The Shape of the 216Rn Nucleus Close to the Fission Limit M. Kmiecik1, A. Maj1, B. Million2, M. Brekiesz1, W. Królas1, W. Męczyński1, J. Styczeń2, M. Ziębliński1, A. Bracco2, F. Camera2, G. Benzoni2, S. Leoni2, O. Wieland2, S. Brambilla2, B. Herskind3, M. Kicińska-Habior4, N. Dubray5, J. Dudek5, N. Schunck6 1 The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland, 2 Dipartimento di Fisica and INFN, Milano, Italy, 3 The Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4 Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland, 5 Institut de Recherches Subatomiques, Strasbourg, France, 6 Department of Physics, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK II. THE EXPERIMENT The experiment was performed at LNL in Legnaro using 96 MeV 18O beam bombarding the self-supported target 198Pt of 1 mg/cm2. This bombarding energy was chosen to lead to the angular momentum distribution with lmax ≈ 42 , which is slightly larger than the critical spin for fission (≈ 40 ) and therefore allows for a good population of the isomeric states. The high-energy -rays were measured in 8 large BaF2 detectors of the HECTOR array [4] while the prompt, low-energy transitions, were detected in 38 small BaF2 detectors arranged in honey-comb mode above and below the target location and providing the sumenergy and the ray fold. The residual nuclei, ejected from the target, were stopped in a 8 m thin Mylar catcher, having central 6 mm hole for the beam. The catcher was positioned in the forward direction at a distance of 40 cm, reached by the recoiling nuclei in about 150 ns. The delayed radiation emitted by the stopped residues was detected in a cylindrical eight-segmented BGO shield, which was put on the beam pipe to surround the catcher. A Ge-detector was installed near to the reaction chamber at 146o for discrete -radiation measurement. In order to be able to measure the delayed transitions, we used a pulsed beam providing pulse with the width of 10 ns every 400 ns. To study the shape of 216Rn we analyzed the highenergy -rays in coincidence with the multiplicity filter or -rays in coincidence with the multiplicity filter and the total fold 9-30 MC casc. total fold 5-8 MC casc. 6 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 10 6 10 14 18 6 10 14 18 E [MeV] Fig. 1) The high-energy experimental spectra (points) corresponding to selected low- and high-fold regions and the best fit Monte-Carlo calculations (lines). 4 10 isomer gated MC casc. 212 Rn, I>=35 MC casc. fold 5-30 3 10 Y [a. u.] The nuclear shape evolution of rotating and hot 216Rn nucleus has been studied up to the fission limit by measuring the high-energy -rays coming from Giant Dipole Resonance (GDR), after the fusion-evaporation reaction 18O+198Pt. The decaying 216Rn compound nucleus strongly feeds the long-lived, high-spin (close to the fission limit) isomeric states of I=30+ (T1/2=154 ns) in 212Rn and I=63/2- (T1/2=201 ns) in 211Rn. Therefore the selection of the GDR decay in coincidence with delayed -ray transitions are expected to probe mainly the compound nuclei which survive fission, yet with angular momentum close to the fission limit. BGO detector (gated with the time of flight). Y [a. u.] I. INTRODUCTION 2 10 1 10 6 10 14 18 E [MeV] Fig. 2) The experimental high-energy spectrum gated by the isomer decay is shown with the filled circles. The dashed line is the statistical model Mont-Carlo calculation corresponding to the fold interval 5-30. The calculation presented with solid line has the same GDR parameters as for the dashed line, but includes the gates on the 212Rn residual nucleus and on the high spin part of the spin distribution (I≥35). IV. COMPARISON WITH THEORY The measured values of the resonance width are found not to depend on spin. They are larger as compared to the zero-temperature width (0 ≈ 4 MeV) in some other nuclei in the mass range of interest. The fact that the width is not changing indicates that the effective deformation is not changing significantly with the spin, too. This observation was investigated further using the calculated potential energy surfaces and the Boltzmann factor distributions with on the newest version of the Lublin-Strasbourg Drop (LSD) model [5,6]. The theoretical GDR line-shape was obtained as a sum of all possible line-shapes (for all deformation values) weighted with the Boltzmann factor. From it the theoretical GDR width was achieved and reported with the dashed line in upper panel of Fig. 3. In the bottom part of the figure are shown the equilibrium deformation (eq), average deformation (<>) and the standard deviation of the distribution (<>). The equilibrium deformation is 0 up to spin 30 and then slightly increases, while the standard 9 exp. fold gated exp. isomer gated calc. LSD 8 [MeV] The experimental high-energy -ray spectra were compared with the statistical model predictions in order to extract the GDR parameters. All the calculations were performed using the Monte-Carlo version of the CASCADE code. The first step of the analysis was to obtain the information on the GDR from the high-energy spectra corresponding to the selection of the -fold in the multiplicity filter. The GDR parameters (centroid and width) were deduced from the chi-square minimization of the calculation results to the experimental data. The spectra and the results of the fit are shown in Fig. 1 for two fold regions (corresponding to average spin 23 and 29). The best fitting GDR line-shape parameterization was a superposition of 3 Lorentzians. For all investigated spectra best fitting GDR parameters were the same and the overall GDR width was 7 MeV. The isomer gated spectrum is shown in Fig. 2 in comparison with the best-fit calculation result for the total spectrum. It is seen that isomer gated spectrum has a different shape in the region of Eγ>6 MeV, but this is only due to the fact that the data correspond to a different spin distribution (with average value of 37 ) as compared to the total spectrum (26 ) and therefore it is related to a different region of the phase space of the nuclear decay. Indeed, the Monte-Carlo calculations using the same GDR parameters as those of the total spectrum but selecting only the cascades leading to the 212Rn nucleus and having the entry spin larger than 34 , gives a good fit. This means that the GDR width in this very high spin region, close to the fission limit, is almost the same as for lower spins. deviation is almost constant with angular momentum. Both quantities determine the average deformation of investigated nucleus, which is basically constant with spin, similarly to the calculated GDR width. 7 6 0.5 eq 0.4 fission <> <> 0.3 III. STATISTICAL MODEL ANALYSIS 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 I [ ] Fig. 3) Top panel: The GDR width as a function of spin obtained for experimental data (points) in comparison with the GDR width calculated using the LSD model (line). Bottom panel: The LSD model predictions for the quadrupole deformation. V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The present work has shown the possibility to study the nuclear shape around the fission limit through the GDR decay in exclusive measurements selecting spins and using the isomer tagging technique. The present study is the first investigation of the GDR width in the fusion-evaporation decay channel in this nuclear mass range. The hot 216Rn nucleus investigated here was found to be almost spherical up to the fission limit, in contrast to other studied cases where high spins induce either a Jacobi shape transition or a super-deformation. The obtained results are in an excellent quantitative agreement of the newest LSD model. This work has been supported by the Polish Committee for Scientific Research (KBN Grant No. 2 P03B 118 22), the Italian INFN, the LNL Legnaro and the Danish Science Foundation. [1] R. Butsch et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 41 (1990) 1530. [2] T.S. Tveter et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 (1996) 1035. [3] G.D. Dracoulis et al., Phys. Lett. B246 (1990) 31. [4] A. Maj et al., Nucl. Phys. A571 (1994) 185. [5] K. Pomorski et al., Phys. Rev. C67 (2003) 044316. [6] J. Dudek et al., Eur. Phys. J. A, in press (nucl-th/0205011).