European Applied Business Research Conference Venice, Italy 2003 Can Eco-Labels Attract Buyers? Clement S.F. Chow, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Esther P.Y. Tang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Gerald E. Fryxell, China Europe International Business School, China Abstract Environmental friendly purchase behaviour covers a broad range of possible actions such as using biodegradable materials, avoiding products with damaging contents, boycotting products, favouring recycled materials, using refillable packaging, and so on. However such actions depend on possessing reasonably accurate information about product alternatives. Eco-labels are meant to convey information to consumers about the environmental implications of purchasing the product, so that consumers who care about such effects can express their desires in the market. This study examines the influence of eco-labels on purchase intention. Acknowledging the fact that opinion survey can measure respondents’ environmental friendly attitudes accurately but fail to measure their actual behaviours, a simulation of web-based shopping was used. Participants were randomly assigned one of four possible treatments where one of them contains no eco-label and the other three contain three different eco-label designs. It was found that the presence of an ecolabel did induce higher rate of purchase. Introduction With the emergence of green consumerism, businesses have been under growing pressure of producing green products. To some manufacturers, it is not a threat but an opportunity because it suggests that products with environmentally friendly nature would attract consumers to buy. To convey the message that a product is environmentally friendly, marketers have been using advertising and/or packaging as the media for communication. When packaging is used for such purpose, certain form of eco-label on product packaging certified by a third-party program serves as a proof of environmental performance of the product. While literature suggests that consumers respond positively to environmental claims, many of which in the form of eco-label (e.g., Chase and Smith 1992; Hayhurst 2000; Salzman 1991; Wiltberger 1999), the true behaviours as displayed in their actual purchases have not been fully investigated. This research attempted to simulate a web-based shopping environment in which how the actual purchase intention of Chinese consumers is to be affected by the presence and absence of eco-label on product packaging was investigated. An experimental design was employed in an attempt to enhance internal validity, and considerable effort was made to obscure the purpose of the study in order to avoid issues related to hypothesis guessing and social desirability bias. The context of this study is important for three reasons. First, the condition of the natural environment in China is among our greatest global concerns (Sims, 1999; World Bank, 1997). Second, China has the world’s largest population. Consequently, the aggregated behaviour of Chinese consumers has a tremendous potential impact on the environment. Third, the growth of ISO 14001 EMSs in China is growing exponentially to a point that an empirical link between eco-label and purchase intention should be established. Literature Review Environmental protection has become an issue of both regional and global importance (e.g., Asprion, 2000; Dunlap et al., 1993; Dunlap and Saad, 2000; Kornblut, 2001; McDaniel and Rylander, 1993). Although surveys typically suggest that consumers would favour green products (e.g., Bhate and Lawler, 1997; Dagnoli, 1991; Freeman and Dagnoli, 1990), actual consumer response to green marketing efforts has often fallen short of expectations. Reasons for the gap between reported preference for green products and the actual purchase of such products are cited in many studies (e.g., Ellen, 1994; Morris et al., 1995; Walley and Whitehead, 1994). Some of the explanations that have been proposed include excessive price premiums for environmentally friendly products, 1 European Applied Business Research Conference Venice, Italy 2003 reluctance to change purchasing habits, little societal pressure to conform and inability to identify the real environmental attributes. Most surveys in Europe and North America do indicate that consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious (Dagnoli, 1991; Freeman and Dagnoli, 1990; Rolfes, 1990) but, relative to other considerations (especially price), the importance of specific environmental attributes of products is much less certain. Moreover, it is likely that cultural and economic considerations will lead to variance on this issue by region. British consumers, for example, stated they were willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products (Bhate and Lawler, 1997; Prothero, 1990). In the US, a telephone survey revealed that 25% of respondents claimed to have stopped buying at least one company’s product because they believed the company was not “a good environmental citizen” (Freeman and Dagnoli, 1990). With the notable exception of Japan, where citizens thought that environmental problems were especially serious (McClure, 1991), in most other Asian countries, consumer interest in protecting the environment, especially for poorer populations, is a relatively more recent and less developed phenomena. However, such awareness may be emerging. A 1991 consumer survey in Singapore revealed that almost all respondents indicated that they would like to know where they could buy environmentally friendly products (Shamdasani et al., 1993). Similarly, a survey of more than five thousand citizens in Hong Kong found that more than half of the respondents claimed to have shopped for environmentally safe products (ECCO, 1996). One troublesome aspect of many studies on green consumerism is that the results may be method-bound. Social desirability and other biases may lead respondents to profess to be more environmentally enlightened than they would actually behave at the cash register. In particular, green purchasing intention is easily set aside when a product is disadvantaged on other criteria. Two more studies (i.e., Chan and Yam, 1995; Yam-Tang and Chan, 1998) found that Chinese people readily abandoned their environmental purchase intention in the face of incrementally higher price and/or a modicum of inconvenience. In summary, research has generally shown that most consumers in developed countries claim to care about the environmental performance of products. However, in most of these studies, consumers have also demonstrated that environmental considerations are secondary and that a preference for environmentally friendly products is manifest only when products attain parity on more essential product attributes (e.g., price, performance and convenience). Thus, for products where the price and performance of “green” products attain a reasonable level of parity with their more harmful alternatives, there should be viable market segments. However, for this to occur, there has to be some mechanism that clearly signals such environmental attributes. In addition, because some products may be modestly beneficial to the environment in some aspects, while being highly damaging in others, it is relatively easy for producers to erroneously exploit green consumers. For example, a producer of paper diapers can extol the virtue of requiring less hot water than cloth diapers, while at the same time ignoring the fact that its use can lead to more solid waste and create health problems. Consequently, consumers and the overall society would benefit from some mechanism for ensuring the credibility of such claims. Thøgersen (2000) cited some literature to suggest that eco-labelling is one of the most effective forms of communicative instruments for providing timely and relevant information for consumers (Hansen and Kull, 1994; Miljø-og Energiministeriet, 1995; Scammon and Mayer, 1993). Eco-labels seek to promote green purchase behaviour by credibly signalling that a product is environmentally friendly. An eco-label can be defined as any symbol appearing on product packaging informing consumers that a particular product is in some significant way less harmful to the environment than purchase alternatives. An eco-label can address a single dimension (a Type 1 eco-label as described in ISO 14020) or multiple ones. An example of the former would be the energy-use labels commonly found on various “white goods” (e.g., refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.). Those addressing multiple attributes may use a “report card” approach and often seek to evaluate the product over its complete “life cycle” (a Type 3 label). Unfortunately, increasing information content runs the risk of exceeding consumer patience and/or capacity for interpretation. The most common approach to eco-labelling awards a “seal of approval” based on a third party evaluation of multiple attributes (a Type 2 label). While eco-labels have widely been used, surprisingly, little research has been conducted on the influence of eco-labels on actual consumer purchasing behaviour. The few studies that have focused specifically on eco-labels have tended to evaluate the labelling scheme itself, the label’s popularity or the reasons why consumers notice the label. Manhoudt et al. (2002) studied four environmental certification schemes involving agricultural crops in the 2 European Applied Business Research Conference Venice, Italy 2003 Netherlands. Thøgersen (2000) developed a psychological model to explain variations in consumer attention towards eco-labels and tested the model using data collected from several EU countries. Their findings suggest that a majority of the consumers notice eco-labels, albeit sporadically. Imkamp (2000) replicated a study done in 1989 where one of the questions sought consumers’ preferences for quality vs. ecological labels and found that preferences for eco-label had risen from 19% in 1989 to 46% in 1998. In a very recent study, Teisl et al. (2002) investigated the effectiveness of eco-label and its design but the study was limited to forest products using focus groups only. In the conclusion, the authors mentioned that the focus group approach sought to develop general insights and directions rather than quantitatively provide precise or absolute measures and that the research wanted to trigger a more quantitative study of eco-labelling. Therefore, this study arguably addresses a need for quantitative research in this area. Moreover, we attempted to measure the actual behaviour, rather than a reported one, of consumers in making their purchase decision over a wide range of grocery products usually found in supermarkets. Hypotheses From our literature review, three broad conclusions about eco-labels seem warranted: 1) Consumers generally profess a desire to purchase more environmentally friendly products; 2) Consumer expressed that eco-labels can influence their purchase intention; 3) The influence of eco-labels is likely to erode rapidly should the perceptions of other product attributes be found wanting (e.g., performance, price, and appearance). In order to single out the effect of eco-labels, we have to bring our subjects to an experiment condition in which only one independent variable, presence (or absence) of eco-labels, varies. Since an eco-label can be in the form of words, picture, or both, we aimed at examining the effect of each form of eco-label on consumer purchase intention. Therefore, the study is to test the following three hypotheses. H1: H2: H3: The presence of an eco-label in words-form induces higher purchase intention. The presence of an eco-label in picture-form induces higher purchase intention. The presence of an eco-label in hybrid-form (i.e. picture plus words) induces higher purchase intention. Methodology An experimental design was used to test these hypotheses. The subjects used for this study were university students of Chinese ethnicity in HKSAR, China, who were requested to participate in this study as part of their coursework. Although the use of students is often considered a liability due to legitimate concerns regarding external validity (i.e., the ability to generalize findings to more relevant populations), this is less problematic in this study than would normally be the case. This is because students are major consumers of many products and an explicit effort was made to select products for this experiment that would likely be purchased by students. Two hundred and thirty-four students participated in this study. Each was randomly assigned into one of four treatment groups of approximately sixty people each. Given the beauty of randomisation, variation between groups could be assumed insignificant. In order to more realistically simulate a web-based shopping experience, shopping catalogues resembling to web pages were distributed to subjects during regular classes. These web pages like shopping catalogues were modelled on a major supermarket chain’s shopping website. Shopping for such items either through catalogues or web is sufficiently popular in a Chinese community such that the subjects were familiar with this approach. Each respondent was informed that he/she had a budget of HK$500 (~ 65 Euros) to freely spend on the products displayed. Altogether, there were ten product categories, as follows: potato chips, batteries, tissues, washing powder, light bulbs, cooking oil, hairspray, fruit drinks, pain reliever, and printer paper. These categories were selected because most of them are frequent purchases of the subjects. For each product category, there were some different brands from which to choose. The subjects were instructed to purchase whatever they would normally choose with the money given. They were not required to purchase any particular type of product nor were they required to use all of the money. A control group was established where the subjects saw no eco-label in any of the products displayed. The other three groups were presented a particular form of eco-labels in the product description boxes of some products. One of these groups saw the words-form eco-labels while the other one saw the picture-form eco-labels, and the last 3 European Applied Business Research Conference Venice, Italy 2003 group saw the hybrid-form (i.e. picture plus words) eco-labels. Each of these three groups was to be compared with the control group in terms of their actual purchase of green products. A substantial amount of effort was expended to avoid any social desirability bias that might have resulted from hypothesis guessing. Consequently, the purpose of the study was disguised in three ways. 1) Each product had all the other usual information about it that would be included in a shopping catalogue, such as dimensions, volume, price, and other relevant features. 2) Although the subjects chose among ten product categories, only four product categories had treatments associated with one product choice in each category. The other six were included for the sole purpose of providing additional shopping choices so as to further cover up the purpose of the study. 3) We employed a variety of other types of labels which were deliberately spread among all the product categories. These additional labels referred to product attributes related to quality, various endorsements, specific product attributes (e.g., aspirin free, vitamins added), as well as ambiguous claims (e.g., a “superbrand”). Along with receiving the shopping catalogue, the respondents were instructed to complete an attached shopping list to be returned to the experimenter after approximately twenty minutes. The independent variable of this study is the presence and absence of eco-labels and the dependent variable is the total amount of money spent on the “green” products (i.e. green purchases). Results The mean value of the money spent on green products in each eco-label group was compared with the mean value of the money spent on the same items (without the eco-labels) in the control group by t-test. Each comparison served to test one hypothesis and the results are as below: 1) Results of control group versus words-form eco-label group: Control Words-form Eco-label Mean 57.75 85.43 Standard Deviation 59.38 77.62 t-test for equality of means t statistic -2.109 Significance 0.037 As we can see from the result, spending on green products in the words-form eco-label group is significantly higher than that in the control group (i.e., sig. < 0.05, mean: 27.68 higher), we can conclude that the first hypothesis, “The presence of an eco-label in words-form induces higher purchase intention”, is supported. 2) Results of control group versus picture-form eco-label group: Control Picture-form Eco-label Mean 57.75 84.57 Standard Deviation 59.38 72.71 t-test for equality of means t statistic -2.178 Significance 0.031 As we can see from the result, spending on green products in the picture-form eco-label group is significantly higher than that in the control group (i.e., sig. < 0.05, mean: 26.82 higher), we can conclude that the second hypothesis, “The presence of an eco-label in picture-form induces higher purchase intention”, is supported. 3) Results of control group versus hybrid-form eco-label group: 4 European Applied Business Research Conference Control Hybrid-form Eco-label Mean 57.75 99.55 Venice, Italy 2003 Standard Deviation 59.38 97.32 t-test for equality of means t statistic -2.820 Significance 0.006 As we can see from the result, spending on green products in the hybrid-form eco-label group is significantly higher than that in the control group (i.e., sig. < 0.05, mean: 41.80 higher), we can conclude that the third hypothesis, “The presence of an eco-label in hybrid-form induces higher purchase intention”, is supported. Discussion We simulated a web-based shopping experience in an experimental design to keep track of the consumer behaviour in terms of buying eco-labelled products, which is unprecedented among literature where studies have mostly been done through asking consumers survey questions. Therefore, we would assert that this study makes a methodological contribution to the debate on how green consumerism affects attitudes (i.e., the claimed behaviour) versus behaviour (i.e., the actual behaviour). Clearly, in this area, the literature shows that there is a troublesome gap between what consumers say they will do (i.e., choosing a product because of its environmentally friendly nature) and how they actually behave (i.e., actual allocations of dollars in purchases). Accordingly, we used a controlled experiment to measure actual, rather than claimed green behaviour. Although it is impossible to rule out all possibilities of bias, we would assert that this study has come relatively closer to measuring actual purchasing behaviour than previous work on the relationship between consumer behaviours and eco-labels. Moreover, this study adds an element of generalizability to this body of evidence by studying the phenomenon in a Chinese community and using a relatively youthful group of consumers who are purchasing day-to-day, relatively lowpriced, fast-moving consumer goods. We would also assert that an effective eco-labelling program be accompanied by a consumer education campaign aimed at raising the awareness of their power to influence product development and eco-labelling programs. Depending on the context and on how much government backing there is for such an effort, it may be possible to use a broad range of media to raise awareness. It is also important to provide consumers with the necessary details about eco-labels and the accreditation process. The effectiveness of any eco-label would probably diminish if the consumers are sceptical towards the environmental claims and/or do not trust the certification organization (Teisl et al., 2002). Integrity is the key to success in any eco-labelling program. Two limitations of this study warrant additional comment. First, this was a simulated shopping experience where purchasers did not use their own money. Obviously, this is a relevant departure from how people may actually behave. However, some marketing studies do provide some reassurance in this regard. For example, Gabor et al. (1970) conducted an experiment to look at real and hypothetical shop situations. In their study, results of home interviews were compared with those conducted outside the supermarket right after the interviewees had purchased at least one common product. They concluded: “the hypothetical shop situation method, being flexible, quick, and cheap, can provide data of great reliability where there is a high degree of effective competition between established brands.” Second, the use of a student sample has already been discussed. However, we might point out that the use of students represents a trade-off between internal validity and external validity. Arguably, however, as students are also consumers of day-to-day fast moving consumer goods, they are relevant buying decision-makers. Conclusion Eco-labelling has been widely accepted as a communicative instrument to convey the environmental message. However, the effectiveness of it on consumer purchase intention has not been tested empirically. By using a simulation of web-based shopping, it was found that an eco-label, regardless of whether it comprises of some words, picture, or both, has positive effect on consumer purchase intention. Consequently, as many firms nowadays facing 5 European Applied Business Research Conference Venice, Italy 2003 razor-thin margins and so high breakeven volumes, investments in green products and thus eco-labelling would appear to provide reasonable payoffs for them. At the same time, eco-labelling also proved to be an efficient way for policy makers to add one more brick in the wall of environmental protection. Therefore, we would assert that ecolabelling programs should be included as part of the policy mechanisms that are designed to guide consumer markets to be more environmentally friendly. Given an established role for eco-labels in accomplishing this, it is our hope that this study will stimulate future research into eco-labelling issues. Suggestions for Future Research According to the findings of this study, it appears to suggest that effect of an eco-label in hybrid-form is higher than in any of the other two forms (i.e., mean is 41.80 higher than control group in hybrid-form versus 27.68 in words-form and 26.82 in picture-form), therefore, future research can focus on how consumer purchase intention be affected by the verbal (i.e., words) versus visual (i.e., picture) effect of an eco-label and see how the combination of these effects reinforces (or diminishes) the intention. Future research can also concentrate on what kind of information to be communicated through the eco-label is most effective on consumer purchase intention. 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