart Franklin about branding issues in publicity, particularly in relation to E&D issues. 8. Any other business Exeter Respect: Respect went really well and was larger than ever this year. It was felt that it would be a positive move for the University to have an even greater presence at the event next year. AGREED ACTIONS: HB to include another advert for INSIGHT in the next E&D Newsletter to raise awareness about the programme. DC to consider feedback regarding the gender breakdown of staff when preparing data for the next E&D Annual Report. LP/HB to reword EIA section on the Single Equality Scheme to clarify the University’s position on EIAs. MO to update SMG on outcomes of E&D Development Day. HB to add the Action Plan to the agenda for the next meeting and DC to draft the Action Plan for 2011/12 to discuss at the next meeting. MO to speak to Stuart Franklin about branding issues in publicity, particularly in relation to E&D issues. Helen Booker Equality and Diversity Administrator