RespectED: Violence & Abuse Prevention
The problem
In every community and cultural group, every day, thousands of children and
youth are harmed by emotional, physical and/ or sexual maltreatment. The ramifications on
individuals, families and society are staggering: children and families become embedded in pain
and dysfunction while society attempts to respond with crisis interventions that are often too
little, too late.
Child and youth maltreatment is
Bullying and harassment take a toll
widespread in Canada
every day on our young people
 In 1998, there were an estimated 21.52
 In Canada, 8% of students reported being
investigations of child/youth maltreatment
bullied at least once a week.
per 1,000 children
 A BC government report found that 5 of
 Girls with disabilities are victims of sexual
22 recently deceased children committed
abuse four times more often than girls
suicide after having been the victims of
without disabilities.
extensive bullying at school.
 In Canada, 75% of Aboriginal girls under
 1997 Canada Games research findings
the age of 18 have been sexually abused.
indicate that of 609 individuals involved in
sport, almost half had experienced some
form of harassment.
Prevention is the solution
The effectiveness of prevention education is welldocumented. A recent study found that young women who had not received sexual abuse prevention
education in childhood were twice as likely to experience child sexual abuse than those who had
participated in such a program.
RespectED: Violence and Abuse Prevention has been helping to promote healthier relationships and
safer communities since 1984. Built on decades of Red Cross experience in prevention education and
community-based safety programs, this award-winning service has helped more than one million
Canadian youth and adults understand abuse, harassment and interpersonal violence issues. Red Cross
believes this education is vital to stopping the tragic cycle of abuse and violence in our society.
This unique program is community-based and volunteer-driven. Available to children, youth, and adults
who work with young people, RespectED workshops and presentations are delivered by highly-trained
and certified staff and volunteers. All programs engage learners in an interactive process, and
encourage a proactive community approach to prevention.
How RespectED helps:
RespectED educates and certifies volunteers, teachers, and community
members as Prevention Educators. In collaboration with schools, sport organizations, community
agencies, and other institutions, RespectED Prevention Educators deliver presentations and workshops
that enable participants to:
 define healthy relationships;
 learn that abuse and harassment are never the
 understand maltreatment and abuse of power;
 promote safe environments;
victim’s fault;
 locate helping resources.
RespectED presentations offered in Atlantic Canada:
It’s Not Your Fault helps youth define abuse
and neglect, understand why it occurs and
Beyond the Hurt trains youth
how to get help or help a friend. This
( with the support of their teacher) to
program has received the Seal and
provide bullying/harassment
Certificate of Recommendation from the
prevention presentations to their
national Curriculum Services Canada.
Prevention in Motion helps adults and
organizations to create safer environments
through an increased understanding
of abuse, neglect, their indicators
Walking the Prevention Circle
acknowledges the history, challenges and
potential of Aboriginal individuals and
communities while exploring issues related to
and effects on children.
abuse, neglect and interpersonal violence.
It’s More Than Just a Game helps
Beyond the Hurt for Adults explores the
coaches, trainers, parents, officials
and sport administrators to
understand abuse, bullying and harassment in
the unique context of the sport environment.
dynamics of bullying and peer harassment,
and helps adults establish appropriate
policies and guidelines to foster prevention and
combines story-telling and interactive lessons that teach personal safety lessons to
help prevent child sexual abuse. The c.a.r.e. Kit contains everything a teacher or other presenter
needs to deliver this comprehensive program. Curriculum Services Canada has provided its Seal
of Recommendation for this program.
For more information contact Lani Poce, (902) 424-1410 or