Draft Agreement in Principle between the Crown and WaikatoTainui For the settlement of the historical claims of Waikato-Tainui in relation to the Waikato River Summary Embargoed until release at 2:00pm Saturday 26 May 2007 Background to the draft Agreement in Principle The Minister in Charge of Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations, Hon Mark Burton, and Waikato-Tainui’s Co-Negotiators, Tukoroirangi Morgan and Lady Raiha Mahuta, have agreed on the text of a draft Agreement in Principle to settle Waikato-Tainui’s outstanding historical claims to the Waikato River. Waikato-Tainui’s claims to the Waikato River arise from the Crown’s raupatu (confiscation) in the 1860s which denied Waikato-Tainui’s rights and interests in the Waikato River. The river claim was excluded from Waikato-Tainui’s 1995 land settlement and set aside for future negotiation. Terms of Negotiation for Waikato-Tainui’s claims to the Waikato River were signed by the Crown and Waikato-Tainui in 2005, and negotiations have been ongoing since then. The proposed redress is significantly different from the redress in any Treaty settlements already completed. Because of this, and to allow for consultation, the parties agreed to the unique step of releasing a draft Agreement in Principle prior to the signing of an Agreement in Principle. On 26 May 2007 the draft Agreement in Principle was presented to Te Kauhanganui, Waikato-Tainui’s tribal Parliament, for its consideration. 2 of 9 Summary of the redress The focus of the proposed settlement is the health and wellbeing of the Waikato-River. The proposed settlement provides for the Crown and Waikato-Tainui to enter a new era of Co-management over the Waikato River. For the purposes of the redress in this settlement, the draft Agreement in Principle defines Co-management as including: the highest level of good faith engagement; and consensus decision-making as a general rule; while having regard to statutory frameworks and the mana whakahaere (authority, rights of control) of Waikato-Tainui and other Waikato River iwi. The main redress items establish a framework for this to occur. The proposed settlement provides for two important new documents to be produced: a Vision for the Waikato River and a Strategy to achieve this Vision. The Vision for the Waikato River will operate at the highest level of management. It will set the direction for enhancements to the health and wellbeing of the river. It will operate across statutory frameworks such as the Resource Management, Conservation, and Fisheries frameworks. The Strategy will contain the actions required (the “how to”) to achieve the Vision. Both documents will be developed to achieve Co-management, and integrated sustainable management of the Waikato River into the future. In detail, the draft Agreement in Principle includes: Crown acknowledgements relating to: The Crown’s raupatu (confiscation) in the 1860s which denied Waikato-Tainui’s rights and interests in the Waikato River; The failure of the Crown to respect, provide for and protect the special relationship Waikato-Tainui have with the River; and The degradation of the River that has occurred while the Crown has had authority over the River causing distress to Waikato-Tainui. A statement of significance of the Waikato River to Waikato-Tainui in both English and Maaori to be included in the deed of settlement and settlement legislation. 3 of 9 The creation of a Guardians Establishment Committee as soon as practicable after the signing of the Agreement in Principle. Its membership will be: five members to represent Waikato-Tainui; four members appointed by Ministers of the Crown to represent the interests of all New Zealanders in the Waikato River; and one member nominated by Environment Waikato represent the regional community interest. to Its functions will be to: develop an initial Vision for the Waikato River to be included in the deed of settlement and settlement legislation; and inform the Crown, Waikato-Tainui and other parties on the nature and content of provisions to be included in an initial Strategy to implement and promote the Vision. It will operate in a manner that is consistent with and achieves Comanagement. The establishment of permanent Guardians of the Waikato River to have ongoing responsibility for the Vision for the Waikato River and Strategy to achieve this Vision. Its membership will be: a number of members to represent Waikato-Tainui and other iwi with interests along the Waikato River (should they wish to join); and an equal number of members comprising members appointed by Ministers of the Crown and a member nominated by Environment Waikato Its functions will include: finalising and approving the initial Strategy to implement the Vision; developing arrangements to achieve Co-management with persons exercising powers or carrying out functions under any Act that affects the Waikato River; sharing and reviewing information on the state of the Waikato River; 4 of 9 considering documents about the management of the Waikato River such as iwi and hapuu management plans in any review or updating of the Vision and Strategy; promoting and monitoring the inclusion of the Vision and Strategy in policies, plans and processes related to the Waikato River; regularly monitoring and, if necessary, amending the Strategy to ensure that it is enabling progress towards the Vision; reporting at least every 5 years to the Crown and relevant iwi authorities on the progress being made towards achieving the Vision; reviewing the Vision at least every 10 years and recommending any amendments to Waikato-Tainui and the Crown; and consulting the public on any proposed changes to the Vision. The Guardians responsibilities will apply to the Waikato River and its catchment from Huka Falls to the sea and the lower Waipa River and its catchment (see map below). The Guardians will operate in a manner that is consistent with and achieves Co-management. An undertaking that the deed of settlement and settlement legislation will put in place a number of provisions for statutory decision-makers over the Waikato River including that: Environment Waikato will give effect to the Vision for the Waikato River in the preparation and change of regional policy statements and regional plans, insofar as the Vision relates to resource management issues affecting the Waikato River; The Vision for the Waikato River and Strategy to achieve this Vision will be deemed to be matters that must be had regard to in the issuing of resource consent applications relating to the Waikato River; The Minister for the Environment will have particular regard to the Vision for the Waikato River and will engage with the Guardians to achieve Co-management when considering whether to issue a national policy statement or recommending the making of any national environmental standards that relate to the Waikato River; The Director-General of Conservation will have particular regard to the Vision for the Waikato River and will engage with the Guardians 5 of 9 to achieve Co-management when preparing any draft conservation management strategy, conservation management plan, national park management plan or fresh water fisheries management plan in respect of an area through which the Waikato River flows. The New Zealand Conservation Authority will do the same when approving or otherwise considering such plans; The Vision for the Waikato River and the relevant provisions of the Strategy will be deemed to be plans under the Fisheries Act 1996; The Crown will consult with Waikato-Tainui in the development of new legislation impacting on the Waikato River, with a view to agreeing what action should be taken to ensure that the Vision and Strategy are appropriately addressed in such legislation; and The Crown and Waikato-Tainui will confer to identify other existing legislation impacting on the Waikato River and agree whether the settlement legislation needs to provide for the Vision and Strategy to be appropriately addressed under such legislation. An undertaking from the Crown to consult with Environment Waikato to agree on the establishment of a Waikato River Statutory Board. It is anticipated that its membership will be four Waikato-Tainui representatives and four current Environment Waikato councillors. It is anticipated that its purpose will be to assist the implementation of the Vision for the Waikato River and those parts of the Strategy that relate to Environment Waikato’s responsibilities by enabling Waikato-Tainui’s effective participation in decision-making under the Resource Management Act and the Local Government Acts that affect the Waikato River. It is anticipated that the Waikato River Statutory Board’s responsibilities will apply to the Waikato River and its catchment from Karapiro to the sea (being Waikato-Tainui’s traditional area of interest), and include the lower Waipa River and its catchment. An agreement setting out how the Waikato River Statutory Board will operate to achieve Co-management will be developed before the deed of settlement is signed. An undertaking that the Crown and Waikato-Tainui will consult with a view to various Ministers of the Crown issuing protocols to Waikato-Tainui regarding issues that affect the Waikato River. The protocols will reflect the intention of the settlement to achieve Co-management. 6 of 9 The protocols will be drafted and agreed between Waikato-Tainui and the Crown before any deed of settlement is signed. Financial aspects of the settlement are subject to further negotiation following the release of the draft Agreement in Principle. Next Steps A consultation process on the draft AIP will now begin. Te Kauhanganui delegates and the Waikato-Tainui Co-Negotiators will consult their people and other Waikato River iwi. The Crown will consult with Environment Waikato and other relevant local authorities, other Waikato River iwi, key stakeholders and the public. Following this process, and subject to the approval of Cabinet and Te Kauhanganui, an Agreement in Principle may be entered into by authorised representatives of Waikato-Tainui and the Crown. 7 of 9 Jurisdiction of the Guardians From Huka Falls to the sea as shown in the map below: 8 of 9 Jurisdiction of the Waikato River Statutory Board From Karapiro to the sea as shown in the map below: 9 of 9