healthy weight e-bulletin

healthy weight e-bulletin
Issue 1 – Healthy Weight e-bulletin
January 2013
Prepared jointly by Public Health Wales & the Dietetics team, Betsi Cadwaladr
University Health Board
Update on delivery group structure
Following the ‘Implementing the Obesity Pathway – North Wales Workshop; two regional
delivery groups have been set up focussing on the priority areas of a healthy and safe weight
in pregnancy and during adulthood. Current actions include training to support staff to
promote physical activity, good nutrition and the benefits of a healthy weight. Contact
details or
Foodwise for Life
This is a structured 8 week programme written by Public Health Dietitians in Wales (PHDiW),
designed specifically to provide community group leaders with the information needed to
run weight management groups in their communities. The content is based on evidence
based approaches to achieving and maintaining weight loss, and messages are consistent
with the Change 4 Life campaign.
Following the successful delivery of pilot programmes across Wales (including Wrexham),
programme manuals are being revised with a view to roll out across Wales this year. Within
North Wales Dietitians are providing training for, and working alongside, National Exercise
Referral Service teams to commence delivery of ‘Foodwise for Life’ in 2013. Contact details
Jo Spooner (Health Practitioner, Caia Park Health Team) Delivering a pilot programme within
Hightown, Wrexham (2012)
‘Come and Cook Toolkit’
The North Wales Community Development Dietitians are creating a new bilingual toolkit
called “Come and Cook”. The toolkit has been funded by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health
Board charitable funding, Local Authority Wellbeing Grants, and other organisations have
also provided a contribution. The toolkit combines aspects of nutrition information
alongside practical food preparation and cookery and is specifically designed to
support community based staff/ volunteers who work with community groups
particularly children, young people and families. It is due for completion in early
2013, when a launch will be planned in North Wales. Contact details
Change 4 Life leaflets
Leaflets available
Useful Settings
Bike4Life: getting and looking after your bike
(A4 bilingual booklet)
Any health promotion setting
Bike4Life: tips for safer biking (A4 bilingual
Any health promotion setting
Change4Life: Swap it don't stop it: how to lose
weight and feel healthy without giving up all
the things you love (advice for adults) (bilingual
Any health promotion setting
Change4Life: The snack swapper
Any weight management
sessions, food awareness
Walk4Life: tips to get walking every day (A4
bilingual booklet)
Any health promotion setting
Simply call the Health Challenge Wales leaflet order line on 0845 606 4050 to order a range
of health leaflets. All leaflets are free and bilingual and will be delivered in 5 working days.
‘Why your Weight matters during pregnancy and after birth’ Advice Leaflet
The ‘Why your Weight Matters during pregnancy and after birth’ leaflet written by the Royal
College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists is now available bilingually. This leaflet provides
expectant women with information about What is the Body Mass Index? (BMI) and explains
the risks of a higher BMI during pregnancy and childbirth. The advice leaflet supports the
guidance issued by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (2010) regarding what should
be communicated to pregnant women. It also provides useful practical advice on how to
limit risks during pregnancy. Electronic copies of the leaflet are available from
‘Way of Life – for you, your baby, your family’
Starting in October 2012, Conwy County Borough Council (CCBC) piloted a community
intervention to support a healthy and safe weight gain during pregnancy and weight loss
post natal. The pilot is one of the actions within the plan to support the obesity pathway.
The ‘Way of Life’ team, part of CCBC Active and Creative Lifestyles have been commissioned
by The Conwy Families First board to develop the pilot. Research of the evidence base for
the learning outcomes and approaches to delivery has informed the content of the sessions.
An evaluation of both outcomes and process will be undertaken to inform future
developments across North Wales.
The programme provides additional support to standard antenatal care delivered over 8
weeks by a dietitian and play and physical activity practitioner. The group sessions have
been structured to be informal and relaxed creating a friendly and supportive atmosphere.
Sessions will focus on healthy eating, appropriate physical activity and will support the
changes individuals wish to make for themselves and their baby. Specialist advice can also
be given on an individual basis. For further information and session dates contact the ‘Way
of Life’ team: Dave, Sue or Vicky on: 01492 575559/01492 575594; email / / text 07826 876992/07826 876993
5 ways to wellbeing
The concept of well-being comprises two main elements: feeling good and functioning well.
Feelings of happiness, contentment, enjoyment, curiosity and engagement are characteristic
of someone who has a positive experience of their life. Equally important for well-being is
our functioning in the world. Experiencing positive relationships, having some control over
one’s life and having a sense of purpose are all important attributes of wellbeing.
Good mental health and wellbeing is essential for making healthy lifestyle choices and
behaviour changes; poor mental health can lead to unhealthy lifestyle choices and unhealthy
weight management. Improving mental well-being is therefore an essential component of all
healthy weight management strategies and programmes, for both the whole population and
those with or at risk of mental health problems.
The ‘5 ways to wellbeing’ provide an accessible and effective framework for encouraging
people to look after and improve mental wellbeing:
Take notice
Be active
Keep learning
These act to strengthen the core protective factors for mental wellbeing: a sense of control,
resilience and the ability to access coping resources, and feeling included and able to
Weight management interventions that adopt an inclusive approach to healthy weight and
obesity, empower individuals, and take into account the links between wellbeing and
obesity are more likely to have a positive outcome. Inclusion and empowerment will
support self esteem, lead to higher motivation and participation and adoption of healthier
Conversely taking an approach that doesn’t take into account these factors and leaves
individuals feeling excluded, labelled, individualised and disempowered is less likely to have
a positive outcome. Contact details for further information
North Wales Maternal Public Health Conference for midwives
A regional Public Health Conference for Maternity staff was held on the 03.05.12 at the
Wrexham Medical Institute the day provided an update to maternity staff working in North
Wales on the latest evidence and developments on a range of topics including Maternal
Obesity. Dietitian, Andrea Basu, delivered a presentation on nutritional needs during
pregnancy, including advice regarding foods that women should be encouraged to include,
and those which should be avoided whilst pregnant. The conference also provided an
opportunity for staff to learn more about the Integrated Care Pathway for Pregnant Women
who have a BMI>30 at the start of their pregnancy which has been developed for use across
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.
See the presentation Eating for 1 Healthy for 2 below.
Information updates
The (All Wales) Physical Activity & Nutrition network is for all individuals, organisations
and sectors with a role to play in improving nutrition and levels of physical activity in
Wales. The network supports members by providing and improving access to information
and by providing a forum for sharing knowledge and good practice, enabling members to
learn from each other.
The monthly e-bulletin contains the latest news about nutrition and physical activity
projects and programmes, hot nutrition and physical activity topics, events, education and
training, campaigns, policy and strategy. To join the network and receive the newsletter
complete the registration form
The four UK Chief Medical Officers (CMO) have published new physical activity guidelines
covering early years; children and young people; adults; and older adults. These guidelines
have a renewed focus on being active everyday and spell out the recommended minimum
levels of activity for each age group:
180 minutes – (three hours) – each day, once a child is able to walk.
For non-walkers physical activity should be encouraged from birth,
particularly through floor-based play and water-based activities in safe
Children and young people (5-18 year olds)
60 minutes and up to several hours every day of moderate to vigorous
intensity physical activity. Three days a week should include vigorous
intensity activities that strengthen muscle and bone.
Adults (19-64 years old) and older people (65+)
150 minutes – (two and half hours) – each week of moderate to
vigorous intensity physical activity (and adults should aim to do some
physical activity every day). Muscle strengthening activity should also
be included twice a week.
The guidelines can be accessed via the following links:
Download Factsheet 1: Early years (under 5s not yet walking)
Download Factsheet 2: Early years (under 5s capable of walking)
Download Factsheet 3: Children and young people (5-18 years)
Download Factsheet 4: Adults (19-64 years)
Download Factsheet 5: Older adults (65+ years)
How can you use these guidelines?
The BHFNC is currently developing a number of resources to help practitioners interpret the
guidelines and provide practical tips. These will be tailored according to the age
group/target audience and will be released shortly. To receive updates straight to your inbox
when these supporting materials are released sign up to the BHFNC database.
If you have any updates, information you would like to include in future bulletins
Posted by John Watkin at 02:22
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