EURO-ASIAN REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ZOOS AND AQUARIA GOVERNMENT OF MOSCOW MOSCOW ZOO Scientific Research in Zoological Parks Volume 14 Moscow 2002 The present issue of Scientific Research in Zoological Parks covers different aspects of the Zoo management. A number of articles are dedicated to the keeping and breeding of reptiles, including revue on Boiga genus in captivity. New veterinary methods for snakes and the results of the field studies of reptiles are also provided. The sequel series of articles on marine aquariumistics are included in the current issue. Ethologycal papers describe the effects of visitors’ presents on the behaviour of zoo animals, discuss the issues of the ontogenesis of behaviour, assess the methods of environment enrichment of primates. One of the papers presentes unique experience of the social adaptation of the hand-reared orangutan. Various aspects of the management of mixed-animal exhibits are discussed in two papers. “Information” section provides a comprehensive report on the International Workshop on Biology and Conservation of Canids. The issue can be of useful for the zoo experts and keepers, as well as for the students of biological universities. Summary Astreiko E.A. Breeding of several species of scorpions. Conditions of keeping and breeding of such species of scorpions as Pandinus imperator, Heterometrus javanicus, Androctonus australis, Isometrus sp. and others are shortly described in the article. Summary Rybaltovsky E.M., Ho Thu Cuc. Some data on reproductive biology of the rare paddle-legged frog Theloderma bicolor. Most complete among all literature sources data on ecology and reproductive biology of the rarest species of the contemporary fauna Theloderma bicolor from the Rhacophoridae family are given in the article. Observations were made in the wild and in the laboratory conditions. Summary Kudryavtsev S.V., Latysheva T.V. The first successfull experience of captive husbandry and breeding of African pancake tortoise Malacochersus tornieri (Siebenrock, 1903b) in Moscow zoo. A short report on captive husbandry of a rare African tortoise Malacochersus tornieri (Siebenrock,1903b) and its first successful breeding at Moscow Zoo – the first case for the Zoos of the former USSR. Summary Lebedeva A.M. Keeping and breeding of Green-eyed gehyra gecko Gehyra marginata (Boulenger, 1887). Data on terrarium construction and keeping conditions of Gehyra marginata in captivity are given in the article. There is a lot of original information about breeding of this species: terms of gravidity, incubation, sizes of hatched babies, etc. Summary Lebedeva A. M. Keeping and breeding of Rhacodactylus auriculatus Bavay, 1869 from New Caledonia. Data on optimum keeping conditions of R. auriculatus, terms of the breeding season, periods of incubation at different temperatures, sizes of newborns, preventive measures against disorders of calcium exchange and other data are given in the article. Summary Ryabov S.A., Ho Thu Cuc. Cases of discovering of clutches and incubation of eggs in endemic skink from Tam Dao Eumeces tamdaoensis, Bourret, 1937. Two cases of discovering of females of rare endemic species Eumeces tamdaoensis in North Vietnam together with clutches of eggs are described in the article. Sizes of the eggs, sizes and coloration of young specimens, conditions of keeping, feeding and rearing are described for the first time. Possibility of females’ care for offspring is discussed. Summary Mamet S.V. Fisrt case of successful breeding of Moellendorff’s Ratsnake (Elaphe moellendorfii (Boettger, 1886) in Zoological Parks of former USSR. Information on first successful breeding of Moellendorf’s Ratsnake at Moscow Zoo Herpetological Department, with details of husbandry and incubation. Summary Popovskaya S.P. Experience of rearing of Chinese bamboo rat snake Elaphe porphyracea vaillanti, Cantor, 1839. The experience of rearing of young E. p. vaillanti is described in this article. Conditions necessary for successful keeping and rearing of young snakes of this species are given. Dynamics of growth and development of young E.p.vaillanti is described. Summary Moiseeva T.S. Some data on biology of Scarlet Kingsnake Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides in the wild and in the terrarium. Data on reproductive biology of Scarlet Kingsnake (Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides) are given in the article, and on the basis of the received results an assumption about the specific independence of this taxon is made. Summary Gul I.R., Matyukhin A.V., Shelaukin I.A. Panurus biarmicus as an object of zoo culture. Possibility of use of Panurus biarmicus as an interesting ethological and aesthetic object of zooculture is discussed on the basis of literature data and personal experience of authors. Recommendations on keeping conditions and rations for this species are given. Summary Muromtsev A.B. Helminthosis of captive animals and mallards in Kaliningrad zoo. Helminthosis in captive animals and mallards in Kaliningrad zoo are discussed with the special reference to medical treatment aimed at decrease of infection degree. Summary Berezin M.V., Tkacheva E.Y., Tkachev O.A., Ognev A.V. The experimental results of the tropical butterflies exhibition creating in the Moscow Zoo. The experiments of keeping and exhibition of the tropical butterflies (families Heliconiidae, Papilionidae and Morphidae) were conducted at the Moscow Zoo in 1998. The keeping conditions, the merits and demerits of the keepings area are described in the article. The possibility of creating of the exhibition of the tropical butterflies with natural vegetation is achieved. Summary Astakhov D. A., Poponov S. Y., Poponova V. R. Some aspects of prolonged maintenance of marine fishes in captivity. Report 3. Family Ophichthidae (Actinopterygii, Anguilliformes). Data on distribution and biology of 1 species of snake eel: Myrichthys colubrinus and conditions of prolonged maintenance of this species in Exotarium of Moscow Zoo are described. Summary of information on some aspects of maintenance of snake eels in captivity is also provided. Summary Astakhov D.A., Poponov S.Y., Poponova V.R. Some aspects of prolonged maintenance of marine fishes in captivity. Report 4. Family Synanceiidae (Actinopterygii, Scorpaeniformes). Data on distribution and biology of 2 species of family Synanceiidae: Synanceia verrucosa and Inimicus filamentosus, and conditions of maintenance of these species in Exotarium and laboratories of Moscow Zoo are described. Summary of information on some aspects of maintenance of these species in captivity is also provided. Summary Latysheva T.V., Kuznetsov A.V., Frolov V.Ye. Keeping and breeding Parrot-Beaked Tortoise Homopus areolatus (Thunberg, 1787) at Moscow Zoo. Information on distribution, feeding and breeding in nature of Parrot-Beaked Tortoise is presented, as well as the statistics on its current captive population in zoos around the world. Details of husbandry and successful breeding of this species at Moscow Zoo are given, complete with data on its growth dynamics during the first year. SummaryGul I. R., Ataev Ch. Data on reproductive biology of central asian tortoise in mountains of Middle Asia. Some reproductive characteristics of central asian tortoises in mountains of Middle Asia are given. They are based on long-term scientific researches of authors in nature. These data can be usuful for organization of special farms for captive breeding of this popular species. Summary Ryabov S.A. Keeping and breeding of two subspecies of Central American rat snake Elaphe flavirufa (Cope, 1867). The work on keeping, breeding and rearing of young specimens of two subspecies of Central American rat snake E. flavirufa flavirufa and E. f. pardalina is described. Interesting data and measurements collected during several years including new ones for this interesting species are given. Summary Korshunov I.S. Breeding of two colour morphs of Trans-Pecos rat snake Bogertophis subocularis Brown, 1901. Successful keeping and breeding of two colour morphs of Trans-Pecos rat snake Bogertophis subocularis is described. Detailed data on terms of gravidity in females and the incubation period are given. Later terms of mating in comparison with other representatives of related Elaphe genus are described. Summary Vasiliev D.B., Ganina L.V., Kudryavtsev S.V., Fateev Yu.E., Shumakov O.V. Ultrasound diagnostics of snakes’ gravidity at Moscow Zoo. Cases of USdiagnostics in 4 species of supposedly gravid snakes are reported: Acrantophis madagascariensis, Sanzinia madagascariensis, Epicrates cenchria gaigae and Ahaetulla prasina. Clinical significance of that method, its technical aspects and interpretation of the results are discussed. Additionally, data on captive reproduction of Ahaetulla prasina is given. Summary A.B. Zaitzev. The influence of cage enrichment on behavior of Anubises (Papio anubis). Big carton boxes were put into the cage with a group of Papio anubis consisted of one male and two females. The observations of total activity and manipulating activity were performed during 30 days (10 days before the putting of the boxes, 10 - during and 10 after). The results were not distinct behavior of one female was influenced by presence of boxes, behavior of others was not. The level of manipulating activity was different in different days. The observations will be continued with other species and different objects of enclosure enrichment. Summary Meshik V.A., Drozdova S.G., Krupitzina Ui. A., Astakhova N.B., Makarova E.V.. Social adaptation of the hand-reared orangutan baby. The process of social adaptation of young orangutan was described in general terms. The male-baby was hand-reared by several women (staff of the monkey-house) very closely to the cages of adult orangutans. When he was 7 months old the active process of his social adaptation began. And when he was 10 months old he spent all the time with his real father and mother. Summary Vabischevich A.P., Voschanova I.P., Volodin I.A. Influence of visitors on time budget in the dhole. Observations on six dholes from two groups exposed in Moscow Zoo were conducted. Three behavioural forms: active behaviour, nonactivity (rest) in outdoor enclosure and presence in indoor hide were registered using scan sampling method (total number of scans – 1305). In presence of visitors five of six animals scans have been spending noticeably less time outdoors, by most part, due to decrease of resting portion. The changes were especially evident in young animals: their presence in indoor hides did increase up to 70% of the whole time budget. Summary Chaadaeva E.V. Development of vocal behaviour during early postnatal ontogeny of banded mongoose (Mungos mungo).The juvenile vocalizations in the banded mongoose were studied. The investigation is based on observations of 11 juveniles from three litters. Vocalizations of the isolated juveniles, situated out of nest site, were recorded on 7th and 30th days of life. Besides, the results of observations on animals behavior within a famili group, included 2 adults and 9 juvenils 30th days old, have been analized. Juvenile vocal repertoire consists of squeak, whistle, trill и chattering/twittering. The vocalizations are well distinguished by the parameters. Composite trill-like signals of neonates perform the function of "infant call" and consist of two parts: whistle and trill. Up to 1 month of life the predecessors to adult cackle-signal are appeared by organizing single squeaks in homotypic stanza vocal sequences. No sign of aggression in behavioural repertoire of the young animals was noted up to 35th days of life. Thus, agressive behaviour in banded mongoose forms later in ontogeny. Summary Nikitin D.B., Benediktova I.V. Changes of behavior of suricates (Suricata suricata) during female’s pregnancy and experience of handrearing. Behavior of a pair of suricates was studied to predict the date of delivery. Frequency of change of different poses and movements was used as an index to characterize the behavior of animals. The newborns from the IX litter (4.0, born 26.12.99) were successfully handreared from the 1st day. The detailed scheme of their feeding and necessary procedures is described. Summary Zubchaninova E.V.. Behavior of Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) in Moscow zoo. Report 1.Time budgets and enclosure employment. Changes in time budgets and enclosure employment of amur leopards in Moscow zoo are analysed. Origin of behavioral pathologies is discussed. Dependence of some budget parameters on seasons, sex of animals, their health and construction of cages is revealed. Increasing of stereotypy in combination with decreasing of moving activity, long-term presence in shelters and absence of interest in outdoor events indicate the decrease of welfare of leopards. Providing of adequate captive environment for amur leopards is discussed. Summary Zubchaninova E.V.. Behavior of Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) in Moscow zoo. Report 2. Visitors’ effect on behavior of leopards. Behavior of amur leopards dependent on visitors’ quantity in the zoo is analysed. As human number near the enclosure rises the quota of anomalous moving activity (stereotypy) grows; the animals move to the most distant from the visitors part of the enclosure. Small amount of visitors provoke the interest of leopards. Movement of animals inside the enclosure proves to be a regulator of external stimulation optimal level. Summary Lokteeva T.F., Grischenko O.V. Keeping of Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus) in the Perm zoo. Some aspects of keeping of a male of Asiatic elephant in the Perm zoo are described with the special reference to peculiarities of his behavior. Summary Ilchenko O.G., Vakhrusheva G.V. Several new exhibitions in the “Nocturnal World” of Moscow zoo. Several new exhibitions of small mammals in the pavilion “Nocturnal World” are described. Most of them are multispecies. In such groups animals usually use all space of enclosure, they demonstrate more behavioral patterns and are more active. Multispecies groups are very attractive for visitors. Summary D.A.Astakhov, S.Y.Poponov,V.R.Poponova. Breeding of five species of anemonefishes at Moscow Zoo. Spawning pairs of five species of anemonefishes has been formed during 1997-1999 at Moscow Zoo. It is well known that the success in rearing of marine fishes is based on the nutritional quality of planktonic organisms used as a food for fish larvae. The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis is used all over the world as the first food item in intensive cultures of marine fish, but nutritional quality of rotifer depends on a particular species and quality of unicellular algae used for maintaining rotifer´s culture. In 1998, dense (10106 cells/ml), pure and stable cultures (on f/2 medium) of five species of unicellular algae (Nannochloropsis sp. (Chlorella sp. f. marina), Dunaliella tertiolecta, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Rhodomonas salina) were started. In 1998, rotifer culture fed by the culture of unicellular alga Nannochloropsis sp. (Chlorella sp. f. marina) was used for rearing in pure water Premnas biaculeatus during the first 30 days. Starting from the 20th day newly hatched nauplii of brine shrimp (Artemia salina) were added to rotifers for nutrition of juveniles. Survival ratio (to 3 months) of P. biaculeatus was 12.5%. In 1999, rotifer culture fed by the mixture of two cultures of unicellular algae (Nannochloropsis sp. (Chlorella sp. f. marina) – 90%, Dunaliella tertiolecta – 10%) was used for rearing in "green" water Amphiprion ephippium and A.melanopus during the first 25 days. Starting from the 17th day newly hatched nauplii of brine shrimp (Artemia salina) were added to rotifers for nutrition of juveniles. Survival ratio (to 1 year) of A. ephippium was 17% and that of A.melanopus was 15% . In 2000, rotifer culture fed by the mixture of three cultures of unicellular algae (Nannochloropsis sp. (Chlorella sp. f. marina) – 75%, Phaeodactylum tricornutum - 20 %, Rhodomonas salina - 5%) was used for rearing in "green" water Amphiprion ocellaris during the first 16 days. Starting from the 12 day newly hatched nauplii of brine shrimp (Artemia salina) were added to rotifers for nutrition of juveniles. Survival ratio (to 1 year) of A. ocellaris was - 52 %. In 2000, rotifer culture fed by the mixture of two cultures of unicellular algae (Nannochloropsis sp. (Chlorella sp. f. marina) – 70% and Phaeodactylum tricornutum - 30 %) was used for rearing in "green" water Amphiprion polymnus during the first 16 days. Starting from the 12 day newly hatched nauplii of brine shrimp (Artemia salina) were added to rotifers for nutrition of juveniles. Survival ratio (to 1 year) of A. ocellaris was - 18.5 %. Summary Shumakov O.V. Snakes of the genus Boiga Fitzsinger 1826, in zoo collections. Various aspects of systematic, captive maintenance and breeding of snakes of the genus Boiga are analyzed, based on long-term experience in their husbandry at Moscow Zoo Department of Herpetology. Recommendations on captive husbandry of Boiga are given, complete with information on all main cases of envenomation by these snakes. Summary Ryabov S.A. Investigation of reproductive biology of 4 species of Ratsnakes of the Elaphe genus of the Euro-Asian group longissima-situla. This article is the most complete contemporary analysis of the peculiarities of the reproductive biology of 4 Elaphe species E.longissima, E.persica, E.hohenackeri, E.situla. New data on the basis of the results of investigation during several years (1997 – 2001) on terms of copulation, gravidity, incubation, sizes of eggs and young specimens are given. Relationships between the species under consideration are described. Summary Shiryaev K.A. Results of investigations of the reproductive biology of Lotiev’s viper – Vipera lotievi (Nilson, Tuniyev, Orlov a. Andren, 1995). Data on the reproductive biology of the endemic species of the Caucasus Lotiev’s viper (Vipera lotievi) received in the terrarium are given in comparison with V. ursini renardi. Summary Kudryavtsev S.V., Mamet S.V., Fedin V.V. Some successful results in husbandry and breeding of the rare and hard-to-keep venomous snakes at the Moscow Zoo (part II: 2000-2001 years). The article deals with some results of a continuous research aimed at developing methods for husbandry and breeding of rare and problem species of venomous snakes at Moscow Zoo, conducted especially intensively lately. Details of husbandry and captive reproduction of species with restricted areal, such as: Sri Lanka subspecies of Russell’s viper Daboia (=Vipera) russelli pulchella Obst 1983 (Golay et al., 1993), Burmese redtail bamboo pit viper Trimeresurus erythrurus (Cantor, 1839) and pit vipers from Ryukyu archipelago (Japan) – habu Protobothrops flavoviridis (Hallowell, 1861) and hime-habu Ovophis okinavensis (Boulenger, 1892), are given. Summary Ryabov S.A., Rybaltovsky E.M., Ho Thu Cuc. About the researches of herpetofauna of North Vietnam (report on the scientific expedition carried out in June–July, 2001). The article is devoted to the scientific-research expedition to North Vietnam, in which Russian and Vietnamese herpetologists took part. New data on ecology and reproductive biology of such rare species as Protobothrops jerdonii bouretti, Bombina microdeladigitora, Theloderma bilocor, Ichtiophis bannanicus and others are given, and also some problematic questions in the taxonomy of Trimeresurus steinegeri complex are considered. Summary Shumakov О.V. Herpetological collection from Southern Cambodia, 1999-2001. A complete list of species of amphibians and reptiles, collected by staff members of Moscow Zoo in course of field studies in Cambodia in 1999-2001 is presented. Also, main types of biotops, methods of work and results (in short) are given. Summary Tarkhanova M.A. The influence of intraspecific competition on the life of Barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) in the mixed waterfowl exhibit of Moscow Zoo. Large mixed exhibits of waterfowl afford good opportunities to study the behavior of different species. The influence of intraspecific competition on the Barnacle goose’s life in such exhibits of Moscow Zoo is discussed. The significance of different species on Barnacle goose depends upon their quantity and ecological closeness. Autumn and winter are the most critical periods for this species in Moscow Zoo, because the intraspecific competition for food becomes much stronger. The feeding of Barnacle geese is frequently interrupted by the aggressive attacks of larger and stronger snow geese (Chen caerulescens) and sometimes Bewick’s swans (Cygnus bewickii). The competition for food can increase the mortality of Barnacle goose in winter and possibly contributes to the poor hatching success. The shortage of available nest sites is another limiting factor and the cause of inter- and intraspecific competition in spring. During this period most aggressive attacks of Barnacle geese is intraspecific, but the interspecific aggression is also very important. Snow geese and some other stronger species can even exclude Barnacle geese from suitable nest sites. As a result of the study some recommendations about the husbandry of Barnacle goose in the mixed exhibits of waterfowl in Moscow Zoo are made. Summary Volodina E.V.Current problems on canid biology and conservation (on matherials of international conference). International Conference on Canid Biology and Conservation (17-21 September 2001, Oxford) was devoted to various aspects of study and conservation of 35 canid species of the world fauna. Six main themes were presented: 1. Estimation of the population status and development of action plans on endangered species conservation; 2. Systematic and genetic analysis of populations; 3. Breeding of rare canid species and their reintroduction; 4. Apply of bioacoustical technics for attraction and censuses of canids in the wild; 5. Human-canids conflicts and ways of its resolving; 6. Veterinary programs of wild canids. The paper reviews. Contents Introduction (Instructions for authors) Brief communications E.A. Astreiko. Breeding of several species of scorpions. E.M. Rybaltovsky, Ho Thu Cuc Some data on reproductive biology of the rare paddle-legged frog Theloderma bicolor. 3 5 8 S.V. Kudryavtsev, T.V. Latysheva The first successfull experience of captive 11 husbandry and breeding of African pancake tortoise Malacochersus tornieri (Siebenrock, 1903b) in Moscow zoo. A.M. Lebedeva Keeping and breeding of Green -eyed gehyra gecko 13 Gehyra marginata Boulenger, 1887. A.M. Lebedeva Keeping and breeding of Rhacodactylus auriculatus Bavay, 1869 from New Caledonia S.A. Ryabov, Ho Thu Cuc Cases of discovering of clutches and incubation of eggs in endemic skink from Tam Da o Eumeces tamdaoensis, Bourret, 1937. S.V. Mamet Fisrt case of successful breeding of Moellendorff’s Ratsnake Elaphe moellendorfii (Boettger, 1886) in Zoological Parks of former USSR. S.P. Popovskaya Experience of rearing of Chinese bamb oo rat snake Elaphe porphyracea vaillanti, Cantor, 1839. T.S. Moiseeva Some data on biology of Scarlet Kingsnake Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides in the wild and in the terrarium. I.R. Gul, A.V. Matyukhin, I.A. Shelaukin Panurus biarmicus as an object of zoo culture. A.B. Muromtsev Helminthosis of captive animals and mallards in Kaliningrad zoo 17 21 25 27 31 34 37 The questions of animals’ keeping, breeding and behaviour in captivity M.V. Berezin, E.Y. Tkacheva, O.A. Tkachev,, A.V. Ognev The experimental results of the tropical butterflies exhibition creating in the Moscow Zoo. D.A. Astakhov, S.Y. Poponov, V.R. Poponova Some aspects of prolonged maintenance of marine fishes in captivity. Report 3. Family Ophichthidae (Actinopterygii, Anguilliformes). 40 44 D.A. Astakhov, S.Y. Poponov, V.R. Poponova Some aspects of prolonged maintenance of marine fishes in captivity. Report 4. Family Synanceiidae (Actinopterygii, Scorpaeniformes) T.V .Latysheva, A.V. Kuznetsov, V.Ye . Frolov Keeping and breeding Parrot-Beaked Tortoise Homopus areolatus (Thunberg, 1787) at Moscow Zoo. 48 53 I.R. Gul, Ch. Ataev Data on reproductive biology of central asian tortoise 60 (Agrionemys horsfieldii) in mountains of Middle Asia. S.A. Ryabov Keeping and breeding of two subspecies of Central American rat snake Elaphe flavirufa (Cope, 1867). 67 I.S. Korshunov Breeding of two colour morphs of Trans -Pecos rat snake Bogertophis subocularis Brown, 1901. 72 D.B. Vasiliev, L.V. Ganina, S.V. Kudryavtsev, Yu.E. Fateev, O.V.Shumakov Ultrasound diagnostics of snakes’ gravidity at Moscow Zoo. A.B. Zaitzev The influence of cage enrichment on behavior of Anubises (Papio anubis). V.A. Meshik, S.G. Drozdova, Ui.A. Krupitzin a, N.B. Astakhova, E.V. Makarova Social adaptation of the hand-reared orangutan baby. A.P. Vabischevich, I.P. Voschanova, I.A. Volodin Influence of visitors on time budget in the dhole E.V. Chaadaeva Development of vocal behaviour durin g early postnatal ontogeny of banded mongoose ( Mungos mungo). D. Nikitin, I. Benediktova 7 5 82 87 90 95 Changes of behavior of suricates ( Suricata suricata) during female’s pregnancy and experience of handrearing. E.V. Zubchaninova Behavior of Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) in Moscow zoo. Report 1.Time budgets and enclosure employment E.V. Zubchaninova Behavior of Amur leopard ( Panthera pardus orientalis) in Moscow zoo. Report 2. Visitors’ effect on behavior of leopards. 106 115 129 T.F. Lokteeva, O.V. Grischenkо Keeping of Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus) in the Perm zoo. 136 O.G. Ilchenko, G.V. Vakhrusheva Several new exhibitions in the «Nocturnal World» of Moscow zoo. 141 Analytical reviews D.A. Astakhov, S.Y. Poponov,V.R. Poponova Breeding of five species of anemonefishes at Moscow Zoo. 145 O.V. Shumakov Snakes of the genus Boiga Fitzsinger 1826, in zoo collections. 156 S.A. Ryabov Investigation of reproductive biology of 4 species of Ratsnakes of the Elaphe genus of the Euro-Asian group Longissima-situla. K.A. Shiryaev Results of investigations of the reproductive biology of Lotiev’s viper – Vipera lotievi (Nilson, Tuniyev, Orlov a. Andren, 1995). S.V. Kudryavtsev, S.V. Mamet, V.V. Fedin 174 186 Some successful results in husbandry and breeding of the rare and hard-to-keep venomous snakes at the Moscow Zoo (part II: 2000-2001 years). S.A. Ryabov, E.M. Rybaltovsky, Ho Thu Cuc About the researches of herpetofauna of North Vietnam (report on the scientific expedition carried out in June–July, 2001). О.V. Shumakov Herpetological collection from Southern Cambodia, 1999-2001. 197 206 212 M.A. Tarkhanova The influence of intraspecific competition on the life of Barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) in the mixed waterfowl exhibit of Moscow Zoo. 221 Information V.E. Volodina Current problems on canid biology and conservation (on matherials of international conference). 243