PMZ77 Queen Mary Reservoir, Sunbury – Grid Reference: 507242 east; 169658 north 77.1 Core Details Criteria Description PMZ Description Large open body of water currently used for recreational activities. PMZ Area 317.8ha Surrounding Uses Staines Road (A308) lies adjacent to the north of the PMZ with the residential area of Ashford beyond that. Littleton Common is immediately to the north east separated by the Ashford Road and the residential area of Ashford Common lies beyond that. A sewage treatment works lies to the east of the PMZ and the village of Charlton lies immediately to the south east. The M3 lies beyond this. Shepperton Studios and the village of Littleton lie immediately to the south. Residential area of Shepperton Green lies beyond that. Home Farm quarry currently under going restoration is to the south west of the PMZ with the village of Laleham beyond. Active gravel pits and aggregate recycling operations to the west of the PMZ. A residential area lies beyond this separated by Ashford Road (B377). The urban area of Staines is approximately 2.5km to the north west. Transport There is an existing access to the PMZ from Ashford Road (B377) alongside an existing works access to the Kingston Road (A308) on the western boundary of the PMZ. Planning Policy Located within the Green Belt. Landscape and Visual There are no landscape designations upon the PMZ. Ecology and Nature Conservation There is a SNCI designation upon the PMZ. Hydrology Adjacent to indicative floodplain to western boundary. Also adjacent to SPZ3. Archaeology and Historic Environment There are no archaeological designations upon the PMZ. Noise Potential noise impacts on residential properties within 45m of PMZ. Other Environmental Issues (air quality/ rights of way/ pylons) PMZ located within Spelthorne AQMA. 77.2 Key Issues Criteria Description Transport The existing access into the Queen Mary Reservoir would be via Ashford Road is unsuitable for use by large numbers of heavy goods vehicles as it is too close to the junction of Ashford Road with Kingston Road (A308). Noise Potential noise impacts for residential properties within 45m of PMZ. Ecology and Nature Conservation Potential working of this PMZ should be in accordance with Policy SE7 of Surrey County Council Structure Plan (Deposit Draft) December 2002 incorporating proposed modifications June 20041. Air Quality PMZ located within Spelthorne AQMA. 77.3 Mitigation Criteria Description Transport It is recommended that minerals are removed via Kingston Road (A308). This gives direct access to the Primary Route Network and, given the existing traffic flows on the A308, the traffic will not have any noticeable environmental impact. Noise Removal of gravel using dredger or, if drained, excavator unlikely to cause significant impacts. Ecology and Nature Conservation Further ecological study required. Air Quality An air quality assessment required. PMZ77 Queen Mary Reservoir, Sunbury Preliminary Planning Assessment 77.4 This existing large water storage reservoir located between Ashford and Littleton is currently being dredged for sand and gravel with processing taking place alongside in the north-west corner. Residential properties abut the embankments to the reservoir however, the mineral dredging and processing have not been the source of any complaints. The existing operation was close to exhaustion, but Thames Water has recently allowed dredging to take place in the inside part of the margins to the shorelines of the reservoir freeing up new mineral reserves. 77.5 Protruding into the centre of the reservoir is a baffle of approximately 1km in length that acts as a breakwater aiding water circulation and reducing wave action on the eastern bank. Subject to borehole investigations it is estimated that the baffle may contain approximately a net sharp sand and gravel reserve of 1,700,000 tonnes. 77.6 This reserve offers an opportunity to work mineral without any effects on local amenities. The key issue with regard to its working though is the impact on the 1 See appendix 3 turbidity of the reservoir. Previous feasibility studies have concluded that the baffle could be removed without detriment to the water quality if infrastructure works were carried out to the positioning of the inlet and outlet pipes and improvements to the wave walls involving the erection of a replacement steel baffle. Thames Water are currently carrying out further modelling work on the feasibility of removing the existing baffle. It is now thought that water circulation problems can be overcome by jetting and that a replacement baffle might not be needed. Until the results of the latest studies are established it is uncertain as to whether the mineral will become available. 77.7 Officers are seeking the clarification from Thames Water before considering whether the zone could be included in the MDF. Figure 64 PMZ77 Queen Mary Reservoir