WAPAKONETA CITY COUNCIL MARCH 16, 2015 President Steve Henderson called the meeting to order at 7:30pm on March 16, 2015 at 701 Parlette Court with the following members present: Jim Neumeier, Daniel E. Lee, Bonnie Wurst, Chad Doll, Randy Fisher and Dan Graf. Also present were Mayor Rodney Metz, Service Director Bill Rains and Law Director Dennis Faller. There were 7 visitors present. Rachel Barber arrived at 7:44pm. Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2015 Public Hearing regarding the 2015 Annual Appropriations Budget, as submitted. Vote – 6 yeas, 0 nays. Motion by Fisher, second by Lee to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2015 Council Meeting as submitted. Vote – 6 yeas, 0 nays. Health & Safety Committee – a meeting was held on 03-05-2015 and the following was discussed: Chief Hunlock brought to the attention of this body a request to change two ordinances for the betterment of the community. He would like to see an amendment to ORC 452.03 to add line 19 to include no parking on tree lawn. After discussion the committee voted 3-0 to ask that this be included in the language. Chief Hunlock then asked us to consider a rewording of ORC 618.12 to add nuisance wildlife to the language so the police would have wording to deal with such animals. The committee took this under advisement and asked the Chief to identify what language other communities used. Chief Hunlock indicated he will get us this information. Chief Krites then talk to the committee about the state of rates we currently have for our EMS services. He indicated that we are not in line with current billing and it has been 8 years since the rates have changed. The committee looked over the rates of Wapakoneta and surrounding communities. After more discussion the committee asked Chief Krites to supply us with more information, to include the last time these other communities changed their EMS plans. Chief Krites indicated he was willing to help with this information gathering. The committee then set a date of March 11 at 4:00 pm to reevaluate the situation. Mr. Graf asked for further explanation of what constitutes parking on the tree lawn. Mr. Lee advised that this would be a judgement for the Police Department to make. Mr. Faller indicated that he would check on the current wording of the code involving parking on the tree lawn. Health & Safety Committee – a meeting was held on 03-11-2015 and the following was discussed: Chief Krites opened the meeting by supplying the updated material that the committee asked for. He indicated that the rates supplied were current and some of them had just been adopted on January 1 st of 2015. After much discussion the committee would like legislation prepared to include the following. Mileage updated to $14.50 per mile BLS updated to $600. ALS 1 updated to $750.00 ALS 2 updated to $900.00 Effective July 1, 2015. This motion was made by Randy Fisher and 2nd by Rachel Barber. Passed 3-0. Mr. Neumeier asked for an explanation of ‘BLS’ and ‘ALS’. Mrs. Wurst replied, ‘Basic Life Support’ and ‘Advanced Life Support.’ Mr. Neumeier asked what the current costs are for an ambulance run to Lima. Mr. Lee & Mr. Fisher answered that currently the cost for BLS is $450 and $10 per loaded mile. Mr. Neumeier asked for an average cost for any ambulance run to Lima. Mr. Lee agreed to obtain this information. Communications – Clerk McDonald read a letter from Mary Ruck of the Engineering Department, regarding the preliminary letter of interest to ODOT for the Heritage Drive / Riverwalk project. Clerk McDonald gave a reminder to Council that a Public Hearing will be held on April 6 th at 7:15pm regarding the rezoning application for 500 Willipie Street. Guest Petitions – Abbey Lang of Auglaize Acres, and residing at 06781 New Bremen-New Knoxville Rd., New Bremen, Ohio, requested Council’s approval of a 5K run/walk that will be held on September 19th, 2015 and will begin and end at Auglaize Acres. Ms. Lang provided Council with a map of the proposed route. Mr. Lee asked Ms. Lang to please utilize a chalk-based paint or some other non-permanent markings along the route. Ms. Lang agreed to do this. Motion by Fisher, second by Lee to approve the request. Vote – 6 yeas, 0 nays. Tom Stinebaugh of 1009 Hickory Circle, expressed his concern regarding the EMS rate increases that he read about in the Wapakoneta Daily News. Mr. Stinebaugh pointed out that the proposed increases would be 45% higher than the current rates, and requested justification for this amount of increase. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lee explained that rates have not increased in several years, and the recommendation is based upon market data of surrounding comparable communities. Mr. Stinebaugh asked for a copy of said market data to be made available to the public. Mr. Neumeier then asked for a comparison of the costs versus the revenue that EMS generates on a yearly basis. Mr. Neumeier explained that he has not yet seen this comparison, clarifying that if the two meet, there is no reason to raise the rates, but if they do not meet, the rates then need to be raised or lowered. Mr. Stinebaugh stated that he felt this increase is only being done to pool more money to go into the General Fund. Mr. Stinebaugh noted that if Mr. Fisher feels that an income tax rate increase is needed for the City, he needs to explain to the public why it is needed. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Lee agreed to obtain the revenue versus costs information that Mr. Neumeier and Mr. Stinebaugh are asking for. Mr. Stinebaugh then asked why the City’s sign ordinance states that signs must be ground-based. Mayor Metz and Mrs. Wurst replied that this is what was suggested regarding ‘community appearance’ in the Comprehensive Plan that was established several years ago. Mr. Stinebaugh pointed out that several signs in Wapakoneta are not ground-based, including signage leading into the Auglaize County Fairgrounds. Mrs. Wurst, Mr. Neumeier and Mr. Fisher explained that signs that were in place prior to the zoning change were grandfathered in, and the signage at the Fairgrounds is on Auglaize County property, not City property. Mr. Graf noted that the current sign ordinances have had to be been enforced in the past, with instances of signage having to be corrected to comply with the ordinances. Mr. Graf also stated that Council or its Committees, due to a citizen’s inquires or complaints, will review signage that may not be in compliance, but the results of the review may not necessarily require corrective action on said signage. Mr. Stinebaugh asked that Council review the City’s sign ordinances, and come up with one that is applied to everyone and is enforced. New Business Motion by Lee, second by Fisher to have legislation prepared to authorize an increase of rates for EMS services to: $14.50 per mile, Basic Life Support - $600, Advanced Life Support 1 - $750, and Advanced Life Support 2 - $900, effective July 1, 2015. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed. Motion by Graf, second by Fisher to approve the 2015 Tree Commission Objectives. Mrs. Wurst asked if these objectives were to be approved annually. Mr. Graf replied, yes. Ms. Barber asked for the costs of the Arbor Jet treatment. Mr. Rains advised that he will obtain this information. Ms. Barber asked for the budgeted amount for the Tree Commission, and what would be included in the amount. Mr. Doll replied, $25,000, mainly going toward the purchase of trees. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-08 for the second time re: AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE AND DESIGNATE A REVITALIZATION DISTRICT WITHIN THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA PURSUANT TO ORC 4301.81 AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Res 2015-09 for the first time re: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT CONCERNING A SIGN ENCROACHMENT UPON A PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Fisher, second by Wurst to suspend the rules for Res 2015-09. Vote – 5 yeas, 2 nays (Neumeier, Barber). Motion did not pass. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-10 for the first time re: AN ORDINANCE REESTABLISHING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 500 WILLIPIE STREET, WAPAKONETA, AUGLAIZE COUNTY, OHIO. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-11 for the first time re: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE EDITING AND INCLUSION OF CERTAIN ORDINANCES AS PARTS OF THE VARIOUS COMPONENT CODES OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION AND PUBLICATION OF NEW MATTER IN THE UDPATED AND REVISED CODIFIED ORDINANCES; REPEALING ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mr. Graf advised Council to see Mayor Metz or Mr. Rains if they wish to read the specific changes to the codified ordinances. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2015-12 for the first time re: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING MAYOR RODNEY C. METZ TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF OHIO, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT, TO EXECUTE AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REVOLVING LOAN FUND ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to suspend the rules for Ord 2015-12. Mr. Neumeier asked for further explanation on suspending the rules for this Ordinance. Mr. Rains advised that the State of Ohio is asking that the agreement be returned by April 15, 2015. Mayor Metz added that the State has changed several rules on how the RLF functions, and this Ordinance will ensure the City’s compliance with said changes. Mr. Faller added that this Ordinance is not based on something the City has failed to do, but is based on what the State says must be done from this point forward. Vote – 5 yeas, 2 nays (Neumeier, Barber). Motion did not pass. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Res 2015-13 for the first time re: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA REPRESENTATIVE TO THE OHIO PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION DISTRICT 13 INTEGRATING COMMITTEE; APPOINTING CRAIG MOELLER AS REPRESENTATIVE, CITY OF ST. MARYS AND MARY RUCK TO SERVE AS ALTERNATE. The Mayor gave the following report: 1. Participated in Department Staff meeting. 2. Participated in monthly City of Wapakoneta’s Tree Commission meeting. There were two main items of discussion. a. West Auglaize Street trees and their preparation for construction. b. Spring planting, tree type and locations. 3. Met with Dan Graf and Mary Ruck to discuss application for Bellefontaine Street overpass to showcase Wapakoneta. Mary has a design prepared by the state for discussion in committee. Dan also had suggestions for other artwork descriptive of our heritage, “First to the Moon”. Mary will present this type of artwork to the state. These would be installed in the retaining walls around the bridge. We were trying to find information from the state if the retaining walls will be replaced or not. This may play a large part in what we are able to do to the bridge. 4. Participated in monthly Wapakoneta Area Economic Development council (WAEDC) meeting. 5. Attended two Wapakoneta City Council’s Health and Safety meetings. 6. Met with G.E. for review of electric layout in the area behind the businesses in the down town. 7. Attended, with Mary Ruck, two grant program meetings ran through the county, CDBG and Clean Ohio Green Space fund. There will be a meeting set with the administrator/reviewer of the program. 8. Reviewed the traffic signals that have been prepared for West Auglaize Street in the construction area. The meeting was held at Choice One Engineering office. In attendance Don Schnarre, Mary Ruck, and Andy Bean and I attending. Choice One has made the necessary changes to the control device services so that do comply with the state requirements. 9. Attended Monthly Downtown Partnership meeting. 10. Presented Thomas Digiovanni with a plague from the City of Wapakoneta in honor of his Eagle Scout award achievement. Ms. Barber asked who will be responsible for putting up signage to recognize state championships. Mr. Doll advised that he has investigated this question in the past, but still does not have a definitive answer. Mr. Neumeier asked for an update on way-finding signs. Mayor Metz advised that the committee is not functioning at this time. Ms. Barber asked for an update on the Waste Minimization Committee. Mayor Metz replied that this committee will begin to function shortly. The Service Director gave the following report: No report. Mr. Neumeier asked for an update on the money from the telephone company stock. Mr. Rains agreed to obtain this information for Council. Mr. Lee requested that Mr. Rains contact Auditor Walter for receipts and expenses related to EMS services. Mr. Rains agreed to do this. SCHEDULING OF MEETINGS: Streets & Alleys Committee will meet on March 24th at 4:00pm at City Hall. Lands & Buildings Committee will meet on March 30th at 4:00pm at City Hall. Miscellaneous Business – Ms. Barber congratulated Mr. Fisher on his Toastmasters International Speech Contest Award. Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to adjourn at 8:32pm. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. President Clerk of Council