Transition information for educators

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Online Resource Transition Package ............ 3
An introduction to ASD............................................................................................ 4
Information for educators of students with ASD ................................................... 5
Day-to-day routines.................................................................................................. 6
Curriculum access for students with ASD ............................................................. 8
The learning environment ..................................................................................... 10
Classroom Layout ....................................................................................................................................10
Break areas ................................................................................................................................................11
Supporting positive playground interactions ..............................................................................11
Developing supportive routines and schedules ..........................................................................11
Visual cueing systems .........................................................................................................................12
Developing work systems and stations ..........................................................................................12
Managing groups .....................................................................................................................................13
Assembly and movement around the school ...............................................................................13
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) ....................................................................................................14
Being safe ...................................................................................................................................................14
What is bullying? .....................................................................................................................................15
Assistive technology ...............................................................................................................................15
Continuing successfully after transition .............................................................. 17
Transition information for educators ................................................................... 18
Further learning and support ................................................................................ 19
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Online Resource
Transition Package
The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Online Resource Transition Package is a joint project
between the:
Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE)
AEIOU Foundation
Autism Queensland (AQ)
Consultation and collaboration has also occurred with the Department of Communities,
Child Safety and Disability Services
The online resource package has been developed to assist early intervention service
providers (e.g. AQ and AEIOU) and parents and teachers (Kindergarten and Prep) by
providing information and resources to support children with ASD transition into Queensland
The resource aims to provide a broad understanding of the support available for children
and young people with ASD.
The information is divided into sections relevant to families and educators, as well as
information regarding further learning and support.
The ASD Online Transition Resource Package is available at
If you require specific information regarding your individual circumstances, the following
contacts/information may be a good starting point:
Further learning and support section of this website
Education for children with a disability - a guide for parents
Education Queensland Regional Office for any questions regarding state schools
Autism Advisors for information regarding support and services for families and carers
Autism Queensland Information and Helpline
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An introduction to ASD
ASD is a lifelong developmental disability.
People with ASD have:
difficulties with reciprocal social interactions (they may have difficulties interacting with
other people following the usual social customs)
difficulties developing communication skills
stereotyped and repetitive behaviour or interests (an intense interest in limited topics or
patterns of behaviour such as lining up objects).
Many people with ASD have different sensory processing patterns (such as finding some
noises painful) and this can affect how they access and participate in school and the
Each person with ASD is a unique individual with their own interests, strengths and
personality even though they share the characteristics listed above.
Educators need to be aware of the strengths and barriers for each student with ASD, as they
need to with all students, so that they can provide the best educational outcomes.
Further information
Education Queensland (EQ)
Autism Queensland (AQ)
Positive Partnerships - Supporting school aged students on the autism spectrum
Raising Children Network
Further learning and support
Early childhood support services for children with ASD
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Information for educators of students with ASD
The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians has a goal that
Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence. This means that all Australian
governments and all school sectors must provide all students with access to high-quality
schooling that is free from discrimination. Further information is available at
All Queensland schools, state and non-state, are required to identify barriers to student
learning and make reasonable adjustments to minimise their effect on student learning and
With effective teaching, practice and useful feedback, every student, including students with
ASD, can develop further knowledge and skills, and the understanding to apply these
purposefully to challenging tasks. Inclusive education reflects the values, ethos and culture
of a public education system committed to excellence by enhancing educational
opportunities for all students. Further information about inclusive education can be found at
The department's Dimensions of teaching and learning state that, ”the quality of classroom
teaching has a profound influence on student learning and achievement. School leaders
greatly influence improved student outcomes by creating a school environment in which
teachers are guided and supported to be effective teachers who systematically plan, use
evidence to inform their practice and employ a range of teaching strategies and methods to
improve student learning outcomes”. Further information can be found at
The information provided in this section of the online resource transition package is intended
to assist school staff to support the successful transition of children with ASD in to school
and achieve high quality educational outcomes.
Information and strategies have been grouped into four sections to help you navigate the
process of supporting the transition of students with ASD:
Day-to-day routines
Curriculum access for students with ASD
The learning environment
Continuing successfully after transition
Further information regarding what ASD is can be found at
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Day-to-day routines
Throughout the day, Prep students are engaged in a variety of learning in a diverse array of
activities, routines and environment as they participate in the Prep curriculum. Moving
through these activities and routines smoothly each day is a challenge for many students,
but more so for those students with ASD who may experience the following:
anxiety relating to being unable to accurately predict transitions, changes and outcomes
extreme confusion due to difficulties comprehending what they are actually meant to do
within specific activities or routines
communication break downs arising from auditory processing difficulties and flexible
thinking challenges
sensory sensations which may interfere with learning, and
difficulties processing and responding appropriately to the social demands of group
Establishing day-to-day routines and recognising and addressing some of the challenges
students with ASD may face during their day will go a long way towards reducing or
preventing challenging behaviours such as physical outbursts, tantrums, crying, withdrawal
and other stress and anxiety related behaviours.
Possible issues students with ASD may experience, some possible reasons why particular
behaviours may occur and some suggested strategies are outlined in the following routines:
1. Before the bell
2. Starting the day
3. Group and mat time
4. Packing up and finishing tasks
5. Eating and getting ready to play
6. Outside play time
7. Classroom activities
8. Specialist lessons
9. Supply teachers
10. Ending the day
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Further information
Families section - Preparing your child (for parents preparing young children to transition
into Prep)
Learning environment section (for educators in managing and manipulating the learning
Schoolwide positive behaviour support
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Curriculum access for students with ASD
Curriculum is dynamic and encompasses:
the learning environment
teaching approaches and strategies
assessment programs and methods
the values and ethos of the school
the relationships and behaviours among students and teachers.
These are all interconnected and provide the experiences that contribute to student learning.
A curriculum that maximises the learning of all students is one that recognises and
celebrates diversity and engages all students in intellectually challenging learning
experiences. It provides students with clear guidance on what they are learning and how
they will be assessed.
The Australian Curriculum has been developed based on the assumption that each student
is capable of learning and their needs are important. Schools should construct learning
programs to meet the learning needs of their students, including students with ASD, based
on the Australian Curriculum. It is important to note that the Australian Curriculum is
presented as a continuum that makes clear what is to be taught across school year levels for
all students, including students with ASD. Information about the Australian Curriculum can
be found at
The Australian Curriculum enables teachers to plan rigorous, relevant and engaging learning
and assessment experiences for students with disability, including students with ASD.
For those learning areas where the Australian Curriculum is not applicable, schools
implement the Queensland curriculum developed by the Queensland Studies Authority
(QSA). Further information about the QSA can be found on their website at
These objectives have a legislative basis. The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and
the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards) require education providers,
including both state and non-state schools, to make reasonable adjustments to assist
students, including students with ASD, to participate in learning and to demonstrate their
knowledge and understanding.
The DDA is available at
The Disability Standards for Education 2005 is available at
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Further information
Curriculum section
Access to curriculum - strengths and barriers
Tips to support curriculum access for students
Planning and documentation
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The learning environment
When teaching students with ASD it is important to understand the impact of the student's
learning environment on their engagement and behaviour.
Managing and manipulating the learning environment supports students with ASD to attend,
access and engage with the curriculum and their peers, develop independence and cope
with change.
The learning environment includes the physical environment, the sensory environment and
the social environment.
The considerations, suggestions and tips in the following sections have been provided to
assist in structuring a positive learning environment for students with ASD. It is important
when selecting strategies that the individual characteristics of the student with ASD are
considered as not all strategies will be relevant for all students.
The Prep learning environment includes the following considerations:
Classroom layout
Break areas
Supporting positive playground interactions
Developing supportive routines and schedules
Visual cueing systems
Developing work systems and work stations
Managing groups
Assembly and movement around the school
Positive Behaviour Support
Being safe
Use of assistive technology.
Classroom Layout
The organisation of the physical space in the Prep classroom influences all students in the
following ways:
provides visual clarity (easy to see what is required) thus increasing independence
allows for smooth transitions by providing clear space and traffic routes
maximises support by allowing for efficient access by support staff
organises the sensory environment so as to modulate sensory input
clarifies where the student needs to sit, what to focus on and where their belongings are
Tips for classroom layout is available at
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Seating arrangements
When considering seating arrangement for a student with ASD, it is important to consider:
positioning of seating in the classroom (where to seat individual children)
group composition (peers as models, triggers or distractions)
student's actual sitting skills (on chairs, on the floor).
Tips for organising seating arrangements is available at:
Break areas
When young students become overloaded with sensory information or their anxiety levels
escalate significantly, they are unlikely to be able to exert any internal control over their
impulses or to respond to prompts and cues from adults.
Teaching students to self regulate and manage their responses in challenging and taxing
situations starts with supporting them to take a break before they become overwhelmed.
The advantages of teaching students to take a break at school include:
supports students to maintain control of their emotions
allows for more opportunities for a positive resolution to incidents and issues for
supports students to sustain social interactions for longer periods as they know they can
take a break when needed
supports students to develop greater confidence in their ability to problem solve and
cope with consequences
minimises controlling or repetitive behaviours which generally escalate in times of stress.
Tips for developing break areas is available at
Supporting positive playground interactions
Considering and managing the playground environment recognises that:
while time in the playground can be a 'break' for many students, some students with ASD
may find the busyness of the playground adds sensory and social pressure
the 'unwritten laws' of the playground can be complex and ever changing which may
make it difficult to predict, respond to and apply social rules to for students with ASD
considering the sensory and social demands of the playground for students with ASD
can support the development of more inclusive and engaging play experiences for all.
Tips for supporting positive playground interactions is available at
Developing supportive routines and schedules
Most students with ASD find routines and schedules comforting and calming. Routines and
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minimise stress and anxiety related to learning new skills or accessing new
environments or information
remove confusion and difficulties comprehending information (instructions) from others
help students predict what will happen and what is expected of them
provide consistency necessary for learning
teach expected behaviours necessary for group learning.
Some students may benefit from adjustments to routines or schedules and some explicit
teaching of how to follow whole class and school routines and schedules on a planned and
regular basis.
Tips for developing supportive routines and schedules is available at
Visual cueing systems
Most children with ASD seem to understand and respond better to visual, permanent
information. Their communication and sensory processing differences mean that auditory
information may not be heard clearly, processed correctly or retained in short-term memory
well enough to be useful. Information presented visually (written words, symbols, photos,
objects, drawings or video) rather than via the spoken word alone, often causes a significant
improvement in the student's response.
Visual cueing systems may include schedules, timetables, cue cards, story-based
interventions, lists and other activity checklists, video modelling and visual reward systems.
Planning and evaluating visual cueing systems
Visual cueing systems can be used, adapted and integrated into the Prep learning
environment in a variety of ways. When planning or evaluating the use of visual cueing
systems it is important to consider:
the environment(s) that the visual cueing tool is intended for
what the student is currently using or doing
the communication, behavioural and curriculum goals of the student
what the visual tool will actually look like and include
the intended use of the tool
the intended audience for the tool (e.g. just one student, whole class, support staff)
the implementation and evaluation of the tool including teaching the student how to use
Tips for visual cueing systems in the Prep learning environment is available at
Developing work systems and stations
Work systems and work stations are beneficial for students with ASD as they:
provide visual structure clarifying how to approach a task
are a sequential list of steps to follow to complete a task
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have a clearly defined beginning and end which indicate what is required, how much
is required and for how long
clarify many of the 'unwritten rules' of group learning, such as how to wait and whose
turn it is
promote independence by providing information in a format (visual and physical) that
is easily accessible by the student and unchanging
are self-contained as the student is able to see what is required simply by viewing
the materials presented
limit the need for verbal instructions which can be difficult for students to consistently
comprehend and apply.
Tips for developing work systems and work stations is available at
Managing groups
Organising activities in small groups has a number of benefits for students with ASD
limiting sensory distractions due to noise and movement
managing the social demands of activities by reducing the amount of sharing and waiting
providing better opportunities to successfully practice interactive skills such as
requesting a turn, waiting, sharing, listening to others, joining discussions, and turn
taking via the smaller group and more predictable composition
allowing for the different paces that students learn as well as the different levels that they
may be operating at within the curriculum
allowing greater opportunities for peer tutoring
allowing for multiple curriculum learning areas, general capabilities and cross-curricular
priorities to be covered through group rotations
flexible or varied group composition allows for students with ASD to work with others at
similar, higher and lower levels to them, which provides opportunities for the teacher to
highlight that everyone has different abilities, strengths, challenges and interests
allowing opportunities for the teacher to rotate through a number of small groups on a
regular basis
lowering the adult to child ratio for some activities as required for targeted teaching
allowing for efficient use of concrete
Tips for managing the group size is available at
Assembly and movement around the school
The development of consistent and predictable routines and procedures for transitions and
movements throughout the school has benefits for students including:
providing safe routines and procedures
managing the social demands of assemblies and movements around the school by
providing rules and explicit teaching (e.g. on how to line up), limiting the sensory impact
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by managing the size, noise and physical closeness of transitions and where the student
sits on assembly
allowing students to focus more on the actual activity of attending to the assembly or
moving around the school and less on what is actually required of them
providing consistency and predictability, thereby minimising anxiety and any controlling
or repetitive behaviours which tend to escalate in times of stress
increasing independence.
Tips for managing assembly and movement around the school is available at
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) uses preventative, teaching and reinforcement-based
strategies to achieve meaningful and durable behaviour outcomes.
PBS is an evidence-based approach for supporting all students, such as through the
department’s Schoolwide PBS program, as well as for individual students. Information about
the Schoolwide PBS program can be found at
PBS support for individual students:
concentrates primarily on preventing the occurrence of an identified behaviour by
avoiding or adapting the circumstances that usually trigger this behaviour
focuses on building skills to use or developing alternative preferred behaviours
considers the motivation for or functions of behaviours
values the student and their attempts at positive interaction
uses the students strengths and interests to increase success
increases an individual’s quality of life by supporting increased access and
PBS for students with ASD: some points to consider is available at
A template for developing a PBS plan is available at This
template has been developed to assist team members supporting students who require an
individualised positive behaviour support plan focused on targeted behaviour/s. This
planning tool requires the case manager to have some previous experience of developing
and implementing a PBS plan.
Being safe
For some students with ASD, difficulties with social understanding and a focus on the
immediate details rather than the ’big picture’ means explicit teaching of being safe and
environmental changes may be required.
While all students have variable understandings of danger dependent upon their skills and
life experiences, some issues may include:
hazards due to poor coordination or proprioceptive feedback while using equipment such
as scissors, rulers and other sharp items
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inadvertently harming others through poor awareness of others such as stepping on
children's fingers, playing too roughly or 'walking through' others
safety concerns due to limited awareness of more extreme safety hazards such as traffic,
running away, hurting others when upset and damaging property in a way that puts
themselves and others at risk
everyday hazards while moving within the school (such as bumping into furniture, edges
or others)
emotional safety due to extreme anxiety or stress, bullying, exclusion.
What is bullying?
Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behaviour that is harmful and
involves the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons.
There are three types of bullying:
Overt bullying, often referred to as face-to-face or direct bullying, involves physical
actions such as punching, kicking or verbal actions such as name calling.
Covert or indirect bullying is a subtle type of non-physical bullying which isn't easily seen
by others and is conducted out of sight, and therefore can often be unacknowledged by
teachers. It does harm by damaging another's social reputation, peer relationships and
Cyber bullying occurs through the use of information or communication technologies to
anonymously or directly bully others.
Bullying incidents typically involve three categories of individuals: the bully, the target and
the bystanders.
Tips for being safe are available at
Tips for understanding and addressing bullying at school: considerations for students
with ASD are available at
Bullying information is available at
Assistive technology
Assistive technology (AT) is broadly defined as ”any item, piece of equipment, or product
system, whether acquired commercially or off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used
to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities” (Lewis,
Rena B. (1993). Special Education Technology Classroom Applications, Brooks/Cole Pub
Co, California).
For example, students who struggle with writing using pen and paper have a range of
alternative assistive technology options to explore such as small and large keyboards, note
takers and specialised software that offers various supportive features and functions.
AT can be useful for students with ASD to:
supplement, assist or expand expressive communication
provide assistance with organisation, sequencing and prioritising skills
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provide visual supports such as schedules or timetables, cue cards, story based
interventions, lists, checklists and visual reward systems
support the understanding, development and application of social skills and
emotional regulation
support attention and engagement with the curriculum and others
support decoding and encoding text that is: text to speech and speech to text.
support access to and application of specific curriculum content
support students to demonstrate knowledge and application of specific curriculum
The Assistive Technology Professional Community has been developed to help support the
use of AT to cater to the learning needs of students with special needs, including ASD and
to use information communication and technologies (ICTs) to support inclusive learning. It
provides practical information, strategies, tutorials and links to resources that focus on a
range of curriculum areas, as well as targeting specific needs of students.
Further information
Considerations for planning assistive technology use with students with ASD
Augmentative and alternative communication
Tablet application websites
Assistive technology professional community
Visual cueing systems
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Continuing successfully after transition
Ensuring a student with ASD continues to be successful at school after the transition phase
has concluded is extremely important. This involves:
using the information gathered during the transition process to respond to the student's
individual learning needs
evaluating the adjustments being provided to ensure students are accessing and
participating in the curriculum and negotiating school life on the same basis as their peers.
Relationships with others, peer interactions, classroom communication, consistency of staff
and managing anxiety can present ongoing challenges for students with ASD. Consideration
and careful planning of these factors can maximise engagement and participation for students
with ASD.
Consideration can be given to the student's individual:
communication skills and needs
social understanding
capacity for flexible thinking and behaviour
sensory processing differences
cognitive processing differences
organisational needs and supports
interests and motivations
stress triggers
learning preferences
previous experiences including previous successes and previous challenges.
Some possible tips and strategies, which may be adjusted to suit the student or specific
learning environment, for continuing success beyond transition are outlined below:
Developing relationships
Teaching classroom communication
Managing stress and anxiety
Introducing change
Promoting success with new or unfamiliar staff
Management strategies and tips for continued success
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Transition information for educators
Educators are able to provide information, guidance, support and practical involvement in
transition activities to families during the whole transition process.
Prep staff can be involved in the transition process from the very beginning once a school
has been selected. This includes during planning, transition activities, right through to
assisting with the review of the transition process and procedures to continue successful
once the student is attending Prep. ECEC educators are often involved in transition through
the provision of practical assistance as well as advice and support during the whole process.
The information contained in this section aims to support educators in both ECEC and Prep
settings develop an understanding of the individual student's needs, provides guidelines and
suggestions for transition planning and transition activities for students with ASD, as well as
suggestions, considerations and templates which may support the development and
refinement of effective partnerships with parents.
The information is designed to support educators to gather, contribute, collate and share
information in the student's Transition booklet: My journey to Prep and the student's
Transition timeline, available at
Information is grouped as follows:
Getting to know the student
Developing effective partnerships with parents and carers
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Further learning and support
This section provides information on resources and organisations that can assist families
and schools further in supporting students with ASD.
The provision of ongoing support, information and resourcing for families and schools
supporting a student with ASD is beyond the scope and capabilities of this online resource.
Consideration has however been given to providing links and contact details for
organisations and services which may be useful for families and/or educators when
searching for further information regarding learning, support and resources.
All organisations, service providers and resource providers have been listed alphabetically
and are not specifically endorsed by the department, AEIOU or Autism Queensland.
Organisations and services have been grouped into six areas for ease of searching:
Queensland based ASD specific organisations and services
Services and resources (disability and ASD specific)
Further learning and education
Allied health/therapy professional organisations
Links to other resource directories
Purchasing resources
To assist families and educators, a glossary has been developed defining terms used within
this ASD Online Transition Resource Package. This is available at