Study Guide for A&E Biography -William Shakespeare, Life of Drama

Study Guide for A&E Biography -William Shakespeare, Life of Drama
1.) What year was Shakespeare born? In what city was he born?
2.) What book and author became a favorite of Shakespeare during his years at school?
3.) Who did Shakespeare marry? And how old was he when he got married?
4.) Why did they get married?
5.) Name three professions that Shakespeare might have been involved with in his 20's,
before he got involved with theater.
6.) How many children did Shakespeare have?
7.) Who might have Shakespeare written his love sonnets for? What does this suggest
about Shakespeare?
8.) Why did the theaters periodically close?
9.) What was the new theater called? Which play was the first to be performed at the
new theater?
10.) Who played the female roles in his plays?
11.) What happened to the Globe in 1613?
12.) What did Shakespeare leave to his wife?
13.) On what day did Shakespeare die?