Appendix 1: Pilot schools summary School Baseline Elson Infant School The headteacher supports Historic relationship issues between office/ New chairs.* school meals and already kitchen staff and lunchtime supervisors. Tucasi (October 11). actively promotes school Cost likely to be an issue for parents. meals to new parents. Meal deal. Do not have Tucasi. Redecorated kitchen. Could improve servery area. Gomer Infant Positive. School has been School working on improving lunch boxes. The trend for hot meals is increasing (nearly all Year R eat). Good arrangements for lunch time supervisors in place. Emerging issues/priorities Interventions Outcomes Improved eating environment. Uptake increased by 1.7%.** Not happy with HC3S picnic lunch option. Pupil voice project. Encourage staff to eat. Meal critic activity. Do not have Tucasi online and interactive whiteboard (IWB). New purpose built waste unit.* Queue lengths have reduced, and children are reported to behave better in the dining hall. Tucasi on-line (16/4/12). Uptake down 5%.** More opportunities to cook would be ideal. Cost likely to be an issue for parents. Cafe style. Meal deal. Promotion of HC3S. Work with parents. Gomer Junior School meals not actively Low income families. School promoted but the Monitor impact on behaviour. headteacher was (2nd tranche) supportive and interested White board option for Tucasi. in the project. Promote HC3S and school meals. Encourage staff to eat. HC3S whole school training. Parent and children taster days. Improve lunch time arrangements. Meal critic activity. Meal deal. School meal/lunchbox activity. Healthy food fayre including taster session.* Not completed but in progress: Top table.* Raised awareness of school meals in school. Uptake increased by 5%.** School Baseline Emerging issues/priorities Interventions Outcomes Harrison Primary School Slow to engage with project. Have good healthy school approach and trying to tie in but the headteacher has not been actively involved and progress is slow. Till in the dining hall and arrangements to pay. Meal critic activity. Increased awareness of school meals and lunchtime arrangements. (2nd tranche) Long queues. Mess after first sitting (raised by children). Capacity. Pupil voice work. Meal deal. Salad bar.* Not completed but in progress: Uptake has increased by 3% but it is expected that this will increase further once Tucasi is in place and the Year 6 servery has started. Tucasi due to go in September 12. Trial trolley service to Year 6 class will happen in September 12. Horndean Junior School The headteacher made it clear this is not a priority. The school have taken the grant but shown no commitment and refuse to respond to calls over grant spend. Lack of commitment by school. The school has taken the grant but not responded to any Capacity of the hall could be increased requests to meet and discuss with another row of tables. The school are interventions. against this. Issues regarding food quality over past year. Lunchtime supervisors – recruitment/mmt Tucasi on-line. Increased awareness of school meals. Uptake has increased by 13%** although there has been little active support for increasing capacity which is still very much needed and can be easily achieved by an additional row of tables. Promotion of HC3S. Lee on the Solent Infant School The headteacher eats with the children once a week and had some concerns about the food. Hot meals and packed lunches separated Meal critic. I year group eat sandwiches in classroom. Weekly school council meetings to be held over hot lunch. Dining room is dark and uninspiring Top table.* Servery is dull. Staggered sittings. Promotion of HC3S products and services; Meal deal. Tucasi whiteboard. Display boards.* A review of lunchtime arrangements has reduced queue lengths. Uptake increased by 9.5%.** School Baseline Lee on the The hall had a nice feel Solent Junior but is cluttered with PE School equipment. Only 55 minutes is available for (2nd tranche) lunch. Emerging issues/priorities Interventions Outcomes Only 55 minutes available for lunchtime. Meal critic. Hot meals and packed lunches separated Meal deals. Increased awareness of school meals. Improved dining room layout. I year group eat sandwiches in classroom. New tables. Promotion of HC3S products and services. New chairs. Tucasi. Salad bar and additional bread rolls.* Uptake increased by 8%.** The major interventions and changes have yet to go in. Not completed but in progress: Working on use of drama room to increase capacity but problems with this. Review lunchtime arrangement so hot meals and packed lunches can sit together. Northern All children can eat Infant School together in one sitting. The school have fully engaged and actively promoted school meals once invited onto the project. Tucasi system. Strong pupil voice work. HUB. Meal critic. Promotion of HC3S products and services. Active joint working with junior. Lunchtime arrangements to enable friends Linked with Healthy Schools. to eat together. Tucasi. Encourage staff to eat school meals. Lunchbox/school meal Parent and pupil tasters. comparison. Lunchtime arrangements to allow hot meals and packed lunch to sit together. Meal deal. Actively promoted in school. Staff eating with the children. Pro-active approach to promoting school meals now in place. Uptake has increased by 47%. School Baseline Emerging issues/priorities Interventions Outcomes Cafe style layout. Cookery competition.* Parents to lunch.* Northern Junior School All children can eat together in one sitting. The school have fully engaged and actively promoted school meals once invited onto the project. Tucasi system. New tables to increase capacity.* The Healthy Schools manager who has lead the project is HUB. Strong pupil voice work. leaving. There are also Promotion of HC3S products and services; Meal critic. changes senior leadership. The active promotion of school Encourage staff to eat school meals. Active joint working with Infant. meals at Northern Infant Improve process for taking a free school Linked with Healthy Schools. should have a positive impact meals (FSM). on the Junior school. However Lunchbox/school meal this is a school with the comparison. potential to achieve a similar Lunchtime arrangements to step change in uptake. allow hot meals and packed Introduction of Tucasi and the lunch to sit together. family service should go some way to this. Meal deal. Uptake down 2.4%. Actively promoted in school Not completed but in progress: Tucasi. Family service.* Orchard Lea Junior School (2nd tranche) Dull dining room and the servery is closed off. All children eat in the hall. The school have taken a lot of time to fully engage with the project. Dull and cold Dining Hall. Hot meals and packed lunches are separate. The servery is hidden away so children are unable to see the food on offer. Promotion of HC3S. Hot meals and packed lunches can sit together. Meal critic. Pupil survey. Parent focus group and lunchbox/school meal comparison workshop. The school has engaged towards the end of the project and now seems more interested in improving lunchtimes. Some improvements have been brought in but most are planned in September 12. Uptake is currently down 13%. School Baseline Emerging issues/priorities Interventions Outcomes Plan to enhance servery. More work is needed to engage with parents. Not completed but in progress: Considering a top table and table cloths to enhance the dining hall.* Considering Tucasi. Would benefit from further publicity and promotions targeting parents. Peel Really low uptake school. Common Historic relationship Infant School between lunchtime supervisor and kitchen. (2nd tranche) Relatively new head is keen to improve school meals. Tucasi. Pupil voice. Customer Care – build relationships. Meal critic. Cost. Meal deal. Promotion of HC3S. New tables. Tucasi. Increased awareness and promotion of school meals. The changes have not yet been implemented so further increases to uptake should be achieved. Uptake increased by 4.4%*.* Tasters. Decorated servery. Not completed but in progress: Will introduce top table and cafe style layout after September 2012.* Purbrook The hall is a nice Infant School environment although very noisy. The (2nd tranche) headteacher is supportive but very busy. Capacity. Tucasi. Hot meals and packed lunches are separate. Cafe Style arrangement.* Queuing. Noise. Parent focus group. Meal critic activity. Introduced milkshake as a Raised awareness of school meals and resulted in changes to lunchtime arrangements. Uptake increased by 21%.** School Baseline Emerging issues/priorities Interventions Food not cooked on site. dessert. Do not have online payment. Meal Deal. Adult chairs. Packed lunch and hot meals able to sit together. Outcomes Introduced table monitors.* Swanmore Primary School (2nd tranche) The headteacher set out by being very definite about school meals not being an important part of the school day. This was reflected by lunchtime arrangements. The school has not actively engaged. Capacity issues, Year 5 and Year 6 children eat packed lunches in their classrooms. Packed lunch and hot meals are separated in the hall. Meal critic activity. Meal deal. Parent focus group A temporary US has been in place for most of the project. The school appears to be more engaged in improving school meals. Improved relationships between school and HC3S. Uptake increased by 18%.** Relationship issues between headteacher and unit superviser. Food tasting. Sterile eating environment – children are squashed in. Bench style seating. Healthy eating talk and ready steady cook. A trolley service to the Year 5/Year 6 block would be ideal but has been turned down by the head. Whiteley Primary School (2nd tranche) Room for big improvements in lunchtimes but the headteacher is keen to support to achieve this. Pupils have been actively involved. Increase capacity of the dining area. Meal critic activity. Improve dining environment. Meal deal. Enable friends to sit together regardless of Second service in Year 5/Year 6 whether they are eating school meal or common area – children eat in packed lunch. classroom and outside with friends having a packed lunch.* Cashless catering – Tucasi on-line. Tucasi introduced. Recruitment of lunchtime supervisors – Lunchtime supervisors – customer care. Food quality/waste. Children wearing coats to eat. Increased promotion of school meals and awareness of the need to make improvements at lunchtime. Year 5/6 new servery has been really successful although the results will not be reflected in the Spring 12 figures. Uptake increased by 18%. School Baseline Emerging issues/priorities Interventions Outcomes Wicor Primary School Operation Manager has recently agreed to undertake a questionnaire with headteacher. The headteacher is particularly interested in dining arrangements and would like advice on layout and reducing noise. There are issues between the unit supervisor and school staff. Improve dining experience. Meal deal. Increase capacity. Set up successful system for lunchtime staff - indoor and outdoor learning support assistants with a play lead for outdoors. Changing the layout of the dining room and introducing allocated tables has led to improved behaviour. Year 6 children no longer feel rushed to eat their meal. Reduce noise. Reduce queuing. Improve servery. Monitor impact on behaviour. Use as example of best practice for Tucasi. Cost – meal deals. HC3S promotion. Encourage staff to eat with children. Build relationships – Customer care. Pupil voice project has resulted in changes to the dining room layout – children now sit at allocated tables. The school is committed to improving lunchtimes and are looking forward to a new unit supervisor in the kitchen who they have helped to recruit. Not completed but in progress: Uptake increased by 10%.** New tables.* Salad bar. Possible improvement to the servery. Notes: * = Grant funded intervention ** = Uptake figures are based on a comparison between the Spring Term 2011 and Spring Term 2012 and are in addition to the average County wide trend increase of 5.7%. The uptake figures for the second tranche pilot schools would be better compared using Summer 2012 or even Autumn 2012 data as many of the interventions were not in place and promoted in time to be reflected in the Spring Term figures.