WAPAKONETA CITY COUNCIL APRIL 20, 2015 President Steve Henderson called the meeting to order at 7:30pm on April 20, 2015 at 701 Parlette Court with the following members present: Jim Neumeier, Bonnie Wurst, Chad Doll, Randy Fisher and Rachel Barber. Also present were Service Director Bill Rains and Law Director Dennis Faller. There were 18 visitors present. Daniel E. Lee, Dan Graf and Mayor Rodney Metz were absent. Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to approve the minutes of the April 6, 2015 Public Hearing as submitted regarding Ordinance 2015-10, an Ordinance re-establishing the zoning classification for property located at 500 Willipie Street, Wapakoneta, Auglaize County, Ohio. Vote – 5 yeas, 0 nays. Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to approve the minutes of the April 6, 2015 Council Meeting as submitted. Vote – 5 yeas, 0 nays. Streets & Alleys Committee – a meeting was held on 04-14-2015 and the following was discussed: 1. Approved minutes of March 24, 2015 Fisher/Neumeier, 3-0 2. Sidewalks update a. Status of Phase 3 SRTS project – Mrs. Ruck reported one more week of pouring concrete to be followed by reclamation. b. Sidewalk inspection and maintenance program – Mrs. Ruck distributed maps of the city’s four wards with recent and planned street/sidewalk projects highlighted. Mr. Graf will work with Mrs. Ruck to develop an inspection & repair maintenance schedule for the committees review. 3. After reviewing the condition of Cherry, Ohio, Park, Wagner, and Rauthland Streets, the committee recommended the 2015 repaving project for Cherry, Wagner, and Rauthland Streets. Neumeier/Fisher – 3-0. Public Works will begin the project with replacement of catch basins. 4. The committee recommended that Mrs. Ruck prepare legislation for the 2015 Reclamite treatment for sections of Bellefontaine, Harrison, Plum, Woodbine, Redskin, Middle, and Glynwood Streets. 5. The committee recommended the East Auglaize tree lawn be treated with weed killer and fertilizer to improve the grass/weed situation that occurred last summer. Mr. Rains agreed to follow up on this request. 6. The Public Works will try to schedule repaving of the alleyway between Park and Willipie prior to the Eagles Family Picnic May 17 and Summer Moon Festival July 15-19. 7. W. Auglaize Street project schedule and current activities updated. Mrs. Ruck stated the project is on schedule. 8. Mr. Rains reported that work crews are currently working on pothole repairs. Citizens are encouraged to report locations using the city’s ActionLine. 9. Mr. Rains will check on status of recommended street signage where Rosewood & Cinnamon Streets merge. 10. Mrs. Ruck will schedule a public meeting for the proposed Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) project in the Heritage/ Belcher Park areas and proposed river walk. The date is Wednesday, April 22, 6:30 PM in the Council Chambers. 11. Mrs. Ruck shared the traffic light specifications for the West Auglaize project. The post will be fluted and black in color. Signals will be camera activated. Street lights will be similar to E. Auglaize project. President Henderson asked Council to direct any questions regarding the Streets and Alleys meeting minutes to its committee members, due to Mr. Graf being absent. Communications & Rules Committee – a meeting was held on 04-13-2015 and the following was discussed: The committee discussed edits, additions, and changes for the May edition of the Informer. Rains shared a new set of quotes for a video projection system for council chambers. No action was taken. Communications – Clerk McDonald read a notice from the Division of Liquor Control stating that all permits to sell alcoholic beverages in the political subdivision will expire on June 1, 2015. Said notice provided directives to register any objections with the Division of Liquor Control. Clerk McDonald read an email from Doug Kill and Marlene Froning, requesting street closures on Willipie Street and Main Street on May 9th, 2015, for the purpose of a Bike Rodeo Event. Motion by Fisher, second by Wurst to approve the request. Vote – 5 yeas, 0 nays. Mr. Neumeier noted a letter he received from Treasurer of Ohio, Josh Mandel, requesting that the City of Wapakoneta participate in OhioCheckbook.com, a website that would post local government checkbooklevel spending for citizen review. Some Councilmembers, Administration, and Clerk McDonald did not receive said letter. President Henderson requested that a copy be provided to Council for discussion at the May 4th Council Meeting. Mr. Neumeier also noted a letter from the Ohio Public Entity Consortium regarding health insurance. Guest Petitions – Mr. Donald Steinke of 10581 Ashburn Rd. notified Council of the dates and grand opening for the 2015 Wapakoneta Farmers’ Market. Mr. Brad DuBois of 907 Sunrise Drive again expressed that he and his neighbors do not support the rezoning of 500 Willipie Street. Ms. Joan Morris of 215 South Wagner Street also expressed that she does not want 500 Willipie Street to be rezoned, and is concerned about chemical hazards occurring should the property be rezoned to Industrial. Mr. Fisher stated that he understands the citizens’ concerns, but that Council is elected to vote its conscience on a matter. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Res 2015-09 for the third time re: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT CONCERNING A SIGN ENCROACHMENT UPON A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to adopt Res 2015-09. Vote – 5 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-10 for the third time re: AN ORDINANCE REESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 500 WILLIPIE STREET, WAPAKONETA, AUGLAIZE COUNTY, OHIO. Motion by Barber, second by Doll to table Ordinance 2015-10 until the May 4th, 2015 Council Meeting due to Mr. Graf and Mr. Lee being absent. Vote – 4 yeas, 1 nay (Fisher). Motion passed, Ord 2015-10 is tabled. Mr. Neumeier requested that Law Director Faller give further explanation on the procedure for Ord 201510. Mr. Faller indicated passage of the Ordinance would confirm the Planning Commission’s recommendation on the rezoning of the property. Mr. Faller stated that Council can decide to overrule the Planning Commission with a super-majority vote to do so. Mr. Brad DuBois of 907 Sunrise Drive addressed Council again, stating that he was in attendance at the Planning Commission meeting regarding the rezoning recommendation, and that the owner of 500 Willipie Street, Chuck Kantner, stated at said meeting that his plan was to park trucks at the location. Mr. DuBois stated that perhaps this is the reason the Planning Commission made said recommendation. Mr. Chuck Kantner, owner of 500 Willipie Street, addressed Council and stated that he did not say his application for rezoning was just for the purpose of parking trucks at the location. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-11 for the third time re: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE EDITING AND INCLUSION OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES AS PARTS OF THE VARIOUS COMPONENT CODES OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION AND PUBLICATION OF NEW MATTER IN THE UDPATED AND REVISED CODIFIED ORDINANCES; REPEALING ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Doll, second by Fisher to adopt Ord 2015-11. Vote – 5 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-12 for the third time re: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING MAYOR RODNEY C. METZ TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF OHIO, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT, TO EXECUTE AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REVOLVING LOAN FUND ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to adopt Ord 2015-12. Vote – 5 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Res 2015-13 for the third time re: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA REPRESENTATIVE TO THE OHIO PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION DISTRICT 13 INTEGRATING COMMITTEE; APPOINTING CRAIG MOELLER AS REPRESENTATIVE, CITY OF ST. MARYS AND MARY RUCK TO SERVE AS ALTERNATE. Motion by Doll, second by Fisher to adopt Res 2015-13. Vote – 5 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-14 for the first time re: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF SERVICE AND SAFETY TO SET SPECIFICATIONS, ADVERTISE FOR BIDS, AND EXECUTE A GRIND AND PAVE PROGRAM FOR VARIOUS STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA. Mr. Neumeier noted that the map indicates that Park Drive is included. Mr. Rains advised that he will provide Council with an amended map to correct this. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-15 for the first time re: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE AND SAFETY TO SET SPECIFICATIONS, ADVERTISE FOR BIDS, AND EXECUTE A RECLAMITE PROGRAM FOR VARIOUS STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-16 for the first time re: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING JOB TITLES AND PAY RANGES FOR NON-COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 260 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF WAPAKONETA, OHIO. Mr. Neumeier asked if it remained at 2% as discussed. Mr. Rains replied, yes. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-17 for the first time re: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICE AND SAFETY TO ENTER IN AGREEMENT WITH AUGLAIZE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO PERFORM WORK ON GIBBS STREET WITHIN THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA WITH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AND ED-RLF FUNDS. Mr. Neumeier noted that an explanation has not yet been given to Council as to where the loan money will be coming from. Mrs. Wurst questioned if the City can legally loan money to a business. Mr. Rains answered that he will speak to Auditor Gail Walter about these questions. Mr. Faller also agreed to obtain updated information about this. The Service Director gave the following report: Progress on the southwest interceptor has stopped due to weather. Ms. Barber asked for an update on the trees and reconstruction project on West Auglaize Street. Ms. Barber stated that efforts have been made for 2.5 years to protect the West Auglaize Street trees, and now that the contractors are working, it seems all of the stipulations and specifications are being ignored. Ms. Barber stated that the snow fence that was put in place to protect said trees is being moved by all of the contractors for their various purposes. Ms. Barber continued that much of the efforts to protect the trees have already been lost, and the mistakes continue. Ms. Barber clarified to Council that Urban Forester Stephanie Miller originally thought that aggregate gravel was being used by Dominion, when in fact the gravel being used is too compacted for tree roots to grow through. President Henderson stated that he met with Dominion representatives, and clarified that Dominion is following State of Ohio specifications regarding the gravel because the City of Wapakoneta does not currently have any code on its books requiring otherwise. Ms. Barber replied that Urban Forester Stephanie Miller has stated that the condition of the disturbed trees would be much improved if Dominion’s gravel were removed and soil put in its place. Ms. Barber stated that the Tree Commission has worked very hard to develop specifications to protect the City’s trees, and all of the contractors are ignoring them. President Henderson replied that Dominion is completing the work using State specifications, just as they do in all other municipalities that do not have City code requiring otherwise. President Henderson added that the laterals on West Auglaize Street must be located by digging for them. Mr. Doll added that there are some problems with equipment being parked on the tree lawn in areas that should be protected, but agreed that it has been difficult to locate the laterals. President Henderson suggested that concerned citizens request a meeting with direct communication about said issues. Mr. Neumeier requested better signage regarding the West Auglaize Street road closure, due to heavy traffic in the area. Mr. Rains agreed to add additional signage to prevent thru traffic. SCHEDULING OF MEETINGS: Finance Committee will meet on April 29th at 6:30pm at City Hall. Utilities Committee meeting for April 22nd has been cancelled. Miscellaneous Business – Motion by Doll, second by Fisher to bring Resolution 2015-18 to the floor for its first reading. Vote – 5 yeas, 0 nays. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Res 2015-18 for the first time re: A RESOLUTION FOR SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED UPON ANNEXATION TO 14.663 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LOCATED IN DUCHOUQUET TOWNSHIP, AUGLAIZE COUNTY OHIO, PROPOSED FOR ANNEXATION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to adjourn at 8:28pm. Vote – 5 yeas, 0 nays. President Clerk of Council