Supplemental figure 1 Variations in mean population genetic values

Supplemental figure 1 Variations in mean population genetic values at different latitudes
The value for each latitude is the average of the five mean genetic values for the populations
concerned at generation 300 under limited selection and steep environmental gradients (
). Latitudinal means were computed and reported for co-gradient (red), counter-gradient
(green) and uniform selection (purple). Limited selection gradients were simulated here (
The color lines indicate assortative mating (
), the black lines indicate random mating
). All simulations were conducted under three migration models with moderate gene flow
): the plain lines indicate IMM, the dashed lines LDN and the dotted lines LDS. Each
line represents the mean of 30 independent replicates.
Supplemental figure 2 Variation in maladaptation level of a northern population under a
stronger selection intensity
The difference between the phenotypic optima and the mean genetic values of a northern population
(population 52) was monitored under 11 additional scenarios involving a stronger selection intensity
associated with a steep selection gradient (
). Title of the figures indicates the
steepness of the selection gradient and the dispersal model simulated, LD meaning “long-distance
and directional dispersal”, which includes both LDN (plain lines) and LDS (dashed lines).
Assortative mating (
) was combined with co-gradient (red) and counter-gradient (green)
selection. Random mating was also simulated; black lines represent random mating when the
selection gradient co-varied positively with the latitudinal gradient, gray lines represent random
mating when the selection gradient is opposed to the latitudinal gradient. The reversion of the
selection gradient cannot have any effect under randoim mating when IMM is simulated, that is
why it was only considered with directional dispersal models: LDN and LDS. Each line represents
the mean of 30 independent replicates for each evolutionary scenario.
Supplemental figure 3 Variation in maladaptation level of a population located in the central
part of the landscape
The difference between the phenotypic optima and the mean genetic values of a population located
in the central part of the landscape (latitude 0, population 28) was monitored under moderate
selection intensity associated with a steep selection gradient (
mating (
). Assortative
) was combined with co-gradient (red) and counter-gradient (green) selection. In
these scenarios, the black lines stand for random mating. Three models of pollen dispersal were
simulated: IMM, LDN and LDS. Title of the figures indicates the steepness of the selection gradient
and the dispersal model simulated. LD means “long-distance and directional dispersal”, it refers
both to LDN and LDS. Each line represents the mean of 30 independent replicates for each
evolutionary scenario.
Supplemental figure 4 Upper and lower bounds of the 30 replicates ran per scenario
Plain lines indicate mean values of the 30 simulations for each scenario and dashed lines represent
the upper and lower bounds. (a) variation of the level of maladaptation of a northern population
under co-gradient conditions and island migration model with the following parameter settings:
. (b) variation of mean population genetic values at different latitudes at
generation 1000 under the same settings than (a). (c) variation of
gradient conditions set from the same parameters than (a) and (b).
values monitored in counter-