Head Lice Infection - NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Reproduced with kind permission from the NPA
April 2010
The Community Pharmacy
Head Lice Programme
Please complete and return to:
Annette Robb/Stacey Greer
Pharmacy Administration Assistants
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Gartnavel Royal Hospital
West House
1055 Great Western Road
Glasgow G12 -XH
This workbook is designed for you to record information about head lice infection. It
can be completed either individually or on a pharmacy basis. Please record all
relevant information. This will be used to demonstrate that you have carried out the
Reproduced with kind permission from the NPA
April 2010
Activity 1
Understanding and changing attitudes
The task is to identify staff attitudes towards head lice. Carry out a brief interview
with each staff member, about 15 to 30 minutes in length. Use your listening skills.
Open the interview by using a phrase such as “I wish to improve the service we offer
to people suffering from a head lice infection. I need to know how my staff feel about
this. Perhaps you could start by telling me how you feel about head lice”.
Particularly try to find out:
What beliefs do they have about head lice infection?
Do the staff feel head lice are associated with “unclean” people?
Do the staff think head lice should be managed within the school?
Do the staff think the doctor should be responsible for head lice?
Would the staff object to a client bringing a head louse into the pharmacy attached to
a piece of tape?
After, or during, the interview note comments that you found particularly interesting.
Reproduced with kind permission from the NPA
April 2010
Activity 2
One of the common problems associated with community pharmacies is the lack of
confidentiality. This was raised, specifically relating to head lice infections, in one of
the “Which?” reports on community pharmacy.
Thinking from the clients perspective, how comfortable are clients likely to feel when
raising the issue of head lice infection?
What steps could easily be taken to improve confidentiality?
How could you demonstrate to an outsider, eg. NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, that
you ensured confidentiality?
Reproduced with kind permission from the NPA
April 2010
Activity 3.
Product choice
In order to be successful the head lice service requires that a strict protocol is
followed to reduce resistance and maximise effectiveness. The first line choice is an
alcoholic solution formulation. This may not be the client’s first choice.
Why is the client likely to prefer another product?
What steps would you take to encourage the client to use this product?
Are there any circumstances under which you could justify offering an alternative?
What alternative would you recommend?
Reproduced with kind permission from the NPA
April 2010
Activity 4.
Repeat product requests
A particular client has become a regular user of the head lice service, returning at
fairly regular intervals for a new supply. You have examined the head lice brought in
at each return visit and note that the lice brought in are all adults.
What is the likely cause of this repeated infection?
Would you take any further action to improve the care of this client? If so, what
action would you take?
Reproduced with kind permission from the NPA
April 2010
Application for Certification
The Community Pharmacy
Head Lice Programme
Please ensure that all details are completed and that this form is attached securely to
the activity book & the multiple choice questionnaire. On receipt, a letter will be sent
out together with the paperwork necessary to run the programme.
Names of persons who have participated
Pharmacist’s name ___________________________________________
Assistants names
Pharmacy Name
Pharmacy address
Return to:
Annette Robb/Stacey Greer
Pharmacy Administration Assistants
Greater Glasgow NHS Board
Gartnavel Royal Hospital
West House
1055 Great Western Road
Glasgow G12 0XH
Reproduced with kind permission from the NPA
April 2010