1 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION associated with the proposed letter to Nature: « Evidence for the presence of complex organic matter in Titan’s aerosols by in situ analysis » By G. Israël et al. Reference article: 2005-05-06080 Version: 05/10/2005 CONTENTS OF FIGURES Figure 1. Laboratory chromatogram of pyrolysis products of a tholin (laboratory analogue of Titan's aerosol). Figure 2. Schematic of the ACP-GCMS transfer interface Figure 3. Sampling and transfer phases during the descent Figure 4. Nominal oven pressurisations during the descent Figure 5. Evolution of the ratio (m/z=28)/(m/z=27) during ACP 2-3 transfer Figure 6. Probable structure of Titan’s aerosols analysed with the ACP experiment. 2 Evidence for the presence of complex organic matter in Titan’s aerosols by in situ analysis By G. Israël et al. Supplementary information 1. The Huygens ACP instrument Our knowledge of the chemical composition of Titan’s aerosols and of the chemical pathways leading to their production was based on assumptions done from: i) the state of the art of theoretical chemistry and physics applied to Titan’s atmosphere by the way of numerical modeling1; ii) the results obtained from laboratory experiments which simulate Titan’s atmospheric chemistry2,3. Regarding this second approach, we have undertaken a systematic pyrolysis-GCMS analysis of tholins from various origins representative of chemical pathways that are likely to be relevant for Titan. Results from this study are shown in supplementary Fig. 1, and they clearly demonstrate that NH3 and HCN are two of the major pyrolysis products of the studied tholins studied. The Cassini-Huygens mission provided the first opportunity to collect direct in situ information about these aerosols and the Aerosol Collector Pyrolyser (ACP) was selected to achieve this task. The ACP experiment, coupled with the GCMS experiment of the Huygens probe, provided the first direct chemical analysis of these atmospheric particles. The primary objective of the experiment was indeed to determine the chemical makeup of the aerosols in the Titan's lower stratosphere. Moreover, in the lower atmosphere where the probe’s instruments operated, photochemical aerosols settling down from the upper atmospheric layers may act as condensation nuclei and yield cloud particles. As a consequence, the other main objective of ACP was to search for the relative abundances of organics condensed on the particles down to the middle troposphere. 3 A complete description of the ACP experiment has already been published4. The main components of the instrument are: 1) a sampling system with a stainless steel filter and its mechanism for its translation; 2) a pump unit to drain off the atmosphere of Titan; 3) an oven and its gate valve; 4) a subsystem for the transfer of ACP gas products to GCMS. The sampling system requires an inlet tube extending from the Probe’s fore dome and an exhaust tube which allows the gas to be vented externally. The gas flow, on reaching the level of the oven, follows a path perpendicular to the oven/gate valve assembly. The sampling of the aerosols was performed in two regions of the atmosphere: first from 130 down to 35 km, and then, from 25 down to 20 km altitude. In its sampling position, the filter front face extended a few millimetres beyond the probe fore dome. The translation mechanism allowed the filter to be either outside the Huygens probe to collect aerosols, or inside the probe. In this last position, the filter is in the ACP oven where evaporation and pyrolysis of the sampled particles can be carried out. All the components, mechanisms and seals were studied to avoid any organic contamination. The capture of atmospheric aerosols was achieved: i) by impaction processes on the front part of the filter, in the upper stratosphere (down to 80 km, first segment of the first sampling); ii), by filtration, using the pump unit that forces the gas flow through the filter in the lower stratosphere and troposphere. During the two samplings, the collecting target's temperature stayed very close to that of Titan's atmosphere. Therefore, it can be assumed that the more volatile components of the collected aerosols and cloud particles remained trapped. After each sampling, ACP then converted the collected matter by evaporation and pyrolysis in the oven into gases which are transferred to the (GCMS) (see supplementary Fig. 2). The oven is a pyrolysis furnace with a small dead volume. Resistance heaters could heat 4 the filter, and hence the collected aerosols, up to 600°C. After each sampling the matter collected was submitted to three different treatment steps in order to discriminate the origin of the gases released from the sample: i) during the first step, the sample once in the oven remains slightly above the very cold temperature at which it was collected, ii) the sample is then heated to 250°C to vaporize its volatile part; and iii) the sample is finally heated to 600°C to thermally decompose (pyrolyse) its solid “refractory” part into gaseous species. After each of these steps, in order to efficiently transfer the gases evolved from the oven, mixed with the corresponding sampled atmospheric gases, to the GCMS, the gases were flushed by a gas at high pressure (see supplementary Fig. 2). To avoid possible interferences with Titan's atmospheric dinitrogen, labelled dinitrogen 15 N15N (or 15 N2) was used as the flushing gas. To ensure a transfer of the gas with minimal dilution, each injection into the GCMS was done by pressurizing the oven to 2.5 bars with 15 N2 and then rapidly depressurising it down to 2.1 bars (“piston effect”). To be sure that no information on the oven content has been lost, each transfer phase is composed by a series of six injections of 0.875 s each. Each injection is followed by an MS analysis period of 4.750 s, within which three successive mass scans are performed (see Fig. 4 in reference4). The two ACP samples were analysed for each transfer by GCMS for a given fraction of its operational time. A systematic analysis of all the transferred gases by direct MS was achieved using the ion source IS2, entirely devoted to ACP. A complete GCMS analysis was used only once (at To+73 min, i.e. for the analysis of the species evolved from the pyrolysis at 600°C of the first sample) because it was consuming too much time (10 min) to be repeated several times during the probe descent. ACP was being turned off at To +110min (11 km nominal 5 altitude). Data products from the GCMS that are referencing to ACP were provided for analysis to the ACP Science Team. 2. Technical behaviour during the descent During the Huygens probe descent, the electric valves and all the mechanisms were operating in complete conformity with the specifications. The actuation of the pump unit was accomplished properly, first from the lower stratosphere down to the middle troposphere (between 80 and 35 km), and then in the middle troposphere (between 25 and 20 km altitude) (see supplementary Fig. 3). Readings from a number of pressure and temperatures sensors were taken during the probe descent. In particular, the temperature sensors placed on the internal wall of the oven and on its heating element, confirmed that the temperatures of the aerosols sample reached the specified step values of 250°C and 600°C for analysis. It has also shown that during the first step analysis the so called “ambient” temperature was very low, not above – 70°C. We have noticed that a part of the ACP operation was not nominal. As shown on supplementary Fig. 4, the recording of the temporal evolution of the pressure inside the oven proved that the pressurisation and depressurisation effect during the gas transfers from ACP to GCMS did not operate adequately after the “ambient” temperature step and the 250°C heating step. The reason for such a behaviour is that, during part of the transfer period, before the actuation of the heater element at 250°C, the temperature at the base of the oven was beyond the range at which a fluorosilicon gasket ensures the gas tightness of the oven. This explanation is advanced because at the time of ACP gas transfer to the GCMS, a number of 6 temperature sensors which checked the thermal conditions of ACP reached values 20 to 30°C lower than expected, and not in accordance with the thermal modelling of the instrument. However, supplementary Fig. 4 clearly shows that because of the heaters effect (at 250°C) the injections done after this one were nominal. This is confirmed when we look at the evolution of m/z=16 in the spectra obtained after the pyrolysis at 600°C, (see Fig. 3a of the Letter). The regular decrease of the intensity of the peak after each injection is in conformity with the curves obtained during the design of the ”piston effect” (see Fig. 17, in reference4). 3. Chemical information on Titan’s aerosols composition deduced from the ACP measurements ACP data show that Titan atmospheric aerosols are composed of an organic refractory part, particle nucleus made of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen atoms (supplementary Fig. 6). The pyrolysis at 600°C of this solid nucleus produces hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and ammonia (NH3). These molecules are thus fingerprints of the chemical structure of the aerosols solid core, proving the inclusion of nitrogen in the aerosols. They are also indicators of the potential presence in the core molecular structure of nitrile groups (-CN), amino groups (-NH2, -NHand -N<) and /or imino groups (-C=N-). This nucleus can induce the condensation of volatile atmospheric species present in Titan's stratosphere (supplementary Fig. 6), which probably cover its surface (the present paper does not deal with this coating which will be evaporated at low temperatures). 7 References to supplementary information 1. Yung, Y.L., Allen, M. & Pinto, J.P. Photochemistry of the atmosphere of Titan : comparison between model and observations. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 55, 465-506 (1984). 2. Cabane, M. & Chassefière, E. Laboratory simulations of Titan's atmosphere: organic gases and aerosols. Planetary and Space Science 43, 47-65 (1995). 3. Khare, B.N. et al. Optical constants of organic tholins produced in a simulated Titanian atmosphere : from X-ray to microwave frequencies. Icarus 60, 127-137 (1984). 4. Israel, G., Niemann, H., Raulin, F., Riedler, W, Atreya, S., Bauer, S., Cabane, M., Chassefière, E., Hauchecorne, A., Owen, T., Sable, C., Samuelson, R., Torre, J.P., VidalMadjar, C., Brun, J.F., Coscia, D., Ly, R., Tintignac, M., Steller, M., Gelas, C., Condé, E. and Millian, P. The Aerosol Collector Pyrolyser (ACP) experiment for Huygens. ESA Special Publications 1177, 59-84 (1997). Figure captions – supplementary information Supplementary Figure 1. - Laboratory chromatogram of pyrolysis products of a tholin (laboratory analogue of Titan's aerosol). The tholin sample was produced under controlled conditions (experimental setup previously described20). After the tholin production and collection, a tube was filled with 0.47 mg of sample, inserted into the pyrolyser system (Curie point instrument), and flushed with He. The sample was pyrolysed at 750°C, and the resulting vapour was injected into a laboratory gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The different gaseous products were separated by the GC, and analysed with the MS at the GC column outlet, enabling the identification of 8 the different products by their mass spectrum. The Poraplot Q column of the GC is 25 m long, 0.32 mm wide, with a 2.5 m particle trap. The GC temperature program is as follows: hold at 60°C for 2 min, then increase to 240°C at a rate of 10°C/min, hold at 240°C for 30 min, then raise to 250°C at a rate of 10°C/min, and hold for 9 min for a total GC run is 60 min and a total MS analysis of 50 min. The last 10 min are used to clean the column at 250°C. The Helium flow used was 1.5 ml/min. The label “lab” indicates that the product origin is the laboratory atmosphere introduced through the injection loop. Supplementary Figure 2. - Schematic of the ACP-GCMS transfer interface In the configuration shown, the filter is in its inner position after the aerosols sample has been collected (the atmospheric gas flow follows a path perpendicular to the oven assembly not shown in the figure). The scheme shows the way the gas products, obtained while the filter is in the oven, are transferred after heating. Three valves (V1, V2, and VT) are mounted on the oven body: V1 supplies a labelled gas (15N2) - stored in a gas tank (GT) - to carry the gas samples through V2, from the oven to the GCMS. In order to transfer the gas samples with minimal dilution from the effluent gas (15N2), each injection into the GCMS is done by pressurizing the oven to 2.5 bars with N2, and then rapidly depressurizing it down to 2.1 bars. Each transfer of the sample is completed after 6 injections of 0.875s. In order to obtain a background analysis, the opening for 5 s of the venting valve VT and of the valve VAA allows the oven gas content to be drained off into Titan’s atmosphere via the exhaust tube (see Section 1) and to evacuate any residual traces of pyrolysis products in the transfer line. Two transfers, composed of a series of 2 injections of 0.875 s are done to obtain the «background spectra». Titan’s atmospheric gases contribute mainly to the volume’s content during this background operation and it can be assumed that if after the 6 injections («signal spectra») which occur just before the venting, a contribution due to the heating or 9 pyrolysis products still remains, it is fairly diluted. This allows a fair comparison between the two spectra (see Fig. 1 and 2 in the «Letter to Nature»). The GCMS gas sampling system has three subsystems: the direct atmospheric sampling, and the ACP sample line. The ACP line, that is presented in Fig. 2, interfaces either with the gas chromatograph (GC) columns (coupled to ion sources -IS 3, IS4, IS5 – of the MS, used as a detector), and the mass spectrometer using the dedicated ion source IS2. The source IS1 connected to the direct GCMS atmospheric sample (not shown on the schema) has the same characteristics and performances as the ion source IS2. Supplementary Figure 3. - Sampling and transfer phases during the descent. Supplementary Figure 4. - Oven pressurisations during the descent. Supplementary Figure 5. - Evolution of the ratio R=(m/z=28)/(m/z=27) during ACP 2-3 transfer. A signature at m/z=27 was observed on the mass spectra measured during the transfer of the gases evolved from the first and second aerosol samples pyrolysed at 600°C. Several molecules may be at the origin of this signature, but it was shown (see the main text in the Letter to Nature) that HCN may be the main contributor at m/z=27. Another possibility for this signature is a crosstalk of m/z=28 on m/z=27 (a part of the ions with m/z=28 are detected at m/z=27) as has been observed by the GCMS experiment. If that was the case, the ratio R=(m/z=28)/(m/z=27) should remain unchanged whatever the intensity of the m/z=28 signal is. However, we observe on this figure that this ratio R varies by a factor of about 3 during the successive mass scans corresponding to the successive flushing of the ACP oven. Then one may conclude that the temporal variation of R corresponds to the arrival at the MS level of 10 molecules with m/z=27 that are not linked to the N2 molecules at m/z=28. Error bars on R are calculated from counting statistics on m/z=27 and m/z=28. Supplementary Figure 6. - Probable structure of Titan’s aerosols analysed with the ACP experiment. 11 Supplementary Figure 1. - Laboratory chromatogram of pyrolysis products of a tholin (laboratory analogue of Titan's aerosol). 12 To Exhaust tube OVEN to FILTER Sampling lines GC-MS GC Columns + Ion sources IS3-5 atmosphere MS Ion source IS2 Supplementary Figure 2. – Schematic of the coupling between ACP and GCMS. For more details see: http://www.aerov.jussieu.fr/experience/ACP/ ACP - SAMPLING & TRANSFER PHASES 160 150 Descent altitude vs probe time (from DTWG-1) First Sampling : 0:06:43 (129.88 km) - 1:00:00 (34.69 km) 140 130 120 Second Sampling : 1:17:16 (25.06 km) - 1:28:30 (19.95 km) 110 100 Z (km) 90 80 Pump Activated 0:23:30 (80.41 km) 70 60 Transfer Ambient : 1:39 50 40 Transfer 250 °C : 1:42 Transfer 650 °C : 1:13 30 Transfer 650 °C : 1:47 Transfer 250 °C : 1:08 20 Transfer Ambient : 1:05 10 0 0:00:00 0:14:24 0:28:48 0:43:12 0:57:36 1:12:00 1:26:24 1:40:48 1:55:12 Probe time (post T0) Supplementary Figure 3. - Sampling and transfer phases during the descent 2:09:36 2:24:00 13 Supplementary Figure 4. - Oven pressurisations during the descent 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 10 :5 7: 21 10 :5 7: 23 10 :5 7: 25 10 :5 7: 27 10 :5 7: 29 10 :5 7: 31 10 :5 7: 33 10 :5 7: 34 10 :5 7: 36 10 :5 7: 38 10 :5 7: 40 10 :5 7: 42 10 :5 7: 44 10 :5 7: 46 0 UTC Time Supplementary Figure 5. - Evolution of the ratio R=(m/z=28)/ (m/z=27) during ACP2-3 transfer. 14 Refractory organics Small fraction of Condensates Supplementary Figure 6. - Probable structure of Titan’s aerosols analysed with the ACP experiment.