ATMO 551a Fall 08 Diffusion of water vapor onto a cloud droplet Growth of cloud droplet by diffusion involves two simultaneous processes. 1. Water vapor diffuses onto the condensation nucleus/droplet 2. Heat released by the latent heat release diffuses outward from the cloud droplet From Fick’s second law n Dv 2 n t (1) n 0 Dv 2 n t (2) Assume steady state In spherical coordinates and assuming, by symmetry, only radial dependence (no angular dependence) 2n 1 d 2 d n 0 r r 2 dr dr 2 d n C r dr 1 (3) (4) d C n 21 dr r C dn r 21 dr 1 C n() n(r) C10 1 r r C n(r) n() 1 r (5) (6) (7) We have the further constraint that at rdrop, n = nr such that n(rdrop ) n() C1 rdrop C1 n() n(rdrop )rdrop such that (8) n(r) n() rdrop r n() n(r ) drop (9) The flux is Fn Dv r dn Dv drop n() n(rdrop ) dr r2 1 Kursinski 11/12/08 ATMO 551a Fall 08 Fn r Dv rdrop D n() n(rdrop ) v n() n(r ) r r r (10) The total flux at the drop surface where r = rdrop is the flux (density) times the area of the drop: Dv 2 Fn,rdrop Adrop r n() n(rdrop )4 rdrop Dv n() n(rdrop )4 rdrop (11) drop The change in the mass of the droplet is this number density flux times the mass per molecule dmdrop dt Dv n() n(rdrop )4 rdropmv Dv v () v (rdrop )4rdrop (12) where mv is the mass per molecule or per mole depending on the units of n. Clearly, for the droplet to grow, the environmental number density of water molecules, n() , must exceed that of thenumber density at the surface of the droplet, n(rdrop ) . If on the other hand n(rdrop ) is greater than n() , then the cloud droplet will evaporate. The latent heat release from the condensation of the water vapor causes the droplet to away from the droplet. warm above the ambient temperature and this extra sensible heat diffuses dQ (13) 4rK s T r T() dt where Ks (= Cp Ds) is the thermal conductivity of the air in units of kg/m3 J/kg/K m2/s = J/m/s/K. The change in the temperature of the droplet is 4 3 dT dm dQ r L CL r L 3 dt dt dt (14) If we assume steady state droplet temperature, then L dm dQ LDv v () v (rdrop )4rdrop 4rdropK T rdrop T() dt dt () (r ) K T r T() LD v v drop (15) (16) The water vapor density over the droplet surface is the determined by the saturation vapor pressure over a curved surface such that e ' r,T es r ,Trdrop s rdrop b a (17) vrdrop 1 3 exp RvTrdrop RvTrdrop rdrop rdrop v drop Equations (16) and (17) can be solved simultaneously numerically to determine Tdrop, vdrop and rdrop versus time. There is an alternative solution shown below. 2 Kursinski 11/12/08 ATMO 551a Fall 08 Growth of the droplet size: Alternative approximate solution by Mason (1971) The saturation vapor pressure is related to the water vapor density via the ideal gas law es vsRvT vs as The logarithmic derivative is given es RvT (18) dvs des dT L dT dT vs es T Rv T 2 T (19) where we have used the Clausius Clapeyron equation (so this equation does NOT involve the droplet surface curvature effects). Integrating (19) from Tdrop to T and assuming T/Tdrop ~ 1 yields T Tdrop dvs vs ln vs T T drop T L dT dT T L 1 ln T T 2 drop T Rv T Tdrop Tdrop Rv T T T L 1 1 T vs ln ln T vs drop Rv T Tdrop Tdrop T L T T T T drop drop vs ln ln 1 T T R T T drop vs drop v drop T L T T T T drop drop vs ln T T R T T vs drop v drop drop L 1 vs_ env ln T T env drop R T T vs _ drop v drop env Tdrop (20) Tenv Tdrop L vs _ env vs _ drop 1 vs _ drop Tenv RvTenv (21) dmdrop L 1 dQ L L vs _ env vs _ drop 1 1 vs _ drop RvTenv 4rK sTenv dt RvTenv 4rK sTenv dt (22) Subbing from (13) and then (15) (22) shows the fractional difference between saturation vapor densities of the environment minus that at the droplet for flat surfaces. Note that (22) would actually cause the droplet to evaporate because Tenv < Tdrop. 3 Kursinski 11/12/08 ATMO 551a Fall 08 We also have (12) that includes the actual vapor pressure of the environment which is supersaturated and the actual saturation vapor density over the curved droplet surface. From (12), we can write v _ env () v (rdrop ) v (rdrop ) 1 dmdrop Dv 4rdropv (rdrop ) dt (23) This should be rewritten to include the curvature and solution effects on the droplet surface which means its saturation vapor pressure depends on the size of the droplet according to (9) from the droplet activation notes. b 2 b a es ' r,T vs ' r,T (24) 1 3 exp 1 3 exp r r es r ,T vs r ,T r rRv L T Therefore (23) can be rewritten as b a v _ env () v _ drop (r )1 3 exp dmdrop r r 1 b a Dv 4 rdropv (rdrop ) dt v _ drop (r )1 3 exp r r b a v _ env ()1 3 exp v _ drop (r ) dmdrop r r 1 v _ drop (r ) Dv 4 rdrop v (rdrop ) dt v _ drop () f (r) v _ drop (r ) v _ drop (r ) 1 dmdrop Dv 4rdropv (rdrop ) dt (26) b a a b f (r) 1 3 exp 1 3 r r r r where (25) (27) Subtracting (22) from (26) and assuming v _ drop (r ) =vs_drop, v _ env () f (r) vs _ env vs _ drop (28) drdrop L L 2 1 L 4rdrop dt RvT 4rK sT (29) Dv 4rdropvs _ drop v _ env () f (r) vs _ env vs _ drop L L dmdrop 1 RvT 4rK sT dt 1 1 Dv 4rdropvs _ drop Now we must rearrange (29) to solve for drdrop/dt. So more algebra… v _ env () f (r) vs _ env vs _ drop drdrop L L 1 L rdrop dt Dv vs _ drop RvT K sT v _ env () f (r) vs _ env vs _ drop 1 L L L drdrop 1 rdrop dt Dves (rdrop ) RvT K sT L RvT 4 Kursinski 11/12/08 ATMO 551a Fall 08 v _ env () f (r) vs _ env rdrop drdrop dt vs _ drop (30) L L L L Rv T 1 Rv T K sT Dv es (rdrop ) We need to do something with the numerator… v () f (r) vs _ env vs _ env v _ env () f (r) vs _ env vs _ env rdrop drdrop dt vs _ drop vs _ env L L L L RvT 1 Rv T K sT Dv es (rdrop ) vs _ env vs _ drop L L R T 1 L L v RvT K sT Dv es (rdrop ) Now we substitute the supersaturation, S = e/es = v/vs , and get rdrop So we now need to consider drdrop dt vs _ env S f (r) 1 vs _ env vs _ drop (31) L L L L Rv T 1 Rv T K sT Dv es (rdrop ) vs _ drop which is the saturation vapor density in the environment divided by the saturation vapor density at the surface of the droplet. There are two issues. First the curvature of the droplet surface means its saturation vapor pressure depends on the size of the droplet according to (9) from the droplet activation notes. b 2 b a es ' r,T (32) 1 3 exp 1 3 exp r r es r ,T r rRv L T Second, the temperature at the droplet is higher than that of the environment so the saturation vapor pressure for a flat surface at the droplet is higher than that of the environment. LT T drop env es r ,Tenv es r ,Tenv (33) es r ,Tdrop 1 R T T v drop env Combining the last two equations LT T b a b a drop env 1 3 exp (34) es ' rdrop,Tdrop es r ,Tdrop 1 3 exp es r ,Tenv 1 r r R T T v drop env r r Also we are dealing with water vapor densities rather than vapor pressures so there is an additional conversion required vs _ env evs _ env Rv Tdrop evs _ env Tdrop vs _ drop evs _ drop Rv Tenv evs _ drop Tenv (35) Combining these last two equations yields 5 Kursinski 11/12/08 ATMO 551a Fall 08 vs _ env evs _ env Tdrop vs _ drop evs _ drop Tenv 1 Tdrop LTdrop Tenv b a Tenv 1 1 3 exp R T T v drop env r r (36) vs _ env Tdrop LTdrop Tenv b a 1 1 3 exp vs _ drop Tenv R T T v drop env r r (37) vs _ env Tdrop Tenv LTdrop Tenv a b 1 3 vs _ drop T R T T r r env v drop env (38) vs _ env Tdrop Tenv L a b 1 1 R T r 3 vs _ drop Tenv v drop r (39) Now let’s try to understand the size of the non-unity terms. From (16) and the definition of K, we can write LDv LDv (40) T rdrop T() v () v (rdrop ) () v (rdrop ) K C p Ds v The two diffusivities, the sensible heat, Ds, and diffusion of water vapor in air, Dv, are similar. The diffusion of sensible heat is the result of the diffusion of N2 and O2 molecules through other N2 and O2 molecules. The diffusion of water vapor is a bit different because it is the diffusion of water vapor molecules through N2 and O2 molecules. We can guess that the collisional crosssection is larger for water molecules which will decrease the diffusivity but the mass of water vapor is smaller which will increase the diffusivity. So we can argue crudely that Ds and Dv, are similar so their ratio is about 1. The supersaturation is perhaps a percent of the saturation value. Near the surface, a rough approximation is v/a ~ 1%. So v/a ~ 1e-4. L/Cp ~ 2.5e6/1e3 K = 2.5e3 K. So the temperature difference for near surface conditions is of the order of 2.5e3 K 1e-4 = 0.25 K. At colder temperatures, the temperature difference will be still smaller because less water vapor is available in the air and therefore less latent heating to drive a temperature difference. Therefore the T difference term in (39) is approximately Tdrop Tenv L 0.25 ~ 250 20 0.02 Tenv RvTdrop This is comparable to the –a/r term for typical supersaturations. So vs _ env 1 vs _ drop (41) where can reach a few percent near the surface and is less at colder temperatures at higher altitudes. Now we return to the other term in the numerator of (31), S f (r) 1. S f (r) 1 v b a a b a b 1 3 exp 1 v 1 3 1 S 1 3 vs r r vs r r r r (42) 6 Kursinski 11/12/08 ATMO 551a Fall 08 Combining (41) and (42), the numerator of (31) becomes S f (r) 1 vs _ env a b a b S 1 3 1 S 1 3 vs _ drop r r r r (43) Plugging (43) into (31) yields when the supersaturations are not too large a b S 1 3 dr r r rdrop drop L L R T dt 1 L L v Rv T K sT Dv es (rdrop ) (44) According to Rogers and Yau, this equation estimates the growth rate of cloud droplets quite accurately. Cloud droplet growth by diffusion 1000 Series1 Radius (microns) 100 10 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 0.1 time (sec) 7 Kursinski 11/12/08