Evaluation Rubric

Critical Paper Evaluation Scale
STUDENT NAME _____________________________
Grade ________/200
Introduction _______/20
Begins with interestingly crafted broad statement. Includes author’s name and title of novel. Transitions smoothly to discussing novel. Strong plot/conflict
and/or theme. Ends with a precisely stated thesis. Well-blended, meaningful quote (optional).
Begins with adequately stated broad statement. 1 error in author’s name and/or title of novel. Transitions present but move to discussing novel is slightly
awkward. Adequate plot, conflict and/or theme. Ends with an adequately stated thesis. Quote is adequately blended (optional).
Poorly stated or confusing broad statement. 2 errors in author’s name and/or title of novel. Little or no attempt to transition smoothly to novel.
Vague/confusing plot, conflict and/or theme. Ends with an awkwardly stated thesis. Awkwardly blended quote (optional).
No broad statement. Author’s name and/or title of novel missing. No attempt to transition to novel. Plot missing/confusing or poorly stated. No thesis. Why
did you bother with this quote?
The writer does not appear to grasp the idea of writing an introductory paragraph. Off prompt. Information missing
Conclusion _______/20
Begins with precisely stated thesis. Ends with an appropriate broad statement. Includes the author’s name and title of novel and evaluates his intent (answers
the question “So, what?”). Includes an insightful impression of the novel, which evaluates, judges, defends or justifies the protagonist’s actions/author’s use
of technique or theme. (without using personal pronouns). Includes a meaningful, well-blended quote (optional).
(15-18) Begins with adequately stated thesis. Ends with an adequate broad statement. 1 error in the author’s name and title of novel. Adequately evaluates his intent.
Includes an adequate personal impression of the play, which evaluates, judges, defends or justifies the protagonist’s actions/author’s use of technique or
theme. Includes 1personal pronoun. Includes an adequately blended quote (optional).
Begins with a poorly stated thesis. Ends with a poorly stated broad statement. Includes 2 errors in the author’s name and title of novel. Poorly evaluates his
intent. Poorly stated impression of the play, which vaguely evaluates, judges, defends or justifies the protagonist’s actions/author’s use of technique or
theme. Includes 2 personal pronouns. Includes a poorly blended quote (optional).
Does not restate thesis. Does not end with a broad statement. Does not include author’s name
and/or title of novel. Does not evaluate his intent. Does not include your impression of the novel. More than 3 personal pronouns. Does not evaluate, judge,
defend or justify the protagonist’s actions/author’s use of technique or theme.
The writer does not appear to grasp the idea of writing a concluding paragraph. No evidence of higher level thinking.
Body Paragraphs ________/100
(90-100) Paragraphs -- Strong, clear topic/clincher sentences. Include clear, logical transitions that
connect to thesis.
Quotations – 25 primary and 10 secondary sources that are accurate, well blended, correctly punctuated, and support thesis. The writer selects significant
quotes that enhance the point being developed. He effectively leads into/out of quotes, blending them smoothly with his own words. There are no quotes in
isolation anywhere in the composition. Quotes are documented correctly. The writer always analyzes the quote's relevance.
Embedded details -- All details strongly and accurately support your analysis.
Analysis --The writer is able to completely sustain critical interpretation of the subject by doing one or more of the following: point out similarities and/or
differences, recognize sequences, form analogies, make judgments, synthesize and evaluate.
Paragraphs -- Adequate topic/clincher sentences. Many clear transitions and connections to thesis. Adequately prove thesis.
Quotations – 20 primary and 8 secondary source quotations adequately blended and punctuated that support the thesis. For the most part, the writer handles
quote treatment well.
Embedded details -- Paragraphs contain adequate, relevant discussions of accurate supporting details.
Analysis -- Writer demonstrates competent critical interpretation for most of the paper.
Paragraphs – Inconsistent in beginning and ending paragraphs with topic/clincher sentences.
Minimal attempts at transitions. Minimal connections to thesis.
Quotations—15 primary and 6 secondary source quotations. Some inadequately blended and punctuated. The writer does a fair job with quote treatment.
Embedded details --. There are few errors in text-based facts. Some paragraphs contain weak discussions of details, examples, and supporting evidence.
Analysis -- Writer is unable to sustain a high level of analysis throughout the entire essay, and often he does not go beyond the self-evident, or the critical
interpretation reflects faulty reasoning.
Paragraphs -- Few clear topic/clincher sentences. Barely readable. Few transitions and connections to thesis. Minimal attempt to support thesis.
Quotations – Fewer than 10 primary quotations and 4 secondary source quotations. Most poorly blended and/or fraught with punctuation errors. The writer
does not seem to know how to effectively select, blend, document or analyze quotes.
Embedded details -- There are many errors in text-based facts. Paragraphs contain vague/inappropriate discussions of irrelevant details, examples, and
supporting evidence.
Critical Paper Evaluation Scale
Analysis -- Writer is marginally competent in critical interpretation. He might have a flash of original insight, but his overall development of the subject fails
to connect related ideas and leaves the subject at the self-evident level.
The writer has not grasped the idea of recognizing and using specific, self-evident details when discussing supports. The writer is not competent in understanding
analysis. There is no evidence of higher level thinking. No or useless quotes. Off prompt.
Conventions and Style _______/40
A. Verb tenses – Most verbs in present tense and active voice.
B. Grammar – Consistent control.
C. Spelling – Consistent control.
D. Vocab -- Precise, illustrative use of words. Additionally, you should have at least 10 words from level G vocabulary (or comparable) that are used
correctly. Bold these words in your paper. NOTE: these should not be the only time you use academic vocabulary in your paper.
E. Usage -- No trite, slang or informal expressions. No contractions. No first- or second-person pronouns, such as I, we, us, you.
F. Sentence structure -- Sentences are varied structures and lengths. No ambiguous or unclear meanings. No run ons. No fragments. Originality
G. Punctuation – Shows evident control
A. Verb tenses -- Many verbs in present tense and active voice.
B. Grammar -- Few errors throughout paper.
C. Spelling -- Few errors.
D. Vocab -- Generic use of words, including 8 words from level G vocabulary words (or comparable) that are used correctly. Bold these words.
E. Usage -- Few trite, slang or informal expressions. Few contractions. Few first- or second-person pronouns.
F. Sentence structure -- Most sentences are varied. Few ambiguous or unclear meanings. Few run-ons. Few fragments. Adequate originality
G. Punctuation – Shows sufficient control
(24- 26)
A. Verb tenses -- Minimal adherence to consistent use of verb tenses and/or active voice.
B. Grammar -- Minimal adherence to grammar rules.
C. Spelling -- Many careless errors. Minimal evidence of proofreading.
D. Vocab – Elementary and/or uses fewer than 4 vocabulary words from Level G (or comparable) correctly. Bold these words in your paper.
E. Usage – Elementary usage. Wordy, repetitive. Many serious errors that distract from paper.
F. Sentence structure -- Many repetitive structures. Fraught with ambiguous meanings. Fraught with run-ons and fragments.
G. Punctuation -- Fraught with errors.
Verb tenses – Many verbs in past tense and/or passive voice.
Grammar -- Shows limited evidence of proofreading.
Spelling -- Shows limited evidence of proofreading.
Vocab -- Limited/low-level vocabulary used. 6 vocab words from Level G (or comparable) used correctly. Bold these words in your paper.
Usage -- Many trite, slang or informal expressions. Many contractions or unclear meanings. Many first- and second-person pronouns.
Sentence structure -- Few varied structures. Many ambiguous and/or unclear meanings.
Many run-ons and/or fragments.
Punctuation – Many errors
The writer displays less than proficient knowledge of having mastered the conventions of grammar, mechanics, spelling, vocabulary, usage and sentence formations.
MLA Format of Final Paper _______/20
Works cited page -- Includes a works cited page with no errors
Numbering of pages -- No errors
Outline -- Exactly corresponds with paper.
Length— 7-8 pages (points will be deducted for both too little or too much! 1 pg short = -20 points)
strictly adheres to font size, margins, double spacing, heading format
(15-18) A. Works cited page -- 1-2 errors
B. Numbering of pages – 1 error
C. Outline – Adequately corresponds with paper.
D. Some errors in either font size/margins/double spacing/heading format
Works cited page – 2-5 errors
Numbering of pages – 2 errors
Outline – Numerous discrepancies
Many errors in either font size/margins/double spacing/heading format
Works cited page -- More than 5 errors
Numbering of pages – 3+ errors
Outline –confusing to follow
Length – Penalty determined by length
Little adherence to font size, margins, double spacing, heading format.
The writer does not follow MLA and/or North Penn guidelines for writing a critical paper.