Papers Submitted and Under Review a. Lippiatt, S.M., M.T. Brown, M.C. Lohan, C.J.M. Berger and K.W. Bruland. Leachable particulate iron in the Columbia River, estuary, and near-field plume. Submitted to Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, June 2009. RISE b. Silver, M.S., S. Bargu, S.L. Coale, C.R. Benitez-Nelson, A.C. Garcia, K.J. Roberts, E.S. Wood, K.W. Bruland and K.H. Coale. Natural and iron-fertilized oceanic communities contain toxic algae. Submitted to ??, July 2009. GoA c. Hurst, M.P., A.M. Aguilar-Islas, and K.W. Bruland. Iron in the southeastern Bering Sea: Elevated leachable particulate Fe in shelf bottom waters as an important source for surface waters. Submitted to Continental Shelf Research, June 2009. Bering Sea Papers Accepted and in Press 1. Hickey, B.M., R.M. Kudela, J.D. Nash, K.W. Bruland, W.T. Peterson, P. MacCready, E.J. Lessard, D.A. Jay, N.S. Banas, A. M. Baptista, E.P. Dever, P.M. Kosro, L.K. Kilcher, A.R. Horner-Devine, E.D. Zaron, R. M. McCabe, J.O. Peterson, P.M. Orton, J. Pan, and M.C. Lohan. River influences on shelf ecosystems: Introduction and synthesis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, accepted August 2009; doi:10.1029/2009JC005452 (2009). RISE 2. Rovegno, P.S., C.A. Edwards and K.W. Bruland. Observations of a Kenai Eddy and a Sitka Eddy in the Northern Gulf of Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, accepted July 2009, doi:10.1029/2009JC005451 (2009). GoA Published Papers 3. Brown, M.T. and K.W. Bruland. Dissolved and particulate aluminum in the Columbia River and coastal waters of Oregon and Washington: behavior in near-field and far-field plumes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2009.05.031, vol. 84: 171-185 (2009). RISE 4. Fiechter, J., A.M. Moore, C.A. Edwards, K.W. Bruland, E. DiLorenzo, C.V.W. Lewis, T.M. Powell, E.N. Curchitser, and K. Hedstrom. Modeling iron limitation of primary production in the coastal Gulf of Alaska. Deep Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.02.010 (2009). GoA 5. Bruland, K.W., M.C. Lohan, A.M. Aguilar-Islas, G.J. Smith, B. Sohst and A. Baptista. Factors influencing the chemistry of the near-field Columbia River plume: nitrate, silicic acid, dissolved Fe and dissolved Mn. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113: doi:10.1029/2007JC004702 (2008). RISE 6. Berger, C.J.M., S.M. Lippiatt, M.G. Lawrence and K.W. Bruland. The application of a chemical leach technique for estimating labile particulate aluminum, iron, and manganese in the Columbia River plume and coastal waters off Oregon and Washington. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113: C00B01, doi:10.1029/2007JC004703 (2008). RISE 7. Lohan, M.C. and K.W. Bruland. Elevated Fe(II) and dissolved Fe in hypoxic shelf waters off Oregon and Washington: an enhanced source of iron to coastal upwelling regimes. Environmental Science and Technology, 42(17): 6462-6468, DOI: 10.1021/es800144j (2008). RISE 8. Brown, M.T. and K.W. Bruland. An improved flow injection analysis method for the determination of dissolved aluminum in seawater. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods, 6: 87-95 (2008). GEOTRACES IC 9. Hurst, M.P. and K.W. Bruland. The effects of the San Francisco Bay plume on trace metal and nutrient distributions in the Gulf of the Farallones. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72: 395-411 (2008). GoA 10. Black, F.J., K.W. Bruland and A.R. Flegal. Competing ligand exchange-solid phase extraction method for the determination of the complexation of dissolved inorganic mercury(II) in natural waters. Analytical Chimica Acta, 598: 318-333 (2007). 11. Buck, K.N. and K.W. Bruland. The physico-chemical speciation of dissolved iron in the Bering Sea, Alaska. Limnology and Oceanography, 52(5): 1800-1808 (2007). Bering Sea 12. Aguilar-Islas, A.M., M.P. Hurst, K.N. Buck, B. Sohst, G.J. Smith, M.C. Lohan and K.W. Bruland. Micro- and macronutrients in the southeastern Bering Sea: Insight into iron-replete and iron-deplete regimes. Progress in Oceanography, 73(2): 99-126 (2007). Bering Sea 13. Buck, K.N., M.C. Lohan, C.J.M. Berger and K.W. Bruland. Dissolved iron speciation in two distinct river plumes and an estuary: Implications for riverine iron supply. Limnology and Oceanography, 52(2): 843-855 (2007). RISE 14. Johnson, K., E. Boyle, K. Bruland, K. Coale, C. Measures, J. Moffett, A. AguilarIslas, K. Barbeau, B. Bergquist, A. Bowie, K. Buck, Y. Cai, Z. Chase, J. Cullen, T. Doi, V. Elrod, S. Fitzwater, M. Gordon, A. King, P. Laan, L. Baquer, W. Landing, M. Lohan, J. Mendez, A. Milne, H. Obata, L. Ossiander, J. Plant, G. Sarthou, P. Sedwick, G. Smith, B. Sohst, S. Tanner, S. Van den Berg, J. Wu. Developing standards for dissolved iron in seawater. EOS, 88: 131-132 (2007). SAFe 15. Hurst, M.P. and K.W. Bruland. An investigation into the exchange of iron and zinc between soluble, colloidal, and particulate size-fractions in shelf waters using lowabundance isotopes as tracers in shipboard incubation experiments. Marine Chemistry, 103: 211-226 (2007). GoA 16. Buck, K.N., J.Ross, K.W. Bruland and A.R. Flegal. A review of total dissolved copper and its chemical speciation in San Francisco Bay, CA. Environmental Research, 105(1): 5-19 (2007). 17. Kudela, R.M., N. Garfield and K.W. Bruland. Bio-optical signatures and biogeochemistry from intense upwelling and relaxation in coastal California. Deep-Sea Research II, 53: 2999-3022 (2006). 18. Bruland, K.W. A review of the chemistries of redox sensitive elements within suboxic zones of oxygen minimum regions. Gayana, 70: 6-13 (2006). 19. Lohan, M.C., A.M. Aguilar-Islas and K.W. Bruland. Direct determination of iron in acidified (pH 1.7) seawater samples by flow injection analysis with catalytic spectrophotometric detection: Application and intercomparison. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods, 4: 164-171 (2006). SAFe 20. Aguilar-Islas, A.M. and K.W. Bruland. Dissolved manganese and silicic acid in the Columbia River plume: A major source to the California Current and coastal waters off Washington and Oregon. Marine Chemistry, 101: 233-247 (2006). RISE 21. Hickey, B.M, A. MacFadyen, W.P. Cochlan, R.M. Kudela, K.W. Bruland, and C.R. Trick. Evolution of chemical, biological and physical water properties in the Northern California Current in 2005: Remote or local wind forcing? Geophysical Research Letters, 33: L22S02, doi:10.1029/2006GL026782, (2006). RISE 22. Aguilar-Islas, A.M., J. Reising, and K.W. Bruland. Catalytically enhanced spectrophotometric determination of manganese in seawater by flow-injection analysis with a commercially available resin for on-line preconcentration. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods, 4: 105-113 (2006). RISE 23. Lohan, M.C. and K.W. Bruland. Importance of vertical mixing for additional sources of nitrate and iron to surface waters of the Columbia River plume: Implications for biology. Marine Chemistry, 98: 260-273 (2006). RISE 24. Leblanc, K., C.E. Hare, P.W. Boyd, K.W. Bruland, B. Sohst, S. Pickmere, M.C. Lohan, K.N. Buck, M. Ellwood and D.A. Hutchins. Fe and Zn effects on the Si cycle and diatom community structure in two contrasting high and low-silicate HNLC areas. DeepSea Research I, 52: 1842-1864 (2005). Bering Sea 25. DiTullio, G.R., M.E. Geesey, J.M. Maucher, M.B. Alm, S.F. Riseman, and K.W. Bruland. Influence of iron on algal community composition and physiological status in the Peru upwelling system. Limnol. & Oceanogr., 50: 1887-1907 (2005). Peru 26. Hurst, M.P. and K.W. Bruland. The use of Nafion-coated thin mercury film electrodes for the determination of the dissolved copper speciation in estuarine waters. Analyitica Chimica Acta, 546: 68-78 (2005). 27. Buck, K.N. and K.W. Bruland. Copper speciation in San Francisco Bay: a novel approach using multiple analytical windows. Marine Chemistry, 96: 185-198 (2005). 28. Hare, C.E., G.R. DiTullio, C.G. Trick, S. Wilhelm, K.W. Bruland, E.L. Rue, D.A. Hutchins. Phytoplankton community structure changes following simulated upwelled iron inputs in the Peru Upwelling region. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 38: 269-282 (2005). Peru 29. Franck, V.M., G. Smith, K.W. Bruland, and Mark A. Brzezinski. Comparison of size-dependent carbon, nitrate and silicic acid uptake rates in high- and low-iron waters. Limnology and Oceanography, 50: 825-838 (2005). Peru 30. Ndungu, K., M.P. Hurst, and K.W. Bruland. Comparison of copper speciation in estuarine water measured using analytical voltammetry and supported liquid membrane techniques. Environmental Science and Technology, 39: 3166-3175 (2005). 31. Lohan, M.C., A.M. Aguilar-Islas, R.P. Franks and K.W. Bruland. Determination of iron and copper in seawater at pH 1.7 with a new commercially available chelating resin, NTA Superflow. Analytica Chimica Acta, 530: 121-129 (2005). 32. Bruland, K.W., E.L. Rue, G.J. Smith and G.R. DiTullio. Iron, macronutrients and diatom blooms in the Peru Upwelling regime: Brown and blue waters of Peru. Marine Chemistry, 93: 81-103 (2005). Peru