Parenting Coordination: Working with High Conflict Families October 1-2, 2009 ! Dauphin County Bar Association 213 North Front Street ! Harrisburg, PA 17101 A two-day training program , co-sponsored by the Dauphin County Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, for parenting coordinators, mediators, attorneys and mental health professionals who work with separating and divorcing families. This program is eligible for 13 hours of continuing education for psychologists and 13 credits of continuing legal education (CLE) for attorneys. A Masters Degree is the recommended minimum educational level to participate in this program. Parents who are in chronic high conflict pose particular difficulties for the courts, the professionals who are involved with them and their children. This training will examine the role and functions of the parenting coordinator and the interventions helpful to reduce conflict. Participants will have the opportunity to expand their practice and skills in this emerging area. Focus will be on the psychological dynamics in high conflict families and the impact on their children. Practical parenting coordination techniques and decision-making methods will be highlighted. This training will also discuss ethical issues inherent in this role and existing guidelines of practice. Participants in this two-day training will: # Understand the psychological dynamics of high conflict families; # Examine parenting coordinator functions and practices; # Understand how to help parents shift from a conflictual spousal relationship to a functional parenting relationship; # Review specifics of writing agreements and drafting decisions; # Identify ethical and legal challenges for parenting coordinators; # Review when and how to include children; # Consider the issue of domestic violence; and # Identify the qualifications and areas of knowledge needed to be a parenting coordinator. Registration includes training, a copy of the AFCC (Association of Family and Conciliation Courts) publication, AInnovations in Interventions with High Conflict Families, @ and refreshments. Lunch is on your own. Register early, as class size is limited. About the Presenter Robin M. Deutsch, Ph.D., is a psychologist and Director of Forensic Services of the Children and the Law Program in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School. Her work has focused on the application of child development research to children's adjustment to divorce, the evaluation of families involved in family change; parenting issues and management of high conflict divorce. She is co-author of 7 Things Your Teenager Can't Tell You (and How to Talk About Them Anyway) . She is immediate past president of AFCC and the former president of the Massachusetts Chapter of AFCC. She served on the AFCC Task Force that developed Guidelines for Parenting Coordination. She is frequently invited to provide educational and scientific presentations to judges, lawyers, and mental health professionals. Agenda Thursday, October 1, 2009, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 1. The process: structure and mechanics 1. Overview and the role of the parenting coordinator 2. Psychological dynamics in high conflict families 3. Effects of divorce and conflict on children 2. Ethical and legal issues 3. When and how to involve children in the process 4. Writing agreements 4. Functions of the parenting coordinator 5. Arbitration and court review 5. Legal framework and scope of authority 6. Drafting decisions 6. Qualifications and training 7. Parenting coordination and domestic violence 7. Parenting coordination techniques and issues Friday, October 2, 2009, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Parenting Coordination: Working with High Conflict Families October 1-2, 2009 ! Dauphin County Bar Association 213 North Front Street ! Harrisburg, PA 17101 Registration Form: Name Supreme Court ID # (Attorneys) Academic Degree Organization Address City, State, Zip Phone Fax Email This program is co-sponsored by the Dauphin County Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Psychological Association. The Pennsylvania Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Pennsylvania Psychological Association maintains responsibility for the program. The Pennsylvania Psychological Association is an approved provider for Act 48 Continuing Professional Education Requirements as mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors can receive continuing education credits from continuing education providers approved by the American Psychological Association. Since the Pennsylvania Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education, licensed social workers, licensed clinical social workers, licensed marriage and family therapists, and licensed professional counselors will be able to fulfill their continuing education requirement by attending PPA continuing education programs. For further information please visit the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists and Professional Counselors Website: Payment Method: G My check for $250, payable to the DCBA, is enclosed. G Please charge the registration to my account (DCBA members only). Registration Deadline: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 Send your registration form and payment to: Dauphin County Bar Association 213 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Phone: (717) 232-7536 Fax: (717) 234-4582 Web: