Rubric Personal Experience Narrative


Writing Workshop 1: Informative Text Number:________________________ Period__

Due Date: Friday, September 27

My Total Score for my Descriptive Essay ________ / 100

Format Possible Points

Heading at top right with student #, date, and period 3 ____

Title underlined and centered below the heading 2 ____

Typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman 10 ____

Introductory paragraph with hook and topic (5-7 sentences) 5 ____

At least 3 body paragraphs (5-7 sentences each)

Concluding paragraph (5-7 sentences)

15 ____

5 ____

My Format Score ____ / 40

Six Traits (1-3 points = weak, 4-6 points = average, 7-9 points = strong, 10 points = amazing)

Ideas ____

 main impression of the topic is clear

 uses sensory details effectively

Organization ____

 an organizational plan is clearly used

 transition words are used

Voice ____

 shows that the writer is truly interested in the topic

 style of writing conveys meaning and purpose

Original word choice ____

 contains powerful verbs to create a mood or atmosphere

 uses strong and descriptive words to create vivid images

Sentence fluency ____

 flows smoothly from one idea to the next

 uses a variety of sentence structures and sentence lengths

Conventions ____

 contains no more than 2-3 minor errors in grammar and usage

 contains no more than 2-3 minor errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization

My Trait Score ___ / 60

DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY REFLECTION (to complete after graded)

I scored the most points on_______________________(Format, Traits)

I scored the least points on_______________________ (Format, Traits)

The trait I scored best on was


The trait I scored the worst on was


I can do better next time by_______________________________________________________________________


Descriptive Essay page 92-97

Due Date: Friday, September 27

Your objective is to write a descriptive essay about a place or an event that is meaningful to you.

Your essay should feature these elements:

 vivid sensory details to appeal to the five senses

 a main impression supported by each detail

 clear, consistent organization

 links between details and the feelings or thoughts they inspire

 effective transitions

 error-free writing, including correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar

Prewriting/Planning : p. 92

Cubing to gather details:

1. Describe it

2. Associate it

3. Apply it

4. Analyze it

5. Compare and Contrast it

6. Argue for or against it

Drafting: p.93-94

Voice: p. 93

-Consider your purpose and audience

-Determine your style of writing

-Ask yourself the questions on the bottom of page 93

Organization: p. 94

-Choose an organizational plan:

Spatial Order

Chronological Order

Order of Importance

Revising: p 94

Organization – add transition words

Word Choice – use a thesaurus to be more precise and descriptive

Student Model : p. 96

Read the Student Model, paying attention to the annotations in the right margin.

Editing : p. 95 & 97

Plural Nouns – Conventions Focus

Spelling: Troublesome Words

Rubric for Self-Assessment p. 97

Use the rating scale to self-assess your essay by finding evidence in your writing.

Publishing p. 97


Type a final copy of your essay on a computer.


Follow the formatting requirements in the rubric.


Before printing , proofread it again for spelling.


Print your essay.


Staple this rubric/directions handout on top of your essay.

6. Turn in your completed assignment to your period basket on Friday, 9/27 .
