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Ohio Graduation Test for Science – March 2006
Annotated Item 31
Standard and Benchmark Assessed:
Earth and Space Sciences
D. Describe the finite nature of Earth’s resources and those human activities
that can conserve or deplete Earth’s resources.
Extended Response Question:
Identify two savings that result from recycling aluminum cans and explain one ecological
benefit of each. Respond in the space provided in your Answer Document. (4 points)
This extended response question asks students to identify two savings that result from recycling
aluminum cans and explain one ecological benefit of each. Students must communicate their
understanding of conservation by recycling by identifying ecological benefits of saving
aluminum. Ecological benefits are related to the impact on the environment. Saving money is
not considered an ecological benefit but saving energy or resources to mine raw materials
would be considered ecological benefits. Students could identify the benefit as the conservation
of fossil fuels used to acquire the aluminum ore, or conservation of the land that will not be
mined because aluminum is acquired from already existing cans. The response that receives
full credit identifies two savings and two ecological benefits.
This question is identified as Applying Concepts / Making Relevant Connections with Science
because the task requires students to consider scientific and societal factors to evaluate the
impact of science and technology in a biological system.
Performance Data:
The percent of public school students earning each score point for question 31 on the March
2006 Ohio Graduation Test:
Percent at Each Score Point
Sample Response for Item 31 (Extended Response):
Energy required to mine raw materials (such as aluminum ore) would be saved.
Energy required to transport raw materials would be saved.
Energy required to process raw materials would be saved.
 The ecological benefit to saving energy is that nonrenewable fossil fuels are conserved.
Nonrenewable raw materials and/or natural resources would be conserved.
Materials could be reused to make new products.
Source: Ohio Department of Education
July 05
Ohio Graduation Test for Science – March 2006
Annotated Item 31
 The ecological benefit is less mining, which may disturb ecosystems and cause localized
environmental degradation.
Water used in processing would be saved.
 The ecological benefit to saving water is that ground water aquifers are maintained and
that less reservoir space is needed for water to support industrial processes.
Energy and associated costs of litter collection of discarded cans would be saved (e.g.,
aesthetics and safety issues).
Landfill space and fuel for landfill maintenance would be saved.
 The ecological benefit to reduced landfill is less impact on the local environment for
landfill space and reduced concentrations of metals and other chemicals leaching into
ground and surface water.
Other acceptable responses.
Scoring Guidelines:
Score point
4 points
The student response identifies two savings that result from recycling
aluminum cans and explains an ecological benefit of each.
3 points
The student response identifies two savings that result from recycling
aluminum cans and explains an ecological benefit of one.
2 points
The student response identifies two savings that result from recycling
aluminum cans but the explanations are either absent or unclear (e.g., “If
you recycled aluminum cans, you wouldn’t need as much aluminum for
new cans because you could use the recycled aluminum. Also, all those
recycled cans would not be going in the trash, so that is good for the
The student response identifies one savings that results from recycling
aluminum cans and explains an ecological benefit.
1 point
The student response identifies one savings that results from recycling
aluminum cans but the explanation is either absent or unclear.
The student response explains one ecological benefit.
0 points
The response does not meet the criteria required to earn one point. The
response indicates inadequate or no understanding of the task. It may
only repeat information from the passage or prompt or provide incorrect
or irrelevant information. The student may have written on a different
topic or written, “I don’t know.”
recycling, ecological benefit
Source: Ohio Department of Education
July 05