PUBLICATIONS Albums 1. Transmigration. Mysłowski, Puntos Polish-English edition The catalogue of the exhibition under the same title will present two contemporary artists – Tadeusz Mysłowski and Jani Konstantinowski Puntos, whose artistic output deals with the complex issue of transmigration. The texts contained in the catalogue – essays by art critics, sociologists, as well as comments by artists themselves – will cover the intriguing phenomenon of modern culture, and will be complemented by an extensive photographic documentation of works and projects by both artists. 2. Us and Them. An intricate history of otherness Polish-English edition The album accompanying an exhibition under the same title will present graphic works, mostly originating from the Print Room at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Scientific Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. In addition to reproductions of works of graphic art by such masters as Albrecht Dürer or Jacques Callot the album will contain texts dealing with the subject of the exhibition in a historical context, by Bronisław Maj, Anna Olszewska Ph.D., Andrzej Rabenda and Professor Andrzej Szczeklik. 3. Happening Against Communism by the Orange Alternative Polish-English edition The publication accompanying the exhibition under the same title will comprise, in addition to illustrative material, numerous critical texts about the Orange Alternative. Materials collected in the publication will deal with the Orange Alterative movement from various perspectives: such as history, politics, sociology, art history and theatrology. The authors will present the activities of the Orange Alternative for over last 30 years as well as well as set them in the context of broader phenomena such as street art, social movements and the reality of the era of the Polish People’s Republic. 4. Degenerate art (working title) Polish-English-German edition An extensive album accompanying the exhibition under the same title will show works by artists, writers and composers persecuted by the Nazi Germans in the years 1933-1945. Texts by German and Polish art and cultural historians comprehensively covering this issue with regard to literature and music of that period will be accompanied by illustrative material comprising oil paintings, graphic arts, sculptures, by such renowned artists as Josef Albers, Max Ernst, August Macke, Otto Freundlich, Hans Arp, Georg Meistermann, Heinrich Hoerle, Ewald Mataré and others. 5. A Panorama of the 20 Years of the ICC Polish An album complementary to the multimedia exhibition under the same title will contain a concise and vivid presentation of the ICC’s intellectual output over the past two decades. It is aimed to showcase the history of the Centre through its major projects -- conferences, educational projects and publications. Collective works 1. Management of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Poland and Norway Polish-English edition The publication will contain a Summary of the two-year Polish-Norwegian bilateral project financed from the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism under the Cultural Exchange Fund. It will contain selected presentations from the first conference aimed to promote the project and the second wrap-up conference along with reports from seminars which were held under the project – in Małopolska (October 2009) and Norway (June 2010). The project conclusions will bring together the results of the entire project to make the publication complete. 2. Protecting and Safeguarding Cultural Heritage. The systems of management of the cultural heritage in the Visegrad countries English edition Publication of conference materials from an international conference organised by the ICC on June 23-25, 2010 will contain analytical texts attempting to summarise cultural heritage protection systems which have operated in the Visgerad Group countries since 1989. This publication is the first of its kind and will contain a review of legal, planning and organizational constraints of heritage protection in Poland and in neighbouring countries. 3. The ICC Jubilee Book Polish-English edition The publication on the occasion of the ICC’s 20th anniversary will offer, on the one hand, a summary of the twenty years of regional transformation, while on the other – a forecast for the upcoming decade. Articles and essays by Polish, European and world authors have been prepared specially for this book and focus on issues which are crucial for the ICC’s mission: Europe and dialogue; heritage and remembrance; and culture and development. 4. Materials for the History of Religious Art in the Eastern Borderlands of the Former Polish Republic Kościoły i klasztory rzymskokatolickie dawnego województwa ruskiego [Roman-Catholic Churches and Monasteries in the Former Rus Voivodship] , part I, vol. 19 Polish edition A new volume in a series that deals with the churches of St John, Our Lady of Snow, St Lasarus, St Nicholas, Dominican Sisters, Barefoot Carmelite Sisters, Benedictine Sisters and Brigidine Sisters, in Lviv. Other 1. Bibliography of the contents of International Cultural Centre publications Polish edition The second volume of Bibliography of the contents of International Cultural Centre publications, covering the years 2006–2010. Periodicals 1. HERITO. Heritage, culture and the present, Nos 2, 3, 4, 5 Polish-English edition A quarterly published in Polish and English is a unique forum for discussion on heritage, culture, the present and the future. In 2011 four successive issues of HERITO quarterly will be in print (the first issue was published in November 2010).